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California PACEs Action

Tagged With "Action Alert"

Blog Post

37th Annual Child Abuse Prevention Symposium Recap

Charisse Feldman ·
"Speak Out! Confronting the Culture of Child Sexual Abuse and Secrecy" was the theme of Santa Clara County's 37th Annual Child Abuse Prevention Symposium which featured a Keynote conversation with Olympic Gold Medal winning gymnast and current UCLA Assistant Gymnastics Coach Jordyn Wieber. Jordyn, and other athletes and survivors of former USA Gymnastics team doctor and serial child sex abuser Larry Nassar, earlier spoke to a U.S. Senate Subcommittee about a “culture of silence” more...
Blog Post

40 New California Laws Just Signed By Gov. Brown

Amelia Barile Simon ·
40 New California Laws Just Signed By Gov. Brown Gov. Jerry Brown signed several pieces of legislation into law on Sept. 1. Here they are. 0 By Renee Schiavone (Patch Staff) - Updated September 5, 2017 10:00 am ET Share Tweet Google Plus Reddit Email Comments 0 As we turned the page into September, California's governor got a head start on the month by signing more than three dozen bills into law on Friday. Among the 40 pieces of legislation that Jerry Brown approved was a bill aimed at...
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A Guide to Creating “Safe Space” Policies for Early Childhood Programs [CLASP]

Gemma DiMatteo ·
From the Center for Law and Social Policy Early childhood programs play an important role in the lives of young children and their families. But in our current immigration policy climate, families across the country are questioning whether it’s safe to attend or enroll. Providers can take steps to protect families’ safety and privacy by implementing policies that designate their facilities as a safe space from immigration enforcement. This guide explains federal agency guidance related to...
Blog Post

Action Alert! Campaign for restorative discipline in schools deadline TOMORROW!

Gail Yen ·
The Children’s Movement is helping to promote restorative justice practices in schools by eliminating suspensions or expulsions for “willful defiance” through Senate Bill 607 authored by Senator Nancy Skinner . You can view the letter at this link here , and sign on before the deadline tomorrow, Wednesday 2/21, at 5pm. Five years ago, California schools issued an astounding 709,702 suspensions, nearly half for “defiance/disruption,” a catch-all category used to justify disciplinary action...
Blog Post

ACTION NEEDED: Oppose Adjusting the Federal Poverty Line

Gail Yen ·
A proposed rule change to the Official Poverty Measure by the Trump Administration will negatively impact millions of children and families in our state, where, according to 2016 California Poverty Measure estimates, 21.3 percent of California's children live in poverty. If approved, the change would affect children and families' eligibility for federal programs that provide health care, nutrition and basic assistance, effectively reducing or eliminating their access to these needed...
Blog Post

Adversity and resiliency: The case for integrating ACEs and Strengthening Families approaches

Jane Stevens ·
Attached is the PowerPoint that was presented by Diane Kellegrew, Jane Stevens and Katie Albright in a webinar April 16. And below is the slide that ID's the presenters.  
Blog Post

California Coastkeeper Alliance Releases Climate Change Plan For Coastal Areas []

By City News Service, KPBS, November 13, 2019 The California Coastkeeper Alliance released its Ocean Climate Resiliency Action Plan Wednesday, a roadmap to mitigate the effects of climate change and sea level rise on coastal areas like northern San Diego County. The plan includes objectives such as recycling 100% of wastewater along the coast by 2040, requiring the use of nitrate removal technology at wastewater treatment plants, establishing a state program for wetlands restoration and...
Blog Post

#WeMakeLCFFWork: Month of Digital Action for Public Education []

By Public Advocates, January 2020 In 2013, low-income communities of color and immigrant communities won the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), a funding law that increases resources for high need students and gives more power to the community. The promise of LCFF has yet to be fully realized, but together, we can make it live up to its potential. That’s why we’re launching the #WeMakeLCFFWork community education campaign in February 2020 to make sure families know their rights, are fully...
Blog Post

When Being Trauma-Informed Is Not Enough

Louise Godbold ·
Trauma-informed care is the new gold standard. For the last several years, Echo has been providing professional development in trauma-informed care but we’re beginning to notice a worrying aspect of the new push to train staff and transform systems. Some human service professionals are seeing ‘trauma-informed care’ as another skill to add to their resume or a box to check off on a grant proposal. But if the information stays with the professionals and is not used to empower survivors, then...
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Students Can Pay for College with Public Service. Stanislaus State, UC Merced Take Part []

By John Holland, The Modesto Bee, February 11, 2020 Some students will be able to help pay for college through public service, thanks to a pilot program the state launched Monday. Three universities in the Northern San Joaquin Valley are among the eight involved statewide. About 250 students will take part in the rollout of the Civic Action Fellowship during the 2020-21 academic year. It builds on community service that many students already do as part of their coursework. In Turlock, for...
Blog Post

Senate HELP Committee schedules hearing on April 11 on draft opioid bill with key provisions addressing trauma and seeks stakeholder comments

Key provisions that are closely aligned with sections the Heitkamp-Durbin “Trauma-Informed Care for Children and Families Act (S. 774)” are included in opioid legislation that is advancing in the U.S. Senate. A draft bill, “The Opioid Crisis Response Act,” is the subject of a hearing on Wednesday, April 11 in the Senate HELP (Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions) Committee and a mark-up of the legislation is expected over the next several weeks. Senator Heitkamp’s office highlighted three...
Blog Post

Too many emails!!&%@!! 

Jane Stevens ·
We hear you! With the phenomenal growth of ACEs Connection (we’re now at more than 22,200 terrific members), the volume of content has burgeoned, and email notifications from the site about the latest blog posts and comments can be (OK, OK...are!) overwhelming. Especially to those people (about 17,000 of you) who became members before October 2017, when we changed our system so that new members don’t automatically receive emails about blog posts and comments from ACEs Connection. So, here’s...
Blog Post

Demand for UC immigrant student legal services soars as Trump policies sow uncertainty [LA Times]

Gail Kennedy ·
Maria Blanco did a double take when the Google alert popped up in her inbox late last week: President Trump had reversed his campaign pledge and decided to continue a federal program temporarily suspending deportations of young people who are in the country illegally. The news thrilled Blanco, an attorney who heads the University of California Immigrant Legal Services Center — the nation’s first and only university system to provide free legal aid to students without legal status and their...
Blog Post

Echo Conference Spotlight: Attachment Trauma & Network Panel

Louise Godbold ·
Echo’s conference this year is jam packed with exciting workshops for teachers, parents and anyone who works with children and their families. In addition featuring to the landmark work of Ron Hertel and Mona Johnson in Washington State, we are proud to present: Attachment Trauma & Network Panel Workshop Spotlight: What Parents Wish Schools Knew About Our Traumatized Kids Are you struggling with a challenging child? Hearing the parents from Attachment Trauma Network ( ATN ) gives you a...
Blog Post

El Dorado ACEs Collaborative Celebrates its 3rd Year of Accomplishments!

Melissa Cockrell ·
12.5 percent of people have 4 or more ACEs. FOUR! This statistic really hit me today as I attended my second El Dorado ACEs Collaborative meeting since starting my time with El Dorado County as a Community Health Advocate. I work in the Community Hubs program in which ACEs is at the heart of all we do, and today’s meeting solidified the importance of that. ACEs are a new topic to me but a fascinating one at that. I didn’t realize prior to coming to EDC that so much of a person’s overall...
Blog Post

FOCUS Program helps kids exposed to trauma [Turlock Journal]

Gail Kennedy ·
Handle with care.” Those three small words can have a huge impact on students throughout Turlock Unified School District who may have been exposed to violence or trauma, thanks to a program that has quietly worked to help lessen the effects of traumatic experiences on children throughout Stanislaus County over the past year and a half. On Tuesday evening, the Board of Trustees received an update on the Focusing On Children Under Stress, or FOCUS, Program, implemented throughout the county...
Blog Post

Most Recent Spike of Toxic Air Pollution has Officials Rethinking Alert System []

By Cresencio Rodriguez-Delgado, The Fresno Bee, December 17, 2019 A sudden and dangerous spike in Fresno’s air quality last week has regional officials re-examining everything from burn-day approvals to public notification systems, authorities said. But officials with the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District said the unexpected spike of hazardous particulate matter was the result of a perfect storm of circumstances in the Valley. “Unfortunately, mother nature took a turn. We...
Blog Post

NEW TOOL ALERT on California ACEs Action: Policy Advocacy Toolkit

Donielle Prince ·
A toolkit for policy and advocacy on ACEs awareness, trauma informed practice, and resilience building
Blog Post

Overview of the 2016 Project on Behavioral Health Services For Children and Youth in California []

Alicia Doktor ·
The California Behavioral Health Planning Council (Council) is under federal and state mandate to advocate on behalf of adults with severe mental illness and children with severe emotional disturbance and their families. The Council is also statutorily required to advise the Legislature on behavioral health issues, policies and priorities in California. The Council advocates for an accountable system of seamless, responsive services that are strength-based, consumer and family member driven,...
Blog Post

Chronic absence is widespread in California schools

Cassie Hartzog ·
Educators consider chronic absenteeism a red alert — a blaring sign that a student might be academically at risk. Chronic absence is defined as missing 10 percent or more of school days for any reason, a level educators say puts students at risk of falling behind academically, failing classes, and dropping out. Schools and parents now have a new tool to investigate the problem, in the form of open-source data from the California Department of Education. The patterns that emerge from this...
Blog Post

Congressional Briefing Addresses Public Policy to Improve Response to ACEs

In the final weeks of the 114 th Congress, Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) welcomed her colleague Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) as a new host in the third and final briefing on addressing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). The December 1 briefing focused on public policies to improve coordination, prevention and response to childhood trauma. In addition to joining forces to raise awareness of the impact of ACEs, Senators Heitkamp and Durbin are drafting legislation based on a framework they...
Blog Post

‘Change in culture’: New California guidelines aim to help teach social, emotional skills [Press Democrat]

Karen Clemmer ·
The nation’s schools long ago broadened their missions beyond the teaching of academic subjects and participation in extracurricular activities. Educators have for decades been entrusted to teach students a wider range of life skills, including those that touch on emotions, empathy and relationships with other people. Now, a new state guide , released Wednesday, offers a slew of resources for teachers and administrators seeking to bolster kids’ social and emotional development. “Science...
Blog Post

How One Connection at CYW’s ACEs Conference Sparked Awareness into Action

Lori Chelius ·
Origins offers a number of training and consulting services. We developed The Basics as a half-day session to provide the foundation to support trauma-informed and resilience practices across sectors and industries. The session includes an overview of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study, the neurobiology of toxic stress, the impact of social and historical trauma, and the science of resilience. We have tested The Basics with two cross-sector audiences, in Los Angeles and Phoenix.
Blog Post

How One Connection at CYW’s ACEs Conference Sparked Awareness into Action

Lori Chelius ·
Origins offers a number of training and consulting services. We developed The Basics as a half-day session to provide the foundation to support trauma-informed and resilience practices across sectors and industries. The session includes an overview of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study, the neurobiology of toxic stress, the impact of social and historical trauma, and the science of resilience. We have tested The Basics with two cross-sector audiences, in Los Angeles and Phoenix.

Re: Action Alert! Campaign for restorative discipline in schools deadline TOMORROW!

Lisa Frederiksen ·
Thank you for letting us know, Gail. I've signed, tweeted and shared on FB. ~Lisa

Re: Action Alert! Campaign for restorative discipline in schools deadline TOMORROW!

Gail Yen ·
Awesome, thank you so much!


Jane Stevens ·
Blog Post

Health Advisory: Prioritizing Populations with Structural Barriers to Health in COVID-19 Care Response (SFDPH)

Karyna Linzer ·
Public health advisory concerning COVID-19 has been posted on the San Francisco Department of Public Health, Disease Prevention & Control Website at: . Copied from advisory: SITUATIONAL UPDATE Emerging data indicates populations experiencing structural oppression bear a disproportionate burden of COVID-19 disease and death, have a higher prevalence of predisposing co-morbidities, and are more likely to experience conditions...
Blog Post

Supreme Court upholds DACA, protecting hundreds of thousands from deportation []

By Zaidee Stavely, EdSource, June 18, 2020 Hundreds of thousands of “Dreamers” are breathing a sigh of relief, after a Supreme Court decision allows them to continue to work and be protected from deportation. The Supreme Court voted 5-4, with the four liberal justices and Chief Justice John Roberts saying that the decision to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, was “arbitrary and capricious.” The court’s decision, issued Thursday, leaves the door open for the administration...
Blog Post

Reaching for Resilience

Karen Clemmer ·
By Iridain Casarez, October 1, 2020, North Coast Journal. New programs were beginning to address the traumatic foundation of Humboldt's health problems. Then came COVID. Mary Ann Hansen probably understands the landscape of early childhood education in Humboldt County better than most. Before she became the director of First 5 Humboldt in 2015, she worked as a full-time lecturer in the Child Development Department at Humboldt State University and had been the head preschool teacher at the...
Blog Post

ACEs Aware Consultants for Facilitation and Report Research & Development RFQ []

Tina Chinakarn ·
FUNDING ALERT October 28, 2020 ACEs AWARE CONSULTANTS FOR FACILITATION AND REPORT RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) First 5 LA has released a Request for Qualifications for consultants to support ACEs Aware. The ACEs Aware initiative seeks to change and save lives by helping Medi-Cal providers understand the importance of screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and training them to respond with trauma-informed care. First 5 LA was selected by Office of...
Blog Post

Analysis: Is the Pandemic an Adverse Childhood Experience []

By Christina Santiago, California Health Report, November 5, 2020 While I was on call in the pediatric emergency department of Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, three firefighters rolled in a gurney with little girl strapped in — but she didn’t look injured. Unlike most kids arriving in an ambulance, she had no obvious injuries, no cervical collar to support her neck, no signs of bleeding and she was alert. Tracy looked to be about 4 years old and was so tiny compared to the gurney. Her...
Blog Post

New Resource: Strategies for Trauma-Informed School Communities

Elena Costa ·
The California Essentials for Childhood Initiative is excited to share a newly developed attached, “Strategies for Trauma-Informed School Communities: Practices to Improve Resiliency in School-Aged Children and Address Adverse Childhood Experiences”. This new resource is intended to assist state and local public health programs, child-serving systems, non-profits, and philanthropic organizations in their efforts to educate about the need for trauma-informed school policies and practices that...
Blog Post

Professionals, not police, should respond to mental health crises

Bre Gentile ·
Assembly member, Rebecca Bauer-Kahan, a Democrat from Orinda, has introduced Assembly Bill 988, also known as the Miles Hall Lifeline Act, to lay the groundwork for this desperately needed alternative to 911. If passed, the Miles Hall Lifeline Act will allow anyone in California who experiences severe mental health distress – or witnesses someone else in distress – to call one easy-to-remember phone number, 988, and get the appropriate help.
Blog Post

Toxic Stress

George Jagatic ·
How Much Do You Know About Toxic Stress? What Is Stress? People normally experience stress. Usually they tolerate it, have the coping skills to endure it, and adapt. Usually, no damage results from normal, short-term stress when people have support and coping skills, and some stress can be a good thing. According to researchers and the University of California, Berkeley, the body’s stress response sometimes pushes us to be more alert, perform our best physically and mentally, and adapt...
Blog Post

Education Spotlight: Merced County agencies helping those suffering from childhood trauma

Phil Schmauss ·
FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- In ABC30's segment, Education Spotlight, Action News Anchor Landon Burke will talk with Merced County Office of Education (MCOE) officials about some of the biggest topics in education. Two North Valley agencies, Merced County Office of Education and ACE Overcomers, have received nearly $200,000 in grants to help those suffering from childhood trauma. Landon Burked talked with two experts about the importance of treating adverse childhood experiences. To read the...
Blog Post

Inequalities deadly toll []

By Amy Maxmen, Nature, April 28, 2021 On a hazy day in November, Hardeep Singh received a text message from the COVID-19 testing system at Foster Farms poultry company saying that his mother had tested positive for the coronavirus. He got the alert because his mother, a 63-year-old line worker at one of the company’s meat-packing plants in California’s San Joaquin Valley, doesn’t speak English and doesn’t own a smartphone. Singh couldn’t reach her as she continued to handle chicken parts...
Blog Post

CALIFORNIA ACES ACADEMY - Medical Advocacy in the Face of Discrimination | May 27 []

Tasneem Ismailji ·
Medical Advocacy in the Face of Discrimination presented by Sharon Cooper, MD, FAAP Thursday, May 27, 2021 | 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm (PT) There is a significant impact on the body, mind, and spirit when racism is a part of a child and adolescent’s life experiences. The historical impact of systemic racism affects how families of color will parent their children, and at times intentionally overlook discriminatory treatment for fear of retaliation against their child. This realization has not been...
Blog Post

CALIFORNIA ACES ACADEMY - Medical Advocacy in the Face of Discrimination | May 27 []

Tasneem Ismailji ·
Medical Advocacy in the Face of Discrimination presented by Sharon Cooper, MD, FAAP Thursday, May 27, 2021 | 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm (PT) There is a significant impact on the body, mind, and spirit when racism is a part of a child and adolescent’s life experiences. The historical impact of systemic racism affects how families of color will parent their children, and at times intentionally overlook discriminatory treatment for fear of retaliation against their child. This realization has not been...
Blog Post

ACE Screening and Community Response

Linda Baggio ·
Dear Kings County, We are resilient! We have faced storm after storm, but we did not give up and we have not lost hope. In fact, we continue to confront challenges. Through it all, we stand united in building healthy futures and we plan to make this happen with your support. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress represent a public health crisis that has been, until recently, largely unrecognized by our state’s health care system and society. A consensus of scientific research...
Blog Post

Attention all Californians! Child death review teams dysfunctional; new bill can fix that

Jeoffry Gordon ·
While most of our attention here is focused on assisting maltreated children and their families or adults suffering from the residual of their childhood trauma, I have been working at the other (tragic) end of the spectrum of child deaths due to abuse and neglect (in bureaucratic language "critical incidents.") For three years I have been a volunteer member of the CAPTA mandated Citizens Review Panel under the Department of Social Services' (DSS) Office of Child Abuse Prevention. It has...
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Jeoffry Gordon ·
AB 2660 literally reorganizes and revitalizes the state system to manage child fatalities due to abuse and neglect in order to take wise preventive action. This has not been possible in the past. AB 2660 has passed the legislature (with no votes against it) and awaits the governor's signature. As many letters to the Governor as possible will greatly help. Tell your friends and colleagues to write NOW! To help here is a copy of my letter to the gov. Start by going to his website and select...
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Jeoffry Gordon ·
Ask Governor Newsome to sign AB 2660 now
Blog Post

Bouncing Forward After Adverse Childhood Experiences

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
Once the healing of hidden wounds from adverse childhood experiences has sufficiently progressed, attention can turn to developing a richly satisfying future. Your innate inner strengths, experiences, and acquired skills will help rewire your brain for a brighter future.
Blog Post

Keys to Calming Anxiety from Adverse Childhood Experiences

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
Anxiety rooted in the hidden wounds from childhood need not be a lifelong sentence. A combination of effective strategies offer hope and help to alleviate anxious conditions, including excessive worry and panic attacks, that originate in childhood.
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