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California PACEs Action

Health Equity Policy Platform for COVID-19 Response and Recovery


From Human Impact Parters:


A COVID-19 Public Health Response & Recovery Policy Platform

Decades of underinvestment in our public infrastructure and neoliberal policies that gutted protections for working people, our healthcare, and our wider safety net are vividly exposing their consequences. People of color — most harshly Black, Latinx, and Native people — are disproportionately experiencing the consequences of these conditions.

In this context, directly impacted communities are naming and working towards transformative solutions around areas including the criminal legal system, housing security, economic security, and healthcare access. 

Public health needs to act on solutions led by directly impacted communities

Below is a cross-sector policy platform, that if implemented, would challenge the conditions that create inequities in health outcomes. HIP did not generate these ideas — they come directly from organizations leading the work. As public health, we need to do everything possible to aid in putting these policies in place to support people during this pandemic and beyond.

Now — as ever — is the time to set aside concerns of objectivity and politics, and use our power to change the unjust systems that have perpetually harmed the health of communities across the US.  


[Click here to view Health Equity Policy Platform]

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