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Tagged With "Richard Davidson"

Blog Post

ACEs Connection's Inclusion Tool makes sure nobody's left out

We developed ACEs Connection's Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Tool — called the Inclusion Tool, for short — to ensure that ACEs initiatives across the world focus on being inclusive when forming a steering committee, recruiting leaders, providing education about ACEs science, recruiting members, or providing resources and services within their communities. The more inclusive your ACEs initiative is, the more diverse it will be, giving your initiative a real shot at achieving equity and...

Resilience Presentation

Morgan Vien ·
Blog Post

Resilience Is the Goal of Governments and Employers Who Expect People to Endure Crisis []

Laura Pinhey ·
John F. Kennedy once told an Indiana audience that “when written in Chinese,” the word “crisis” contains the characters for “emergency” and “opportunity.” It doesn’t . But ever since that 1959 speech, politicians and motivational speakers have invoked Kennedy’s mistaken language tutorial to talk about the importance of persistence, creativity, and, these days, that favorite buzzword, resilience. Resilience is everywhere, its popularity cresting with the setbacks that afflict us: climate...

Re: Resilience Is the Goal of Governments and Employers Who Expect People to Endure Crisis []

Laura Pinhey ·
Hi, Jondi. Glad you appreciated this article. It really struck me too. And while I don't follow Teen Vogue (I am neither a teen nor a parent of one), I have been under the impression that at least in the last few years they've been publishing some very respectable journalism, such as this piece. I think they are one to watch, in particular John Patrick Leary.

Re: Resilience Is the Goal of Governments and Employers Who Expect People to Endure Crisis []

Jondi Whitis ·
Very grateful for this excellent post, with its myriad complexities for all of us to ponder. Thank you Laura, thank you John Patrick Leary and thank you Teen Vogue (who knew?!!)
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