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PACEsConnectionCommunitiesMinnesota ACEs Action: A Trauma-Informed Network (MN)

Minnesota ACEs Action: A Trauma-Informed Network (MN)

We share information and exchange ideas related to adverse childhood experiences, trauma and resilience that lead to practical and community-centered solutions in Minnesota.

Tagged With "Affectional Ties Across the Lifespan"

Blog Post

30 people can end ACEs in your county. Why aren’t they?

Dominic Cappello ·
No, we don’t need the president nor congress. We do need the following people in your county to stop business as usual and focus on preventing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). City mayors City counselors County commissioners School board members These local elected leaders—many of them your neighbors and colleagues—have the capacity to collectively understand the emotional and financial costs of ACEs and trauma. We can’t have family-friendly cities and counties while we live in an...
Blog Post

ACE Interface Trainer Spotlight: Barb Sorum

Isabel Ruelas ·
Minnesota Communities Caring for Children (MCCC) is the only nonprofit in Minnesota to focus on the prevention of child abuse and neglect before it starts. One way we do this is by educating communities about how our early experiences shape lifelong health and well-being. A lot of our work is influenced by the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study, which showed that certain experiences in childhood can cause toxic stress and result in physical changes in brain development. Using a...
Blog Post

ACEs Science in Education: The Next Big Challenge is Systems Change #ACEsCon2018

One of the first sessions of the 2018 ACEs Conference: Action to Access discussed the barriers and opportunities for increasing access in the field of education. The main question was: "How can one achieve systematic changes within the field of education?" The session was moderated by Michelle Flowers, a passionate advocate, and the principal of Kinney High in Rancho Cordova, CA, which is part of the Folsom Cordova Unified School District. It included a dynamic and diverse panel of education...
Blog Post

Submit a Presentation Proposal for the Midwest ACE Summit!

Kate Bailey ·
The Midwest ACE Summit will take place in Minnesota on November 10th and 11th. We hope that you will join us for this opportunity to connect and learn with others across the state and region! We are currently inviting presentation proposals from folks across the Midwest who would like to facilitate workshop (breakout) sessions. The deadline for submissions is August 1st . For more information, please see the attached RFP form. Please share this form across your networks! For more information...
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Care is Not a Program For Your Clients 

Tanya Fritz ·
Understanding the long-term impact of developmental trauma, how trauma impacts the brain, and the science of resiliency is a powerful first step toward change. It is exciting to watch people begin to let this knowledge soak in… and even more exciting when they begin to ask “Now what?” As I have worked with organizations across the state, I have found that often what they are really looking for is the curriculum or recipe book that they can follow for their clients or students. Even those...
Blog Post

Upcoming Circle of Parents Facilitator Training in Saint Paul, MN

Isabel Ruelas ·
Tuesday, May 9th Time: Welcome at 8:30am Training from 9:00am- 4:00pm Where: Lifetrack Building 709 University Avenue W Saint Paul, MN 55104 To Register and for more Information please contact: Lisa Deputie, or 651.325.9391 The Circle of Parents Facilitator Training is designed to train individuals as facilitators of Circle of Parents groups. These groups provide caregivers across Minnesota with mutual self-help support environments for talking about their parenting...
Blog Post

Using Minnesota Student Survey Data to inform Community Action

Isabel Ruelas ·
In this webinar Melissa Adolfson will present information on ACEs and Protective Factors from the 2016 Minnesota Student Survey, and discuss how those data can help communities determine where to take action to reduce the impact of ACEs. As communities across Minnesota engage in the Understanding ACEs: Building Self-Healing Communities work, this is a great source of information to support the work! This webinar repeats a workshop that was offered at the ACE Collaborative Gathering in St.
Blog Post

We’re Hiring! Regional ACE Training Coordinators

Isabel Ruelas ·
Regional ACE Training Coordinator- Southwest MN Job Profile and Reporting Relationships The Regional ACE Training Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the organization’s ACE Interface training and Self-Healing Communities program partnership with Family Service Collaboratives and Children’s Mental Health Collaboratives in their region in coordination with the Director of ACE Collaborative Partnerships. This position plays a key network weaving role in the learning community approach...
Blog Post

Why a Baby’s Connection With a Parent Matters [The New York Times]

Isabel Ruelas ·
By PERRI KLASS, M.D. "In pediatrics, attachment is the emotional connection that develops between a young child and a parent or other caregiver. Attachment theory was developed in the mid-20th century by a British psychiatrist, John Bowlby , whose own upper-class British upbringing included the loss of a beloved nanny, and an early trip to boarding school. Mary Ainsworth, his student and later collaborator, devised what is known as the strange situation procedure , in which a 1-year-old is...
Blog Post

Winona Learns from Science of Trauma

Kate Bailey ·
[Winona Post, 1/9/17] When Samantha Wagner and her colleagues at the Winona Area Learning Center watched the documentary “Paper Tigers,” their first thought was: “That’s our school.” The film traces a big change in a small town, Walla Walla, Wash., where the community capitalized on new science to help turn around the lives of struggling students. When Winona State University (WSU) Professor Ruth Charles gave a presentation on that science in Winona, a girl in the audience exclaimed: “Me!
Blog Post

Wisconsin state agencies end year one of trauma-informed learning community; goal is to be first trauma-informed state

Jane Stevens ·
Here in California, many people think that it’s only liberal Democrats who have a corner on championing the science of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and putting it into practice. That might be because people who use ACEs science don’t expel or suspend students, even if they’re throwing chairs and hurling expletives at the teacher. They ask "What happened to you?" rather than "What's wrong with you?" as a frame when they create juvenile detention centers where kids don’t fight, reduce...
Blog Post

Equity Descendants Summit in St. Paul

Gabrielle Gonzalez ·
Why: People of Color and Indigenous (POCI) leaders are essential to integrating equity into all policies and places. Join our effort to strengthen intergenerational equity across structures, domains, and communities. When: September 13th at 4:30pm-7:30pm Where: Wilder Foundation Key Audience: Equity-rooted advocates, coalitions, organizations, and policy makers Agenda Introductions: Ancestral Energy and Today’s Champions From the Mekong to Mississippi- Hmong Americans Transforming the Common...
Blog Post

Exciting Upcoming Events in Minnesota!

Kate Bailey ·
Midwest ACE Summit | November 10-11, 2016 Eagan, Minnesota | Click here for more information You have likely already heard about the Midwest ACE Summit from previous posts in this group. What you haven't heard is an exciting update about the event -- Laura Porter of the Foundation for Healthy Generations in Washington will be facilitating the final plenary session at the Summit! This rounds the keynote speakers out to four: Sam Simmons, Dr. Henry Emmons, Dr. Roy Wade, Jr. and Laura Porter.
Blog Post

Feature: Central Minnesota ACEs Collaborative

Kate Bailey ·
Sometimes the problem is so big we struggle to see how we can make a difference. It is like that first step you take at the base of the mountain. You know it is the first of many. You know that you have a long way to go to the finish. It is easy at that point to get discouraged; to feel helpless; or even to deny your ability to actually do what was set out to be done. You may want to quit or you do quit! Mother Teresa said, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the...
Blog Post

February is National Parent Recognition Month

Isabel Ruelas ·
Get Ready to Recognize Parent Leaders 2018 Parent Recognition Month Nomination Form Each year, Minnesota Communities Caring for Children recognize parents, caretakers, and professionals across Minnesota for building on the strengths of families. The voices of parents help shape the lives of communities, and can direct programs and policies that impact them, so this is our way of honoring these voices. We are pleased to host a recognition event on Thursday, February 22, 2018 in the Vault Room...
Blog Post

Free 2017 Spring Webinar Series: World View

Isabel Ruelas ·
May 11, noon-1:30 pm: World View Dave Ellis Every day we engage with people who are very different and similar from us: race, gender, ethnicity and more. Epigenetics tells us that we are more alike than different. So why can’t we just get along? Our worldviews -values, beliefs, assumptions, attitudes and ideas- impact everything from how we understand the nature of reality to how we respond to the environment around us. It informs our goals and desires, shaping conscious and unconscious...
Blog Post

From Trauma to Resilience training in Minneapolis, MN

Nicholas Cota ·
Only 15 SPOTS remain for our training, From Trauma to Resilience: Fostering Hope Through Trauma-Informed Care! On September 27, participants will come together for our day long comprehensive training. This training is designed to assist participants in developing their unique skillset needed to support individuals who have experienced adverse childhood experiences and traumatic events. Objectives: Increase awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and impact on well-being. Explain...
Blog Post

Growing Up in Today's World is NOT Easy: One Student's Story

Jim Parry ·
Growing up in today's world is NOT easy. I have heard hundreds of students tell me this. Despite this fact, many of them have also told me that many of the adults in their lives don't seem to understand this, including parents, teachers, and society. Adults who are disconnected from the reality of the lives of the youth that they are around will not be able to completely understand how to provide the support that might be needed for those youth needing it most. I recently met a young woman...
Blog Post

Harvard Infographic on ACEs and Toxic Stress

Marcia Fervienza ·
This was just posted by Harvard. I thought all of us could use access to it, for use in our schools and the settings we work in. The full image is on the attached PDF.
Blog Post

Help #GreatChildhoods Happen This April!

Isabel Ruelas ·
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, a national month dedicated to recognizing the ways that people can get involved in the healthy development of children. Prevent Child Abuse America and Minnesota Communities Caring for Children are spreading the message that everyone plays a role in helping great childhoods happen. Get involved with child abuse prevention by taking part in activities like mentoring children and parents, advocating for family-friendly policies, and donating time and...
Blog Post

Hiring: Evaluation and Community Education Manager

Isabel Ruelas ·
Minnesota Communities Caring for Children (MCCC) is a statewide nonprofit organization that empowers parents and builds the capacity of communities to create environments where all children thrive. Our mission is to empower parents and communities to build supportive relationships, nurture children, and prevent child abuse and neglect. Job Profile The Evaluation and Community Education Manager is responsible for coordinating the organization’s ACE Interface training program and network of...
Blog Post

Honor A Parent for Parent Leadership Month

Isabel Ruelas ·
February is National Parent Leadership Month! Each year, we recognize parents, caretakers, and professionals across Minnesota for building on the strengths of families. The voices of parents help shape the lives of communities, and can direct programs and policies that impact them, so this is our way of honoring these voices. Ways to Get Involved! * Become a co-host of the event; no financial contribution necessary * Attend the Parent Leadership Month event on February 22nd * Nominate a...
Blog Post

How To Heal Trauma Through Yoga [Newsweek]

Isabel Ruelas ·
Rocsana Enriquez started thinking about yoga again when she was pregnant. She was 19 and in an abusive relationship. When she was younger, Rocsana, whom I interviewed as part of my research, had taken part in a yoga program in a San Francisco Bay Area juvenile hall run by The Art of Yoga Project . She began using the skills she learned on the mat to slow herself down when she got angry and to pause before reacting. She remembered the breathing techniques and poses that made her feel better...
Blog Post

Introducing Emily Clary, MCCC's Director of ACE Collaborative Partnerships

Isabel Ruelas ·
Emily Clary is responsible for helping develop and coordinate the ACE Interface training and Self-Healing Communities partnership with the Children’s Mental Health and Family Services Collaboratives across the state. Emily holds a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota and a Bachelor’s of Arts Degree in Sociology from Beloit College. Emily is deeply committed to sharing research about Adverse Childhood Experiences and...
Blog Post

Introducing Linsey McMurrin, Regional ACE Training Coordinator

Isabel Ruelas ·
Linsey McMurrin is an enrolled member of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe. She is an organizer of the Bemidji Area Truth and Reconciliation Initiative, a grassroots effort to promote truth-seeking, healing, and change through increasing understanding and building relationships among area indigenous and non-indigenous communities. She is a strong advocate of social justice and community driven work, and believes that the development of cultural, social, and emotional competencies is integral to...
Blog Post

Meet Minnesota Communities Caring for Children's new staff!

Isabel Ruelas ·
Rebecca Laesch Regional ACE Training Coordinator - Northwest MN Rebecca is completing a Bachelor's degree in Multidisciplinary Studies at the University of Minnesota. She has 20 years of extensive and diverse experience in community collaboration and is guided by the principles of acceptance, tolerance, and understanding. She believes in the inherent value of every person, and sees diversity as one of our greatest resources in creating healthier communities. Rebecca will be coordinating the...
Blog Post

The 2016 Midwest ACE Summit

Kate Bailey ·
Thank you to those who attended the 2016 Midwest ACE Summit! At the event nearly 300 people came together to learn about how communities are addressing ACEs and promoting healing in Minnesota and across the Midwest. We hope that participants were energized by the stories they heard and inspired about what can be done to foster resilience and healing in their own communities. Attached to this post are the Summit agenda and breakout session descriptions for your reference. Resources shared at...
Blog Post

Minnesota Wrestles with Foster Care’s Role in Breaking up Black Families []

Alicia Doktor ·
On Dec. 3 , a 28-year-old black mother lost her parental rights to her four children – ages 1 to 9 – in a Minnesota courtroom, just outside the Twin Cities. Instead of opening presents with their mother, the children spent Christmas with a white family two hours away. Across the country, black parents – like this mother, whom we will call Jane R. to protect her privacy – are more likely to lose custody of their children than their white, Asian and Latino peers. While African Americans...
Blog Post

MN Research: The Value of Understanding ACEs

Kate Bailey ·
Over the past three years, Minnesota Communities Caring for Children (MCCC) has worked to raise awareness about brain development, ACEs, and resilience statewide using the national ACE Interface curriculum. To date the organization has trained more than 130 Minnesotans from diverse communities to present this curriculum and help foster community responses. This summer, Maxine Freedman of Macalester College interviewed 29 members of MCCC's network to assess the impact of this work on...
Blog Post

National Council for Behavioral Health Conference #NatCon19

Last month, I had the pleasure of attending the annual National Council for Behavioral Health Conference. I have been to my fair share of conferences but #NatCon19 was one of the best. First, I'm biased. It took place in my city, Nashville, TN . And the venue was the world renowned Opryland Hotel's Gaylord Convention Center . And, I love, love, love the Opryland Hotel ! As any seasoned conference goer, I had a strategy when it came to which sessions and events I wanted to attend. My game...
Blog Post

Nominate a Trauma-Informed Care Champion: #TICchampion

Mariel Gingrich ·
Becoming a trauma-informed organization requires clear communication about the transformation process, and support from staff at all levels of an organization. Often these efforts are spearheaded by “trauma-informed care champions”— individuals committed to raising awareness regarding the health effects of trauma and toxic stress and improving care for people who have experienced trauma. This week, the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) invites you to recognize people around you who...
Blog Post

Parent Leadership, Education, and Collaboration

Isabel Ruelas ·
Barb Sorum, Director of Prevention Initiatives- Southern MN Locations across Minnesota's southern region are diligent and focused on strengthening their communities. Olmsted County is determined to make significant changes to further support area families and children, improve and strengthen resilience, and create a community of healing. On Monday, February 6, the Olmsted County BRIDGE Collaborative hosted an Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) community summit, Understanding ACEs: Building...
Blog Post

Please help promote Crisis Text Line!

Isabel Ruelas ·
As of April 1, Crisis Text Line is offering Text-based suicide prevention services across Minnesota. People who text MN to 741741 will be connected with a counselor who will help defuse the crisis and connect the texter to local resources. Crisis Text Line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Now we need your help in getting the word out! Online we have a range of resources to promote this important program: Website banner ads Print-ready postcards Flyers Sample copy These are all...
Blog Post

Positive Childhood Experiences offset ACEs: Q & A with Dr. Robert Sege about HOPE

Laurie Udesky ·
Tufts University medical professor Dr. Robert Sege directs the Center for Community-Engaged Medicine and is nationally known for his research on effective health systems approaches that address social determinants of health. He is also the principal investigator for the HOPE framework (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences).The HOPE framework is based on research that shows how positive childhood experiences can mitigate the effects of adverse childhood experiences. Sege and colleagues...
Blog Post

Positive Childhood Experiences offset ACEs: Q & A with Dr. Robert Sege about HOPE

Laurie Udesky ·
Tufts University medical professor Dr. Robert Sege directs the Center for Community-Engaged Medicine and is nationally known for his research on effective health systems approaches that address social determinants of health. He is also the principal investigator for the HOPE framework (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences).The HOPE framework is based on research that shows how positive childhood experiences can mitigate the effects of adverse childhood experiences. Sege and colleagues...
Blog Post

Reducing ACEs & Building Resilience in Washington State Webinar

Isabel Ruelas ·
With Lowell Johnson, ACEs Resiliency Coalition; Emily Clary, Minnesota Communities Caring for Children Learn about significant progress being made in reducing the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and early childhood trauma, through examples of some of the successes that three communities experienced in Washington State, and sharing conversations with people doing this work in Washington State. Watch the full webinar here
Blog Post

"Resilience" screenings at Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival this week

Jane Stevens ·
For those of you in the Minneapolis and Rochester, MN, areas, Resilience is coming to two theaters near you this week, as is director James Redford. Resilience was selected for the roster of films at the 35th Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival . Resilience is a documentary that looks at the birth of the CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study and how it’s spawned a movement across the world. It premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January. It will...
Blog Post

Save the Date for the 2016 Midwest ACE Summit!

Kate Bailey ·
The 2016 Midwest ACE Summit will bring people across the region together in shared learning that goes beyond the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study to focus on deeper issues of historical trauma and successful strategies for helping individuals and communities heal, build resiliency, and prevent future ACEs. We welcome your ideas for Summit presentation topics and presenters. To submit an idea or nomination, please see the form attached to this post. For more information about the...
Blog Post

Show Your Support for Parent Leadership at the State Capitol on Thursday, February 23, 2017

Isabel Ruelas ·
Get Ready to Recognize Parent Leaders February is National Parent Leadership Month. Minnesota Communities Caring for Children (MCCC) / Prevent Child Abuse Minnesota (PCAMN) will join forces with the Minnesota Department of Human Services and other national and local organizations to recognize, honor, and celebrate parents for leadership roles in their homes and communities throughout the month. MCCC will honor and highlight the achievements of parents from across the state at a celebration...

Re: Feature: Central Minnesota ACEs Collaborative

Former Member ·
For folks in Central Minnesota consider attending the ACE's Cafes. See flyer attached below.
Blog Post

LAST DAY to Register for the FREE VIRTUAL Growing Resilient Communities: 3rd Annual Gathering of Collaboratives Addressing ACEs!

Jenna Zmyslony ·
Please join us for the FREE VIRTUAL Growing Resilient Communities: 3 rd Annual Gathering of Collaboratives Addressing ACEs on June 24 th & June 25 th , 9:00 a.m. – noon each day. Check out the Gathering flyer for more information about the schedule, sessions, & speakers we have lined up for this event. We invite you to share this information widely with your partners and networks! Register Here Event Agenda: Wednesday, June 24th: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm (noon) 9:00 am – 9:30 am: Gathering...
Blog Post

MCCC Awarded Trailblazer Award from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of MN

Jenna Zmyslony ·
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota shines a spotlight on innovation around the state with its Trailblazer Tour– sharing stories of people and companies making a healthy difference in the communities where we live, work, and play. We are excited to announce that Blue Cross and Blue Shield is recognizing Minnesota Communities Caring for Children and the Understanding NEAR Science: Building Self-Healing Communities work so many of you are doing across the state, with a Trailblazer...
Blog Post

Recordings & Handouts: Growing Resilient Communities: Collaboratives Addressing ACEs Gathering

Emily Clary ·
Growing Resilient Communities: Collaboratives Addressing ACEs Gathering In June 2020, Minnesota Communities Caring for Children (now FamilyWise! ) held the annual Growing Resilient Communities: Collaboratives Addressing ACEs Gathering. To view the recordings & handouts for the sessions listed below, please visit this link . Trauma across Generations: The Impact of Historical Trauma with Sam Simmons – available until July 24 th Loving What Is: Grief as a Path to Joy with Drake Powe –...
Blog Post

California reaches milestone with ACEs initiatives pulsing in all 58 counties. Next: All CA cities.

Laurie Udesky ·
Karen Clemmer, the Northwest community facilitator with ACEs Connection, was already deeply interested in the CDC/Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study when she and a colleague from the Child Parent Institute were invited to lunch by ACEs Connection founder and publisher Jane Stevens in 2012. But that lunch meeting changed everything. Karen Clemmer “Jane helped us see a bigger world,” says Clemmer. “She came with a much wider lens. She didn’t look only at Sonoma County, she...
Blog Post

Hope and Progress, No Matter What! — an ACEs Connection/Cambia Health Foundation “Better Normal”, Oct. 22, 2020

Jane Stevens ·
The election is upon us. In two short weeks, we voters in this country decide who will lead us for the next four years. We have the opportunity to embrace — as a national priority — the tenets of understanding, nurturing and healing that underlie the science of adverse childhood experiences and move in a direction that embraces cultural and racial equity and anti-racism. Or not. What is clear is that no matter what, the ACEs movement will continue.
Blog Post

Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention Cohort & Suicide Prevention Webinar Series

Emily Clary ·
The Suicide Prevention Unit at the Minnesota Department of Health presents the Suicide Prevention Webinar series. These educational webinars will serve as a touch point for further connection and knowledge exchange. • July 30 - Shared Risk and Protective Factors - Melissa Adolfson • August 25 - Suicide Prevention and Tribal Communities - Luther Talks • Sept 15 - Change the Narrative on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention - Kelly Felton • October 19 - Suicide Prevention and the Faith...
Blog Post

Examples of Current Trauma-Informed Judicial Systems

Porter Jennings-McGarity ·
Please join us for a new series entitled: Trauma-Informed Criminal Justice. This monthly virtual Zoom series will feature conversations facilitated by Porter Jennings-McGarity, PACEs Connection’s criminal justice consultant, with special guests to discuss the need for trauma-informed criminal justice system reform. Using a PACEs-science lens, this series will examine the relationship between trauma and the criminal justice system, what needs changing, and strategies being used in this area...
Blog Post

Updates from FamilyWise Services

Jenna Zmyslony ·
Save the Date for the 5th Annual Growing Resilient Communities Gathering - June 16th! The 5 th Annual Growing Resilient Communities Gathering of Collaboratives Addressing ACEs is a free virtual event that will support Children’s Mental Health and Family Services Collaboratives, tribal community members, and partners as they all work to build self-healing communities across Minnesota. FamilyWise Services is planning and hosting the Gathering with support from DHS and Blue Cross Blue Shield...
Blog Post

Growing Resilient Communities: Annual Gathering of Collaboratives and Tribal Nations Addressing ACEs

Jenna Zmyslony ·
The Growing Resilient Communities Gathering is an annual statewide event that supports Children’s Mental Health and Family Services Collaboratives and Indigenous Communities as they work to build self-healing communities across Minnesota. All are welcome to join this free virtual daylong event. Collaboratives, Indigenous community members, and their partners are encouraged to attend this daylong virtual gathering. FamilyWise Services is planning and hosting this event, with support from the...
Blog Post

Growing Resilient Communities: Annual Gathering of Collaboratives and Tribal Nations Addressing ACEs

Jenna Zmyslony ·
Join us in three weeks for our free, virtual Annual Growing Resilient Communities Gathering! This event develops and implements community-wide approaches to Building Self-Healing Communities. Participants are encouraged to attend who are involved, or want to be involved in, addressing the root causes of childhood adversity: this can include Collaborative, tribal, and other community partners, such as health, law enforcement, education, social services, parents, businesses, and nonprofit...
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