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Tagged With "Monty Roberts"

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From Compassion Fatigue to Healing Centered Engagement: Turning Trauma Informed Values into Action

Lynn Eikenberry ·
To pave the way for a truly strengths-based approach to full healing and recovery for both service users and burned out staff, we must educate them on (1) the central role of primal body responses to trauma (past and present), and (2) the early development of adaptive thoughts and behaviors in response to traumatic experience.
Blog Post

How Adverse Childhood Experiences Affect You as an Adult []

Laura Pinhey ·
What are adverse childhood experiences and how do they impact us later in life? In California, where I live and work as a sex and intimacy disorders specialist, there is a movement for mandatory adverse childhood experiences (ACES) assessment in all public and private medical and psychotherapeutic settings. So, regardless of an adult patient’s presenting issue(s) – medical, psychological, or both – clinicians would screen for childhood trauma. The reason for this push, which I strongly...
Blog Post

How Adverse Childhood Experiences Affect You as an Adult []

Laura Pinhey ·
What are adverse childhood experiences and how do they impact us later in life? In California, where I live and work as a sex and intimacy disorders specialist, there is a movement for mandatory adverse childhood experiences (ACES) assessment in all public and private medical and psychotherapeutic settings. So, regardless of an adult patient’s presenting issue(s) – medical, psychological, or both – clinicians would screen for childhood trauma. The reason for this push, which I strongly...
Blog Post

Inside the ACE Score Strengths Limitations and Misapplications with Dr. Robert Anda ( & Note

Christine Cissy White ·
Cissy's note: Thanks to @Elizabeth Perry for flagging me and letting me know about this important YouTube video posted on April 6th via the ACE Interface Laura Porter channel which furthers this important discussion about the uses/misuses of ACEs scores. This topic is written about from a personal perspective by @Sirena Wheeler here, yesterday, on ACEs Connection a piece entitled Erasing My ACEs which @Laura Porter commented upon. I have found tremendous benefit from learning about ACEs...
Blog Post

Inside the Adverse Childhood Experience Score: Strengths, Limitations, and Misapplications []

By Robert F. Anda, Laura E. Porter, David W. Brown, et al., American Journal of Preventive Medicine, March 25, 2020 INTRODUCTION Despite its usefulness in research and surveillance studies, the Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) score is a relatively crude measure of cumulative childhood stress exposure that can vary widely from person to person. Unlike recognized public health screening measures, such as blood pressure or lipid levels that use measurement reference standards and cut points...
Blog Post

Teaching People To Control Their Brainwaves Can Boost Their Attention, Too (MIT)

Karen Clemmer ·
An original story for MIT, published December 6, 2019. Having trouble paying attention? MIT neuroscientists may have a solution for you: Turn down your alpha brain waves. In a new study, the researchers found that people can enhance their attention by controlling their own alpha brain waves based on neurofeedback they receive as they perform a particular task. The study found that when subjects learned to suppress alpha waves in one hemisphere of their parietal cortex, they were able to pay...

Re: Therapist: Trauma Is An Experience Of The Body. And We're All Feeling It []

Jondi Whitis ·
Excellent post! Thank you! And yes Bessel and Drs Robert Scaer, Stephen Porges, Dan Siegel and Peter Levine, Bruce Lipton, all have added immeasurably to our understanding that trauma is a bodily experience. I love being able to facilitate for others in this time of greater synthesis and understanding. The Mindfulness, Brief Exposure, Somatic Felt Sense and Regulation Neuroception and Neural Reconsolidation are all in constant symphony to help us complete our threat response cycles and...
Blog Post

A Better Normal - Friday, August 28th, 12pm PT: Trauma and the 12 Steps with Dr. Jamie Marich

Alison Cebulla ·
Please join us for the ongoing community discussion of A Better Normal, our series in which we envision the future as trauma-informed. Friday, August 28th, 2020 12pm PT // 1pm MT // 2pm CT // 3pm ET Hosted by Alison Cebulla and facilitated by Jenna Quinn of ACEs Connection with guest Dr. Jamie Marich, author of the book Trauma and the 12 Steps: An Inclusive Guide to Enhancing Recovery , newly revised, expanded, and released on July 7, 2020, published by North Atlantic Books . >>Click...
Blog Post

Sending Love Vibrations to Lost Loved Ones (

When we lose a loved one, we feel the helplessness and heart-wrenching tugs of grief. We are suddenly left alone. For years, the person at our side, a parent, grandparent, sibling, friend, suddenly cease to exist. The void left in one’s life is too wide to stitch. We become a shadow of our former self. Continuing life unfurls as a morbid chore. In recent months many people have lost loved ones in the cruellest of circumstances. Visitors were not permitted at bedsides or at gravesides. But I...
Blog Post

List of Books, Therapies & Resources for Healing Chronic Illness and Other Effects of Trauma (Free Downloadable PDF)

Veronique Mead ·
These are the books, therapies and resources I wish I'd known about when I was a family doctor and when I first started getting sick with what would turn out to be a disabling chronic illness. This compilation includes the most helpful resources I’ve found over the past 20 years of learning about the science of adversity, why it's not psychological and how to heal the effects of trauma.
Blog Post

'A Better Normal' Conversation with the Authors of 'We've Been Too Patient' - Friday, February 26th

Please join us for our next episode of our ‘A Better Normal’ Community Discussion where we envision the future as trauma-informed! We are honored to be joined by the authors and editors of ‘We've Been Too Patient: Voices from Radical Mental Health--Stories and Research Challenging the Biomedical Model’ , Kelechi Ubozoh and L.D. Green. Hosted by @Jenna Quinn (ACEs Connection Staff) and facilitated by @Alison Cebulla (ACEs Connection Staff) of ACEs Connection. Friday, February 26th, 2021 12pm...
Blog Post

Fatigue, Trauma and The Pandemic 4 Talks at the Fatigue Super Conference (Free Online Summit April 19th - 25th, 2021)

Veronique Mead ·
Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms linked to the stress and trauma of the pandemic, along with anxiety, depression and problems with sleep. 40 specialists in fatigue describe tips, tools and resources for decreasing stress-related exhaustion as well as fatigue in chronic illnesses such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) which is the chronic disease I've been working with from trauma perspectives and the science explaining how it's not psychological.

Robert Avery

Blog Post

Horses Teach Us How to Connect on a Human Level

Scarlett Lewis ·
I have always loved horses. When I was a young girl I collected plastic Breyer model horses, read books about horses, and even watched television shows that had an equine theme. I think it is their exquisite beauty, their inherent wild nature, and the vulnerable and trusting relationship between horse and rider that is the attraction. I purchased my first horse when I was twelve, spending a year cutting lawns, weeding, and babysitting, eventually raising enough money along with my parents’...
Blog Post

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter May 2021

Michael Skinner ·
Healing the Heart Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran The Surviving Spirit Newsletter May 2021 Hi folks, Greetings from New Hampshire....spring has arrived and the weather has been all over the place –...

Robert Smart

Blog Post

The Impact of Trauma Upon Our Lives - Healing Childhood Trauma in Adulthood

Michael Skinner ·
“ Music can heal the wounds which medicine cannot touch.” - Debasish Mridha The Impact of Trauma Upon Our Lives - Healing Childhood Trauma in Adulthood - 1] How Artists Can Turn Childhood Pain into Creativity - Some performers are able to transform childhood trauma into intense creativity, suggests a new study. Whether their success was in...
Blog Post

What's the #1 thing to change to be happier? A top happiness researcher weighs in []

Gail Kennedy ·
By Ari Shapiro, Megan Lim, and Christopher Intagliata, Illustration: guoya/Getty Images, National Public Radio, January 15, 2023 Happiness can be hard to quantify, because it can mean something different to everyone. But let's say you could change one thing in your life to become a happier person, like your income, a job, your relationships or your health. What would make the biggest difference? That's the question that Dr. Robert Waldinger has been investigating for decades as the director...
Blog Post

What's the #1 thing to change to be happier? A top happiness researcher weighs in []

Carey Sipp ·
By Ari Shapiro, Megan Lim, and Christopher Intagliata, Illustration: guoya/Getty Images, National Public Radio, January 15, 2023 Happiness can be hard to quantify, because it can mean something different to everyone. But let's say you could change one thing in your life to become a happier person, like your income, a job, your relationships or your health. What would make the biggest difference? That's the question that Dr. Robert Waldinger has been investigating for decades as the director...
Blog Post

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter October 2023

Michael Skinner ·
The latest Surviving Spirit Newsletter - Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health is out - It can be read online via this & you can also subscribe - or this - The Surviving Spirit Newsletter October 2023 Healing the Mind, Body & Spirit Through the Creative Arts, Education &...
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