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California PACEs Action

I faced a challenge one out of every three people in America has: depression and anxiety (CalMatters)


By Lenny Mendonca, Special to CalMatters,July 7, 2020, Cal Matters.

Lenny Mendonca was the Chief Economic and Business Advisor to Gov. Gavin Newsom and is now recovering-in-place at home in California. Mendonca is also a supporter of CalMatters.

On Friday, April 10, at 5 p.m., Californians learned I had resigned as Chief Economic and Business Advisor to Gov. Gavin Newsom and chair of the California High Speed Rail Authority. 

The press release stated I was leaving “to focus on family and personal business.” In corporate speak, this usually means someone got fired. I was not fired, and I approved this press release, even though I hate 5 p.m. Friday press releases. 

I am sharing additional information because I faced a challenge one of every three people in America has: depression and anxiety. 

I’m sharing my story because we have too few business and public leaders making public space to discuss mental health, destigmatize professional shame and protect against the resulting economic impact it can have on people’s careers and our economy as a whole. The conversation is overdue and urgent. 

[Please click here to read more.]

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