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ACE's and Ethnic Oppression

Hello again all,

I was talking to a friend this morning about the hight suicide rates within certain reservations for First Nation Peoples (I am sorry if I am not using the correct language - I am not too sure how they refer to themselves and I really do not want to offend.) She herself used to live on a reservation and I was talking of ACE's to her and then got to thinking about the combined effect of generation after generation of oppression and discrimination heaped about certain 'ethnic' (hate this term) groups and, if ACE's impact on a chromosomal level - what does this mean?

Is there any research about this??? Does anybody know???

I then started thinking about findings regarding mindfulness, exercise and narrative in helping address the negative impacts of these. Drumming is a great form of mindfulness and exercise (research for this is available) and also dancing with music. I started to wonder whether those groups of people who still practise group drumming and dance rituals, choral singing etc haven't got some kind of answer to ACE's ..... Perhaps as far back as ancient times it was an essential part of our neural development as well as our social development.

Would love your thoughts and suggestions of further research in this area.




katrice horsley



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