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California PACEs Action

California ACES Learning & Quality Improvement Collaborative (CALQIC) - Opportunity to be a part of the Learning Collaborative!


Apply to be a part of ACEs Aware's California ACES Learning & Quality Improvement Collaborative (CALQIC) 

In partnership with the UCSF Center to Advance Trauma-Informed Healthcare and other key partners, we'll select 15 organizations across California to participate in this 18-month learning collaborative to support clinics in screening for and responding to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in children and adults. 

This is a challenging time, and we know that many of our health care partners are making the decision to halt nonessential duties in order to continue to serve patients and community members. We also know that in the face of this unprecedented public health crisis, patients, caregivers, and health care workers will be under increased amounts of stress, and more than ever, organizations will need to be trauma-and-resilience informed to best address burnout and toxic stress impacting both staff and patients.

In order to be responsive to the changing external environment and the challenges facing health care organizations, we extended the CALQIC application deadline to April 30, 2020, and we are happy to accept applications up until that date.

Through CALQIC, we'll provide access to training and technical assistance, in-person conferences, site visits to exemplar organizations, and coaching, as well as up to $70,000 in grants to each participating organization.

We're launching CALQIC with an aim to:

  • Identify and overcome barriers to ACEs screening and response at the site and organizational level.
  • Align clinical efforts with California's ACEs Aware initiative (i.e., credentialing providers, using approved screening tools, billing appropriately, etc.).
  • Develop or strengthen models of care and tools for operationalizing ACEs screening and response (i.e., roles, workflows, scripts, etc.).
  • Collect and track data to assess progress in screening and responding to patients with high ACE scores.   


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