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Vanessa Lohf posted:

Hi, Marcus!

In addition to the Center for Youth Wellness and the National Council on Behavioral Health, I would recommend that you check out the Trauma-Informed Implementation Resource Center from the Center for Healthcare Strategies:

Additionally, we have been working with a local Family Medicine Residency Program to implement screening into their work. Our partners have presented a couple of webinars on their process to the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, the recording of the most recent one can be viewed here:

Finally, the NPPC also produced a podcast series called Voices from the Field that might be of interest. You can find those anywhere you listen to podcasts.

Congratulations on considering this work - and good luck!

Vanessa Lohf | Wichita State University

Thank you Vanessa! Very helpful resources!

Vanessa Lohf posted:

Hi, Marcus!

In addition to the Center for Youth Wellness and the National Council on Behavioral Health, I would recommend that you check out the Trauma-Informed Implementation Resource Center from the Center for Healthcare Strategies:

Additionally, we have been working with a local Family Medicine Residency Program to implement screening into their work. Our partners have presented a couple of webinars on their process to the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, the recording of the most recent one can be viewed here:

Finally, the NPPC also produced a podcast series called Voices from the Field that might be of interest. You can find those anywhere you listen to podcasts.

Congratulations on considering this work - and good luck!

Vanessa Lohf | Wichita State University

Hi Vanessa! This is a great website. It is very well constructed and looks like it could be used as a resource for guiding providers/clinics into implementing TIC into their services. I don't see where there is any formal training offered or a cost for some more formal technical assistance. Can you share more about how you have used or partnered with CHCS? I'm listening to the webinar now. Thanks again!

Hi Marcus, I am a staff reporter at ACEs Connection. In addition to the suggestions above, please check out a webinar I hosted and the summary of it entitled: How do these pediatricians do ACEs screening? Early adopters tell all." There's link to the webinar in it. Although focused on pediatrics, it still might be instructive on having conversations with patients and their families and workflow. One takeaway is that the conversation about trauma, resilience and how patients are impacted by it need not happen in one visit, but can happen over time. 

Additionally, I encourage you to  pose the question about time management in an "ask the community" query on ACEs Connection and in the community I manage ACEs in Pediatrics. 

Marcus Ayers posted:
Vanessa Lohf posted:

Hi, Marcus!

In addition to the Center for Youth Wellness and the National Council on Behavioral Health, I would recommend that you check out the Trauma-Informed Implementation Resource Center from the Center for Healthcare Strategies:

Additionally, we have been working with a local Family Medicine Residency Program to implement screening into their work. Our partners have presented a couple of webinars on their process to the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, the recording of the most recent one can be viewed here:

Finally, the NPPC also produced a podcast series called Voices from the Field that might be of interest. You can find those anywhere you listen to podcasts.

Congratulations on considering this work - and good luck!

Vanessa Lohf | Wichita State University

Hi Vanessa! This is a great website. It is very well constructed and looks like it could be used as a resource for guiding providers/clinics into implementing TIC into their services. I don't see where there is any formal training offered or a cost for some more formal technical assistance. Can you share more about how you have used or partnered with CHCS? I'm listening to the webinar now. Thanks again!

Hi, Marcus. I'm so glad that you have found the resources helpful!

We have not had the opportunity to work directly with CHCS but use the resources on the website often as part of the training and technical assistance we provide to public health and primary care partners in our state. Locally, we use the resources from the CHCS and NPPC websites to enhance and support the training that we have developed. We are always happy to share what we do, so if you would like more details, feel free to send me a direct message.

The National Council on Behavioral Health does offer training and technical assistance for Primary Care providers for a fee. NCBH is the author of the change package that was mentioned in Kristin's earlier post and have done a great job of leading this work nationally.

I hope that you find all of this info helpful! ACEs Connection is certainly the right place to get resources!



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