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California PACEs Action

August 29 Children’s Advocacy Institute Hosts Roundtable Discussions


The Children's Advocates Roundtable, established in 1990, is an affiliation of over 200 statewide and regional children's policy organizations, representing over twenty issue disciplines (e.g., child abuse prevention, child care, education, poverty, housing, juvenile justice). The Roundtable is convened by the Children's Advocacy Institute (CAI), and is committed to providing a setting where statewide and locally-based children's advocates gather with advocates from other children's issue disciplines to share resources, information, and knowledge, and strategize on behalf of children; an opportunity to educate each other about the variety of issues and legislation that affect children and youth — facilitating prioritization of issues and minimizing infighting over limited state resources historically budgeted for children's programs; an opportunity to collaborate on joint projects that promote the interests of children and families; and a setting to foster a children's political movement, committed to ensuring that every child in California is economically secure, gets a good education, has access to health care, and lives in a safe environment.

The full Children's Advocates Roundtable meets quarterly. The date of the next full Roundtable is Aug. 29, 2019 from 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM. 

Each Roundtable consists of:

  • Detailed discussions of emerging areas of significance for children's advocates.
  • Discussions of timely matters important to all children's advocates, such as the budget, elections, or "inside the horseshoe" information.
  • An opportunity for Roundtable members to discuss their legislative and advocacy priorities, and seek support and assistance from other members.

CAI looks forward to hearing from speakers and organizations and having an interesting discussion about important issues that impact California’s children and youth.

For more information, please contact CAI's Melanie Delgado at (619) 260-4806 or

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