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Tagged With "Abuse of Sexuality"

Blog Post

Writing as Medicine

Donna Jenson ·
Announcing three Fall online (audio only) writing circles for survivors of sexual abuse and assault. Led by Donna Jenson, author of, Healing My Life from Incest to Joy . Circle 1: Saturdays 10:00am to 12:00pm Sept. 14, 28, Oct. 12, 26, Nov. 9 Circle 2: Sundays 4:00 to 6:00pm Sept. 15, 29, Oct. 13, 27, Nov. 10 Circle 3: Wednesdays 5:00pm to 7:00pm Sept. 18, Oct. 2, 16, 30, Nov. 13 For more information go to:
Blog Post

Writing as Medicine for survivors of sexual abuse and assault

Donna Jenson ·
Announcing three Spring 2020 online (audio only) writing circles for survivors of sexual abuse and assault. Led by Donna Jenson, author of, Healing My Life from Incest to Joy . Circle 1: Saturdays 10:00am to 12:00pm March 7, 21, April 4, 18, May 9 Circle 2: Sundays 4:00 to 6:00pm March 8, 22, April 5, 19, May 10 Circle 3: Wednesdays 5:00pm to 7:00pm March 11, 25, April 8, 22, May 6 For more information go to:
Blog Post

Yoga Transformed Me After Childhood Abuse []

Laura Pinhey ·
How yoga helped me heal from neglect and violence I grew up in poverty in a drug-addicted and violent family. Without necessities like proper food or shelter, and subjected to regular abuse, I ran away at the age of 13. Within two years, I was on the road with a 19-year-old man. Being so young, I was attracted to his antisocial, rebellious past rather than recognizing these behaviors as red flags. Eventually, we called my mother and she threatened him with jail time for statutory rape and...
Blog Post

Yoga Transformed Me After Trauma and Sexual Assault []

Laura Pinhey ·
Laura's note: This story of sheer determination of transformation of self and community in the face of personal trauma AND systemic racism is breathtaking. Be warned: it may blow you away, as it did me. As a child, Ebony Smith survived sexual assault but didn’t have the tools to cope with the trauma until years later, when she found yoga. Now, she’s bringing the practice to her community, and others in crisis. Exactly 247 people came to practice yoga with me today. Why is that such a big...
Blog Post

Young People are Using Musical Theater to Heal Their Trauma — and it's Working []

Marianne Avari ·
By Monica Humphries, Nation Swell, July 12, 2019. On the drive home from Priya Shah’s first Storycatchers musical, she pulled over to cry. Shah, who now serves as the executive director of Storycatchers, had just seen a musical at the Illinois Youth Center, a juvenile detention center in Warrenville, Illinois. She watched girls tell stories of sexual abuse, battery and neglect. She also saw stories of hope and resilience. “It struck me that these characters I had just watched struggle, joke,...
Blog Post

Zabie Yamasaki: Trauma-Informed Yoga (

Christine Cissy White ·
This is a short trauma-informed yoga practice led by Zabie Yamasaki. Yamasaki is founder of Transcending Sexual Trauma through Yoga and the Program Director of Trauma-Informed Programs at UCLA.In this video, she invites us all to do a few moments of nervous system regulation. I had the honor of interviewing Zabie six years ago, and then publishing two pieces about trauma-informed yoga ,, post-traumatic stress healing, and survivor-led programs for trauma survivors. I've followed her work...

Re: The Healing Place Podcast - Missy Garcia: Sexuality, Leadership, Healing

Laura Pinhey ·
I appreciated what Missy Garcia had to say about how non-sexual types of touch -- stroking one's arms when upset, for example -- provide the sort of pleasure that can soothe emotional upset. I have read that one "tell" when people are, say, fidgeting with their hair or with a pen is that if the object of fidgeting is external -- such as the pen -- then most likely what's causing them turmoil is outside of themselves, whereas if a person is twisting their hair, then something internal --...

Re: The Healing Place Podcast - Missy Garcia: Sexuality, Leadership, Healing

Teri Wellbrock ·
Fascinating! I'm betting there's some truth to that theory, as well. I had never thought about using my feminine sexual power to heal my sexual trauma remnants. I loved Missy's ideas of empowerment and leadership growing from that place of hurt by "taking our power back". She certainly has me looking at this from a new angle. Which is why I love these podcast interviews so very much! Thanks so much for taking the time to offer feedback. Peace, Teri

Re: Free Webinars Teach You to Calm Brain Dysregulation From Childhood PTSD

Laura Pinhey ·
Thanks for letting us know, Anna!

Re: Helping Someone with PTSD: Helping a Loved One While Taking Care of Yourself (

Robyn Brickel, M.A., LMFT ·
Thank you for posting this! Thought you might like this article I wrote as well - https://brickelandassociates.c...vivor-relationships/

Re: Helping Someone with PTSD: Helping a Loved One While Taking Care of Yourself (

Laura Pinhey ·
Alfredo, this guide is so well done. It deserves to be shared widely. It seems that some of the tips, such as avoiding taking a blithe attitude toward someone's traumatic experience and stopping the person from talking about their feelings, could go far in preventing PTSD in the first place (in people who haven't already developed it, that is). Thanks for posting this here.

Re: Helping Someone with PTSD: Helping a Loved One While Taking Care of Yourself (

Daun Kauffman ·
The guide is EXCELLENT! Thank you to the creators and publishers and to Alfredo for sharing here. I am indebted.

Re: Helping Someone with PTSD: Helping a Loved One While Taking Care of Yourself (

Laura Pinhey ·
Thanks for sharing your article, Robyn. I always learn so much from your articles. And this information is helpful not only for the loved ones of trauma survivors, but, in my experience, also for the trauma survivors themselves. I don't know about anyone else, but sometimes I need a reminder that many of the difficulties I experience because of a history of trauma are deserving of some compassion and patience -- from myself.

Re: 5 Tips to Get You Through the Kavanaugh Investigation (No Matter What Are Your Politics)

Laura Pinhey ·
Great tips for actions anyone can take just about any time to relieve stress and process difficult emotions. These sound like good habits to develop so we always have a way to help calm ourselves no matter what is happening in our world. Thank you, Hilary.

Re: Preparing and Advocating for Medical Care as a Trauma Survivor

Diane Petrella ·
Lara... This is great article and thorough in addressing the issues sexual abuse survivors face with their medical needs. I'm a psychotherapist with an expertise in childhood sexual abuse and have seen first-hand the anxieties survivors face anticipating medical appointments. I've helped survivors with this by teaching relaxation and visualization techniques to use during exams. You're right that their trauma-based fears and anxiety keep many from getting the preventive care and other...

Re: Why It Pays to Fully Heal from Childhood Trauma []

Diane Petrella ·
This is great. Thanks for sharing, Laura. I love how the article lists specific behaviors/responses for therapy clients to gauge how they're healing and growing. I'll share this with my clients and on my private Facebook page for sexual abuse survivors. Thanks again.

Re: Why It Pays to Fully Heal from Childhood Trauma []

Laura Pinhey ·
I like it because for those who may be skeptical about how childhood trauma has impacted them (downplaying one's experiences is so common among ACEs survivors) or how therapy might improve their entire lives, this demonstrates (accurately, I might add), how childhood trauma and/or PTSD affects one's daily, mundane experiences, around the clock -- not only the big, overarching stuff like relationships and careers, but also simply going to the grocery store or navigating rush-hour traffic. It...

Re: Yoga Transformed Me After Trauma and Sexual Assault []

Gail Kennedy ·
LOVE THS ARTICLE!!! SOOO admire Ebony and want to cheer her on!!! Thank you for sharing with us, Laura!

Re: Yoga Transformed Me After Trauma and Sexual Assault []

Laura Pinhey ·
Are you kidding, Gail? I couldn't post this article here fast enough ! It's like the brass ring of post-trauma stories!

Re: Yoga Transformed Me After Trauma and Sexual Assault []

Gail Kennedy ·
TOTALLY AGREE!! It would be wonderful to connect with Ebony. Have you tried? Bring her into this community!!

Re: Yoga Transformed Me After Trauma and Sexual Assault []

Laura Pinhey ·
I haven't, but I will. Same with the author of another recent post that you and I talked about -- can't remember her name but I will look her up and invite her too. Been meaning to message you about it to make sure you hadn't already contacted her.

Re: Vacancy: Self-Worth in the Mind of a Childhood Abuse Survivor

Former Member ·
Succinctly said, Jason. Thanks for putting into words what most survivors struggle with. Hugs

Re: Vacancy: Self-Worth in the Mind of a Childhood Abuse Survivor

Teri Wellbrock ·
Yes. This. So much so. Thank you for this beautifully written summation of my current state. I love helping others along their healing journey and feel blessed to have reached a place of profound healing to be able to do so. However, I have found myself in a place of overwhelm and self-imposed isolation these past few months. I continue doing my thing . . . blogging, podcast interviews, therapy dog volunteer work . . . and, I truly believe, that has kept me grounded. My therapy. A great way...

Re: Vacancy: Self-Worth in the Mind of a Childhood Abuse Survivor

Laura Pinhey ·
Wow, Jason. There's just nothing like a personal story of someone else who's been there. Learning I'm not alone by reading or hearing of someone else's experience never loses its potency. Thank you for sharing this here, where so many of us get it.

Re: Thoughts to share

Laura Pinhey ·
Excellent reminders for us all and a unique idea for a post, too. Thanks, Michael.

Re: Thoughts to share

Michael Skinner ·
Thank you Laura!

Re: Keeping Childhood Trauma A Secret? That Can Lead To Psychological Problems []

Diane Petrella ·
This is a great article, Laura. Thank you. My expertise is in childhood sexual abuse and I'll be sharing this article with my clients and Facebook group. Secrecy certainly adds another level of trauma. Thanks again.

Re: Study: 1 in 4 Who Meditate Have Had Bad Psychological Experience []

Diane Petrella ·
This article makes sense. I attended a 10-day silent Vipassana meditation retreat and it was an amazing experience. But I already had been meditating regularly for many years. I wouldn't recommend it to my clients—or anyone—if meditation is new to them. In my opinion, you need to have a degree of solid internal grounding first and some experience with meditation, otherwise, it could be a very difficult experience. Other forms of meditation also can feel hard for people who experienced...

Re: Keeping Childhood Trauma A Secret? That Can Lead To Psychological Problems []

Laura Pinhey ·
Yes. Secrecy seems often to be both a cause of and a result of trauma. So pleased you find the article worth sharing with your clients and Facebook group.

Re: A Holiday Guide for Abuse Survivors []

Jondi Whitis ·
Beautifully said and so comfortingly necessary for so many. Thank you.

Re: Can EFT Play in Integral Role in Helping Victims of Sexual Assault? New Research Says YES

Laura Pinhey ·
Craig, Thank you for posting this. It's exciting news for both those seeking therapy for sexual assault and those providing it that yet another modality shows promise for helping sexual assault victims recover. Thanks also for mentioning the acknowledged weaknesses of the cited study, as accurate research results can't be achieved without critical analysis of the methods used. Excellent resources, too. --Laura

Re: Victim to Victory: Memoir

Laura Pinhey ·
Heather, Congratulations on your triumph in overcoming, illness, abuse, and PTSD, and congratulations on your book! Disclosing one's story can be healing for the storyteller and for those who receive the story. Many of us on this site are looking for inspiration and new paths to healing, so thank you so much for sharing the information about your book.

Re: Are You Re-Traumatizing Yourself? 16 Things We Do That Can Set Us Back with Childhood PTSD

Laura Pinhey ·
While I agree that these behaviors can be re-traumatizing and are characteristic of dysregulation, in my mind they are all simply symptoms of unaddressed, untreated/undertreated trauma. They're the "cries for help" that tell the person experiencing them (and maybe the people around them) that there's something not quite right. But even after effective treatment of childhood trauma, they can still crop up because those old habits we developed to survive all those years ago die very hard.
Blog Post

Meet The Black Ballerina and Entrepreneur Helping People Heal From Their Trauma []

By Lydia Blanco, Black Enterprise, May 15, 2020 Tyde-Courtney Edwards, founding director of Ballet After Dark , is a classically trained black ballerina , art model, and survivor of sexual assault who is on a mission to help others heal from their trauma through the art of ballet. Now, during the pandemic, she is helping people unwind and reset their focus on healing virtually as her studio is closed. Edwards began her journey at the Baltimore School for the Arts and has over 20 years of...
Blog Post

Poly What? Understanding Polyvagal Theory

Shirley Davis ·
There are many theories about childhood trauma and how it affects the bodies and minds of children and how these experiences shape adults. One of the most interesting of all of them is what is called the polyvagal theory. First described in 1994 by Stephen W. Porges, a distinguished university scientist, the polyvagal theory has caught the attention of millions including therapists and theorists of all types.
Blog Post

The association between exposure to childhood maltreatment and the subsequent development of functional somatic and visceral pain syndromes []

By Joht Singh Chandan, Deepiksana Keerthy, Dawit Tefra Zemedikun, et al., EClinical Medicine, June 6, 2020 Abstract Background : Childhood maltreatment is a global public health issue linked to a vast mortality and morbidity burden. This study builds on current literature to explore the risk of developing central sensitivity syndromes (CSS) (consisting of somatic and visceral pain syndromes) subsequent to childhood maltreatment exposure. Methods : A retrospective population based open cohort...

Re: The association between exposure to childhood maltreatment and the subsequent development of functional somatic and visceral pain syndromes []

Jondi Whitis ·
This is a welcome document, validating earlier suspicions I had, particularly with one client who suffers chronic RLC and leg spasming. Thank you.
Blog Post

The Neurobiology of Trauma: Somatic Strategies for Resilience

Jennifer A Walsh ·
The Neurobiology of Trauma: Somatic Approaches to Resilience By Jennifer Walsh As we have all come to experience over the past several months, trauma is simply a component of the human condition. While it affects both individuals and communities in a variety of ways, we have all experienced difficult, stressful, or even traumatic events over the course of our lifetime. Although social workers have traditionally worked with these vulnerable populations, there are numerous professionals...
Blog Post

Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic: One-Pager

Christine Cissy White ·
Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic: One-Pager
Blog Post

Resilience - overcoming our past []

By Ray Hanley, Talk Business & Politics, August 16, 2020 All children face challenges – it’s how they learn and grow into responsible adults. But how does one child experience a terrible childhood trauma and survive, even prosper as an adult, while another child is emotionally and physically destroyed by it? The answer is closely linked to the amount of resilience in each child. Resilience – the ability to recover from or adjust to trauma or misfortune – comes in many forms – a loving,...
Blog Post

The Healing Place Podcast Interview

Michael Skinner ·
Hi Folks, I had the honor of appearing on Teri Wellbrock's, The Healing Place Podcast a few weeks ago. Teri is a gracious host and we had a lot of fun with this show, despite the seriousness of some of the topics. Who doesn't like to chat about the joys of dissociation? A deep, yet smile-filled conversation with Michael Skinner, musician and trauma advocate. Please join us as we sit down to discuss: * his role as a musician and the importance of...
Blog Post

Loving An Orchid: Understanding Child Abuse Trauma's Impact []

By JoAnn Stevelos, Psychology Today, August 21, 2020 As a child, I was an orchid but lived like a dandelion. I have always prided myself on my resiliency, for surviving a long and painful childhood filled with abandonment, psychological, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse . Child abuse can do that to you—give you a false sense of self and what resiliency really looks like. Resiliency is not just surviving. This false narrative of resiliency can take years to undo. One approach is to try...
Blog Post

COVID, ACES, and Radical Self-Care

Lateshia Woodley ·
COVID, ACES and Radical Self-Care Dr. LateshIa Woodley, LPC, NCC & Alexis Kelly, MPA COVID Thursday, March 13, 2020, I woke up thinking I love my life, I have the best job in the world, I get to wake up every day and strive to make a difference in the lives of students and families. Little did I know that a few hours later my life, the lives of my family, and the lives of the families that I serve would forever be changed due to the COVID pandemic. Prior to the pandemic, I was leading...
Blog Post

Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) Pod cast 10-22-20

Michael Skinner ·
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) Pod cast "Tonight's special guest is Michael Skinner , a returning NAASCA family member from New Hampshire. Michael is an award-winning advocate survivor. Michael's non-profit, ' The Surviving Spirit ', offers a monthly newsletter addressing the issues of trauma, abuse and mental health concerns, public speaking and his music. He notes that these cover a wide variety of issues."We want...
Blog Post

New Resource: Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic One-Pager (English & Spanish!)

Elena Costa ·
English: The California Department of Public Health, Injury and Prevention Branch (CDPH/IVPB) and the California Department of Social Service, Office of Child Abuse Prevention’s (CDSS/OCAP) , Essentials for Childhood (EfC) Initiative , ACEs Connection , and the Yolo County Children’s Alliance have co-created a newly developed resource, “Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic” in both English and Spanish. This material is intended for Californian families experiencing the severe...
Blog Post

Tools to Build Resiliency and Aid in Healing from Complex Trauma

Shirley Davis ·
Resiliency can help us overcome the life-altering effects of adverse childhood experiences or repeated trauma in adulthood. It can also speed up healing and give us the strength to conquer our traumatic histories. In this article, we shall explore together the definitions of complex trauma, resiliency, and how resiliency can help treat complex traumatic stress disorder.
Blog Post

New Resource: Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic One-Pager (English & Spanish!)

Elena Costa ·
English: The California Department of Public Health, Injury and Prevention Branch (CDPH/IVPB) and the California Department of Social Service, Office of Child Abuse Prevention’s (CDSS/OCAP) , Essentials for Childhood (EfC) Initiative , ACEs Connection , and the Yolo County Children’s Alliance have co-created a newly developed resource, “Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic” in both English and Spanish. This material is intended for Californian families experiencing the severe...
Blog Post

Family Visits: Ten Self-Care Tips

Anna Runkle ·
Lately, a lot of people who grew up with childhood trauma are going “no contact” with their families and loved ones. I hear people talking about it with relief and sometimes a sense of accomplishment. For many people, the abuse was egregious and may be ongoing; in these cases, walking away for good may be necessary and courageous. For others, going no-contact is an emergency form of self-protection that, over time, may not need to be permanent. So I want to share with you ten tips to protect...
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