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ACEs and Dissociative Disorders/Complex PTSD

I am inspired by the robust discussion around Type 2 Diabetes, to ask about Dissociative Disorders and Complex PTSD, both of which have a clear connection to ACEs.  I learned in my mid-50s that I have a dissociative disorder thanks to my hidden ACEs history.  I have just written a book about how I thrived for more than 40 years as An Apparently Normal Person (book title) thanks to severe dissociation -- and about the amazing, fascinating and painful path to discovery and healing and post-traumatic growth. 

Anyway, now I am beginning to speak out about the nexus between ACEs science and these mental health issues, and my first workshop is in February at a conference focused on DID.  All the work you all are doing around building and celebrating Resilience is particularly important and helpful.  I spent my career in youth development and helping build child and family centered services -- so I love how this all builds on the work of several decades, only now with better research, science, and a trauma focus.

I am interested in anything you have to share and eager to share with anyone interested.

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