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Alyson Kohl posted:

I would be glad to help.  Have been thinking about writing as well.  ACE = 9 plus other trauma as well.

Hello Alyson.  

I am continuing to communicate with other respondents through email.  It is most convenient for providing weekly updates all at once.  If you are still interested in telling your story, please send your email address to me.

Chuck Sultzman

Ruth A Rondon posted:

10 ACEs here too. I'd also be happy to help. I have written my memoir. I self-published. I put all my journals (journaling was part of my therapy) in book form. It was all to heal myself. I certainly understand the writings from several will avoid the impression of one seeking sympathy concept. Since I wrote my memoir I have written many articles. I just posted them on social media. I wasn't seeking to gain status or anything. Just wanted my life lessons written somewhere because writing outlasts us. You can find them on LinkedIn,  and FB. I have one written here on ACEsconnetion. FB titles are Ruth Rondon, Ruth Rondon on Human Trafficking and Human Trafficking Elearning. Let me know if I can help going forward. 


Hell Ruth.  

I am continuing to communicate with other respondents through email.  It is most convenient for providing weekly updates all at once.  If you are still interested in telling your story, please send your email address to me.

Chuck Sultzman

Hi Jane.  I am so glad you took an interest in this project.  Yes, there is some interest.  It will be easy to get others to share their stories.  The problem I am thinking through now is how to address ACEs Science in the same book.. I have decided, after reading each contributor's story, to have them write a section on the aspect of the ACEs study that is most relevant to their story.  Then the general ACEs section will be a good set up for the stories themselves.

Then, for continuity and consistency, when the stories are in (and much, as you might guess, has already been written) each contributor will review the other's, make suggestions, correct typos etc.  I have been in touch with Dr. Felitti and he has agreed to help.  This is his baby and I, having had this happen to me, do not want to stray from his original message and intentions.

Thank you again Jane.  I hope we can keep in touch through this process.  If you'd like, I could add you to the list of email recipients to keep you informed about our progress.  If there's a way to do group mailings on ACEsconnection, I have not found it.  So, send me your email address.

Chuck Sultzman


Ugh, sorry Shirley but having issues with this thread. Basically, My perspective or stage in life is around “getting it,” firstly. What abuse really is or was for me as scapegoat and learning about developmental trauma and being quite positive i or drs. weren’t quite on the right track. I really wished to be cuz it seemed indicative of the times and I hoped any trauma or “stuff” was neatly settled by a stay at Sierra Tucson at 23, Survivors Week at the Meadows (31) 40 I did a trauma timeline at Pias Place and bodily trembled or shook with old thought of “they’re gonna kill me or might.” I left against medical advice but I couldn’t take the unresolved stuff and wanted it over. I wasn’t doing it anymore and doubted anything and everyone. At 47, the ACE thing illuminated a perspective where I didn’t feel it was blame but rather giving back some of the responsibility where it was meant, even though no one else in family had a “problem.” Etc.  I do believe the “evil mom” issue must be brought to light or destigmatized to help. Instead of shunned. We need to respect and teach about sensitive individuals as they are valuable but require different rearing. Only success is I became willing to learn (attachment, etc), again and have a thread of hope but the cost has been huge and I support developmental trauma disorder in DSM...but my experience as a child would have never revealed issues as they were “my fault,” or deep embarrassment and shame would never have let me tell a dr. my mom tried to burn my hair off as she knelt on me because-I was not to play with matches.-

don’t know if you want my cautionary tales and roaring roller coaster story as it’s not anything I would consider success except I guess I’m learning my own-bravery without artificially producing it thru high risk. It’s mine. So I’m in the works, I hope

Charles, I will be more than happy to help with publishing the book. Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is the platform I've used in the past. You can buy services from KDP such as editing and proofreading at a reasonable price. It would be self-published though and you would need to either get the word out yourself with the help of the other authors or hire someone to do it for you. Let me know if you need anything or have any questions. Shirley 

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