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California PACEs Action

Britney Spears, PACEs, and Mental Health | Join us! | PC Reacts Live Zoom Event on Friday, August 6th at Noon PT


PC Reacts is a new series by PACEs Connection in which we look at current events through a trauma-informed and PACEs science lens.

In the next episode in this series, we will respectfully and mindfully discuss issues that are adjacent to Britney Spears' public struggle with mental health, human rights, as she fights to end her conservatorship with her father. The emphasis of our conversation will be on positive and adverse childhood experiences and potential trauma experienced for children in the entertainment industry, and the trauma-informed solutions we'd like to see in the future.

Join us for our next event:

Britney Spears, PACEs, and Mental Health
Friday, August 6, 2021
Noon to 1:00 PM PDT

>> Click here to register <<


Hosts: Alison Cebulla and Porter Jennings-McGarity

Porter and I are children of the 80s. We grew up with Britney Spears as the #1 pop icon of our teenage and preteenage years. Watching her struggle has been a reflection of our generation’s struggles, except tragically much more public for Britney. I, too, had a mental health and emotional breakdown that required severe medical attention, but mine wasn’t on full display. Like Britney, I felt the acute pressure to succeed by my parents. Their expectations and control in my life felt difficult to acknowledge and recover from. Not all children will rise to have as much fame and fortune as Britney Spears, but for those of us born in and around the 80s, we know that this was an era in which parents felt they could shape and mold their children to fit the American dream—often at the expense of our emotional wellbeing.

For this episode, we’d like to focus the discussion on:

  • Traits of parents/80s parents and mental health impacts
  • Gender inequity in mental health assessments and conservator assignments, both present and historical
  • Our vision for trauma-informed and PACEs science-based mental health care and mental health law (and where Britney’s case falls short)
  • Our vision for trauma-informed and PACEs science-based children working in adult arenas such as entertainment
  • PACEs and mental health outcomes

This event is free and open to the public. We hope you will join to listen and share your ideas no matter what your background. We especially welcome experts in clinical mental health, mental health law, and mental health research to join and share your expert opinions with us on this subject.

Before joining the live discussion event, please reference the following resources:

Registration Link:


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  • britney

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