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California PACEs Action

Trauma-informed care: A public health approach []


On April 18, at Cuesta College, Gabriella Grant, director of the California Center of Excellence for Trauma Informed Care and an innovative reformer of publicly provided services, presented Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) to nearly 300 professionals from SLO County’s public health and correctional agencies. She described a powerful, low-cost, effective transformation of our services to provide a dramatic solution to thousands of people who struggle with mental health problems, drug abuse, domestic abuse or trapped in low-level crime.

Public Health of San Luis Obispo, Center for Family Strengthening, Cuesta College and Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo County sponsored the event to reach a large core group of professionals representing all publicly funded social service organizations, including local behavioral and mental health organizations, criminal justice agencies, and public health departments in standing-room-only Cuesta auditorium.

Grant expressively used research and neuroscience to speak to an audience whose excitement built as we saw that we have the ability to provide high-quality treatment and services that facilitate healing from a wide range of mental health problems, drug abuse, domestic abuse and low-level crime as well as other, less intensive but still struggling people. The day allowed attendees to see the possibility of creating a cost-effective, on-demand treatment system that can be available to all.

Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) has quickly become the gold standard care in behavioral health. However, the pace of the growing acceptance of trauma-Informed care has not been matched by a redesign of the publicly funded system, including policies and practices.

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