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Tagged With "Initiative in Your Community"

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Directory of ACEs Connection How-Tos

JOIN How-To: Join ACEs Connection How-To: Join ACEs Connection Groups INVITE How-To: Invite Others to Join ACEs Connection How-To: Invite Others to Join an ACEs Connection Group SIGN IN & UPDATE PROFILE How-To: Sign In to ACEs Connection How-To: Update Your Profile and Contact Info How-To: Add or Change a Profile Picture EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS How-To: Customize Your Email Notifications for ACEs Connection Main Site How-To: Customize Your Email Notifications for ACEs...
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What Events would you like to see in this Community?

Adrian Alexander ·
As we build the ACEs Caribbean Community and seek to provide you with relevant ACEs information, we also desire to create community events for our members. Until regional travel and in-person community events are allowed to occur again, we propose to host a virtual Quarterly Meet and Greet to get to know each other better. In addition, we would like to host monthly virtual Events to equip members for the very important work you do. Some thoughts include Podcasts (interviews of our members to...
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Helpful Video Playlist

Adrian Alexander ·
Aces Connection offers LOTS of resources on Starting and Growing ACEs Community Initiatives . While many text-based resources are provided on this website, several helpful audio-visual resources can be found on their YouTube Channel . There is a complete Playlist that you can review at your leisure. It comprises a series of webinars with detailed information and examples. To get you started, we've embedded the Overview video in the series is below for your viewing. If you would like...
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When Acknowledgeing Our Family's Failures Is Not Betrayal.

Adrian Alexander ·
As a child to Caribbean parents, growing up in the 1970s and 1980s, it was rare to see families which did not raise their children with physical and verbal abuse on a regular basis. The conversations we children engaged in with our "best friends" often revealed the dark secrets lurking behind the facades of our picture-perfect family lives. Even in the seeming "best" families, the children faced private, if not public shaming. Some lived in fear of parental outbursts to their childish...
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Childhood Trauma Clips on PBS

Adrian Alexander ·
Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) has been known as a source of wholesome, relevant information for decades. (Remember Sesame Street? ) Well, PBS also has videos on childhood trauma that you can access at no cost, even from the Caribbean. Some of the content is designed as a series so you can arrange to view the segments when you have the time. So get the popcorn ready and check out PBS for your free Childhood Trauma-related content. [Clips related to Childhood Trauma on PBS] If you would...
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ACEs Clips on PBS

Adrian Alexander ·
As we established last week, Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) has free content on the topic of childhood trauma that you can access even from the Caribbean. Well, what would happen if you search for "adverse childhood experiences" on PBS? You would receive a wider range of content, that's what! Some of the content is designed as a series so you can arrange to view the segments when you have the time. So get another bowl of popcorn ready and check out PBS for your free ACEs-related content.
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ACEs and Human Trafficking Research

Adrian Alexander ·
Ten years ago today the Trafficking In Persons Bill of Trinidad and Tobago was laid in the country's Parliament. It was eventually passed, assented to, and became law as the Trafficking In Persons Act, Chapter 12:10. (The Act itself took effect in January 2013.) So to commemorate the anniversary of the introduction of the Bill, we will share one of the first of what we hope will be many resources on the link between childhood trauma and human trafficking. The report, titled " Domestic Sex...
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Building Strong Brains Series

Adrian Alexander ·
The state of Tennessee in the USA has a comprehensive programme to build strong brains by reducing ACEs and combating toxic stress in children and youth. A really positive tone of the programme is that it emphasises Hope by reinforcing that while ACEs science is a FACT it is not FATE. The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) website has a series of 6 short videos outlining the various components. The last 2 videos show how to get buy-in for your initiative from law enforcement agencies, state...
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Question of the Month - Is Child Adversity Linked to Ethnicity?

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi Community! Here in Trinidad and Tobago, we are probably more diverse in terms of ethnicity than many of our Caribbean neighbours - a callaloo of sorts (Remember the national anthem proclaims: "...Here every creed and race find an equal place..." ) Well, research overseas shows that there is a difference in how children experience adversity based on their ethnicity. In the USA in particular, there are neighbourhoods that are predominantly white and others where the majority of persons are...
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#ChooseToChallenge - What leads to a man assaulting a woman or a child?

Adrian Alexander ·
Hey Community! We just observed International Women's Day (#IWD2021) yesterday and we hope the ladies in our community had a terrific day. Against the backdrop of all the intimate partner violence and family-related abuse being perpetrated in the region, here is a question many are asking - " What leads to a (big, hard-back) man assaulting a woman or a child? " There is a recent thread on Aces Connection where a man in Canada posed the question. The responses are interesting. Before you head...
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First Things First

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone, welcome to ACEs Caribbean Community! (Insert sounds of reggae, soca, steelpan, or tassa here) This is a safe space for all who are interested in addressing issues of childhood trauma, adult trauma, resilience, hope, and related threads. Whether you are a Clinician, Parent, Educator, Researcher, Healthcare practitioner, NGO member, or Government employee, your input to address Trauma is valuable to make the Caribbean a safer place. Our lens is a distinctly Caribbean one because,...
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How You Can Participate

Adrian Alexander ·
Here at ACEs Caribbean Community, we want you to be involved in shaping the content and activities of our shared space. So please introduce yourself , take advantage of the upcoming Calendar Events listed, suggest activities in which we can all engage, and post to the various categories of the blog. We have categorised posts into various Blog Categories (see right panel) to make it easy for members to find the information most relevant to them. Please consider serving as a moderator for any...
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ACEs Connection Overview

Gail Kennedy ·
ACES CONNECTION NETWORK OVERVIEW ACEs = Adverse Childhood Experiences 2 SITES A solutions-oriented news site for the general public that covers stories on ACEs, trauma, and resilience. An action-based...
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Happy International Women's Day!

Adrian Alexander ·
International Women's Day (IWD) is a global day observed on March 8 celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality. IWD has occurred for well over a century, with the first IWD gathering in 1911 supported by over a million people. Today, IWD belongs to all groups collectively everywhere. IWD is not country, group or organization specific. In 2021 the theme is #ChooseToChallenge . Men and...

Re: #ChooseToChallenge - What leads to a man assaulting a woman or a child?

Juleus Ghunta ·
Yes, this phrasing, versions of which are used in Jamaica too, assumes/suggests that the woman is always 'the victim’. And when we speak of GBV here, in the region, we rarely talk about emotional/verbal abuse. Put that into the equation and we’ll have a much clearer picture of the scale of women’s violence against men and boys in the Caribbean. In many ways, emotional verbal/abuse is just as egregious and harmful as physical abuse by men. In some cases, it is worse. I had a conversation...

Re: #ChooseToChallenge - What leads to a man assaulting a woman or a child?

Adrian Alexander ·
Thank you for your comment, Juleus. I assure you there is no intent to direct the conversation in any particular direction. The phrase is a colloquialism commonly used here in Trinidad and Tobago whenever the issue of SGBV is being discussed. I have heard it used by both men and women, especially recently amidst the anger at the murders of two women in our nation. I do agree that the issue is extremely complex. We in the region have to address it with open minds, including having those...

Re: #ChooseToChallenge - What leads to a man assaulting a woman or a child?

Juleus Ghunta ·
I find your framing of the question a bit off-putting. Why does the man need to be “big, hard-back”? It’s as though you are trying to direct the responders into a particularly one-sided, anti-masculinist way of thinking/responding. I’m pro-feminist, but I understand that we need to have serious conversations in the Caribbean about the circularity of violence and how all of us are in some way culpable. Men, yes. What we don’t say enough about is boys' experiences of violence at the hands of...
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Young Black Men's Mental Health During Covid-19

Adrian Alexander ·
Research from the UK suggests that men from racialised backgrounds are reporting higher levels of mental distress during the pandemic compared to white men (Proto et al., 2021). Contributing factors include bereavement, loneliness and worries about coronavirus and misinformation.
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How will Covid-19 and Trauma Shape the Lives of Young People?

Adrian Alexander ·
The New York Times published an article today which features Dr. Nadine Burke-Harris, the Surgeon General for California, USA and podcaster Ezra Klein of The Ezra Klein Show where they discuss Covid-19 and the growing evidence that childhood adversities including things like Covid-19 impact us into adulthood. It is an interesting transcript but, if you prefer to use your ears rather than your eyes, the link below has an option to listen to the original podcast.😀 Here are some excerpts...
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Calendar Event on Caribbean Women's Mental Health

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi Caribbean Community! I hope everyone is doing well. Our newest member on ACEs Caribbean Community is Dr. Joanne Spence from 🇹🇹. On Friday 19th March 2021, she and other female mental health professionals from the Caribbean (Guyana 🇬🇾 and Jamaica 🇯🇲) will be speaking at an online workshop on Caribbean Women's Mental Health. The event is part of International Women's Day celebrations. #IWD2021 #ChooseToChallenge More info on the event is available at the Calendar entry at the link...
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FREE Virtual Screening of the Resilience Documentary - 14th to 18th March 2021

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone! Well, it is Friday afternoon and I am sure as Caribbean people you are as excited as I am for the weekend. If you are missing the movie theatres being open in your country, do not despair because --- we've got you covered for the next few days! So this is BIG news for those who have been looking forward to seeing " Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope ". There will be a FREE virtual screening over a four-day period from Sunday 14th to Thursday 18th March...
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Building a Multi-System Trauma-Informed Collaborative.

Adrian Alexander ·
Since the effects of childhood trauma do not play out in isolation, an effective response to child trauma should benefit not only children but the communities in which they live. This feeds into what we know from studies about factors that impact a child's growth - they occur within the family, community and also are climate-related. Multiple studies reveal the extremely high percentage of youth in contact with the law and under the care of social services who have been exposed to violence...
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UK 'Punishing Abuse' Report Finds Many Justice-Involved Youth have Trauma Histories.

Adrian Alexander ·
A published study from West Midlands in the United Kingdom, titled "Punishing Abuse", has confirmed what many have long suspected - many youth are being punished in the criminal justice system for acting out in the aftermath of childhood trauma. It looked at 80 youth, 67 of whom were male, and many of whom were of Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME) heritage. They included White and Black Caribbean youth, some of whome were born in and others whose parents came from the Caribbean island...
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First Weekly Update from ACEs Caribbean Community

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone! Hoping you're all staying safe. 😷 We just posted a weekly update to our new YouTube channel on how things are going for us as a brand new ACEs Community. Thanks to all the ACEsAllies around the world for all your support and encouragement! Shout-Out to the ACEs Allies in the USA, Canada, Scotland and across the African continent, who were so kind and embraced us on Twitter!🙋 Don't be strangers. Connect with us on IG, Twitter and YouTube. 😆
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Why Call It Good?

Adrian Alexander ·
That question was posed by a male relative as he sat teary-eyed and sad. To what was he referring? "Good Friday" which we celebrate today in Trinidad and Tobago and in many other Caribbean countries. His sincere concern: "How could a day which marks the brutal torture and death of Jesus Christ - who gave His life for the world out of His Love - ever be called "good"?" At the time, the explanation which he received was enough to satisfy him and change his demeanor. The death (and...
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What's On Your Short List?

Adrian Alexander ·
There is an interesting course on Coursera on "Resilience in Children Exposed to Trauma, Disaster and War". It is quite broad in scope and has a lot of helpful information for us in this field. One of the many things I found to be of value is to learn that across the decades of research, there is a consistent group of factors proved to help children from various cultures. Below is a link to a video from the course which outlines a short list of what makes a difference in helping children who...
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Is Parenting Post-Covid A Catch-22?

Adrian Alexander ·
Harvard Business Review published an article 3 years ago examining how parents' careers impact their children's development. Post-2020 - when many parents were forced to work from home and homeschool their offspring while trying to be productive and attend innumerable Zoom meetings - one wonders what the authors would think of the way forward. The truth remains that quality time for our children is indispensable to their healthy upbringing. Yet 2020 also brought financial difficulty to many...
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Can You Tell The Difference?

Adrian Alexander ·
It is the Easter school vacation and online and in person education is on hold. However, this is a perfect time to explore what we know of and apply to our interaction with the children we teach. As persons who are entrusted with the social and emotional learning of the nation's children, are you able to identify and distinguish behaviour which has pain as its genesis? If not, have you treated with it in a manner which has caused greater pain to your students? Your thoughts as educators...
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Regrets at the End of Life.

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone. We trust you're all exercising wisdom and, being responsible Caribbean people, not flouting the national public health regulations. Over the decades, I have looked on as many persons I loved left this life. A few of them spoke with me shortly before their departure and I was able to glean the degree to which they were satisfied with their lives. Based on those experiences, the article linked to below resonates with me on several levels. ...Imagine someone who is nearing the end...
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Self-care is not Selfish.

Adrian Alexander ·
Ever feel overwhelmed? Most of us have so there's no shame in that. Sometimes we just need to close some of the tabs we're no longer working on, or those which have content that is not in our best interests. (Practice Mindfulness) Or we can close the browser altogether and take a break from it all until we're ready to deal with it again. (Take time to Rest) We encourage you to practice self-care this weekend and to ensure that you are not pouring from an empty cup. Whatever thoughts or...
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'Incarceration should be a last resort for youth,' researcher says.

Adrian Alexander ·
Research from Northwestern Medicine shows nearly 2/3 of males and more than 1/3 of females with 1 or more existing psychiatric disorders when they entered detention, still had a disorder 15 years later. The findings are significant because mental health struggles add to the existing racial, ethnic and economic disparities as well as academic challenges from missed school, making a successful transition to adulthood harder to attain.
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Are ACEs Overplayed?

Adrian Alexander ·
Hello everyone! It's Friday again. To send you into the weekend, we want to ask you to put your thinking caps on. In reading the literature, it is clear that there is no unanimity with respect to the role that the Adverse Childhood Experiences study should have in guiding public health. One nation in which there has been much thought given to the issue is Scotland. In 2019 two advocates squared off to share their respective points of view as to the value of the ACEs research and how best it...
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PSA Campaign from ACEs Matter

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone. Today we were contacted via Instagram by the Florida based organisation, ACEs Matter to participate in a universal Public Service Announcement campaign to raise awareness of ACEs. Below is the text of the communication. "I'm looking for people to collaborate on a PSA campaign. WHERE ARE OUR FUTURE ZIP CODE HEROES? ACEs Matter is organizing a universal campaign to show our unity for survivors and advocates of ACEs & we could use some support if you're willing. BECOME A ZIP...
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Wondering Wednesday - Could Your Children Study Here?

Adrian Alexander ·
Hello everyone! Welcome to "Wondering Wednesday" where we share insights and experiments from across the globe and inquire how they might work in the Caribbean. For many of our territories, there have been waves of the Coronavirus and those have led to periodic imposition and relaxation of various public health restrictions. At present, Trinidad and Tobago is under a 3-week period of restrictions where beaches and rivers are off-limits following the Easter holiday weekend and a spike in...
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Be What You Did Not Have

Adrian Alexander ·
Good morning everyone 😀 and welcome to the end of the work week and the end of yet another month. As we move into the weekend, let us be inspired to continue healing from the trauma of what happened to us. Put in the work and know that the sacrifice is worth it. Do not believe that because you had multiple ACEs that you must pass on to your children what you received from your parents. You are the disruptor in the family! Break the cycle and be to your children what you wished you had...
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The Trauma of Nowhere to Go [Newsday article]

Adrian Alexander ·
Good Monday morning everyone. We hope the week was restful. We bring you an extract from a Sunday Newsday article with an update from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines where the situation continues to evolve. As the threat of further eruptions from the La Soufriere volcano remains, a new trauma is being seen, particularly among those displaced by the event. "As St Vincent and the Grenadines enters into its third week of dealing with effects of the eruption of the La Soufriere volcano, the...

Re: Can We Talk About George Floyd? [Al Jazeera article]

Alison Cebulla ·
I hope you will attend our PACEs Connection Reacts event this Friday and share your thoughts on this topic. <-- Register here.
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May 3 to 7 - The Treating Trauma Master Series: A 5-Module Series on the Treatment of Trauma

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone. Sorry to interrupt your Sunday. However, we think that this info is important and requires a timely response. The US based National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICABM) is offering a series of 5 modules on the treatment of trauma featuring some well-known experts in the field. They include Bessel van der Kolk, MD (featured in the cover image of this blog post), Pat Ogden, PhD, Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD, Dan Siegel, MD and Stephen Porges, PhD. The 5...
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Happy Mother's Day!

Adrian Alexander ·
Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers, nurturers, biological or surrogates throughout the Caribbean and the world! Empirical data shows that 42% of our Caribbean families are single-parent in nature. From my observations in Trinidad and Tobago, many such homes are led by a lone woman caring for more than 1 child. With all that you have experienced - your own adverse childhood trauma, the trauma of adulthood, and the challenges of Covid-19 - we salute you! We cheer you on, admire...
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Free Symposium on May 10: Early Life Stress and Mental Health

Adrian Alexander ·
Good morning, everyone. 😀 On Monday 10th May, there will be a full-day symposium (9am to 3pm) on "Early Life Stress and Mental Health" by the Picower Institute at MIT. Speakers include Dr. Nadine Burke-Harris, California's Surgeon General and a renowned advocate for ACEs science, and the amazing, Bryan Stevenson, founder of Equal Justice Initiative (pictured above). Here's an extract from the promo: "In what ways are health and other outcomes affected by early life difficulty? What can...
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Action on ACEs Conference 2021: From ACEs to Resilience (June 10)

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi ACEs learners. We're trying to ensure you have access to credible information and training on ACEs by sharing links to such events. Today is no exception. The organisation, Action On ACEs, based in Gloucestershire, UK is hosting a free virtual conference on Thursday 10th June 2021 from 9:30 am to 3:30pm UK time. The conference, ‘From ACEs to Resilience’ will focus on "resilience, how to build it in children and young people and how we can support adults who have experienced ACEs. It will...
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New Campaign To Raise Awareness of ACEs

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone, ICYMI today marks the start of a new awareness campaign to heighten knowledge of the importance of ACEs science. It's called Your Number Story. This is the link to an article here on PACEs Connection by Joy Thomas that explains the campaign and the rationale behind it: The campaign, funded through private philanthropy, is a creation...

Re: We Did It!

Adrian Alexander ·
Good morning. Thank you for your kind comments and your encouragement and support on all social media platforms, @Elizabeth Perry .
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Being Defined By Your Worst Past.

Adrian Alexander ·
Good Tuesday morning everyone. As we navigate the various systems of our nation, one in which trauma often manifests is the penal and criminal justice system. In our nation, thousands of men and boys and hundreds of women and girls are warehoused in some form of youth detention, pre-trial detention or incarceration after having been failed by dysfunctional or abusive families, and ineffective educational institutions. Often bursting at the seams due to overcrowding, these places of detention...
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Wellness Wednesday - Burnout Prevention

Adrian Alexander ·
Good morning everyone! Happy Wellness Wednesday - This post is to reinforce the truth that we are not living in isolation. We're all born into a family, community and nation. When one of us is struggling or feels overwhelmed, because we are born into and live in community, it means we can and should have access to help from others around us. Being present, they have the opportunity to help in the interest of supporting the community. In a sense, therefore, self care is linked to community...
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Wellness Wednesday - Weighty Matters

Adrian Alexander ·
Happy Wellness Wednesday, everyone! For some people who have experienced childhood adversity, coping with the horrors of what happened to them can take them into using food for comfort. As such, some develop certain lifestyles and gain an unhealthy amount of weight such that their health is comprised. This was evident from the original Kaiser Permanente study in 1998. It is also revealed in a recent study involving 1,647 adults aged 27-33 . “A history of any childhood maltreatment was...
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PACEs Connection: Not just another social network

Jane Stevens ·
At last week’s fabulous HOPE Summit, one person told me that they didn’t realize all the things that PACEs Connection does.
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Criticizing ACEs in Peer Reviewed Professional Journals Impairs Child Abuse Treatment

Jeoffry Gordon ·
Criticizing ACEs in Peer Reviewed Professional Journals Impairs Child Abuse Treatment Jeoffry B. Gordon, MD, MPH May 23, 2021 As a family doc practicing in San Diego I was privileged to hear Dr. Vincent Felitti talk about his inspired development of the ACEs questionnaire and its association with many adult mental and physical diseases directly from him only a few years after his original insight. Yet, although I had a lively clinic and learned how to manage a vast array of medical...
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Barbados Research into Childhood Malnutrition and Maltreatment.

Adrian Alexander ·
Happy Friday everybody! As you know, with that comes some weekend reading for you. Today, we are sharing a report from research conducted in Barbados that links childhood malnutrition and maltreatment to personality disorders which persist into adulthood. It is the work of Rebecca S. Hock and her colleagues using data from the 47 year longitudinal Barbados Nutrition Study. Published in Psychiatry Research (Volume 269, November 2018, Pages 301-308), the work, " Childhood malnutrition and...
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The Pain of "215"

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone. We hope you're taking care of your spiritual, physical and mental health, wherever you are in the world. This has been a sombre week with the news of the discovery of the bodies of 215 precious children on the grounds of a residential school in Canada. Words cannot express the incredible pain those families must have felt for years, knowing nothing of the whereabouts of their babies. To have the revelation come at this time, during all that the world is experiencing and with the...
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