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Tagged With "health of black women"

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The Best Medicine for Confronting Trauma: Be Present []

Alicia Doktor ·
When our beloved dog had cancer, we did all we could to help him be comfortable toward the end of his life. Because Rottweilers are so strong, they require a lot of pain medication, so we essentially had to give him what seemed like horse tranquilizers. While we were all caring for him, my daughters were in charge of giving him his daily meds. One day the girls were gone, and as I grabbed his handful of meds I thought, “When’s the last time I took my stuff?” So, I gathered all my vitamins,...
Blog Post

The Healing Place Podcast - Missy Garcia: Sexuality, Leadership, Healing

Teri Wellbrock ·
Missy is passionate about empowering women with tools to come back into the true beauty of who they are, guide them to open their heart to completely loving all of themselves, and totally embracing their badass queen within. She coaches women to access their inner power, be healed from within and bring back the juiciness into their life, careers and relationships.
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The human condition: we are all on a quest for safety

Jane Mulcahy ·
Here's a link to a summary of my notes on polyvagal theory from a training I attended with Dr Stephen Porges in Cork, Ireland in September 2019. I also conducted a Law and Justice podcast with Dr Porges on "The Science of Safety", accessible here: ...
Blog Post

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter April 2020

Michael Skinner ·
Healing the Heart Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran The Surviving Spirit Newsletter April 2020 Hi Folks, Obviously we are all experiencing some very trying times and...
Blog Post

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter April 2020

Michael Skinner ·
Healing the Heart Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran The Surviving Spirit Newsletter April 2020 Hi Folks, Obviously we are all experiencing some very trying times and...
Blog Post

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter January 2020

Michael Skinner ·
Hi Folks, The January edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter is posted at the website - To sign up for an e-mail copy, please write to me @ or sign up @ Website via Contact Us, Thanks! Michael Contents List : 1] Just Being Outside Can Improve Your Psychological Health, and Maybe Your Physical Health Too by Zoë...
Blog Post

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter March 2020

Michael Skinner ·
Hi Folks, The March edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter is posted at the website - To sign up for an e-mail copy, please write to me @ or sign up @ Website via Contact Us. PDF - Thanks! Michael. Healing the Heart Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse &...
Blog Post

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter May 2020

Michael Skinner ·
Hi Folks, The May edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter is posted at the website - or PDF - To sign up for an e-mail copy, please write to me @ or sign up @ Website via Contact Us, Thanks! Michael . “ Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller The Surviving Spirit Newsletter May 2020 – please...
Blog Post

Thoughts to share

Michael Skinner ·
Thoughts to share - “Abuse is never deserved, it is an exploitation of innocence.” Lorraine Nilon “When you can identify the insecurities inside the person that is hurting you then you can begin to heal. It isn’t about you. It is about their past.” Shannon L. Alder “Trauma… does not disappear if it is not validated. When it is ignored or invalidated the silent screams continue internally heard only by the one held captive.” Danielle Bernock Take care, Michael A diagnosis is not a destiny “...
Blog Post

Vacancy: Self-Worth in the Mind of a Childhood Abuse Survivor

Jason Lee ·
The feeling of having a healthy supply of self-worth is something I can only imagine might have been more readily available, natural and automatic if I was able to see that in myself as a child. As an adult survivor of childhood abuse, self-worth was not supplied in healthy doses while growing up.
Blog Post

Webinar: Cultivating Our Best Selves in Response to COVID-19 | Tuesday, March 17 at Noon PDT

Elaine Miller Karas ·
How to use the skills of the Community Resiliency Model (CRM) for self and others to be the calm in the storm as we face the unknown. Free Webinar Tuesday, March 17 at Noon PDT Speakers: Elaine Miller-Karas, LCSW Linda Grabbe, PhD, FNP-BC, PMHNP-BC Zoom Webinar Registration Link: Additional ways to join are listed at the bottom of this post. About the webinar leaders: Elaine Miller-Karas is the Executive Director and co-founder of the Trauma Resource Institute and...
Blog Post

What is Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD)?

Matthew Pappas ·
Most people have heard of post-traumatic stress disorder that afflicts many men and women returning from a war zone. It is characterized by flashbacks, unstable moods, and survivor’s remorse. However, many have never heard of a condition that often develops in childhood and changes the course of the child’s life forever, complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD). For a good definition of CPTSD, we turned to Beauty After Bruises, an organization that offers outreach focused on adult...
Blog Post

When It Comes to Your Mental Health, Listen to Your Body []

Laura Pinhey ·
In our culture, lack of sleep is worn like a badge of honor. We glorify busyness. Very few things cause us to change up our usual routine or do anything other than what we expect of ourselves. We tend to run on overdrive, barreling through the day’s to-do lists regardless of what we are feeling, to the point that we often don’t even realize what we are feeling—and not just emotionally. We often suppress or ignore physical and emotional feelings that get in the way or slow us down—feelings...
Blog Post

5 Tips to Get You Through the Kavanaugh Investigation (No Matter What Are Your Politics)

Hilary Jacobs Hendel ·
Current events this week are extremely triggering and traumatic for many. Here are a few tips from a trauma psychotherapist.
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Are You Re-Traumatizing Yourself? 16 Things We Do That Can Set Us Back with Childhood PTSD

Anna Runkle ·
Part of the damage from abuse and neglect in childhood is what actually happened when we were kids. But a significant part of the problem today comes from what I call "Inside Traumas." These are self-defeating behaviors that are common to people who are frequently in a state of dysregulation. They start as an innocent attempt to feel calm and stable, but they can grow into significant traumas that cause real problems for us and others. If you'd like to learn about my online course, Healing...
Blog Post

"Breaking the Silence" Warriors of HOPE Series Concludes This Sunday with a 2-Hour LIVE Worldwide Webcast Event!

Dr. Gregory Williams ·
The “Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams” radio program will be featuring a SPECIAL LIVE 2-HOUR WORLDWIDE WEBCAST this Sunday evening, May 10 th from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM Central Time. This event will be a special conclusion to their WARRIORS OF HOPE series featuring all the guest from the entire series together for one life-changing webcast. The guests are some of the most sought after authors, experts and speakers on the various topics of trauma, abuse, and resilience in the...
Blog Post

Cancer as a survivor

Christine Cissy White ·
Many people use the phrase CPTSD to stand for PTSD from complex trauma. To me, C-PTSD means cancer and PTSD. I have cancer and I’m a trauma survivor. I’m a survivor with cancer but not yet a cancer survivor. Will I be a survivor squared?
Blog Post

Coronavirus Pandemic likely to Trigger more Post-Traumatic Stress Cases, LSU Researcher Says []

By Mark Schleifstein,, March 30, 2020 A combination of stress, trauma and depression triggered by the coronavirus pandemic after the virus abates is likely to increase what’s already a high number of cases of post-traumatic stress disorder among Louisiana residents, who have been hammered by natural and man-made disasters in the past, according to a behavioral epidemiologist at the Louisiana State University School of Public Health. Associate professor Ariane Rung bases that...
Blog Post

From Compassion Fatigue to Healing Centered Engagement: Turning Trauma Informed Values into Action

Lynn Eikenberry ·
To pave the way for a truly strengths-based approach to full healing and recovery for both service users and burned out staff, we must educate them on (1) the central role of primal body responses to trauma (past and present), and (2) the early development of adaptive thoughts and behaviors in response to traumatic experience.
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Helping Families Stay Regulated during a Pandemic

Vanessa Lohf ·
As our communities struggle to do what is needed to keep people safe and families work to find a new a “normal” while caring for and educating children at home full time – it can be a lot to handle. Child psychologist and trauma expert, Dr. Bruce Perry offered 8 tips for helping children stay regulated in this recent article from Psychology Today . Dr. Perry was also a part of this video resource for parents, Staying sane while Parenting with Shelter-in-Place! For service providers who would...
Blog Post

How a Men's Group Helps Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse

Karen Clemmer ·
By Bert Pepper MD., March 18, 2020, Psychology Today How a men's group helped survivors deal with secrets of the past. When I was a young psychiatrist, I worked with Vietnam veterans traumatized by what happened to them, what they had seen, and what they had done. As I treated these veterans and studied PTSD , I realized that what I was learning could apply to help women. The first rape crisis units and shelters for battered women opened in the 1970s, at which time we also began learning...
Blog Post

How Helping Others Benefits Your Mental Health

Tricia Moceo ·
Addiction, anxiety, and depression can be all-consuming and enslaving. When I was spending every night, isolated in my room, indulging in opiates and vodka - my entire world hyper-focused and revolved around my pain. It was certainly not the life I was choosing - or so I thought. My messy head was tortuous, chaotic, and I felt absolutely powerless against it. All of my thoughts were amplified extensions of: “You are never going to be enough and you are unworthy of love and happiness.” I did...
Blog Post

How Improving Mood Can Help Heal

Matt Boyle ·
Your mood is tied to your mental and physical health and if you’ve been having some bad days recently you may want to make a few lifestyle changes to improve your overall mood and health. While it may seem difficult to make some of these changes in your life, doing them will have a huge, almost immediate effect on you. Improving your mood and overall mental health will have a huge impact on your mind and body and can make your situation better overall. Doing a few simple things like...
Blog Post

How this Indigenous health researcher confronted trauma head-on, including her own []

By Adam Phelan, UNSW Newsroom, March 16, 2020 When Dr Eades’ sister fell ill, she knew she needed to do something. As a proud Noongar woman from Western Australia, a registered nurse, and a health researcher, she saw there was a missing piece of the puzzle in Aboriginal women’s health research. Dr Eades, a UNSW Scientia Fellow, became determined to examine a reality that was often left untold. “I had seen it in my own life, of how Aboriginal women often pick up the pieces for society,” she...
Blog Post

How Trauma Therapy Cultivated My Recovery

Tricia Moceo ·
I was 5 years old when I had my first encounter with trauma. Too young to comprehend the magnitude of the situation, my first grade class participated in a “Good Touch/Bad Touch” workshop,centered around educating and recognizing signs of sexual abuse. I found relief in finding a safe place to lay down the burden I had been carrying. I went straight to the school counselor and told her, in vivid description, the intimate details of my unwarranted molestation. I remember the grueling...
Blog Post

I Experienced Trauma — Here Are The Wellness Practices I Rely On To Cope []

Laura Pinhey ·
Fully outside of political persuasions, the trial last week left countless women around the world triggered. I was one of them. After experiencing sexual abuse as a child, I shared my story for the first time as a young teenager and began what would become a long journey to healing. I tried everything from EMDR to trauma-informed dialectical behavioral therapy to mindfulness practices. I began a yoga and meditation practice in hopes of reconnecting with my body, inner child and self-worth.
Blog Post

Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience Two-Day Intensive Training

Kay Reed ·
with Author, Carolyn Rich Curtis, Ph.D. 8:30 AM–5:00 PM $399 for 2-day Intensive Training CEUs are available for an additional charge. Each trainee must have a copy of Mind Matters ($299 plus tax (CA and SD only) plus S/H) As a result of this training , you will learn to teach: Self-soothing skills to manage emotions Ways to analyze stressful thoughts How to deal with intrusive memories Ways to develop a protective lifestyle And you, as an instructor, will learn . . . How to provide a safe...
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Mindfulness Stress Reduction Techniques for Healing

Jen Johnson, LPC ·
Whether you're healing from illness, trauma, or other difficult times, these mindfulness stress reduction techniques can support your healing.
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My Story about Healing Moving from “What is wrong with me” to “What is happening – how can I take better care of myself?”

Jessie Graham ·
When I was a little girl, I had a lot of ear infections. Did anyone else experience that? Every summer in the middle of the fun of swimming in the pool, I would get an ear infection and one year I got one on my birthday. Obviously, I still remember it. It was a sad time. I always felt like I was missing out on things. And it became a pattern. I would go to the doctor and get lamb’s wool and drops put in my ear. It hurt a lot. I can still remember trying to get comfortable lying on the couch...
Blog Post

Real Resilience is now a PODCAST

Crystal Wyatt ·
Women who support an incarcerated loved one finally has a place to share their stories on the Real Resilience P.W.L. Podcast.
Blog Post

Reasons to be Positive and Optimistic

Aron Hayes ·
Positive thinking and optimism are words often thrown around when thinking about being happy and cheerful. But what do they really mean? Positive thinking means approaching life in a positive and productive way instead of focusing on the negatives. Meaning you’re hopeful for the best and don’t focus on the worst. Sounds good in theory, but how can you start to think positively? Here are seven reasons why positivity is so good for you, and some tips on how to remain positive everyday:...
Blog Post

Resources for ACEs Survivors

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
With the link between ACEs and health outcomes now firmly established, many people are asking how to help those who have survived ACEs. Often people are seeking written resources. Having developed resilience curricula that were piloted at the University of Maryland School of Public Health and taught to various high-risk populations, I’d like to suggest some resources. As an outgrowth of these trainings, I developed three books that are skills-based and experiential, since information alone...
Blog Post

Self-Care, Boring Self-Care, And Just Showing Up []

Laura Pinhey ·
What Is Self-Care Anyway? I spend a lot of time talking about “self-care,” particularly when I am advising my clients, colleagues, and loved ones to practice it. I tell people to take care of themselves or give specific instruction, to “eat,” “sleep,” or “get outside.” The more I preach the gospel of “self-care,” the more I feel inclined to explore the term itself and its history. Sometimes, what we, or our clients are already doing by “showing up”, is in itself all the self-care that can be...
Blog Post

Self-care suggestion for Men during the COVID isolation

Jason Lee ·
On The Healing Place Podcast this morning I had the chance to chat with hostess Teri Kamphaus Wellbrock raising awarenesss for guys about their mental health and encouraging men to take this time of isolation to learn more about themselves.
Blog Post

Seven Strategies I Use To Reregulate As Anxiety Symptoms Surface

Teri Wellbrock ·
So, how does Teri Wellbrock bring herself back into a state of calm once the anticipatory anxiety has been triggered? Here is Teri's personal go-to list. Please keep in mind she created this plan on a trial and error basis. She loaded her coping skills toolbox with exercises, fidgets, courses, books, therapy suggestions, and techniques discovered through personal research. Following is her top seven strategies, however, please note that she has a much larger bag-o-tricks to pull from if needed.
Blog Post

Some Trauma Really is Unspeakable. So These Women are Sewing Their Stories, Instead []

By Rachel A. Cohen, The Washington Post, November 27, 2019 A 16-year-old girl was abducted, raped, beaten and held captive for months in Congo. She became pregnant and gave birth. In an effort to avoid the stigma and shame that this would bring upon her family and because she would not be eligible for any other marriage, her parents joined the perpetrators’ family in trying to force her to marry her abductor. Although she was expected to obey, she refused. The perpetrator’s family took her...
Blog Post

Study: 1 in 4 Who Meditate Have Had Bad Psychological Experience []

Marianne Avari ·
By Janice Wood, PsychCentral, May 10, 2019. More than a quarter of people who regularly meditate have had a “particularly unpleasant” psychological experience, including feelings of fear and distorted emotions, according to a new study. Researchers at the University of College London also found those who had attended a meditation retreat, those who only practiced deconstructive types of meditation, such as Vipassana (insight) and Koan practice (used in Zen Buddhism), and those with higher...
Blog Post

Temporary Free Access to Paediatrics & Child Health (PCH) articles (Oxford Academic)

Elizabeth Perry ·
Temporary free access to highly cited articles making an impact in Paediatrics & Child Health ( PCH ) has just been opened up by Oxford Academic. If you're a research hoarder like me, you'll want to check this out.
Blog Post

Ten Tools for Trauma Survivors []

Laura Pinhey ·
A couple years ago, I hit a serious wall. I was emotionally and physically exhausted, but didn't understand why. Sure, I was a mom, wife, graduate student, and ran a business, but this exhaustion went much deeper than my chronic state of busyness and hypervigilance. Sure, I knew I had a rough childhood and had gone no contact with my parents ten years prior. I got on with my life. I made many positive and deliberate changes so I didn't repeat their patterns, but I hadn't fully unpacked just...
Blog Post

Why Women Need Fierce Self Compassion []

Alicia Doktor ·
In the recent Senate confirmation hearings for the U.S. Supreme Court, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford stood up to tell the world about her memories of the humiliating and sexually aggressive way that she said Judge Brett Kavanaugh violated her as a teenager. Her act took incredible bravery. What really struck me, however, was the demeanor of Dr. Blasey Ford herself. While she spoke with confidence when discussing her area of expertise—the psychology of trauma—at other times she spoke like a young...
Blog Post

Why You Should Prioritize Your Friendships []

Alicia Doktor ·
When I recently moved my youngest son into college and felt unexpected grief at my “empty nest,” I turned to my friends for help. These are women I’ve known more than 40 years, who know me better than anyone else and gave me exactly what I needed: a sympathetic ear, lots of hugs, time in nature, a dose of laughter, and the warm feeling of being loved and understood. Despite how much we rely on friends, there is little science about the power of friendship. In part, that may be because...
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World Mental Health Day - California Takes Initiative in Battling Depression []

By Joan Cook, The Hill, October 10, 2019 Today is World Mental Health Day. And, California, a state with 10 percent of the U.S. population, just announced that it’s introducing the first toll-free statewide mental health line for non-emergency emotional support and referrals. What a wonderful way to kick off this occasion. This Peer-Run Warm Line is a reason to celebrate. As a psychologist, I’ve witnessed first-hand the emotional pains people carry, and how hard it is for them to come in for...
Blog Post

Yoga Transformed Me After Trauma and Sexual Assault []

Laura Pinhey ·
Laura's note: This story of sheer determination of transformation of self and community in the face of personal trauma AND systemic racism is breathtaking. Be warned: it may blow you away, as it did me. As a child, Ebony Smith survived sexual assault but didn’t have the tools to cope with the trauma until years later, when she found yoga. Now, she’s bringing the practice to her community, and others in crisis. Exactly 247 people came to practice yoga with me today. Why is that such a big...
Blog Post

“You Turned Out Fine:” How People Marginalize the Effects of a Toxic Childhood []

Laura Pinhey ·
Laura's Note: Though the author is addressing toxic mother-daughter relationships, much of what she writes here can apply more broadly to other types of relationships and traumas. If I had a twenty-dollar bill for every time someone tells me that my mother “must have done something right” because I “turned out fine,” I could probably retire tomorrow in luxury. This came up during an interview recently, as if where I went to college and graduate school and have accomplished in my professional...

Re: How Improving Mood Can Help Heal

Laura Pinhey ·
Matt, thanks for the tips on how to improve mood. A positive mood can make everything that comes our way a little easier to handle. Even something as simple as drinking enough water throughout the day can tip the balance in our favor.

Re: Toxic Childhood? 5 Spiritual Exercises to Heal the Soul []

Tosca Miserendino ·
Hi Laura, Thanks for sharing this very important article! The mother-daughter relationship is complex, and in many cases informed by the mother's unmet needs, hopes, and aspirations. The unresolved trauma and suffering experienced by a parent will, invariably, shape and inform the trajectory of a child's life. This article allows us to consider, what many might see, as the unthinkable...a mother who does not or cannot provide the love and support that many associate with mother role. I think...

Re: Toxic Childhood? 5 Spiritual Exercises to Heal the Soul []

Laura Pinhey ·
Hi, Tosca, Yes, it's an uncomfortable topic for many and it often evokes denial in those who don't wish to face the reality that in many cases, a mother's unmet needs, unaddressed trauma, mental health issues, or other difficulties directly impact her children and often in turn traumatize them. It's taboo in our society (and I'm guessing in many other societies) to view or discuss mothers in any but the most flattering--even idealistic--light. We're not doing anyone any favors or supporting...

Re: Mindfulness Stress Reduction Techniques for Healing

Teri Wellbrock ·
Love this!!!! Great reminders, Jen. I stopped watching negative news years ago. And being on my summer Facebook hiatus with all its political negativity has been wonderful for my peace of mind. Thanks for sharing. I'll be sure to share it on the podcast social media pages, too. Peace, Teri

Re: Mindfulness Stress Reduction Techniques for Healing

Laura Pinhey ·
Such helpful suggestions. I enjoy knowing there's scientific evidence to back up the techniques too (although I've nothing against anecdotal support). I tried the 3-Part breath and was surprised at how different it felt from the usual slow and steady inhalation. Must be something about the mindful focus on where in the lungs the breath is during the breathing process, I'm guessing. Thanks so much, Jen, for sharing this here.

Re: Mindfulness Stress Reduction Techniques for Healing

Laura Pinhey ·
And I just realized, Jen, that recently I listened to Teri Wellbrock's interview with you on her Healing Place podcast. I very much enjoyed your conversation! Also: when I went to check out the Meditation for Healing Sleep on your site, I found the link in your post was erroring, so I took the liberty of correcting it. Hope you don't mind!
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