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Seven Benefits of Working with a Therapy Animal from a Handler's Perspective

Teri Wellbrock ·
Sometimes I feel selfish for walking away from our therapy dog sessions with my heart overflowing with joy, a smile radiating from my face AND heart. I love watching this dog turn a child’s tears into giggles. Sammie has a thing for kids. Her tail wags every time she sees one. Whether we are walking the halls at a school or the trails at a nature preserve. She wants to meet them all and offer a snuggle. As a result, her tail thumps in canine happiness, and I just can’t help but grin.

Re: Seven Benefits of Working with a Therapy Animal from a Handler's Perspective

Diane Petrella ·
Teri... such beautiful work you do. Your big heart—and Sammie's—help heal so many hearts. ❤️

Re: Seven Benefits of Working with a Therapy Animal from a Handler's Perspective

Laura Pinhey ·
There's so much to like about this "love letter" to working with a therapy animal, if I may. Two bits that stand out, though, are "Do I approach with a 'wagging tail' and welcoming aura?" -- definitely goals for which to strive. I know that in my decades-long habitual self-guarding and hypervigilance, I can unintentionally come off as aloof. I'm now inspired to try to wag my figurative tail when approached or approaching others. And this whole piece just sings with the fact that you and...

Re: Seven Benefits of Working with a Therapy Animal from a Handler's Perspective

Teri Wellbrock ·
Thank you for this. You made my big heart smile big I was away visiting my son in Colorado and had to leave Sammie for a week. She's still not speaking to me. Ha! I'm excited for school to start back up so this dog can begin helping kiddos again.

Re: Seven Benefits of Working with a Therapy Animal from a Handler's Perspective

Teri Wellbrock ·
Oh, I so relate to what you wrote about the hypervigilance bit and coming off as aloof. I lived in a guarded state for decades. Once I started the healing journey I began shining a light from within and found myself smiling without even realizing I was doing so as I would notice others smiling back at me or stating, "You must be having a great day based upon that grin!" And, yes, yes, yes . . . I find joy in watching Sammie help children find their smiles which naturally brings me to a place...
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