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California PACEs Action

A Special Opportunity to Invest in Our Communities with Proposition 64 Expenditures


California’s Proposition 64 (2016 marijuana legalization) presents a special opportunity to invest in community-based substance use education, prevention, and more for children, youth, families, and the communities they live in. There is a critical need to focus these efforts on effective strategies that address the underlying causes and conditions of substance use, including adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), adverse community environments, toxic stress, trauma and lack of proactive efforts to support family and community engagement in efforts to promote healing, resilience and drive systems change.

Building on its prior work to advance trauma-informed approaches to Proposition 47 expenditures and with funding support from The California Endowment, the Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative (CAHMI) has facilitated a partnership with a stakeholder and expert Advisory Committee and the CA Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity.  This partnership has led to a Recommendations Roadmap for Proposition 64 Expenditures.  The goal of the roadmap is to ensure that a culturally responsive, racially just, healing-centered and trauma informed approach to promote individual, family and community healing and resilience is delivered through these expenditures.

The roadmap is based on a set of principles and a framework with four interrelated categories of recommendations: 1) Relationship and Engagement-Centered Assessment, Interventions, and Healing; 2) Training and Capacity Building; 3) Cross-Sector Collaboration; and 4) Learning-centered Innovation, Measurement, and Evaluation.

For the current executive summary and other resources, please visit:

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