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California PACEs Action

Tagged With "sexual assault"

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2020 Sex and Perinatal Mental Health Conference

Bonnie Berman ·
Sex & Perinatal Mental Health Conference on January 13th and 14th, 2020 at The California Endowment. This dynamic training will delve into areas such as postpartum sex, birth trauma, cultural attitudes about sex, gender and sexuality, gender affirming care, personal stories and more. We have an amazing lineup of speakers and wanted to introduce you to a few over the next couple of weeks. Two day training that will explore how sex and sexuality impact and interact with mental health...
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37th Annual Child Abuse Prevention Symposium Recap

Charisse Feldman ·
"Speak Out! Confronting the Culture of Child Sexual Abuse and Secrecy" was the theme of Santa Clara County's 37th Annual Child Abuse Prevention Symposium which featured a Keynote conversation with Olympic Gold Medal winning gymnast and current UCLA Assistant Gymnastics Coach Jordyn Wieber. Jordyn, and other athletes and survivors of former USA Gymnastics team doctor and serial child sex abuser Larry Nassar, earlier spoke to a U.S. Senate Subcommittee about a “culture of silence” more...
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A California Court for Young Adults Calls on Science []

Samantha Sangenito ·
On a cloudy afternoon in the Bayview district, Shaquille, 21, was riding in his sister’s 1991 Acura when another car ran a stop sign, narrowly missing them. Both cars screeched to a halt, and Shaquille and the other driver got out. “I just wanted to talk,” he recalls. But the talk became an argument, and the argument ended when Shaquille sent the other driver to the pavement with a left hook. Later that day, he was arrested and charged with felony assault. He already had a misdemeanor...
Blog Post

Attorney General Kamala D. Harris Unveils Bureau of Children’s Justice

Jane Stevens ·
LOS ANGELES On February 12, 2015, Attorney General Kamala D. Harris unveiled the Bureau of Childrens Justice within the California Department of Justice that will work to ensure all of Californias children are on track to meet...
Blog Post

Access the California Department of Social Services, Office of Child Abuse Prevention’s Data Dashboard!

Elena Costa ·
The California Department of Social Services, Office of Child Abuse Prevention (CDSS/OCAP), has developed a new County Prevention Data Dashboard to identify areas of strength and need pertaining to the prevention of child maltreatment across California. This tool presents relevant data in one location for primary and secondary prevention planning purposes and shares indicators of major risk and protective factors for child abuse and neglect, social determinants of health, and early stages of...
Blog Post

ACEs | Alcohol's Harm to Others | Secondhand Drinking

Lisa Frederiksen ·
It is likely most readers know someone or they are the someone who has personally experienced alcohol's harm to others | secondhand drinking. The tragedy is we hardly talk about it in ways that can change the lives of those affected -- especially the lives of children. In other words, we hardly talk about it in ways that can prevent, intervene, or treat adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Alcohol’s Harm to Others | Secondhand Drinking and the ACEs Connection One of the 10 ACEs measured in...
Blog Post

Adversity and resiliency: The case for integrating ACEs and Strengthening Families approaches

Jane Stevens ·
Attached is the PowerPoint that was presented by Diane Kellegrew, Jane Stevens and Katie Albright in a webinar April 16. And below is the slide that ID's the presenters.  
Blog Post

Assistance dog trained to help witnesses, victims in Stanislaus County court [Modesto Bee]

Jane Stevens ·
The woman, a victim of an assault, sat in the courtrooms witness chair and started to talk. As she told a judge what happened and how it affected her giving whats called a victim impact statement the woman started...
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Updated Community Health Assessment now available []

Karen Clemmer ·
The Community Health Assessment (CHA), a comprehensive overview of the health of the Humboldt County community, was presented at the Board of Supervisors meeting this afternoon. The Humboldt County Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) Public Health report looks at traditional public health measures of illness, mortality, nutrition and physical activity in the community. The CHA also includes data about income, housing status, community safety and access to care, as underlying...
Blog Post

Wisconsin state agencies end year one of trauma-informed learning community; goal is to be first trauma-informed state

Jane Stevens ·
Here in California, many people think that it’s only liberal Democrats who have a corner on championing the science of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and putting it into practice. That might be because people who use ACEs science don’t expel or suspend students, even if they’re throwing chairs and hurling expletives at the teacher. They ask "What happened to you?" rather than "What's wrong with you?" as a frame when they create juvenile detention centers where kids don’t fight, reduce...
Blog Post

Women’s Need for Medical Care Spikes Following Sexual Assault, Study Finds (

Women who experience sexual assault are more likely to need medical care for mental health and stress-related problems in the year following the attack, new research suggests. Researchers at Kaiser Permanente analyzed the medical records of 1,350 women in northern California who were sexually assaulted between 2009 and 2015. They compared the women’s use of health-care services and their diagnoses in the years before and after the assault. The study also compared the victims’ records with...
Blog Post

Starting Now: A Policy Vision for Supporting the Healthy Growth and Development of Every California Baby []

Jane Stevens ·
In the first three years of a child’s life, foundational brain architecture is established, making children’s earliest experiences the most important. The creation of healthy brain architecture is dependent on good health, positive and nurturing relationships with adults, exposure to enriching learning opportunities and safe neighborhoods. Yet too often in California, children—especially children of color, foster youth, and those growing up in poverty—lack the components critical for a...
Blog Post

RYSE Center's Listening Campaign: Young people in Richmond, CA help adults understand trauma, violence, coping, and healing

Kanwarpal Dhaliwal ·
"My experience with violence is very brutal...I grew up with violence as if it were my sibling." - LC participant (youth) "We know we can't run the city- it's too complex- but our experience and our voices should count, especially because we're the most effected ." - LC participant (youth) "Our city's problems are shared by us all; we are all part of the problem AND the solution. Listening is a key component to healing." - LC Share Out partici pant (adult) Three years ago, RYSE Center in...
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Santa Clara County Boosts Help for Sexual Assault Victims, Reports Decline in Domestic Violence Deaths []

By Mountain View Voice, September 25, 2019 The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday, Sept. 24, to increase funding for services for victims of sexual assault and create a new office to address gender-based violence in the county. The board voted to create the Santa Clara County Office of Gender-Based Violence to oversee services for survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence and human trafficking. County leaders plan to fill the positions in the new office...
Blog Post

Too young for juvie? California bill bars prosecution of kids under 12 []

Samantha Sangenito ·
Sen. Holly Mitchell sits at her desk on the fifth floor of the Capitol and holds up a book. On the cover a small boy in oversized jeans and a Tommy Hilfiger T-shirt stands on a plastic milk crate, too small to reach, as a police officer presses the young child’s ink-soaked fingertips onto a piece of paper. “That image just stuck with me,” Mitchell said. The senator from Los Angeles is pushing a bill through the Legislature that would bar the state from prosecuting children under age 12. In...
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Trauma-informed groups rev up to address race, inclusion

Laurie Udesky ·
Eighteen-year-old Kia Hanson has always enjoyed her time as a youth leader at the East Oakland Youth Development Center (EOYDC). She’s worked mostly with five- and six-year-olds since she began in 2016. Recently, she tapped into new skills, especially if the kids were having a meltdown. Kia Hanson “If they’re off, we ask them, ‘What’s wrong?’ ‘Do you want to talk about anything?’,” she explains. “Basically asking before assuming they’re mad at the world for no reason.” What made the...
Blog Post

Treating Young Offenders Like Adults Is Bad Parenting []

Samantha Sangenito ·
Part of the philosophy for creating a separate juvenile-justice system in the United States is the idea that the state can act as a parent, or parens patriae—protector, caretaker, disciplinarian—when a young person fails to respect the rights of others, commits petty or serious crimes, or shirks age-based societal norms by committing so-called status offenses. But parenting is hard. Even for the state. Sometimes the lessons learned with one generation benefit the next. Sometimes cultural...
Blog Post

Despite progress, African Americans more likely to be expelled, less likely to excel []

Jane Stevens ·
Jaimare Limbrick, 14, talks with sister Eriqua Thompson, 7, in Modesto _________________________________ Modesto City Schools has slashed its numbers of suspensions and expulsions, adding proactive programs and in-school options. But African Americans, especially boys, are still far more likely to be kicked off campus than people of other ethnicities. “Back in (2011-12) we stuck out like a sore thumb because of the expulsions. Now the numbers are way down, so something’s...
Blog Post

Early Discount 20th Annual Families & Fathers Conference

James Rodriguez ·
Call to action- Fathers and Families Coalition of America is nearing the 20th Annual Families and Fathers Conference, March 4-7, 2019 in Los Angeles, California with a comprehensive program that hosts presenters from the United Kingdom, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, Nigeria, Puerto Rico, Bolivia and throughout the United States. We are providing the conference information for your consideration to participate. We are asking you to share this conference information with your community...
Blog Post

Emergency COVID-19 Victim Services Response - Award Application Process []

By California Partnership to End Domestic Violence, May 2020 The Office of Emergency Services (OES) has announced $5.3 million dollars in emergency response funds intended to support the needs associated with providing safety and services for victims of interpersonal violence – domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and child abuse during this time of social distancing. To facilitate the distribution of these funds, OES has contracted with the California Partnership to End...
Blog Post

FUTURES on the Frontlines for Survivors, Families - and You []

From FUTURES Without Violence, April 2020 The FUTURES policy team in Washington D.C. helped secure direct support for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and for children who experience trauma and abuse, and for the nonprofit advocates who support them, including: $45 million in Family Violence Prevention and Services grants that prevent and respond to family and domestic violence, and $2 million for the National Domestic Violence Hotline $45 million in Child Welfare Services, for...
Blog Post

Gold Mine: February 2020: SafeQuest Helps Those Dealing with Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault []

By Susan Hiland, Daily Republic, February 2, 2020 SafeQuest Solano Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping Solano County by providing prevention education, advocacy and intervention services to those affected by domestic violence and sexual assault. The organization was founded in 1976. It opened its first shelter a year later for survivors of domestic violence and their children. SafeQuest earned nonprofit status in 1983 under the name Solano Women’s Crisis Center. The...
Blog Post

journal article: Responding to Students with PTSD in Schools

Karen Clemmer ·
Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am . 2012 January Responding to Students with PTSD in Schools Sheryl Kataoka, MD, MSHS, Audra Langley, PhD, Marleen Wong, PhD, Shilpa Baweja, MA, and Bradley Stein, MD, PhD The prevalence of trauma exposure among youth is a major public health concern, with a third of adolescents nationally reporting that they have been in a physical fight in the past twelve months and 9% having been threatened or injured with a weapon on school property. Studies have...
Blog Post

Keeping Kids Out of Cells []

By Jill Tucker and Joaquin Palomino, San Francisco Chronicle, December 29, 2019 The two-story brick building on a quiet street in Queens doesn’t stand out from the million-dollar homes scattered throughout the neighborhood. There are no signs on the former Catholic convent, nothing to indicate that inside are five New York City teens who committed felony assault, grand larceny, gun possession or another serious crime. Placed here by a judge’s order, each is spending an average of seven...
Blog Post

Kids Under 12 Can No Longer be Sent to Juvenile Hall for Most Crimes Starting in 2020 []

By Steve Milne, Capital Public Radio, December 20, 2019 One of the last pieces of legislation from former California Gov. Jerry Brown’s final year in office would end the prosecution of pre-teens who commit crimes, other than murder and forcible sexual assault. Right now, California has no minimum age for sending children to juvenile hall. Beginning in the new year, counties will no longer be allowed to process kids under 12 years old through the juvenile justice system. Instead, they will...
Blog Post

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Questioning, and/or Gender Nonconforming and Transgender Girls and Boys in the California Juvenile Justice System: A Practice Guide []

Alissa Copeland ·
If you are a child welfare professional working with youth in California, chances are this practice guide may be a useful resource! Developed by Impact Justice and the National Center for Lesbian Rights, and published in January 2017, this practice guide is designed to provide probation department practice guidelines, and policy recommendations for working with lesbian, gay, bisexual, questioning, and/or gender nonconforming and transgender girls and boys who interface with the California...
Blog Post

Los Angeles County Probation Now Under Civilian Oversight, With Subpoena Power []

By Jeremy Loudenback, The Chronicle of Social Change, October 4, 2019 On Tuesday, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved a civilian oversight body for the the county’s Probation Department that can make unannounced visits and legally compel documents and witnesses. In recent years, the county’s Probation Department has been under fire for conditions at juvenile detention facilities overseen by the department. The department has struggled with reports of excessive use of force...
Blog Post

Millions sought to stem arrests at California foster care shelters (

A California lawmaker is calling for $22.7 million in state funding to help prevent unwarranted arrests of abused and neglected children in the state’s residential foster-care facilities — a disturbing practice exposed in a Chronicle investigation last year. The three-year budget proposal, to be introduced next week by Assemblyman Mike Gipson, D-Carson (Los Angeles County), comes as arrests continue across the state at county children’s shelters, despite pledges of reform. While the total...
Blog Post

New Study Shows Communities Can Reduce the Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences [Mathematic Policy Research]

Jane Stevens ·
[ Ed. note: Following is a media release published yesterday by Mathematica Policy Research. This follows on the heals of the report, "Self-Healing Communities" that Laura Porter, Dr. Robert Anda and WHO wrote for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Both reports and executive summaries are attached to this blog post. Both reports are significant, because they show that community ACEs initiatives -- with "modest investments and limited staff" -- are solving some of our most intractable...
Blog Post

NFL Athlete Lawrence Phillips: The Broken Kid

andrea schulz · Today NFL athlete Lawrence Phillips' death was ruled a suicide by the coroner. His ACEs score (Adverse Childhood Experiences) was by all accounts extremely high. By all accounts, he did not receive treatment for this unrelenting childhood trauma and attachment disruption. Abandoned by his father, abused by his stepfather, removed from his mother, placed in group homes, and...
Blog Post

Northern ACEs Collaborative Weekly Resource Newsletter

New Date September 17, 2020 Redding, CA With Keynote Speaker Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, California's First Surgeon General Join the Public Health Institute's Population Health Innovation Lab (PHIL) and its division Northern ACEs Collaborative (NAC) to welcome Californiaʼs first Surgeon General, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris as a keynote, along with other notable speakers at the first ever North State Adverse Childhood Experience (ACEs) Summit. If you had purchased a summit ticket before the date...
Blog Post

Register Now! Webinar on Children in Detention for Health Professionals

Elena Costa ·
National Health Collaborative on Violence and Abuse Children in Detention: Critical Clinical, Legal, Policy, and Human Rights Issues for Health Professionals Date: Wednesday, September 25th, 2019 Time (by time zone): 11:00 - 12:30 PM Pacific/ 12:00 - 1:30 PM Mountain/ 1:00 - 2:30 PM Central/ 2:00 - 3:30 PM Eastern Register for the webinar This webinar will feature closed captioning and will be recorded. Thousands of children seeking refuge from life-threatening danger in their home countries...
Blog Post

Report reveals how foster care, juvenile and adult justice systems traumatize youth, calls for policy shifts

Laurie Udesky ·
YWFC sponsored Sister Warriors meeting When she was 15 years old, Lucero Herrera was put in a rehab program by San Francisco’s Juvenile Court because she was getting drunk regularly. And in doing so, the court failed to explore the root of her drinking. Had they done so, she said, they would have found that anger and trauma were lurking underneath, driven by her ACEs: adverse childhood experiences. Lucero Herrera "Why did they put me in a drug program when I had an anger problem? I went...
Blog Post

CYW releases "Children Can Thrive: A Vision for California's Response to ACEs"

Jane Stevens ·
The Center for Youth Wellness released a new report “Children Can Thrive: A Vision for California’s Response to ACEs”.   This report is a follow up to the November 2014  Children Can Thrive Summit.   Based on the ideas shared by participants at the Children Can Thrive summit, the report sets forth the beginnings of a multi-sector, multi-strategy approach to respond effectively to the impacts of ACEs in California.   The report is attached to...
Blog Post

CDC: Childhood Trauma Is A Public Health Issue And We Can Do More To Prevent It

Charisse Feldman ·
Yesterday, NPR published the following story: CLICK HERE "Childhood trauma causes serious health repercussions throughout life and is a public health issue that calls for concerted prevention efforts. That's the takeaway of a report published Tuesday from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Experiencing traumatic things as a child puts you at risk for lifelong health effects, according to a body of research. The CDC's new report confirms this, finding that Americans who had...
Blog Post

Gov. Jerry Brown vetoes bill that would have expanded civil suit window for childhood abuse victims []

Alicia Doktor ·
Gov. Jerry Brown has rejected a bill that would have given survivors of childhood sexual assault in California more time to file suits against those who could have stopped their abuse. The bill, written by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher (D-San Diego), would have allowed victims to file abuse claims until they are 40 years old. It also would have permitted those who have repressed memories of abuse to sue within five years of unearthing the cause of their trauma. On Monday, victims...

Re: Customizing ACEs Screening for High School Students in Santa Rosa, CA

Karen Clemmer ·
Hi Todd, This is a bit complex to answer - but I will do my best! Here goes ... Since this post was written the work at Elsie Allen and Roseland Pediatrics has continued to evolve and now includes all of the Santa Rosa Community Health Center sites (most are based on a Family Medicine model) see minutes below for further details. Click this link for more detailed Minutes from Sonoma County ACEs Connection Meeting From the document: Meredith Kieschinck MD shared the initial data revealed by...
Blog Post

Anxiety, Depression and Racism while Sheltering-in-Place []

Mai Le ·
By Lishaun Francis June 23, 2020 The shelter-in-place orders due to COVID-19 ignited widespread alarm, anxiety and depression for adults concerned about interrupting their daily routines, falling ill and maintaining their economic stability. Simultaneously, children and youth were struggling with the same fears. School closures, disconnection from friends and an abrupt stop to community resources put additional strain on an already tenuous hold on mental wellness for many young people. In...
Blog Post

ACEs Champion Brian Semsem — Transforming Trauma Neural Pathways into Resilience Pathways

Sylvia Paull ·
Brian Semsem, a pastor based in Fresno, California, who has been working with troubled youth and adults for most of his professional life, says when he first learned about ACEs in 2014 from a colleague in a county foster youth program, “I started seeing numbers over everybody’s head.
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Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic: One-Pager

Christine Cissy White ·
Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic: One-Pager
Blog Post

This wasn't the first time

Going out to buy groceries, going out for a walk, driving your kid back home from school. For most people these activities are normal, everyday things with little to no excitement, as they should be. Unfortunately, getting food, exercising, and supporting my son’s education have been a little more out of the ordinary for me. You see, I am a Mexican Indigenous man, brown skin, shaved head. My ethnicity and physical appearance are by no means unusual, especially in the part of the country...
Blog Post

Five Organizations Addressing ACEs in Asian American Communities

Molly Peterson ·
NOTE: This summer, the Center for Youth Wellness was extremely proud to host intern Alan Huang, a rising Senior at UC Berkeley double-majoring in Neurobiology and Music. During his internship through the Boston Consulting Group Ambassador program, Alan wrote the following post about ACEs in the Asian American community. Although the link between adverse childhood experiences and subsequent health outcomes has been well-established, there is still much that is unknown about the nuanced...
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Prevention in Pandemic Action Program []

The California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA) is pleased to announce that funds will be available to community-based organizations providing sexual violence (SV) prevention and intimate partner violence (IPV) prevention in their communities. This program is entitled Prevention in Pandemic Action Program (PPAP). Join us for a presentation on the Prevention In Pandemic Action Program 2020 and how to apply for funds. Accessibility: Interpretation available in Spanish Closed...
Blog Post

Think beyond ACEs screening, advises California funders workgroup in new report

Jane Stevens ·
Californians have experienced an alarming epidemic of adverse childhood experiences. Between 2011 and 2017, 60 percent of Californians reported experiencing at least one type of childhood adversity; about 16 percent experienced four or more. People who experience four or more ACEs are 1.5 times as likely to have heart disease, 1.9 times as likely to have a stroke, and 3.2 times as likely to have asthma as people who have experienced no ACEs. (For more information about ACEs and ACEs science,...
Blog Post

New Resource: Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic One-Pager (English & Spanish!)

Elena Costa ·
English: The California Department of Public Health, Injury and Prevention Branch (CDPH/IVPB) and the California Department of Social Service, Office of Child Abuse Prevention’s (CDSS/OCAP) , Essentials for Childhood (EfC) Initiative , ACEs Connection , and the Yolo County Children’s Alliance have co-created a newly developed resource, “Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic” in both English and Spanish. This material is intended for Californian families experiencing the severe...
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Accepting Applications: Building Collaborative Responses to Trafficked Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault []

From Futures Without Violence, November 2020 Multi-Day Virtual Training Institute in February 2021 Application Deadline: Thursday, December 3, 2020 Multidisciplinary teams are invited to participate in th Building Collaborative Responses to Trafficked Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Institute. The Institute will focus on improving collaborative responses for adult/youth domestic violence and sexual assault victims who have also experienced human trafficking. As a result of...
Blog Post

Accepting Applications: Building Collaborative Responses to Trafficked Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault []

Multi-Day Virtual Training Institute in February 2021 Application Deadline: Thursday, December 3, 2020 Multidisciplinary teams are invited to participate in the Building Collaborative Responses to Trafficked Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Institute. The Institute will focus on improving collaborative responses for adult/youth domestic violence and sexual assault victims who have also experienced human traffickiing. View and share the flyer for the institute . As a result of...
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The Latest Updates from California Children's Trust

Laurie Kappe ·
Read on to learn about our recent work to advance the transformation of children's mental health. Listen to recordings of other Critical Conversations, and find out how we are Raising Awareness and Taking Action With Our Partners. Critical Conversations In Case You Missed These Webinars NAMI Annual Conference. On October 12 Alex Briscoe and Jevon Wilkes, CCT’s Director or Youth Engagement and the Executive Director of California Youth Coalition (CCY) presented results from a new survey on...
Blog Post

Road Map for Ending Domestic Violence in California: A Life Course Approach to Prevention

Virginia Duplessis ·
Futures Without Violence (FUTURES) is excited to share A Road Map for Ending Domestic Violence in California: A Life Course Approach to Prevention with the ACEs Connection community. The Road Map , a policy paper supported by Blue Shield of California Foundation, draws upon our work at FUTURES as well as research and study on best practices for preventing violence. It presents four evidenced-based prevention and intervention strategies to prevent and end domestic violence in California:...
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Partnering with Local Mental Health Providers to Support Foster Youth in College []

Karen Clemmer ·
LAST YEAR, NEARLY 18,000 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE STUDENTS WERE CURRENTLY OR FORMERLY IN FOSTER CARE. These students, and students from other vulnerable or underserved groups, are motivated and resilient. However, many face higher rates of trauma and unmet mental health needs, coupled with systemic barriers that prevent them from accessing services. Without support, these challenges can contribute to lower college completion rates. BACKGROUND In 2018-2020, John Burton Advocates for Youth...
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