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Walla Walla Valley PACEs Connection (WA)


Art Extravaganza of October 18th!

Play, especially free time for play and playing together, is an essential piece of child development. Art provides an open space for creativity, engaging the right and left hemispheres of the brain. As part of October is Resilience Month, CRI partnered with Brigette Phillips of Mindful Art and hosted a night of de-stressing with art for parents and children. About 20 people attended for pizza, painting, and family time together. Read our previous showcase of Mindful Art here. To Brigette,...

Community Partner Showcase Video Series: Part 4

Welcome to the final day of October is Resilience month, and the fourth part of our Community Partner Showcase! In this Community Partner Showcase Video, we hear from Jon Cassetto – Court Services Manager, and J. Andrew Rodriguez of Commitment to Community. Learn what partnering with CRI has meant to them. Community is the solution!

A Peak at Tuesday's Inside Out Night

This past Tuesday night, CRI hosted an event, inspired by the Disney Pixar movie "Inside Out." For those unfamiliar with the movie, it brings five feelings- Joy, Sadness, Anger, Jealousy, and Envy- to life in the mind of a young girl named Riley. According to Teri Barila, one of the reasons CRI chose Inside Out is its portrayal of value of all feelings, including sadness. "Joy learned to understand that we can't be happy all of the time. We sometimes find new, true joy by embracing sadness,"...

Community Partner Showcase Video Series: Part 3

Welcome to the October is Resilience Month video series! We're showcasing our community partners! Stayed tuned for one more installment. Here is part three of the series: In this Community Partner Showcase Video, we hear from Walla Walla Public Schools Superintendent Wade Smith, and Rick Griffin – Director of Jubilee Leadership Academy . Learn what partnering with CRI has meant to them. Community is the solution!

Brain States and Deescalation: A Photo of Officer Smith of the Walla Walla Police Department

For years, CRI, our partners, our allies around the country and world have been raising awareness about the brain and its states in the brainstem, limbic system, and prefrontal cortex. Research in neuroscience has helped create understanding about the way activation in each of these areas produces different behavior. And in turn, we have learned how to recognize when individuals are in one state, and how to move them into another. Though assessing feelings of safety and connection, we're...

Community Partner Showcase Video Series: Part 2

Welcome to the October is Resilience Month video series! We're showcasing our community partners! Stayed tuned for more installments. Here is part two of the series: In this Community Partner Showcase Video, we hear from Cresencia Duran – Parent Involvement Coordinator, Head Start, Donna Fenno a Health and Nutrition Coordinator, Head Start, and Annett Bovent – Director & Founder of Hope Heals Walla Walla. Learn what partnering with CRI has meant to them.

Community Partner Showcase Video Series: Part 1

Welcome to the October is Resilience Month video series! We're showcasing our community partners! Stayed tuned for more installments. Click here for part one In this Community Partner Showcase Video, we hear from Walla Walla County Commissioner Jim Duncan, Tim Meliah the director of Catholic Charities in Walla, and Janel Torrescano a Social Service Specialist with the Children's Administration. Learn what partnering with CRI has meant to them. Community is the solution!

Announcing Building Resilience Across the Life Span 2'x6' Vinyl Banner & 2'x3' Poster!

Announcing Building Resilience Across the Life Span 2'x6' Vinyl Banner & 2'x3' Poster! CRI is celebrating October is Resilience Month in Walla Walla, WA! As part of the October celebration we are announcing two NEW resilience capacity building products. The prototype Building Resilience Across the Life Span banner debuted at our Beyond Paper Tigers Trauma-Informed Care Conference this past June, and since then has been a much requested product! Looking for a creative way to engage...

Walla Walla City and County Proclamation

This week, Teri Barila of CRI kicked off October is Resilience Month with two proclamations- one with the city of Walla Walla, and the other with the county. Teri, accompanied by Tod Sullivan, met on Monday with the Walla Walla County Board of Commissioners to discuss efforts in increasing community-wide resilience, including raising awareness about trauma and ACEs and strengthening community partners. Teri and Tod spoke to the important role of community- above individual resilience- in...

Who is Tod Sullivan? And why is he in Walla Walla?

Apart from being dressed in Winston Churchill attire, Tod Sullivan has another connection to the figure- he was one of 150 people prestigiously selected for a Churchill Fellowship out of 1000 applicants. A resident of Lowestoft, England, Tod applied for his fellowship out of a curiosity to learn more about systematic and holistic approaches to mental health. Thus he embarked on a six-week trip to the United States, to research first-hand how American schools are incorporating trauma-informed...

October is Resilience Month!

Community Resilience Initiative (CRI) is celebrating “October is Resilience Month” with 150 yard signs (GOT RESILIENCE?), banners on Main Street and a large banner across S. 2nd Ave! Please join CRI at the following FREE community events, EVERYONE is welcome to attend! Visit for more information!


CALL FOR CONFERENCE PRESENTERS The Community Resilience Initiative is pleased to present the 2019 Beyond Paper Tigers Fourth Annual Conference at the Red Lion Hotel and Conference Center in Pasco, WA. We invite professionals from various fields and organizations throughout the country to submit a presenter application on the topics related to healthy, resilient development in the face of chronic, toxic stress in urban and rural settings, inclusive of diversity and equity for particularly...

Save the Date: 2019 Beyond Paper Tigers Conference!

2019 Beyond Paper Tigers Conference Red Lion Hotel in Pasco, Washington June 26 & 27, 2019 Pre-Conference Trainings & Social Event June 25, 2019 More details will posted on the BPT Conference web page soon! Don't want to wait until June 2019? We have two trainings in October! These will be small group trainings limited to 30 participants per training. Course 1: Trauma-Informed Training (prerequisite for any other course) - Six hour training on October 8, 2018 in Pasco, Washington.

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