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California PACEs Action

Assisted suicide: New California law to take effect June 9 (

Governor Jerry Brown
Image: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

California's Legislature ended its special session on health care, meaning the state's assisted suicide will go into effect on June 9th.  Under the law, signed by Gov. Brown in October, a patient who has been diagnosed as having six months or less to live can request that his doctor prescribe life-ending medication.

The patient must make two oral requests at least 15 days apart, along with a written request witnessed by at least two people, one of whom may not be a relative.

Compassion & Choices, the main advocacy group that lobbied for the law, says it has launched a bilingual campaign to educate the terminally ill, their families and medical providers about the law. 

The group said in a statement that it has set up a hotline (1-800-893-4548) that patients, doctors and pharmacists can call for information on the law. It is also providing information on a website

"In addition, physicians can speak to doctors with years of experience in end-of-life care options, including medical aid in dying, by calling the Compassion & Choices’ free and confidential Doc2Doc consultation program at 1-800-247-7421," the group said.

For the entire article written by Paul Glickman, please click here


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  • Governor Jerry Brown

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