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In the Arena with NOW Podcast Episode, "Cultivating Leaders of Color in Early Care and Education" (27 min)

Diana Rivera ·
The Networks of Opportunity for Child Wellbeing (NOW) is excited to share the third episode of In the Arena with NOW , a podcast series that lifts up the voices of community leaders who are “in the arena” -- in classrooms, playgrounds, Congressional halls, hospitals, and neighborhood streets -- working to make sure that all children and families can live healthy, thriving lives. In our third episode, we speak with members of the California Consortium for Equity in Early Care and Education...
Blog Post

Infancy and early childhood matter so much because of attachment (

We are born to connect. As human beings we are relational and we need biological, emotional and psychological connection with others . Attachment is the relational dance that parents and babies share together. You can think of this when you see a baby look at their parent and they catch each other’s eyes in a wonderful gaze: the parent smiles and the baby smiles and then the parent kisses and the baby coos. Or, when an infant cries to tell their parent they are hungry, and the parent picks...
Blog Post

Instructions: Upload December teach back materials

Gemma DiMatteo ·
Hi everyone, Please follow the instructions below to upload all of the materials you used at the December 2018 teach back, including your slides, handouts, activities, etc- 1. On the Bridge community homepage, find the 'Resources Download Categories' widget on the right-hand side (scroll down) and click on ' Participant materials from December 2018 teach back '. This is the folder where you can share and view everyone's teach back materials. This is a private folder that only members of the...
Blog Post

Join 4CA in educating policymakers about ACEs! May 1 in Sacramento.

Donielle Prince ·
Join us on May 1 for the 3rd Annual 4CA Policymaker Education Day! Register now:
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Join your local ACEs Connection community

Gemma DiMatteo ·
If you'd like to see trauma-informed care resources and events specific to your city, county, or region, I encourage you to join your local ACEs Connection community! Below is a list of all of the current and upcoming California ACEs Connection communities. Click on the link below to join the community. Alameda County Alpine County (in progress - email Gail - ) Amador County (in progress - email Gail - ) Berkeley Butte County Del Norte...
Blog Post

Learn more about the Emergency Child Care Bridge Program for Foster Children

Karen Clemmer ·
Learn more about the Emergency Child Care Bridge Program for Foster Children The Bridge Program aims to increase the number of foster children successfully placed in home-based family care settings, increase capacity of child care programs to meet the needs of foster children in their care, and maximize funding to support the child care needs of eligible families. One of the primary barriers for potential families seeking to take in a foster child is the lack of access to child care...
Blog Post

Limbic Revision – Love Heals Your Traumatized Brain

Former Member ·
Limbic revision is simply another name for revising and rewiring the faulty development of our brain, namely our limbic system. In simple terms in order to truly heal we need to experience deep and attuned loving care.
Blog Post

Marin Community Clinics in California screen babies for ACEs, provide support in effort to prevent trauma

Laurie Udesky ·
When Marin Community Clinics (MCC) first considered screening their patients for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) they already had decided that if they were going to prevent children from acquiring ACEs, they had to take a radical approach.
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Maternal Depression and Intimate Partner Violence: Impacts on Children []

Alicia Doktor ·
Among the many adverse childhood experiences, one must consider are the effects of maternal depression and of mothers being the victim of physical or sexual violence. What is the toll of these on children? Neamah et al. ( 10.1542/peds.2017-3457 ) decided to evaluate this by looking at the strength of such an association on the cognitive development as well as physical growth of over a thousand toddlers between 18 to 36 months living in Tanzania. These children underwent developmental testing...
Blog Post

Medicaid is Not Just for Doctor’s Visits: Innovative Early Childhood Funding Strategies []

Alicia Doktor ·
If a family has no means of transportation, consistent prenatal care becomes extremely difficult. If a mother is homeless, she is less likely to attend a child wellness visit. If a one-year-old is hungry, brain development is detrimentally impacted. And if a toddler is experiencing trauma at home, he or she cannot focus on learning. While there is significant evidence around the value of investing in early childhood to improve physical, social, and emotional development later in life, more...
Blog Post

Mental Health and Resilience Month Part 1: Self-Care

Gemma DiMatteo ·
Hello, everyone! Since June is Mental Health and Resilience Month, I'll be posting weekly resilience tips or resources. Hopefully these are helpful not only as you begin work in trauma-informed care, but in creating balance for your life in general. I thought I'd start us off with some information on self-care - you've probably all heard of it, and it's gotten a lot of attention recently, but what exactly does it mean? (Even if this is all familiar to you, reminders are always helpful!) See...
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Mental Health and Resilience Month Part 2: Mindfulness

Gemma DiMatteo ·
For the second week of our mental health and resilience posts, I thought I'd give you a sort of toolkit for mindfulness . The basic principle is to bring awareness into whatever is unfolding in the moment, and just notice the things around (or within) you, free of judgement or categorization. Our thoughts are often in the past or future, and mindfulness allows us to slow down and live in the present. You can practice it while you're eating, walking, working, or just breathing. Mindfulness...
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Mental Health and Resilience Month Part 3: Declutter Your Mind

Gemma DiMatteo ·
Happy Friday! For this week's mental health and resilience tip, I wanted to give resources on ways to declutter your mind. Some of them are more literal (#6 - declutter your workspace), but most of them are figurative ways to help you feel less stressed and more centered. My personal favorite is #5 - breathe. Taking a slow, deep breath actually lowers your heart rate and blood pressure, which signals to your brain that you're calm, which then makes you feel calmer! You can read the list...
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Mindfulness Stress Reduction Techniques for Healing

Jen Johnson, LPC ·
Whether you're healing from illness, trauma, or other difficult times, these mindfulness stress reduction techniques can support your healing.
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Mitigating the Effects of Trauma among Young Children of Immigrants and Refugees: The Role of Early Childhood Programs []

Alicia Doktor ·
A child’s early years are a time of exceptional growth, and ones that can be profoundly affected by traumatic experiences. Research has firmly disproven the idea that infants and toddlers are “too young” to be affected by such experiences, leading to an increased awareness of the need for trauma-informed services for children. Early childhood education and care (ECEC) programs have the potential to play a central role in identifying and addressing the effects of trauma, with lifelong...
Blog Post

Modeling prosocial behavior increases helping in 16-month-olds []

Alicia Doktor ·
Shortly after they turn 1, most babies begin to help others, whether by handing their mother an object out of her reach or giving a sibling a toy that has fallen. Researchers have long studied how this helping behavior develops, but why it develops has been examined less. A new study looked at the role of imitation to find that when 16-month-olds observe others' helping behavior, they're more likely to be helpful themselves. The findings come from researchers at the University of Münster and...
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Moving Toward Neuroscience-Based Social Work

Gemma DiMatteo ·
Early Registration Now Open! September 21, 2018 Corning, CA Super Early Bird rate $129 now through June 30th . Plus, the first 25 to register using the EarlyEarly discount code get an extra $10 off the Super Early Bird price (a $30 savings over the regular registration fee). Last year's conference in Southern California was so well received, this year we are offering the event in Northern California! The revolution in brain science has important implications for our understanding of human...
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Multifaceted reforms needed to reach California’s education goals, research project finds []

Alicia Doktor ·
Researchers on Monday released a massive collection of education studies timed to inform the next California governor’s and Legislature’s preK-12 agenda. The big achievement gap for California’s low- and middle-income children relative to their peers in other states starts in kindergarten, indicating a need to significantly expand preschool and quality child care.Among the findings of Getting Down to Facts II: The big achievement gap for California’s low- and middle-income children relative...
Blog Post

My hopes for a trauma-informed California

Domenica Benitez ·
Every evening, I try to engage my daughter in reflection, gratitude, and hope. I try to practice the same, but tonight, I felt the need to share with you all. Today I had the opportunity to attend the Toward a Trauma-Informed Northern California Summit 2018 – it was an incredible experience. We were welcomed with a moving, informative, and engaging keynote speaker, Dr. Isaiah B. Pickens , who laid the foundation for what would be a day of growth, reflection, connection, and peer support. He...
Blog Post

Nearly 20 communities on ACEs Connection launch Community Presentation Trackers

Jane Stevens ·
As part of the rollout of Growing Resilient Communities 2.0 late last year, we provided communities with an interactive tool that maps the presentations a local ACEs science initiative does in that community. So far, nearly 20 communities, out of about 150 on ACEs Connection, have launched presentation trackers, including Maryland and Arkansas. (A full list is at the bottom of this blog post.) Growing Resilience Communities 2.0 provides communities basic guidelines to growing their ACEs...
Blog Post

NEW: 2018-19 California County Scorecard of Children's Well-Being

Gail Yen ·
Children Now is pleased to announce that we've just released our new 2018-19 California County Scorecard of Children's Well-Being! The latest edition is an interactive tool that provides a comprehensive snapshot of how children are faring in each of the 58 counties, over time, and by race and ethnicity. The tool's indicators cut across four domains of education, early childhood, child welfare and health. This updated edition of the Scorecard features significant enhancements including heat...
Blog Post

New Community Manager

Gemma DiMatteo ·
Hello! I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself as the ACEs Connection Community Manager for the California Bridge Program. Some of you might know me from my time as Research Associate at the Network from 2012-2015. I’m very excited to be back in this new capacity, working in Communications and Trauma-Informed Care. I have a BA in Psychology and a Master of Public Health in Epidemiology, and am passionate about children’s well-being - particularly low-income children - and the effects...
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New Data on Children with Special Health Care Needs

Lori Turk ·
Updated information on children with special health care needs, those who have a chronic physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional condition that requires more than routine health and related services, is now on Kidsdata. Discover the latest data on children with major disabilities by legislative district and by county, city and school district. Also, find special education enrollment by disability and race/ethnicity, the number of active California Children’s Services (CCS) enrollees...
Blog Post

New early response program for family trauma in early childhood []

Alicia Doktor ·
Early Childhood Australia (ECA) is rolling out a new program for educators — Early signals. First Responses. Funded by the NSW Domestic & Family Violence Innovation Fund the program will resource and support early childhood educators and carers to better recognise and respond to young children who have been exposed to or have experienced family violence. The focus of the Innovation Fund on long-term prevention and early intervention strategies is aimed at ensuring educators receive...
Blog Post

New Health Resiliency Stress Questionnaire debuts for pediatricians, family practice, internal medicine...but anyone can use it

Susie Wiet ·
There's a new ACEs-resiliency survey in town! It came out of a conversation between two physicians having a conversation on a bus. Here's the story about how it was developed, and how to use it. Pilots were done in a pediatric clinic, internal medicine, addiction treatment center, group therapy, and psychiatric practice. It's now being used in two community clinics.
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New Report: Holding Policymakers Accountable for Kids' Well-Being

Bonnie Armstrong ·
New Report: Today’s shifting political sands have put kids at risk, and it’s urgent that policymakers put kids’ needs front and center. We all have the power to hold policymakers accountable for prioritizing the needs of children, and our friends at the child advocacy group Kids Impact have charted a course on how. In their new report, “Accelerating Policymaker Accountability for U.S. Kids’ Well-Being: Charting the Course & A Call to Action,” they help define a collective “True North”...
Blog Post

Running TIC Resource List

Gemma DiMatteo ·
This is a running list for trauma-informed care websites and resources that aren't downloadable, so you can access them in one place. I will keep this list updated, and you can always find it under the Running TIC Resource List blog category (this will be the only blog in there). If you have any additional resources, please post a comment below with the link, or send me a private message or email at , and I will add it to the list. As always, feel free to reach out to...
Blog Post

No Small Matter (Trailer)

Clare Reidy · The feature documentary NO SMALL MATTER confronts America's most pressing problems with an unlikely but powerful weapon: babies and young children. From home to childcare to preschool, high-quality early care and education has far-reaching impacts, and groundbreaking science to back it up. With a healthy dose of humor and a surprising edge, NO SMALL MATTER reveals the tragic cost of getting this wrong, and the huge payoff—for our kids, our families, and our country—of...
Blog Post

OCAP grants announced - Deadline EXTENDED TO DEC 28th

Karen Clemmer ·
The Office of Child Abuse and Prevention ( OCAP ) recently announced a funding opportunity that may align with the work of California based ACEs champions. Please see the details below, the OCAP Grants link, and the attached document for further details. Copied from the website : The Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP) administers federal grants, contracts, and state programs designed to promote best practices and innovative approaches to child abuse prevention, intervention, and...
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Only a fraction of California children eligible receive subsidized child care []

Jane Stevens ·
As Gov. Gavin Newsom pushes to expand subsidized childcare in California, a new report indicates that the state still has a long way to go to reach a substantial share of its neediest children. Only 1 in 9 children eligible for subsidized childcare and preschool programs in California were enrolled in a program that provided full-day, year-round care in 2017, according to an analysis by the California Budget and Policy Center, a nonpartisan organization that analyzes how budget and tax...
Blog Post

Opinion: Why 'Sesame Street' is Smarter About Foster Care Than Your Local Child Welfare Agency []

By Naomi Schaefer Riley, Los Angeles Times, October 17, 2019 When “Sesame Street” adds a character and a story line to its fabled neighborhood, people notice. In May, the show’s creators introduced Karli, a Muppet in foster care, and this month they revealed the reason for her situation: Her mom struggles with substance abuse. In supplemental “Sesame Street in the Community” videos available online, Elmo’s dad explains to him that “Karli’s mother has a disease called addiction. Addiction...
Blog Post

Organizing Your ACEs Initiative: Steps to Growing A Resilient Community

Gail Kennedy ·
The information below is to be used as guidance for how local ACEs initiatives can structure and organize themselves. We’ve gathered this information from experiences in communities and on ACEs Connection; we've pulled examples of things that work & lessons learned along the way. We want your input — in the comments section, please share with us things we have missed, examples of what’s working for you, and any lessons you have learned and would like to share with the members of ACEs...
Blog Post

Overcoming Childhood Trauma: How Parents and Schools Work to Stop the Cycle []

Alicia Doktor ·
Many people have experienced some kind of trauma in their childhood, such as loss of a caregiver, substance abuse in the home, homelessness or abuse. There are ten types of “Adverse Childhood Experiences” that were identified in a study conducted in the 1990s. The total number of childhood traumas someone has experienced determines their ACE score . About 2/3s of the people in the groundbreaking study had at least one ACE, but the researchers also found higher rates of adult physical and...
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Pandemic EBT []

From California Department of Social Services, May 2020 Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), children who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals at school will get extra food benefits. These food benefits are called Pandemic EBT or P-EBT benefits. P-EBT benefits help families in California buy food when schools are closed because of the coronavirus emergency. Families will get up to $365 per eligible child on their P-EBT card to use on food and groceries. Families with children who get...
Blog Post

Parent Handouts: Understanding ACEs, Parenting to Prevent & Heal ACEs (English)

Christine Cissy White ·
Please see the main post for these parent handouts in the ACEs Connection Resources Center. These two flyers ( Understanding ACEs and Parenting to Prevent & Heal ACEs ) can be downloaded, distributed, and used freely. One is brand new and the other is a revision. Both flyers were made with generous support from Family Hui, a Program of Lead for Tomorrow. Translations of these flyers are in progress and will be shared by Family Hui and updated on ACEs Connection when available.
Blog Post

Parent Handouts: Understanding ACEs, Parenting to Prevent & Heal ACEs (now available in English, Dari & Spanish)

Salaine McCullough ·
The updated parent handouts are now available in Spanish as well as English and Dari. Here's the blog post with links to all three versions of each flyer. All versions of the Understanding ACEs and Parenting to Prevent & Heal ACEs parent handouts can be downloaded, distributed, and used freely. Both flyers were made with generous support from Family Hui, a Program of Lead for Tomorrow, who is responsible for making the Spanish and Dari translations available. These are updates of the...
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Parents talking to kids may blunt negative impact of adversity on schoolwork []

Marianne Avari ·
By Lisa Rapaport, Physician's Weekly, July 8, 2019. Children who suffer adverse experiences tend to do worse in school than kids who don’t, but a U.S. study suggests parents may still help improve academic outcomes by simply talking to their kids. Adverse childhood experiences, commonly called ACEs, can include witnessing parents fight or go through a divorce, having a parent with a mental illness or substance abuse problem, or suffering from sexual, physical or emotional abuse. ACEs have...
Blog Post

Pediatricians Group: Doctors Should Prescribe Play Time For Kids (

A new report is recommending kids do something critical for healthy development – play. The report ‘ The Power of Play ’ from the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends all pediatricians tell children that playing with parents and peers is a critical part of healthy development, fundamental for learning life skills and reducing stress. Dr. Michael Yogman of Mount Auburn Hospital authored the report which shows playtime has decreased significantly in the past 15 years, while screen time...
Blog Post

Playtime May Bolster Kids’ Mental Health []

Alicia Doktor ·
“Play has become a four-letter word.” So says Kathy Hirsh-Pasek , a psychologist at Temple University and one of the authors of a new paper about the importance of play in children’s lives. The clinical report , published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, recommends that pediatricians write a “prescription for play” at doctor visits in the first two years of life. Years of research have shown that play is an important part of a child’s development, assisting in cognition, memory, social...
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Policymaker Education Day, Year 2!

Gail Yen ·
The California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA) is hosting its second annual Policymaker Education Day in Sacramento on May 22nd, 2018 with guest speaker Assemblyman Dr. Joaquin Arambula! Policymaker Education Day is an opportunity for advocates from all over California to come and educate their policymakers about childhood adversity, the long-term consequences of childhood adversity on communities, and what they can do to help. Please register by April 30 at
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Positive Childhood Experiences May Buffer Against Health Effects Of Adverse Ones []

By Selena Simmons-Duffin, National Public Radio, September 9, 2019 Plenty of research shows that adverse childhood experiences can lead to depression and other health problems later in life. But researcher Christina Bethell wondered whether positive experiences in childhood could counter that. Her research comes from a personal place. In the 1970s, in a low-income housing complex in Los Angeles, Bethell had a tough childhood. Sometimes she didn't have money for lunch. Sometimes, when a free...
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Presentation: Are the Words "Toxic Stress" Toxic? Re-thinking the Narrative About Early Life Stress

Gemma DiMatteo ·
The concepts of “toxic stress” and “adverse childhood experiences” (ACEs) have captured professional and public attention in recent years. While this has helped to bring more resources and interest to early childhood issues, it has also resulted in some harmful language and imagery that depicts children, families, or entire communities as “broken” or beyond healing and resilience. In our concern about adversity, are we selling short the capacity of individuals and communities to heal and...
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Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (training) []

Alicia Doktor ·
Adverse childhood experiences—commonly known as ACEs—affect children and families across all communities. ACEs can impact kids’ health and well-being, and they can have long-term effects on adults’ health and wellness. They can even have consequences that affect entire families, communities, and our whole society. Thankfully, ACEs are preventable. This training will help you understand, recognize, and prevent ACEs. You’ll learn about risk and protective factors, outcomes associated with...
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Promising Research on Mindfulness for Kids (

Mindfulness trains our brains to respond in ways we choose instead of always in a default manner, which often is a knee-jerk reaction from the reptilian part of the brain. This is especially pertinent in situations that bring up stress or conflict. For instance, if a child has learned to use violence to react to feeling scared, mindfulness can help him or her become aware of this habitual behavior and the feelings underneath it, and ultimately rewire the reaction to a constructive and...
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Protecting Brains, Stimulating Minds: The Early Life Roots of Success in School

Gemma DiMatteo ·
Below is an Askwith Forum with Dr. Jack Shonkoff of the Harvard Center on the Developing Child. You can also find this video uploaded under the Videos section of the Resources widget. Understanding both the biology of adversity and the science of early learning is essential for building a strong foundation for reducing disparities in educational achievement. The benefits of evidence-based curricula in the early childhood years cannot be fully achieved without effective strategies for...
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Raising The Organic Unity Of Child-And-Community

Bob Lancer ·
“When a child displays a behavior problem, the first place to look for the cause and for the solution is to the child’s environment.” Maria Montessori We cannot truly separate the child from the community. In our efforts to “fix” child behavior or heal the child from the traumatic impact of adverse childhood experiences, we need to relate to the community as an extension of the child’s physical and psychological constitution. An organic unity operates here. There is more than just a...
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REGISTER NOW! TIC Teach & Share 12/4 & 12/5 Oakland

Gemma DiMatteo ·
WHO : Trauma Informed Care (TIC or Bridge Program) Cohort Members * WHAT : Trauma Informed Care 2-Day Teach and Share Training 2018 WHEN: December 4 th and December 5 th , 2018 The California Endowment Center for Healthy Communities, Oakland, CA Register Online Here – by Tuesday, November 20, 2018 * Who Should Attend? TIC Cohort Members seeking certification in FY 2018-19 must attend this training . This training is reserved for cohort members that attended the August 28 th -29 th training...
Blog Post

Registration is OPEN for the Strategies2.0 November 8, 2018 Sierra Region Learning Community! Learn How the Trauma Informed Systems Approach Can Promote Resilient Families, Agencies and Communities

Barbara DeGraaf ·
Second in the Building Resiliency Series: Build Resilient Communities by Fostering Trust and Finding Champions. Explore how innovative Child Abuse Prevention Month activities can promote resilience. Learn self-care strategies to stay motivated! Thursday, November 8, 2018, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Locations: Amador Child Abuse Prevention Council in Jackson, on-line and remote sites in Loyalton, Markleeville, and South Lake Tahoe Network in the Sierra Nevada Region to learn about innovative Child...
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REPORT and WEBINAR: Accelerating 2Gen Approaches at Educare

Gemma DiMatteo ·
New Report and Webinar: Accelerating 2Gen Approaches at Educare Ascend is proud to release Accelerating 2Gen Approaches at Educare to capture two-generation (2Gen) lessons learned and share replicable best practices for early education programs. Early childhood programs have proven to be strong platforms for 2Gen approaches. Over the last three years, the Educare Learning Network and Buffett Foundation supported four dynamic Educare sites around the country in exploring and advancing 2Gen...
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Research & Evaluation Services (Child Care Resource Center)

(Child Care Resource Center) CCRC’s highly skilled and professional Research & Evaluation staff ensure optimal services for families and children by providing internal and external stakeholders with useful tools and information that can be used for program evaluation, forecasting and strategic planning, contract compliance, and advocacy. CCRC's Lessons Learned for the Statewide Emergency Child Care Bridge Program According to the All County Letter #17-109 , “One of the primary barriers...
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