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Tagged With "Immune System"

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Practicing Love in a Pandemic (

Practicing love requires that we stop thinking only about our own wellbeing and consider how our actions impact everyone. Paradoxically, it means the most important thing we ourselves can do is to stay well. Maintaining our own good health will put less stress on the healthcare system and free up resources to help those who are sick and need care. It will also prevent the spread of the illness to those who are at higher risk to die from complications of Covid-19. Practicing love in a...
Blog Post

Rebuilding Lives while Building Homes: Tony McGuire's Resilience-Building Carpentry Class

Tara Mah ·
Tony McGuire is a great carpenter. He ran his own construction business for years. Then he wanted to get into teaching. He became a Tenured Faculty member at a local community college, and landed in the state penitentiary as a Basic Skills Carpentry instructor. So how could that be connected to saving lives with a 20 buck investment? Tony got touched by CRI’s trauma-informed training. He saw himself past and present and knew somehow that, “with this information comes the responsibility to...
Blog Post

Self-Care, Boring Self-Care, And Just Showing Up []

Laura Pinhey ·
What Is Self-Care Anyway? I spend a lot of time talking about “self-care,” particularly when I am advising my clients, colleagues, and loved ones to practice it. I tell people to take care of themselves or give specific instruction, to “eat,” “sleep,” or “get outside.” The more I preach the gospel of “self-care,” the more I feel inclined to explore the term itself and its history. Sometimes, what we, or our clients are already doing by “showing up”, is in itself all the self-care that can be...
Blog Post

Self-Compassion Calms and Soothes Fight-or-Flight Responses []

Samantha Sangenito ·
Exactly six years ago this week, I wrote a post, “ The Neurobiology of Grace Under Pressure, ” which offered some practical advice on different ways to increase parasympathetic activation within the autonomic nervous system (which counterbalances fight-or-flight responses) by engaging the vagus nerve . One section of that 2013 post recommended practicing Loving-Kindness Meditation (LKM) . Typically, during LKM you systematically direct warm-hearted thoughts of love and kindness to four...
Blog Post

Self Soothing Strategies for Parents and Kids

Joyelle Brandt ·
Learn 4 simple tools for parents and kids to calm down together. About the presenter: Joyelle Brandt is a self care coach for moms. She specializes in working with mothers who are survivors of abuse, to help them develop a personalized self soothing toolkit for stress management. As a speaker, mothering coach, and multi-media creator, Joyelle works to dismantle the stigma that keeps childhood abuse survivors stuck in shame and self-hatred. She is the author of Princess Monsters from A to Z...
Blog Post

Sheltering in Place: ACEs-Informed Tips for Self-Care During a Pandemic

Jim Hickman ·
Millions of lives have been affected in unprecedented ways by the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We are all grappling with uncertainty—our daily routines interrupted, not knowing what is to come. For those of us who have Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), these times can be particularly distressing. At the Center for Youth Wellness (CYW), we know that childhood trauma can have a significant impact on an individual’s health and well-being – both physiologically and psychologically. Since the...
Blog Post

Six Signs Your Brain is Dysregulated (and Ten Steps to Get Re-Regulated Again)

Anna Runkle ·
Adults who experienced early trauma are prone to dysregulation of the brain and nervous system, especially in response to stress. Dysregulation, in turn, can trigger (or exacerbate) depression, anxiety, illness, addiction and emotional outbursts. So clearly, learning to re-regulate is the first step in healing the effects of Childhood PTSD. If you think you may be experiencing dysregulation, learn about common symptoms (as well as ten on-the-spot healing techniques) on this free download.
Blog Post

Take Care of You in Troubled Times

Stephanie Dalfonzo ·
Self-care strategies work. In my book, “Goodbye Anxiety, Hello Freedom”, I share 35 different strategies, as one-size- doesn’t -fit-all! Today, I’ve got 5 simple tips to share that will help you relax and find your emotional balance. The #1 Most Important Thing to Add to Your Self-Care Routine Limit how much media you consume and how often. I’ve said this for years and now it is absolutely critical. Checking the latest news over and over again is like taking a jackhammer to our nervous...
Blog Post

Tapping through Panic into Peace

Jane Buchan ·
In these times of Coronovirus concerns, it is comforting to know we have an Emotional Freedom Techniques method of tapping that does not require touching the face. Click this link to see an illustration of a tapping protocol that is especially useful in calming fears: The Gamut Point, found on the back of the hand between the ring and baby finger tendons, sits on Triple Warmer, our fight or flight meridian. Our personal First-Responder, we need Triple Warmer...
Blog Post

Tell Me Who You Trust the Most

Carol Monaco ·
Imagine that you are being held by someone you love (partner, parent, best friend, someone you once knew, or someone you imagine). You are safe and warm and connected. You feel the soothing of presence - the beating of a primitive language. As you find the rhythms of oneness, you know that all is right. You are protected from whatever unknown lies beyond. Close your eyes and feel the exquisiteness...Now imagine that the exquisiteness fails.
Blog Post

The A-List with Alison Lebovitz, Episode 1105: Dr. Bruce Perry []

By Alison Lebovitz, Public Broadcasting System, November 22, 2019 Join Alison Lebovitz as she interviews Dr. Bruce Perry. Dr. Bruce D. Perry is an American psychiatrist, currently the Senior Fellow of the Child Trauma Academy in Houston, Texas and an Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, Illinois. A clinician and researcher in children's mental health and the neurosciences, from 1993-2001 he was the Thomas S. Trammell Research...
Blog Post

Zabie Yamasaki: Trauma-Informed Yoga (

Christine Cissy White ·
This is a short trauma-informed yoga practice led by Zabie Yamasaki. Yamasaki is founder of Transcending Sexual Trauma through Yoga and the Program Director of Trauma-Informed Programs at UCLA.In this video, she invites us all to do a few moments of nervous system regulation. I had the honor of interviewing Zabie six years ago, and then publishing two pieces about trauma-informed yoga ,, post-traumatic stress healing, and survivor-led programs for trauma survivors. I've followed her work...

Re: Laziness Does Not Exist []

Morgan Vien ·
I love this article Laura - it goes to show how many changes need to be made in the education system, and also in society's structure. As you noted, there is always a reason, an explanation. There is so much unnecessary blame on the individual without thought to personal histories and the barriers each person may have had to overcome or is currently fighting to get to school, to work, to socializing, etc.

Re: What Survivors of Complex Trauma Want You to Know []

Former Member ·
I like that she mentions dissociation. I have been going to therapy for over 30 years and really had no idea about dissociation. I though it was something you could put a verbal memory to or just spacing out for a bit..... but dissociation is so much more. I don't think that childhood trauma can be healed until the treatment people all come to understand a whole lot more about dissociation and about how much of the symptoms of complex PTSD are really not accessible to the conscious mind.

Re: Education resources, including mental health, for kids, families during coronavirus pandemic

Heather Ferri ·
Thank you for the post. Have you heard of the Japanese Medical Device that produces electrolyzed reduced water and 2.5 electrolyzed hypochlorous acid water? In my private trauma practice all my clients drink this medical grade water and utilize the 2.5 water to clean their homes. No chemicals! I think the mental health care system needs to step outside the box there is so much Pub Med research on all the waters because they have been used in Japanese Hospitals for over 45 years and written...

Re: How You and Your Kids Can De-Stress During Coronavirus []

Jondi Whitis ·
I like that! Forgot about those! And one of their best features is that, to enjoy it, you have to slow down and appreciate the effect of the 'glitter storm.' One of my favorite mentors told me long ago that the answer to many of the maladies I was observing was from what she called, 'too much, too fast.' I keep this in mind as much as I can, no matter what the situation, intervention or protocol. And I preach it to my students and clients: Slowing down helps us better regulate our system,...

Re: How You and Your Kids Can De-Stress During Coronavirus []

Christine Cissy White ·
"Too much, too fast." YES! Simple and clear but not easy to adjust that internal motor/setting/way of responding. Thanks for encouragement, reminder, explanation, and this comment, Jondi! It's just what I needed! Cissy

Re: How To Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve for Better Mental Health []

Barbara Jones Stern ·
This is a very good explanation of the physiology of the stress response system and some very useful ideas about toning the vagus nerve.

Resilience Presentation

Morgan Vien ·

Re: The House of Mourning (

Christine Cissy White ·
Hi Veronique: Our bodies as our friends. Heck yes. Just today I was discussing this. In my youth, I could and often did "dig deep" and draw from what I thought was a bottomless well. Now, if I don't keep up with my own routines and caring for myself practices, I get really worn out and don't have the same ability to just keep going on fumes. Some of my old habits are still with me. And sometimes I feel like I'm just worn out by age or years. But other times I think I'm more sensitive and...

Re: My Story about Healing Moving from “What is wrong with me” to “What is happening – how can I take better care of myself?”

Heather Ferri ·
Thank you for sharing I can relate to much of what you are voicing. I spent seven years sick while writing my book Victim to Victory and I dedicate my life to building a new mental health care system that utilizes Kundalini Brain Protocols and Electrolyzed Reduced Water. Both have Pub Med research! Both much more effective then what's out on the market! Many Blessings!
Blog Post

After My Wife Died I Was Consumed by Both Grief and Paperwork. We Must Work Together to Change the Medical System []

Carey Sipp ·
By Daniel Jonce Evans, TIME, May 20, 2020 After finding a parking space I stopped and shifted my minivan into park. I sat still for a moment, a moment that allowed me to take a breath in relative silence. Silence, sitting in that driver’s seat, had a particular sound. It encroached after relays clicked and vent fans stopped. The engine crackled while cooling. Still hanging from the ignition, keys on the ring touched once or twice, singing their acknowledgement that their cohort completed the...
Blog Post

A "Better Normal" Community Discussion - Trauma Sensitive Yoga for Embodiment and Agency

Gail Kennedy ·
TCTSY (Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga) is the practice of bringing our bodies into the present moment to integrate and recover from the harmful effects of adverse life experiences. This evidence-based method focuses on the felt sense of the body, also known as interoception. Exercising interoception helps inform one’s choice-making and allows participants to restore their connection of mind with body and cultivate a sense of agency that is often compromised as a result of trauma. Dion...
Blog Post

Mental Health Awareness: When Suffering Is Not an Illness

Lori Chelius ·
When I was an adolescent and young adult, I struggled with depression. As I reflect back on that time, so much of what I was experiencing was deeply tied to coming to terms with my sexuality. Growing up in the 1980’s in a relatively conservative town, I was closeted (even to myself) until I was a young adult. The pain and fear of being different, of not belonging, of being judged or rejected for who I was more than my adolescent brain could wrap its conscious head around.
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Becoming Your Healthiest Self: An Eat-Well, Get-Fit, Feel-Great Guide for Teens []

By Michelle Cardell, Aaron S. Kelly, and Lindsay A. Thompson, JAMA Pediatrics, May 26, 2020 Parents, empower your adolescents so they can make choices that promote their healthiest self. Teens, getting older means making decisions about what matters to you most. Making healthy choices is a great place to start. Taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental health is what makes it possible for you to do all the things you want to do. Fuel Up You are in charge of what you eat and drink.
Blog Post

Toxic Stress, ACEs, and Polyvagal Theory

Shirley Davis ·
Stress is a normal part of life that no one can fully escape. However, when stress becomes toxic, it can affect our lives in drastic fashions that may change our life’s outcome. Adverse childhood experiences tie into toxic stress and both can cause considerable harm to both children and again when these kids grow to become adults. This article will explore the connection between toxic stress, ACEs, and how understanding them through the polyvagal theory can help us to find ways to defeat...
Blog Post

Polyvagal Theory and Hope In Healing from Childhood Trauma

Shirley Davis ·
The Vagal Nerve is the longest cranial nerve controlling a human’s inner nerve center, the parasympathetic nervous system. It oversees a vast range of vital functions communicating sensory input from outside triggers to the rest of the body. Polyvagal theory emphasizes the evolutionary development of two systems: the parasympathetic nervous system which is ultimately connected to the vagal nerve and the sympathetic nervous system.
Blog Post

The Neurobiology of Trauma: Somatic Strategies for Resilience

Jennifer A Walsh ·
The Neurobiology of Trauma: Somatic Approaches to Resilience By Jennifer Walsh As we have all come to experience over the past several months, trauma is simply a component of the human condition. While it affects both individuals and communities in a variety of ways, we have all experienced difficult, stressful, or even traumatic events over the course of our lifetime. Although social workers have traditionally worked with these vulnerable populations, there are numerous professionals...
Blog Post

Unbecoming an Armadillo: Recovering from Trauma with EMDR

Victoria Burns ·
Unbecoming an Armadillo By: Victoria F. Burns, PhD, LSW Instagram: @betesandbites “When you are traumatized, you are basically in a permanent defensive mode” — Gabor Mate I’m sitting across from Meg on her charcoal grey love seat. My forearms are resting on a velvety mustard-yellow throw cushion and I’m holding crescent shaped pulsers in each hand. Meg’s my psychologist; a rare gem who specializes in chronic illness and trauma. Every two weeks, we spend an hour...
Blog Post

Shame Resilience: A Critical Component to Anti-Racist Work

Jennifer A Walsh ·
In a recent episode of the podcast Unlocking Us, Brené Brown discusses the power of shame and how it is not an effective tool for social justice. She goes on to explain that shame is in fact real pain that is defined as the “intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love, belonging, and connection.” It is in fact so powerful that when we experience shame, it triggers a fight, flight or freeze response. She identifies shame as a tool of...
Blog Post

Resilience Is the Goal of Governments and Employers Who Expect People to Endure Crisis []

Laura Pinhey ·
John F. Kennedy once told an Indiana audience that “when written in Chinese,” the word “crisis” contains the characters for “emergency” and “opportunity.” It doesn’t . But ever since that 1959 speech, politicians and motivational speakers have invoked Kennedy’s mistaken language tutorial to talk about the importance of persistence, creativity, and, these days, that favorite buzzword, resilience. Resilience is everywhere, its popularity cresting with the setbacks that afflict us: climate...
Blog Post

Rebecca Lewis Pankratz: Breaking Generational Poverty, Poverty Circles, & Poverty Programs

Christine Cissy White ·
"A CEs Connection is the curator of incredible hope, healing and possibility. Parents are not the bad guys. Most of us are just kids with ACEs who grew up..." Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz Last Friday, @Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz joined our A Better Normal series to discuss poverty circles and programs. Rebecca is the Director of Learning Centers as Essdack, as well as a poverty consultant, and we met online, via Twitter (her handle is @pOVERty’s Edge. Rebecca is a brilliant speaker, gifted writer, and...
Blog Post

Why the dean of early childhood experts wants to get beyond the brain []

By Ryan White, Center for Health Journalism, July 23, 2020 Harvard’s Jack Shonkoff, a luminary in the field of early childhood, has spent years showing that events in the earliest years of life have profound implications for how budding brains develop, and in turn, shape a child’s later potential at school and work. Now, Shonkoff says it’s time to connect the brain to the rest of the body. “The message now is to say that there is a revolution going on in molecular biology and genomics and in...
Blog Post

A Better Normal- Education Upended- Creating a Culture of Wellness and Connection with Special Guests from the Meaning Makers Collective

Lara Kain ·
I am SO excited for our next episode, and you should be too! Join us Thursday 8/20 as we welcome our speical guests Judee Fernandez and Michelle Kurta from the Meaning Makers Collective . We will discuss what it takes to create cultures of care and connection in our schools, how to develop a system that supports collective care for staff and prioritizes the wellbeing of adults in school settings. It is gonna be great! Weekly themes include: How do we create physical and psychological safety,...
Blog Post

A Better Normal - Friday, August 28th, 12pm PT: Trauma and the 12 Steps with Dr. Jamie Marich

Alison Cebulla ·
Please join us for the ongoing community discussion of A Better Normal, our series in which we envision the future as trauma-informed. Friday, August 28th, 2020 12pm PT // 1pm MT // 2pm CT // 3pm ET Hosted by Alison Cebulla and facilitated by Jenna Quinn of ACEs Connection with guest Dr. Jamie Marich, author of the book Trauma and the 12 Steps: An Inclusive Guide to Enhancing Recovery , newly revised, expanded, and released on July 7, 2020, published by North Atlantic Books . >>Click...
Blog Post

D J Jaffe and A Culture of Fear by Michael Skinner

Michael Skinner ·
Dear Pete, I read your blog post, “Influential Critic D. J. Jaffe Has Died: Remembered As “Bomb Thrower” Who Demanded Mental Illness Reforms” and thought of how he has done so much to hurt those of us labeled “mentally ill”. You considered him a friend, he was anything but for those of us struggling with the challenges of trauma, abuse and mental health concerns. These are some of my thoughts on D.J. Jaffe. He did not have the best interests of people struggling despite all of his rhetoric,...
Blog Post

Yoga for Embodiment & Agency Live Online Movement Practice- Dion Wiedenhoefer

Dion Wiedenhoefer ·
Hi There Friends ~ Hello September! Does your nervous system need a reset? If yes, I am so with you! It's been awhile since we've met in community for an embodied practice of breath, movement and connection, and I am looking forward to gathering again. I've missed y'all! September 10 - October 15, 2020 Six Week Class Series Thursdays, 12:00-12:50 To learn more visit my website at Persons of all identities and abilities welcome! Please connect with me to receive the...
Blog Post

Trauma, Development & Neuroplasticity Series with Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD (

Christine Cissy White ·
I've been seeing so many posts of Facebook and Twitter about this series on trauma, development, and neuroplasticity being led by Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD that I have to share about it here on ACEs Connection as well. Please find details excerpted below from the EEGLearn website. For more details about this series (which costs $260.), please go here.
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4 Simple Phrases to Halt Anxious Thoughts

Hilary Jacobs Hendel ·
Anxiety is a fact of life. There's much we can do to calm ourselves in the short and long-term. Here are some tips for immediate relief.
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A Time for Change

Scarlett Lewis ·
The magnificent fall foliage displayed during the month of October reminds me of transition and forward momentum. Ideally, as humans, we grow and change along with the seasons to find meaning and purpose in life and flourish. Unfortunately, the progression of our lives isn't always smooth and people aren't always kind. There are essential life skills that we can learn, however, that can help us grow through struggle and choose love in our thoughtful responses. We have had varied reactions to...
Blog Post

The Interconnectedness Between Anxiety and Inflammation (

Dr. David Hanscom, an orthopedic surgeon whom I’ve previously interviewed about strategies for chronic back pain , quit his practice to focus on educating others on becoming pain-free without surgery. Most recently, after surviving COVID-19, he turned his attention to prevention and surviving it, which is an important part of this discussion. We’ve known for some time now that with diet, exercise and other interventions, you can radically reduce your risk of COVID-19. The focus of Hanscom’s...
Blog Post

"A Better Normal" Community Discussion: Suicide Awareness and Community Cafes

Karen Clemmer ·
Join us on Friday November 6, 2020 from noon to 1:00 PST as we come together and join Satya Chandragiri MD, Bonnie O’Hern RN, Denise Proudfoot RN, & Michael Polacek RN for a discussion around the tender issue of suicide. Together we will discuss ways people and providers can support each other and encourage communities to take action to support one another around suicide prevention, crisis intervention, and the layers of culture and structural barriers to care. A special emphasis will be...
Blog Post

Why It’s Important to Identify as a “Trauma Survivor”

Robyn Brickel, M.A., LMFT ·
My clients aren’t running around town wearing “I’m a trauma survivor” t-shirts. Of course they aren’t. Who wants to announce that bad things happened to them? No one! And yet, unfortunately, many live with the aftereffects of trauma every day and don’t know it. Trauma is what happens to your nervous system after you’ve felt unsafe and scared, and powerless to escape or protect yourself. If a person can’t eventually resolve that sense of danger, that person’s nervous system is likely to...
Blog Post

If you want to heal childhood trauma, you have to heal your body.

Michael Unbroken ·
356 pounds?! Are you kidding me, Michael? What the fuck are you doing to yourself? Every morning I would wake up and watch the number on the scale tick up as I slowly allowed obesity to run wild and consume my body. Fat . I was always the chubby kid. I shopped in the boy's husky section at Walmart as a preteen. Husky for the unware is the polite nomenclature for fat kids. I spent summers running around with my shirt on. I ate entire boxes of gummy bears for dinner. I never ordered just one...
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Healthcare providers learn skills to prevent burnout, build resilience

Laurie Udesky ·
It’s an enormous understatement to say that healthcare workers today are suffering. Every day, you hear interviews with nurses, physicians, social workers, and others in healthcare saying they’re pushed to the breaking point and beyond. But, by using skills taught in the Community Resiliency Mode l (CRM), even people under severe stress can weather the onslaught, do their work, and get along with colleagues. CRM is an evidence-based training program that’s being used by millions of people in...
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Getting Back Up on That Horse: The Struggle for Resilience in 2020

Emily Read Daniels ·
It’s little contested 2020 has been a sh*# show for most every American. It has personally knocked me down countless times. There are so many aspects of this pandemic and 2020 that have challenged my resilience as an individual, a mother, a small-business owner, and a female leader in my field. Despite what people assume, resilience-lacking 2020 hasn’t been a personal failing. Resilience is not a choice. Resilience is not an attitude or a mindset. Resilience is a physiological phenomenon. I...
Blog Post

Season's Greetings

Michael Skinner ·
Season's Greetings Folks, Whatever your faith, belief system, ethnicity, identity may be, I am wishing everyone peace and joy. I am grateful that our paths have crossed. I will share a song of "Joy". I don't have much to offer, but as a musician I do have the gifts of music to share. An older song of mine & video, but the sentiment remains the same. Stay safe & Take care, Michael. "Joy" -
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