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Vermont PACEs Community Vacancies


Now Seeking:

Steering Committee Members


Community Managers!

As we develop the Vermont PACEs Community, there are exciting, new opportunities to become involved and lead its direction.  We are looking for anyone interested in serving on a steering committee or as a community manager.

We'd really love for this community to have a consistent stream of posts, as well as learning, support, and networking opportunities, but right now I'm the only one managing the group.  We are seeking others willing to join-in to create vibrant community!

Steering Committee

First, a little background about how this group came to be.  There was a community for Vermont's Building Flourishing Communities, but it wasn't receiving much use.  When the community leader stepped down, PACEs Connection staff asked if someone would be willing to serve as a community manager for Vermont.  I offered to step in, and staff created this new community, adding everyone located in Vermont and the members of the Building Flourishing Communities group.

You may be aware of The Vermont Trauma Lens Facebook group, which is a wonderful source of information about related topics.  I thought this community could be a companion to that group.  Ideally, the steering committee would consider what this community could offer that is missing from the Facebook group or other available resources, and how we could build that content into this site.

We expect the steering committee to meet virtually on a regular basis, most likely monthly until the community begins to come alive and generate strong participant engagement.  After that, the committee could likely reduce the frequency of meetings, based on the level of necessary maintenance.

Community Manager

A community manager has the role of helping to grow a resilient community.  This includes engaging community members, supporting them with resources and learning opportunities, encouraging them to actively integrate trauma-informed approaches throughout Vermont, and celebrating successes.  The PACEs Connection staff are amazing, and offer a ton of help and advice in how to fulfill this role and grow our community.  To start, community managers would moderate posts, generate content, and possible host virtual or in-person meetings.

We're looking for as much help as you are willing and able to provide!

Next Steps

If you are interested in helping in either of these roles, or if you are able to provide help in other ways, please reach out to me by November 15, 2021.  I will then schedule a virtual meeting for us to start brainstorming and we can go from there.

In the meantime, if you have content you wish to share to the community, please start posting!  Let's start to drum up some interest and community engagement!

Thank you!


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