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California PACEs Action

Hope and Justice Art: Young people can submit their creations! (

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The Hope and Justice category was created under the guidance of educators, youth and young adults and community-based partners.  While Directing Change will continue to offer it’s core film-focused contest and curriculums, the Hope and Justice category will accept and award submissions on a monthly basis and in multiple art forms. 

The Hope & Justice category is an opportunity for young people living through history to express their feelings, take action, and to inspire others through art.  The new category can be used by educators who are looking for smaller and flexible projects to integrate into virtual classrooms while also meeting the academic and mental health needs of their students.  It can be shared with young people who are looking for ways to share what they are experiencing, how they are coping, and explore what drives them to stay hopeful for the future.

How to get involved:

  1. View submission details here:
  2. Select a submission format: Express yourself! Any art form suitable for sharing via social media is acceptable: original music, dance, spoken word, art, poetry, a speech, ANYTHING! This is your chance to tell your story and be creative.
  3. Pick a content category: Hope, Justice or Monthly Prompt
  • Hope: What helps you get through tough times?
  • Justice: Create a project that shares a perspective or your personal experience with discrimination or injustice in a way that encourages others to be open to a new point of view.
  • The monthly prompt for September is “What This Election Means to Me”
  • More prompts will be announced for October!


Contest Rules:

Submissions are accepted from youth ages 12-25. Submissions are due at midnight of the last day of the month and winners will be announced by the 15th of the following month and shared via social media and on the website. Participants are eligible to submit one entry per month.  Prizes include: First place ($300), Second Place ($150), Third Place ($100), and Honorable Mention ($25) in Amazon gift cards. Winners will be selected by the Hope and Justice advisory group and the Directing Change Team.

To learn more about the Directing Change Program & Film Contest and any of other submission categories, visit


Directing Change is part of Each Mind Matters: California's Mental Health Movement and statewide efforts to prevent suicide, reduce stigma and discrimination related to mental illness, and to promote the mental health and wellness of students. These initiatives are funded by counties through the Mental Health Services Act (Prop 63) and administered by the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA), an organization of county governments working to improve mental health outcomes for individuals, families and communities.  For more information visit:


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