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Participant Recruitment Letter

School Counselors’ Experiences with Compassion Fatigue When Working With Students Reporting ACEs

Hello, my name is Kelly Bird. I am a doctoral candidate at Capella University in the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences. I am conducting research on compassion fatigue among urban school counselors who work with children with Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). This research is part of my doctoral education program. This research study has been certified by Capella University’s Institutional Review Board, IRB # 2021-966.  

I want to invite you to share your experiences.

To participate in this study, you must meet the following criteria:
•         be a certified school counselor
•         have experienced compassion fatigue in the past 4 years
•         be between the ages of 30 and 55-years-old
•         be employed by an urban public school in a high school setting
•         speak English
•         have achieved a Master's Degree or higher from an accredited university
•         have worked with students who have experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
You would not be eligible to participate if you:
•         are currently experiencing compassion fatigue
•         are currently receiving mental health treatment

Participation in this research will include a 15-minute phone interview to confirm eligibility in the study and have any questions answered and a 60 – 90 minute interview via Zoom or Microsoft Teams. If you are interested in participating or want more information about the research study, please sign up for a 15-minute phone call After the initial phone call, we will set up an interview time convenient for you. The interview will cover your experience with compassion fatigue while working with students who experience ACEs.

Participation in the study is voluntary.

Do not hesitate to get in touch with me directly with any questions regarding the study: You may also contact my dissertation mentor, Dr. Mee-Gaik Lim, at
Thank you in advance for your consideration,
Kelly Bird

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