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California PACEs Action

Tagged With "universal income"

Blog Post

8 Myths About Screening For Adverse Childhood Experiences

Laura Shamblin ·
I’d like to take this opportunity to address some of the objections to screening for ACEs that I have come across. It is true that some areas of research are still emerging, such as protocols, but in other ways we are twenty years behind using the information we have to make a positive difference in our patients lives and in training new physicians to be more comfortable addressing social and experiential determinants of health.
Blog Post

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

From University of California, San Francisco, University of California Television, May 14, 2020 A special faculty panel discusses the three different initiatives at UCSF aimed at addressing adverse childhood experience that affect peoples well-being throughout their lifespan. Recorded on 02/27/2020. [ Please click here to read more .]
Blog Post

California colleges and universities share in $1.7 billion in emergency stimulus funds []

By Ashley A. Smith and Larry Gordon, EdSource, April 9, 2020 California’s colleges and universities will see more than $1.7 billion from the new federal stimulus law to help stave off the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, but they say more is needed. At least half of that money will go directly to students, many of whom have watched their campuses close, their jobs disappear and their schools shift in-person classes online in the past few weeks. Three California State University campuses...
Blog Post

Students Can Pay for College with Public Service. Stanislaus State, UC Merced Take Part []

By John Holland, The Modesto Bee, February 11, 2020 Some students will be able to help pay for college through public service, thanks to a pilot program the state launched Monday. Three universities in the Northern San Joaquin Valley are among the eight involved statewide. About 250 students will take part in the rollout of the Civic Action Fellowship during the 2020-21 academic year. It builds on community service that many students already do as part of their coursework. In Turlock, for...
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Care as a Universal Precaution: Beyond the Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire []

By Nicole Racine, Teresa Killam, and Sheri Madigan, JAMA Pediatrics, November 4, 2019 Experiences of childhood adversity are common, with more than 50% of adults reporting having experienced at least 1 adversity as children and more than 6% exposed to 4 or more adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). There is currently a controversial debate in the medical field as to whether the ACEs questionnaire, which asks about abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction before age 18 years, should be...
Blog Post

UC Plans to Enroll 1,400 More California Undergraduates With No Tuition Increase []

By Teresa Watanabe, Los Angeles Times, November 15, 2019 The University of California plans to enroll 1,400 more California undergraduates next year with no tuition increase under a 2020-21 budget approved Thursday by the board of regents. The UC system also will enroll 1,000 additional graduate students and expand mental health services and academic support in its drive to increase graduation rates and close the achievement gap among diverse student groups. The UC Student Assn. successfully...
Blog Post

Lawmakers Must do More to Fund Mental Health Care at the University of California []

By Emily Estus, Special to CalMatters, October 28, 2019 This summer, Gov. Gavin Newsom and the California Legislature passed a $214 billion budget that includes $5.3 million earmarked for improving mental health services in the University of California system. Students returning to campus this fall might cheer that a long-underfunded issue is finally getting state attention and, more importantly, an injection of cash. Sadly, that’s not the whole story. Here’s why: This is only a stopgap, a...
Blog Post

New Grant Lends Helping Hand []

By Jerame Saunders, The Lumberjack, December 12, 2019 A new $5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education will be placing Masters of Social Work students at Humboldt State University in Eureka City Schools and Del Norte County schools as stipend workers. “The grants themselves are funding positions at Eureka City Schools and also the Del Norte Unified School District,” Director of Field Education at HSU’s Department of Social Work Yvonne Doble said. “It’s actually a full time...
Blog Post

One California mayor has tried universal basic income. His advice for Trump: 'Think Big' []

By Lois Beckett, The Guardian, March 21, 2020 As the Trump administration and lawmakers in Washington debate cash payments to support Americans during the coronavirus crisis, the mayor of one California city that has experimented with universal basic income has advice. Early findings from Stockton, California, which launched a basic income experiment last year, may offer American policymakers some reassurance – and a few notes of caution. It’s “heartening” to see a national focus on...
Blog Post

How Some California School Districts Invest in Counseling-and Achieve Results []

By Carolyn Jones, EdSource, February 10, 2020 Geovanna Veloz, a senior at Mission High School in San Francisco, has always known she wants to be a nurse. What she didn’t know was how to get there. Her parents couldn’t help much. Immigrants from Mexico, they speak limited English, work long hours and don’t have much experience with education. Neither went to high school at all, in fact. Enter the school’s academic counseling staff. They ensured that Veloz took the right classes and helped her...

Re: One California mayor has tried universal basic income. His advice for Trump: 'Think Big' []

Brian Donohue ·
Navy George As one friend to another, gun violence is never funny. Army Bri On Sun, Mar 22, 2020 at 8:34 PM ACEsConnection <> wrote:

Re: 8 Myths About Screening For Adverse Childhood Experiences

David Dooley ·
Physical, sexual, verbal, and psychological child abuse as well as a host of other parenting behaviors and practices generally recognized as not supporting and/or disrupting the healthy development of children are such a serious problem that screenings should accompany a public health approach that employs primary prevention...something Vincent Felitti, co-author of the ACE Study, has repeatedly called for.

Re: Trauma-Informed Care as a Universal Precaution: Beyond the Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire []

Vincent J. Felitti, MD ·
As an internist, I have no experience using the ACE Study findings in pediatrics, but I can share our experience integrating the ACE findings into adult medicine. An unusual Preventive Medicine Department at Kaiser Permanente in San Diego was providing highly comprehensive medical evaluation to 58,000 adults a year. Step 1 of this process involved filling out a quite lengthy medical history questionnaire at home. The ACE questions were integrated into this for 440,000 consecutive adult...
Blog Post

Should Californians Get Guaranteed Income? []

By Jill Cowan, The New York Times, July 1, 2020 For Californians, the economic devastation wrought by the pandemic has only deepened existing inequality. When we asked what you wanted to know about how the pandemic is reshaping life in the Golden State, Erin Durham, a former San Franciscan now living in Europe, asked about the kinds of social programs she’s seen there, or whether California might implement one that has recently gained traction: a universal basic income . “I believe that the...
Blog Post

California State University students required to take ethnic studies or social justice class under new policy []

By Michael Burke, Ed Source, July 22, 2020 Students at California State University for the first time will be required to take a course in ethnic studies or a class with a social justice component under a policy approved Wednesday by the system’s Board of Trustees. The trustees voted 13-5 to approve the new general education requirement for students who enter the 23-campus system beginning in 2023-24. Students will be required to either take a class in one of four ethnic studies disciplines...
Blog Post

New draft ethnic studies curriculum for California students issued after a year of study []

By John Fensterwald, EdSource, August 1, 2020 The California Department of Education released a more readable and tempered draft of an “ethnic studies model curriculum” on Friday, 11 months after intense criticism of the first draft forced state officials to order a rewrite. Its release will start eight months of review and revision, beginning with an Aug. 13 meeting of a curriculum commission reporting to the State Board of Education, then a one-month public comment period and more review.
Blog Post

UC must immediately drop use of the SAT and ACT for admissions and scholarships, judge rules []

By Teresa Watanabe, Los Angeles Times, September 1, 2020 The ruling came in a lawsuit asserting that the use of standardized test scores is broadly biased — and particularly detrimental to students with disabilities who seek to take the test during the coronavirus crisis. Superior Court Judge Brad Seligman said in his Monday ruling that plaintiffs had shown sufficient cause to stop the tests for now because applicants with disabilities had virtually no access to test-taking sites or legally...
Blog Post

San Diego Organizations Work Together To Shed Light on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Sydney Brusewitz ·
SAN DIEGO – The American Academy of Pediatrics, California Chapter 3 (AAP-CA3 ) together with YMCA of San Diego County , San Diego State University Social Policy Institute and San Diego Accountable Community for Health (SDACH) are joining forces as ACEs Aware grantees to assist San Diego Medi-Cal providers screen and treat Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress. The ACEs Aware initiative is a first-of-its-kind effort led by the Office of the California Surgeon General and the...
Blog Post

Yolo County (CA) supervisors OK universal basic income pilot project []

Bonnie Berman ·
Enterprise article dated February 12, 2021 By Anne Ternus-Bellamy Some of Yolo County’s poorest families with young children will receive a hand up and out of poverty through a universal basic income pilot project approved by the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday. The 31 families in the CalWORKS Housing Support Program who have children under the age of 2 will receive monthly payments for a year, up to a maximum of $12,155. That cash assistance, combined with the CalWORKS grant they already...
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