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PACEsConnectionCommunitiesWichita State University Community Engagement Institute - PACEs Connection (KS)

Wichita State University Community Engagement Institute - PACEs Connection (KS)

Kansas PACEs Connection is dedicated to connecting and supporting organizations, systems, and communities who are interested in better understanding the prevalence of ACEs and trauma, recognizing the impact that these have on individual and organizational health, and developing policies and practices that promote resiliency and healing.

Tagged With "Kansas Power of the Positive"

Blog Post

Using Data to Support your ACEs Work (EFC Goal #2)

Vanessa Lohf ·
Increasing awareness of the need to develop and support safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments is most effective when the discussing includes factual information about the size and nature of the issue in your organization, neighborhood, or community. Enter the CDC’s Essentials for Childhood Goal #2: Use Data to Inform Action. Using the information that you have available not only helps to build the case for action, but also helps to identify needs and gaps, to direct...
Blog Post

Welcome to Kansas ACEs Connection!

Vanessa Lohf ·
All across the State, communities and organizations are working to build resilience by raising awareness of the impact of toxic stress and transforming their policies and practices to be more trauma-responsive. Kansas ACEs Connection is a place for communities to celebrate their efforts, share ideas, and seek support from others who are working to create safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments in their own backyards. This community site is curated by the Trauma-Informed...
Blog Post

What's in your soil? - Communities moving to action

Vanessa Lohf ·
Many of you may be familiar with the “Pair of ACEs” from the George Washington School of Public Health and the natural question that comes from this model – “What’s in your soil?” (If you aren’t familiar, learn more here .) Communities across the State of Kansas are starting conversations around, not only the impact of ACEs, but also the larger issues of Prevention, Health Equity, and Trauma-Informed Systems of Care. In June, the TISC team at WSU CEI had the opportunity to facilitate and...

Re: ICYMI: The 12 Myths of the Science of ACEs

Jane Stevens ·
Thank you, Vanessa! I'm so glad it's useful!
Blog Post

12 Myths of the Science of ACEs

Jane Stevens ·
The two biggest myths about ACEs science are: MYTH #1 — That it’s just about the 10 ACEs in the ACE Study — the CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study . It’s about sooooo much more than that. MYTH #2 — And that it’s just about ACEs…adverse childhood experiences. These two myths are intertwined. The ACE Study issued the first of its 70+ publications in 1998, and for many people it was the lightning bolt, the grand “aha” moment, the unexpected doorway into a blazing new...
Blog Post

A Call for "Kindness"

Vanessa Lohf ·
As I’m writing this, Kansas has confirmed its 15 th case of the novel coronavirus and our teams have switched to telecommuting for the foreseeable future. At the same time, our public health and healthcare partners are working tirelessly to protect our families, friends, and neighbors – some bravely putting themselves in harm’s way to keep others safe. This also likely means they aren’t the most popular people in our communities as we are asked to institute “social distancing” and stay away...
Blog Post

A note of reflection and gratitude

Vanessa Lohf ·
I can’t believe that this month (…year…decade?!) is nearly over. Like many others this week, I’m doing a lot of reflecting about what I’m thankful for. In the month of November, our TISC team has had the privilege of talking to and learning from people across Kansas who care about building resilient residents, organizations, and communities. In a time when the world seems more than a little chaotic, intolerant, and just plain unkind – I’m grateful to be in a position to have witnessed the...
Blog Post

A Public Health Approach to Preventing ACEs and Toxic Stress

Vanessa Lohf ·
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Toxic Stress are considered by many to be the #1 Public Health issue of our time. These experiences are often at the core of many other issues that we see in our communities such as interpersonal and community violence, substance use and misuse, suicide, and any number of chronic health issues such as diabetes, cancer, even Alzheimer’s. While it often seems like an overwhelming task, taking on public health crises is something that advocates in the U.S. have...
Blog Post

Alive and Well Communities Launch #AliveAndWellFor5

Vanessa Lohf ·
Alive and Well For 5 is a campaign designed to create a common understanding about the healing power of self-care. Alive and Well understands that self-care is an essential strategy in building community and organizational well-being. On May 15 at 10:15 a.m. CST and throughout the day, everyone participating in the campaign will take a brief 5-minute pause wherever they are, to practice personal self-care, looking inward to move forward. We all have the opportunity to help ease the impacts...
Blog Post

Building a Resilient Health Department and Community (Part 2)

Vanessa Lohf ·
As a follow up to last week's post from the Barton County Health Department, Shelly Schneider shares their journey to move the work into the community through RiseUP Barton County. "Barton County is experiencing an exciting opportunity with community members uniting together as a group of unusual voices meeting weekly to develop and launch an effort for not only building but executing a Trauma Informed Community of Resilience. Our efforts started 2 years ago when the Barton County Health...
Blog Post

Building Resilience - A Kansas PreventionTalKS Podcast

Vanessa Lohf ·
Building individual and community resilience is a cornerstone to most community coalition efforts - whether you are working to prevent substance use and abuse, addressing social and health disparities, or creating healthy environments for people to live, work, play, and pray. In this month's installment of their monthly Kansas Prevention TalKS podcast, our friends and partners at the Kansas Prevention Collaborative kindly invited me to talk more about what "resilience" means and what it...
Blog Post

Create the Context for Healthy Children and Families through Policies (EfC Goal #4)

Vanessa Lohf ·
We are going to wrap up our series on the Essentials for Childhood Framework with perhaps one of the toughest parts of the work – influencing policy. One of the best ways to assure that all of our great work doesn’t disappear when the winds change is to have it be embedded in our infrastructure, but it isn’t easy. The CDC suggests that there are two steps to inform policies that might support safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments. Identify and assess which policies may...
Blog Post

Happy Halloween!

Vanessa Lohf ·
October 31 kicks off a three day celebration dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed. Halloween, in particular, can be a challenging time for those who have experienced trauma. To learn more about how to manage triggers this Halloween and be more trauma aware, check out this article from Promise Behavioral Health in Tennessee. Halloween can also be a great time to build positive relationships with your own children and children in...
Blog Post

Helping Families Stay Regulated during a Pandemic

Vanessa Lohf ·
As our communities struggle to do what is needed to keep people safe and families work to find a new a “normal” while caring for and educating children at home full time – it can be a lot to handle. Child psychologist and trauma expert, Dr. Bruce Perry offered 8 tips for helping children stay regulated in this recent article from Psychology Today . Dr. Perry was also a part of this video resource for parents, Staying sane while Parenting with Shelter-in-Place! For service providers who would...
Blog Post

ICYMI: The 12 Myths of the Science of ACEs

Vanessa Lohf ·
Just in case you missed it, Jane Stevens has posted a great new article and infographic explaining the 12 Myths of the Science of ACEs . Reading it, I felt like Jane has been following our team around lately (in a good way!). We have these discussions on a regular basis within the communities and organizations we visit - and we are betting that you do too! For us, Jane's article reinforces (and validates!) what we try to share with others and gives us additional language to do that in a...
Blog Post

Kansas Communities Building ACEs Awareness (EfC Goal 1)

Vanessa Lohf ·
Before we can make progress on any issue that affects the health and well-being of those who live in our communities, people must be aware that an issue exists. In this installment, of our series dedicated to the CDC’s Essentials for Childhood Framework , we are going to highlight ways that some communities in Kansas are working toward achieving Goal #1: Raise awareness and commitment to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments and prevent child abuse and neglect. In...
Blog Post

Kansas Prevention Conference

Vanessa Lohf ·
Join us, and share your voice at the Kansas Prevention Conference! Kansas Prevention Conference 2019 Wichita Hyatt Regency 400 W. Waterman St. Wichita, KS 67202 October 1-3, 2019 The Kansas Prevention Collaborative is in full-swing preparation for the 2019 KPC Prevention Conference . Currently, the Call for Presentations and Call for Sponsorships are open. Last year we sold out with over 200 participants from over 50 cities/towns across Kansas, representing more than 80 different...
Blog Post

Kansas Support Group Services and Resources

Vanessa Lohf ·
We are living and working in a time of change and disruption. Not only disruption of what we do and how we do it, but disruptions in relationships integral to our personal and professional lives. As a result of these circumstances, we may experience anxiety, stress, sadness, loneliness, grief, etc. Connecting with people who share similar experiences during this time can be critical for our physical and emotional health. To help you navigate these changing times, the WSU Community Engagement...
Blog Post

National Council for Behavioral Health Conference #NatCon19

Last month, I had the pleasure of attending the annual National Council for Behavioral Health Conference. I have been to my fair share of conferences but #NatCon19 was one of the best. First, I'm biased. It took place in my city, Nashville, TN . And the venue was the world renowned Opryland Hotel's Gaylord Convention Center . And, I love, love, love the Opryland Hotel ! As any seasoned conference goer, I had a strategy when it came to which sessions and events I wanted to attend. My game...
Blog Post

New Resource: Measuring the Impact of TI Primary Care

Vanessa Lohf ·
As more and more organizations work toward trauma-informed, many struggle with how to measure the impact they are having on those they serve. In a new brief from the Center for Healthcare Strategies, leaders from the Montefiore Medical Group shares a proposed model to help organizations consider the critical question, “Is what we are doing working?” If you are an organization in Kansas, our Trauma-Informed Systems of Care team may be able to assist you in developing an infrastructure to...
Blog Post

New SAMHSA resource for School Administrators

Vanessa Lohf ·
As our team works with communities across the state, we have had the privilege of meeting a significant number of educators who are working to respond to the growing number of behavioral health needs their students are presenting. To support those efforts , the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has just released Student Assistance: A Guide for School Administrators . The purpose of this guide is to provide school leaders and administrators with key...
Blog Post

New website hosts resources for Kansas farmers who feel stressed or considering suicide

Vanessa Lohf ·
From the Lawrence Journal-World : In response to high suicide rates among America’s farmers, a new website developed by the Kansas Department of Agriculture provides resources and support to those dealing with stress. Kelsey Olson, KDA’s assistant secretary of agriculture, led the effort in creating the website: . “I just thought that there was a need for a consolidated location of resources for our farmers and ranchers,” she said. Olson said that, to her knowledge, Kansas...
Blog Post

Positive Childhood Experiences offset ACEs: Q & A with Dr. Robert Sege about HOPE

Laurie Udesky ·
Tufts University medical professor Dr. Robert Sege directs the Center for Community-Engaged Medicine and is nationally known for his research on effective health systems approaches that address social determinants of health. He is also the principal investigator for the HOPE framework (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences).The HOPE framework is based on research that shows how positive childhood experiences can mitigate the effects of adverse childhood experiences. Sege and colleagues...
Blog Post

Promoting Positive Community Norms (EfC Goal #3)

Vanessa Lohf ·
Safe, stable, nurturing relationships are key to a child’s cognitive, emotional, physical and social development. Their first exposure to these are through parents and caregivers, but these relationships don’t happen in a vacuum. The physical and social environment surrounding families have a significant impact – both positively and negatively – on the context in which relationships develop. One way to think about this context is through community norms. Norms are defined as a those values,...
Blog Post

Supporting Schools in Becoming Models for Trauma-Informed Practice

Vanessa Lohf ·
School districts across the state (and country) are working to find ways to become more trauma-aware, trauma-sensitive, and trauma-responsive. Many have started the process by implementing a variety of programs and practices school-wide from Restorative Justice to Capturing Kids' Hearts . Others are making small changes, one classroom at a time. All of it is good work – and the best way to make it sustainable is to have a written plan developed by leaders at all levels within the school or...

Re: A Call for "Kindness"

Kim Jordan ·
Vanessa, Thank you for this beautiful reminder that our current challenges are golden opportunities to demonstrate what truly matters. As Fyodor Dostoyevsky wrote, "Beauty will save the world." Kindness is a necessary element of that tremendous work.
Blog Post

Higher Education’s Role in Promoting Racial Healing and the Power of Wonder (

As protests erupt across the country and around the world demanding justice for George Floyd, a black man who was killed while in Minneapolis police custody, higher education must play a leadership role in addressing the issues at their center—racism and white supremacy. The devastating video that shows Mr. Floyd pleading for his life follows high-profile news reports of the killing of Breonna Taylor, a young black woman who was shot in bed by Memphis police engaged in a botched search for a...
Blog Post

WSU CEI Free Webinar Series: Rising to the Challenge

Vanessa Lohf ·
WSU Community Engagement Institute is excited to announce the Rising to the Challenge Virtual Workshop Series! This series includes six interactive, FREE workshops centered on navigating challenges with resilience and intention. Our 60-minute sessions are open to anyone. See our ACEs Connection Calendar for information on how to register for one, several, or all of these events! Topics include: July 14 - Navigating Conflict & Difficult Conversations July 21 - Leading through Uncertainty,...
Blog Post

Raising our voices

Vanessa Lohf ·
Speaking for myself, it’s hard not to get overwhelmed by all of the negative images and sounds that we see every day. It was a lot before the onset of the pandemic - and when you add that with the ongoing “attacks” that seem to have become a persistent part of the political process – it seems we have a perfect storm that is shining a light on all of the “traumas” that many of us think that we keep well hidden. Social media often adds fuel to this storm and makes me question (and don’t forget...
Blog Post


Vanessa Lohf ·
Today is World Kindness Day. A global day that promotes the importance of being kind to each other, to yourself, and to the world. Goodness knows, it seems like we don't see or hear much kindness right now. Our world seems to be full of fear, anxiety, and doubt (also read as "survival" or "self-protection"). I've spent most of the last 6 months talking to partners across the state about ways to practice more compassion with ourselves and in our organizations and one thing that I hear pretty...
Blog Post

The Kansas Prevention Collaborative invites you to participate in 12 Days of Prevention

Vanessa Lohf ·
For 12 days in a row starting Dec. 20, we will post videos on our social media to encourage Kansans to stay safe, take care of their mental health, and reach out if they need help. You are not alone during this COVID-19 season. At the Kansas Prevention Collaborative, we are feeling what everyone is feeling and want to express our hope for the new year by encouraging our fellow Kansans to celebrate the lessons learned as we adapted in 2020 and to look forward to 2021. Help us expand our reach...
Blog Post

Are you getting enough "rest"?

Vanessa Lohf ·
Anyone else feel exhausted lately? Sure, we are in the middle of a global pandemic, waves of civil and social uprisings, and we just survived the dreaded holiday season…but besides that, most of us are just plain TIRED. Our TISC Initiatives team has spent much of the past year talking to folks about things they can do – like adjusting expectations and setting boundaries – to increase their ability to manage all that life has to throw at us. However, the one thing that we all seem to struggle...
Blog Post

Mindfulness in the Virtual Classroom

Vanessa Lohf ·
In the past year, many of you may have been hearing more and more about “mindfulness” and instantly think of someone sitting cross-legged on the floor in flowing white clothes, with long hair and peace signs around their neck. Even the Oxford Dictionary describes mindfulness as “a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations…” Pretty “new agey”, right? Well, maybe, but it...
Blog Post

Kansas Suicide Prevention Art Contest

Vanessa Lohf ·
Every young person deserves to be safe from suicide, and the Kansas Partners in Empowering Youth for Suicide Prevention believes that the best way to reach every youth in Kansas is to provide opportunities for youth to talk to other youth. This is your opportunity to help state agencies shape suicide prevention messages that will go out to youth across the state! The goal is to raise awareness of the possibility of hope and healing while working to provide enough support to Kansas youth so...
Blog Post

Recognizing National Prevention Week (May 9-15)

Vanessa Lohf ·
The Kansas Prevention Collaborative (KPC) is about prevention AND the promotion of Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs). The KPC is in the midst of celebrating National Prevention Week (NPW) with communities across Kansas and the United States. NPW is a national educational campaign that promotes prevention year-round through providing ideas and resources to help individuals and communities make substance misuse prevention happen daily. Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services...
Blog Post

Kansas: Stronger Together - COVID Mental Health Resources

Vanessa Lohf ·
The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a light on a number of mental health and wellness issues across the globe and left many struggling to effectively cope, including an increasing number right here in Kansas. Kansas: Stronger Together is a crisis counseling program developed to provide mental health and wellness support to all Kansans during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is funded by Federal disaster relief dollars that are administered by the Kansas Division of Emergency Management and the Kansas...
Blog Post

Playing With Your Kids is Not Just a Game

Vanessa Lohf ·
Can a game of peek-a-boo change the world? Yes, it can. In this engaging TED Talk , 7-year-old Molly Wright explains how and shows that even the youngest of us can learn, understand, and communicate about brain science. Now, my question is…who will you share a world changing game with?
Blog Post

Surgeon General Issues Advisory on Workforce Burnout

Vanessa Lohf ·
This week, Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy issued a new advisory on Addressing The Health Care Workforce Burnout . The advisory highlights the urgent need to address the burnout crisis impacting health care workers across the country. Notably, the Biden Administration emphasizes the mental health and wellbeing of health workers as a priority and promotes it as a core objective of the President’s National Mental Health Strategy . Some of the recommendations in the advisory include...
Blog Post

A Promise for 2022: Be the Change You Want to See in the World

Vanessa Lohf ·
“We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.” – Mahatma Gandhi Becoming more trauma-informed and resilience-oriented in our...
Blog Post

CTIPP: Developing SMARTIE Goals

Vanessa Lohf ·
The Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) is a national organization whose mission is to create a healthy, just, resilient, and trauma-informed society where all individuals, families, and communities have the social, political, cultural, economic, and spiritual opportunities and support to thrive. CTIPP focuses on the root causes of our nations' most pressing challenges through open and collaborative engagement across sectors and systems and policy advocacy. The CTIPP...
Blog Post

New National Resources to Support Social Connection and Community

Vanessa Lohf ·
Today, the U.S. Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, has issued an 81-page advisory on the epidemic of loneliness and isolation. In the report, Dr. Murthy outlines the public health concerns related to loneliness and isolation and how supporting social connection can reduce the risk of premature mortality, predict better physical and mental health outcomes and ease stress. In response, the U.S. Surgeon General’s office has issued a new website announcing a National Strategy for addressing the...
Blog Post

Spread HOPE in your Community!

Vanessa Lohf ·
Positive experiences can ease toxic stress and help children and youth grow into more resilient, healthy adults. Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences (HOPE) identifies ways that our communities and systems of care can better ensure that all children have more positive experiences and that all families have support to nurture and celebrate their strengths. The HOPE National Resource Center utilizes a national network of facilitators to collaborate with local partners to create a...
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