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Reply to "Building trauma informed jails"

My perspective is based on relieving pain and other symptoms in ACE survivors. A core concept is helping people view their ACEs as a source of pride for what they have overcome instead of as a source of shame. A corollary concept is recognition that they are not at fault for what happened. I will often explain to my patients that they were "born on the far side of Mt Everest but made it to the other side" which provides a new mental image for this way of thinking about the early adversity. Many will still struggle to recognize the magnitude of what they have overcome until I ask them to imagine a child they care about forced to go through a similar experience. That often clarifies how heroic they were to survive. The resulting improvement in self-esteem is a key foundation for numerous positive life changes that follow. I suspect people who are incarcerated would benefit from these concepts as much as my patients do and would recommend they be considered for your program.

Hope this is helpful,

David D Clarke, MD
President, Psychophysiologic Disorders Association
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