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Homeless man tears up: "I'm not a bum. I'm a human being. (5 min)

Important, touching 4-min video illustrating the person behind what we see, randomly, on the street. This powerful student video is the inspiration for the new PBS Series, Big Questions.

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It made me tear up too. Everyone has value. How can we know what this man has suffered in his life and likely childhood. When I go to Hawaii on the Big Island there are many homeless and they are my favorite people. They are so down to earth but are chased away from everywhere. When I went to Maui one year a homeless friend of mine took me under the buildings at low tide in Lahina. We picked up cool corals and shells. Where else can you have such an adventure? And these folks have such amazing stories to tell. It was on Molokai that I hung out with another group of homeless friends and we walked the mule trail to Kalapapa the "Lepers Colony" there I stood with homeless friends on the highest sea cliffs in the world as we saw wild boars, mountain goats with kids, and truely I believe I heard the quiet whispering of the Kahunas (I went there after reading "Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrier" an excellent book by Dan Millman).  I have slept out under the stars on the shores of the Big Island looking through the spiked branches of the Kiavi tree. Everyone has value and my closest friends will always be my homeless friends in Hawaii.
Last edited by Former Member

You're amazing, Tina. I've often wanted to just sit down with some of the women I see around Davis and ask: "What happened to you?" But I think there's a better way to start the conversation. Such as: "Hi!" 

From my experience, sitting down, saying Hi and showing an earnest interest is an excellent approach. You would be amazed at what you learn and how that earnest interest has the ability to help the other feel that they really do matter.  Thanks Jane, You are amazing too!!!!

Last edited by Former Member
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