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Tagged With "Healthy Relationships"

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Loving An Orchid: Understanding Child Abuse Trauma's Impact []

By JoAnn Stevelos, Psychology Today, August 21, 2020 As a child, I was an orchid but lived like a dandelion. I have always prided myself on my resiliency, for surviving a long and painful childhood filled with abandonment, psychological, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse . Child abuse can do that to you—give you a false sense of self and what resiliency really looks like. Resiliency is not just surviving. This false narrative of resiliency can take years to undo. One approach is to try...
Blog Post

Using Self Compassion and Acceptance to Heal from Trauma and PTSD (

If you have gone through a traumatic experience, then you have experienced something that is extremely difficult and may have symptoms of PTSD. Symptoms of PTSD include: 1. Intrusive thoughts, memories, flashbacks or nightmares about the traumatic experience 2. Avoidance of internal and external reminders of the traumatic experience such as memories, feelings, people, places, or things. 3. Negative thoughts and emotions related to the traumatic experience such as believing the traumatic...
Blog Post

The Changemaker: It Starts with You!

Andi Fetzner ·
Changemakers unite! Now is the time for a trauma-informed approach to healing and personal growth. The reinvention of the new normal starts with you!
Blog Post

Got Happiness? Learn How to Boost Dopamine and Create Your Own Joy! (

The good news? When you modify your daily routine in small ways, you can increase the neurotransmitter dopamine. One of the main effects of dopamine is boosting feelings of happiness and pleasure. [1] You hold the power to create your own happiness! Here’s how. What Is Dopamine? Dopamine is a “feel good” neurotransmitter involved in mood regulation. [1] Like all neurotransmitters, dopamine transmits messages between nerve cells in the brain and body. It works with another feel-good...
Blog Post

New episode of Transforming Trauma!NARM and the Role of Consent in Trauma-Informed Yoga with Colleen Millen

Tori Essex ·
NARM and the Role of Consent in Trauma-Informed Yoga with Colleen Millen In this episode of Transforming Trauma, our host Sarah Buino welcomes NARM Therapist and Accessible Yoga instructor Colleen Millen to dive into and discuss the theme of consent. Throughout the episode, Colleen shares how her understanding of what consent means has deepened through her relationship with yoga and through her ongoing study of the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM). Each episode of Transforming Trauma...
Blog Post

PLAYING FOR KEEPS Festival Schedule + UCLA Health Equity Panel []

PLAYING FOR KEEPS The upside of downtime The latest documentary feature film from KPJR FILMS rolls into virtual festivals nationwide. Consider the official definition of play: engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose. And yet hard science and deep wisdom tell us that play is neither silly nor impractical. The desire to engage in enjoyable experiences for their own sake is hard-wired into the brains of all mammals, and humans are no exception.
Blog Post

For Survivors of Childhood Trauma: How To Find REAL LOVE

Anna Runkle ·
For people who were abused and neglected in childhood, one of the cruelest ways the damage shows up is in romantic relationships. Too many of us go through life either alone, or in relationships where we’re not loved, not safe, and not happy. It doesn’t have to be that way. If you have Childhood PTSD and you’re wondering why you keep attracting people who are either dysfunctional, unavailable or abusive -- you’re going to want to read this... READ FULL BLOG POST or.. WATCH THE VIDEO ON...
Blog Post

Art and Trauma: Creativity As a Resiliency & Healing Factor

Michael Skinner ·
Art and Trauma: Creativity As a Resiliency & Healing Factor I have long believed that all of the creative arts are healing. I was drawn to music because it made me feel good, first just listening, then learning to play the drums and then performing in rock bands. Later in life, learning the guitar and singing along with songwriting. Sadly, trauma disconnects so many of us from our creative outlets...finding the ways to reconnect with our creative selves goes a long ways in healing the...
Blog Post

Art and Trauma: Creativity As a Resiliency & Healing Factor

Michael Skinner ·
Art and Trauma: Creativity As a Resiliency & Healing Factor I have long believed that all of the creative arts are healing. I was drawn to music because it made me feel good, first just listening, then learning to play the drums and then performing in rock bands. Later in life, learning the guitar and singing along with songwriting. Sadly, trauma disconnects so many of us from our creative outlets...finding the ways to reconnect with our creative selves goes a long ways in healing the...
Blog Post

Healthcare providers learn skills to prevent burnout, build resilience

Laurie Udesky ·
It’s an enormous understatement to say that healthcare workers today are suffering. Every day, you hear interviews with nurses, physicians, social workers, and others in healthcare saying they’re pushed to the breaking point and beyond. But, by using skills taught in the Community Resiliency Mode l (CRM), even people under severe stress can weather the onslaught, do their work, and get along with colleagues. CRM is an evidence-based training program that’s being used by millions of people in...
Blog Post

Resilience against Holiday Triggers of Trauma

Rebecca Francois ·
Trauma. “A widespread, harmful and costly public health problem. It occurs as a result of violence, abuse, neglect, loss, disaster, war and other emotionally harmful experiences. Trauma has no boundaries with regard to age, gender, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, geography or sexual orientation.” To say that COVID-19 has in some way been a traumatic experience for everyone would be an understatement. It has had far reaching effects on individual health and well-being and economic...
Blog Post

How to Set Healthy Boundaries in Relationships After Trauma

Robyn Brickel, M.A., LMFT ·
How are you coping with so much time at home? Whether you call it lockdown, sheltering in place, or quarantine, just about everyone’s work-life balance has been disrupted. We need to nurture ourselves even more than usual these days. We are all in need of more self-care, gentleness and especially healthy boundaries in relationships! Your schedule and your life are probably quite different now than they were before COVID. Many are feeling disruptions like work reconfiguration and job loss,...

Re: How to Set Healthy Boundaries in Relationships After Trauma

Gail Kennedy ·
HI Hannah- good to hear from you and good question. Yes, we definitely want you to share your blogs that are relevant to this community (be sure you are a member of the community and are signed into your account so you can post. We are a social network so we WANT folks to post relevant articles, resources, tools to share with others in the community. AND we hope that folks can add reactions, comments questions to the blog posts. Here in the Practicing Resilience for Self Care and Healing...

Re: How to Set Healthy Boundaries in Relationships After Trauma

hannah sherebrin ·
Thanks ACEsConnection I will look at the directions and post. All the best, Hannah On Sun, Jan 10, 2021 at 11:31 PM ACEsConnection <> wrote:

Re: How to Set Healthy Boundaries in Relationships After Trauma

hannah sherebrin ·
I have a question. As a member of ACEs can I post my blogs on Aces connections? I will of course put on the ones that have a meaning for the community. I write a blog every week, and post it on my website. From time to time it is a blog that I feel is useful for the community. How do I go about it? I am an Art Therapist specialized in Trauma and bereavement, and supervise other therapists. I Am looking forward to your reply. Wishing you all a healthy and peaceful 2021 Hannah Sherebrin On...
Blog Post

Join the Compassion in Therapy Summit: A Free Online Training with Awake Network January 30th—February 3

Gail Kennedy ·
The free 2021 Compassion in Therapy Summit co-produced by The Awake Network and The Center for Mindful Self-Compassion begins Saturday, January 30th! If you or someone you care about is a therapist, social worker, clinician, psychologist, counselor, or anyone else working in mental health or you want to learn more about applying self-compassion to your own well-being, please check it out below and help spread the word! Join this FREE online event and learn mindfulness, self-compassion, and...
Blog Post

Join us for Choose Love Awareness Month for Hope, Healing, and Connection

Scarlett Lewis ·
As we are all living under the mandate of social distancing we find almost everyone struggling with the ethos of our current stressful environment. As human beings, we were created to connect with one another. Our brains have mirror neurons that help us socialize and communicate by reading the expressions of others. The famous evolutionist Charles Darwin concluded that it would be those who were most ‘sympathetic’ to each other, in other words generous, altruistic, and compassionate, that...
Blog Post

List of Books, Therapies & Resources for Healing Chronic Illness and Other Effects of Trauma (Free Downloadable PDF)

Veronique Mead ·
These are the books, therapies and resources I wish I'd known about when I was a family doctor and when I first started getting sick with what would turn out to be a disabling chronic illness. This compilation includes the most helpful resources I’ve found over the past 20 years of learning about the science of adversity, why it's not psychological and how to heal the effects of trauma.
Blog Post

Compassionate Leadership Online Training

Cambria Walsh ·
Online Compassionate Leadership Online Training focused on leading teams who work in high-stress and trauma-exposed environments starting in March. The Compassionate Leadership Online Program will give you the skills and knowledge needed to cultivate a culture of compassion within your teams and organization. It is a series of 5 2-hour long sessions and runs from March-May 2021. This program is led by experts in the field of compassionate leadership - Cambria Walsh, Consultant and Trainer on...
Blog Post

How adverse childhood experiences or ACEs impact your current wellbeing

Donna Jackson Nakazawa ·
Often, people who have a history of trauma in childhood find themselves struggling to flourish in adulthood. Trauma affects the brain in ways that can make you more likely to experience difficulty when faced with emotionally stressful and demanding situations in your relationships, at work, and as a parent. Throughout my life, both growing up and as an adult, I’ve faced a number of challenging life experiences, stressors, and traumas, and I understand this struggle on a deep, intrinsic...
Blog Post

The Friend of Love

Mollie M Gardner ·
This article was originally posted on the Forward-Facing Institute Blog written by Rebekah Brown The Friend of Love - Resiliency My best friend is moving away. She’d been dropping hints for months, but I decided to retreat behind a wall of denial and hope for the best. The best was not to be. Ellen is moving, and there isn’t anything I can do about it. We had our share of joyous events over the time we had together. Once, a seafood company sent $300’s worth of prime, unreturnable Maryland...
Blog Post

What Science Reveals About Gratitude’s Impact on the Brain (

New research sheds light on the physiology of gratitude, bringing us closer to being able to understand and harness the health benefits of this powerful emotion. How Gratitude Strengthens the Mind-Body Connection Given the clear relationship between mental and physical health, I thought that understanding what happens in the brain when we feel gratitude could tell us more about the mind-body connection—namely, how feeling positive emotion can improve bodily functions. I also thought these...
Blog Post

The Method For Receiving Infinite Support and The Power of Gratitude and Appreciation

Bob Lancer ·
Those who struggle with ACE’s have a tendency to focus on the negative as a means of self-protection. We fear opening our hearts because of the brutality we experienced in early childhood when our hearts were already open. It takes a tremendous amount of inner work to free our energy from continuing to produce the false barrier of protection, which constitutes our barrier to experiencing all of the love and joy and support that we long for. In this article I offer an alternative view that...
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Healing Is Never a Solo Journey

Helen W. Mallon ·
Developing intimate connection with even one other person can create fertile soil for social transformation.
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What Does “Tough Compassion” Look Like in Real Life? (

Tough compassion means speaking up, setting boundaries, and making uncomfortable choices for the greater good. On a podcast episode , psychologist and GGSC founding director Dacher Keltner described the idea, explaining how some contemplatives practice a form of kindness with a decided edge. “In the deeper traditions of compassion, like a lot of the Buddhist traditions, they have an idea of tough compassion—to step in and, in a good way, guide the person to a different form of behavior or...
Blog Post

A Strengths-Based Approach Brings HOPE to ACEs

Kerry. Jamieson ·
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released its first in a series of reports called “Snapshots” after polling 3,000+ parents about their experiences during the pandemic. Surprisingly, while many of the findings were concerning, most people reported a deepening relationship with their children despite the stress and tension they were experiencing.
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The Power of Prayer and Meditation

Arslan Hassan ·
“The minds who spend hours worshiping God in prayer and meditation are different yet more blessed than others.” – Barbara Bradley Hagerty The power of prayer and meditation cannot be overlooked. In today’s busy life, the importance of meditation and prayer has increased multifold. Not only do they bring much-needed peace to the increasingly materialistic mind, but they also enhance character traits that are essential for success in life. Prayer and meditation are the ways to know the meaning...
Blog Post

The most important thing you can do with your kids? Play with them! says Dr. Bruce Perry

Carey Sipp ·
“The most important thing you can do with your children is play with them!” said Dr. Bruce Perry, noted child psychiatrist and author. He was answering the question, “How do we prepare our children to go back to school next fall?” Perry, a brain expert specializing in how children are impacted by trauma, gave a presentation on his neuro-sequential model of brain development to more than 800 people at an Austin Ed Fund event Monday evening. The co-author, with Oprah Winfrey, of the new book...
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Horses Teach Us How to Connect on a Human Level

Scarlett Lewis ·
I have always loved horses. When I was a young girl I collected plastic Breyer model horses, read books about horses, and even watched television shows that had an equine theme. I think it is their exquisite beauty, their inherent wild nature, and the vulnerable and trusting relationship between horse and rider that is the attraction. I purchased my first horse when I was twelve, spending a year cutting lawns, weeding, and babysitting, eventually raising enough money along with my parents’...
Blog Post

How Exercise May Help Us Flourish []

Natalie Audage ·
By Gretchen Reynolds, The New York Times, May 12, 2021 Our exercise habits may influence our sense of purpose in life and our sense of purpose may affect how much we exercise, according to an interesting new study of the reciprocal effects of feeling your life has meaning and being often in motion. The study, which involved more than 18,000 middle-aged and older men and women, found that those with the most stalwart sense of purpose at the start were the most likely to become active over...
Blog Post

A Better Normal: Practicing Resilience | Witnessing Ourselves: Grief & Self-Care in Times of COVID-19 Transition

Alison Cebulla ·
Please join us for our next A Better Normal: Practicing Resilience episode, a live Zoom event! In A Better Normal we imagine and create a PACEs science-informed world together. In Practicing Resilience we fill up our own cups with healing practices for ourselves. Witnessing Ourselves: Grief & Self-Care in Times of COVID-19 Transition Thursday, June 17th, 2021 | Noon to 1pm PDT Live on Zoom | Hosted by Gail Kennedy and Lara Kain Guest: Sandra J. Valdes-Lopez, MDiv, CA, TCTSY-F, RYT...
Blog Post

A Solution to the Desperate Need to Belong

Scarlett Lewis ·
As humans, we have a basic, primal need to belong. Belonging is defined as ‘the feeling of security and support when there is a sense of acceptance, inclusion, and identity for a member of a certain group . It is when an individual can bring their authentic self to others, including friendships, family and work.’ Feeling disconnected, unimportant, or not cared about can translate into feelings of loneliness. This has led to much of the suffering our society is experiencing today. Cigna...
Blog Post

Taking a Vacation Might Save Your Life []

Karen Clemmer ·
By Leslie Nemo, Discover, August 11, 2021 Vacations are about more than dips into the pool or long naps (though those are nice). The time away from work and possibly spent with loved ones is good for our physical and mental health, as study after study shows. Sure, researchers can’t account for how every vacation detail might change how people feel when they clock back into work, says Brooks Gump, a public health researcher at Syracuse University. “The quality of the vacation, the length of...
Blog Post

Healthy eating . . . a key step to building wellness and resilience.

Daniel Goya ·
Hawaiʻi Pacific Health is an excellent free resource that provides healthy and tasty recipes that promotes wellness. The issue of obesity prevention in early childhood education settings has been highly researched and the urgency to provide healthy and nutritious meals and health education in ECE settings is encouraged. It is challenging in our society today to have access to fresh produce as well as the cost associated with healthy diets. The HPH website offers tips and cost-savings...
Blog Post

My Biggest Insight of the Summer (Healing Complex PTSD and Chronic Illness)

Veronique Mead ·
Spring in my garden is a riot of color. I caught the above pic of my poppies just past their peak after deciding to replace them and wanting to document the process. Because uprooting a cheery, bright colored plant that makes me happy in order to take the chance that something else might do an even better job can feel, as a friend of mine once quipped, "fraught with peril." And that's what it can feel like when we are in the process of healing. When, instead of believing that this is the...
Blog Post

Reimagining Resilience workshop series - Nov. daytime & evening options

Mary Power ·
Reimagining Resilience 1: Using a Trauma Lens November daytime option - Mondays, 11/8, 15, & 29 11am - 12:15pm November evening option - Tuesdays, 11/9, 16, & 30 5pm - 6:15pm You will leave this training series with a deeper knowledge of trauma’s impact on developing brains, a better analysis of your own behavior and triggers, and concrete next steps to improve your relationships with kids. The course...
Blog Post

Self Care and Resilience

Kenzy Sullivan ·
Self-Care and Its Importance for Relationship Intense Fields Self-care is incredibly important for new members in the counseling field, and overall for any field that is relationship intense. A relationship intense field is any field that requires the practitioner to form a strong relationship or bond with their client in order to complete their job. Examples of these positions are; nurses, counselors, teachers, healthcare providers, or social workers. Self-care is a part of creating a...
Blog Post

The Importance of Choosing Love Every Day

Scarlett Lewis ·
February is a special month – it’s Choose Love Awareness Month! It’s time to celebrate love and focus on our ability to choose love in our lives! For 28 days the Choose Love Movement shares daily action tips on ways you can bring more ‘Nurturing Healing Love’ to yourself and others all month long and beyond. We also share how you can live a Choose Love lifestyle by incorporating the Choose Love Formula into your daily life: Courage + Gratitude + Forgiveness + Compassion-in-Action = Choosing...
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WEBINAR: Strengthening Social-Emotional Wellbeing for Youth in Care

Esther Barton ·
In today's uncertain times, many youth experience housing insecurity, unstable or unsafe relationships, and toxic stress. Social and emotional wellbeing can help these young people overcome adversity, heal from trauma, and build resilience, thereby increasing their hopes for the future. Learning and practicing mindfulness skills can be the pathway to increasing self-regulation, building healthy relationships, and increasing resilience. The question is how can youth move towards social and...
Blog Post

Nightmares and ACEs: They No Longer Need Rule the Night

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
Recurring nightmares lead to much needless suffering for survivors of adverse childhood experiences—suffering that goes well beyond disturbed sleep. Five steps help take back the night.
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Stress is Contagious: How to Stop the Spread & Regain Your Health

Brian Alman ·
Stop the spread...of STRESS! Stress is not only triggered by external or internal factors. You can also pick up stress from social interactions – spouse, other household members, colleagues, etc. – usually referred to as emotional contagion. Learn how to stop the spread of stress and regain your health.
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Brené Brown shares her heartfelt thoughts on how long grief should last (

One of the most challenging things about dealing with grief is the feeling that it will never end. After losing a loved one or at the end of a relationship, we feel that something is missing in our lives and fear that hole could remain forever. This feeling of sorrow can linger for months while we cycle through the stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. “How long does true grief last in the heart?” a fan asked Brown. “As long as it takes,” Brown replied. “We...
Blog Post

The Mirroring Between Individual and Collective Trauma Healing

Cheryl Step ·
Remembering past trauma begins the “re-membering” process of taking our fragmented pieces and putting them back together. This applies to individuals with trauma, as well as the collective traumas we experience in societies and our world. Remembering trauma is a growth process because the memories open the door to putting all the pieces together which leads to our healing. We know that our physiological reactions to trauma are held in our bodies and DNA. As individuals, before we can begin...
Blog Post

The Importance of Supportive Relationships with Fighting Back Santa Maria

Isabella Clark ·
For the final week of Child Abuse Prevention Month, our stress-busting strategy is Supportive Relationships. Supportive relationships make a significant impact on our social, emotional and physical well-being. Renowned psychiatrist and trauma expert, Dr. Bruce Perry writes, “The more healthy relationships a child has, the more likely he will be to recover from trauma and thrive. Relationships are the agents of change and the most powerful therapy is human love.” We will be highlighting the...
Blog Post

Underground Shame from Adverse Childhood Experiences: Understanding Prepares the Heart to Heal

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
New understanding of the brain provides hope for breaking the painful grip of shame that’s imprinted in childhood and continues to affect adults. Rewiring shame calls for more than the traditional left brain approaches.
Blog Post

Financial Security and Violence Prevention: Survivor Wealth and Wellness!

Elena Costa ·
Thursday, July 28th, 2022 at 10:30 am - 12:00 pm PST, ValorUS is hosting a web conference on Financial Security and Violence Prevention. This web conference is designed for staff who have basic knowledge of sexual violence and intimate partner violence and are interested in learning about the connections between interpersonal violence and financial security. This training will support an exploration of participants' relationship with money, how this shows up in life and work, and ways to...
Blog Post

The Relentless School Nurse: Believe in the Difference You Make & Set Boundaries!

Robin M Cogan ·
(*Editor's note: Rutgers–Camden lecturer inducted into the National Academy of School Nursing ) Did I ever tell you that I LOVE snail mail, especially handwritten notes sent through the mail? The other day I sorted through the mail and found three cards! One was from Mom's Demand Action thanking me for speaking at a recent rally. One was from Jeanne Kiefner, a school nursing treasure who will be our forever "Head Nurse," thanking me for spending time together during our recent NASN...
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48-Hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program

Iya Affo ·
Iya Affo & Heal Historical Trauma Presents New!! 48-HOUR HISTORICAL TRAUMA SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION in collaboration with THE INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL TRAUMA ASSOCIATION We are the only entity offering a comprehensive, 48-hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program. The Program is broken into 6 levels and is built on a foundation of BIPOC cultures and neurobiology. It is taught from a multicultural perspective, injecting traditions and ideology from various cultures from...
Blog Post

Growth through trauma

Adriana van Altvorst ·
There is growth through trauma. Hard as it is, there IS growth through trauma. Very often, we do not see it at the time. It is not until we reflect on what happened and find possible reasons why we faced a flashback or responded so badly to a trigger. I have been forcing myself to attend the Royal Commission Inquiry into Abuse in Care hearings because I wanted to discover WHY professionals working in our State institutions would cause harm to children and youth. I wanted to discover WHY they...
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Strategies to Support Healthy Relationships for American Indian and Alaska Native Fathers []

Natalie Audage ·
Fathers, children, and families alike benefit from fathers having healthy coparenting and romantic relationships. Child Trends’ new brief for the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation provides fatherhood programs with strategies, policy suggestions, and additional considerations for working with American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) fathers. The brief’s authors outline strategies within three distinct areas of program development and implementation that fatherhood programs can use...
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