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California PACEs Action

The Path Forward for Telemental Health + Join Our Upcoming Webinars

NO GOING BACK: Providing Telemental Health Services to California Children and Youth After the Pandemic, is the first in a series of briefs outlining how technology can make mental health more accessible with concrete recommendations based on providers’ perspectives, and lessons learned during the pandemic.

Read the Report

When the shelter-in-place mandate started, California’s mental and behavioral health providers quickly pivoted to telehealth delivery for children and adolescents. Recent reports from one of California’s largest Medi-Cal behavioral health plans showed that 80% of their contracted providers will continue to deliver telemental health services after the pandemic.

Moving forward, we have the opportunity and obligation to ensure that telemental health supports California’s most vulnerable youth - adequately and equitably. On Tuesday (Feb 2), DHCS released its Post-COVID Telehealth Policy Recommendations and proposed Trailer Bill Language, which are a strong start. Now advocates, including CCT, need to undertake a thorough review and feedback process to ensure the recommendations incorporate lived experience and reach those who need it most. With an open and responsive review process, and if approved and funded, these policies could advance the transformative actions we have outlined in our brief, and prevent California from “going back” to a youth mental health delivery system that does not adequately serve those who need it most.

State Of Reform offers a helpful overview of recommendations in the DHCS Telehealth Policy Proposal and the proposed Trailer Bill Language.

Join Upcoming Webinars

How School and District Leaders Can Finance School Mental Health Using Medi-Cal
February 23rd 10 - 11:15am
Alex Briscoe joins leadership from CDE and DHCS to provide an overview of what school and district leaders need to know about Medi-Cal, and discuss different models, examples, and action steps of how districts in California integrate Medi-Cal funded mental health services into school settings. Implementation challenges, lessons learned, and resources will also be shared. Register

Navigating Youth Mental Health Services in Medi-Cal Managed Care and Schools
March 4th 10:00 -11:30am
CCT is hosting this webinar to provide an overview of Medi-Cal managed care in California and explore the intersection of mental health and education, including financing options. Youth and school-based counselors will offer perspectives on how mental health is currently delivered in schools and where improvements can be made. Register

In case you missed our Feb 2 webinar! On February 2nd CCT, NCYL and NHeLP co-hosted a webinar to discuss the recently released report, “Meeting the Moment: Addressing California’s Growing Youth Mental Health Needs,” which addresses the Medi-Cal mental health entitlement and offers specific recommendations for how California can better fulfill its obligation to our children and youth. View webinar video and presentation materials.

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