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Robbyn, this is wonderful. Thank you for doing this work. I'll help spread the word about it.

Part of the work of my organization is to serve as a clearinghouse for parents, helping them find resources. Here are some that might interest you, in case you haven't yet seen them:

Β Hand-in-Hand Parenting:

They have great support for parents, including listening partnerships and some free workshops.

Kirk Martin of Celebrate Calm does workshops & speaking to parents, urging them to learn to control themselves, break generational patterns, stop yelling, etc. (he recounts his own experience of not being calm, yelling, damaging his relationships - finally learning to change). I don't know if he explicitly talks about spanking - I've contacted him to ask... meanwhile, wanted to send you the link:

On yelling - this blogger seems to be helping many parents (mostly mothers) change their behavior: The Orange Rhino -

On our own website, this article - "Learning from a Difficult Child" has been much-viewed:

(There's a related page of resources too.)

There are a lot of comments, so many parents feeling lost about what to do. So many feel that it is taboo to talk about the struggles they have. We don't have the capacity to engage in discussions, I'd like to be able to offer more to parents.

I know much of this is not exactly on the topic of spanking.... sending it along just in case it's useful in some way.


Catherine, It is on topic, because it is the next step when we realize that we shouldn't be spanking children. Β Parenting is difficult and many mothers are isolated. Β Thanks for the resources. Β I'll add them to my site. Β Please considering giving to this cause and sharing it with your community!

Here is a brief update I posted about changing public opinion:


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Robbyn, as you know I made a donation to the film and I've been sharing news about it.

I wanted to note here that I love the clip of your interview with Asadah Kirkland. Her approach--sitting with parents, asking them questions, listening to their stories--is fantastic and I think it's the key to behavioral change. Looking forward to seeing the finished film!

I hope others here on ACESConnection can help by spreading news of your film and fundraising effort.


Here's another resource:

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