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Books! Educational Videos! Documentaries!

Here's a place where you can review books, educational dvds and documentaries that relate to ACE concepts or trauma-informed practices. "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." ~ Nelson Mandela

Tagged With "Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life"

Blog Post

Hallelujah Anyway: Anne Lamott on Reclaiming Mercy and Forgiveness as the Root of Self-Respect in a Vengeful World

Hallelujah Anyway: Reclaiming Mercy and Forgiveness - a slim, powerful book about the ways in which we harden against life and the ways in which we can soften through forgiveness, kindness, and all those splendors of spirit which, in denying others, we deny ourselves. In a testament to how trauma muffles our senses and sensitivities, she considers our greatest stumbling block to mercy and forgiveness. Echoing the beautiful opening lines of Naomi Shihab Nye's poem, "Kindness" - "Before you...
Blog Post

Healing ACE's

David Kenney ·
Healing Childhood Trauma I’d like to thank each member of ACE’s Connection for all your work helping and supporting children through various activities and organizations. You are clearly a collection of people who care about the children of the world. It is in recognition of these efforts that I ask you to consider two books on healing childhood trauma. They represent a life-time partnership dedicated to raising and educating healthy children. Secondly, I’d like to ask you for a word of...
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Healing Justice: Holistic Self-Care for Change Makers

Loretta Pyles ·
Announcing the publication of a new book, Healing Justice: Holistic Self-Care for Change Makers , published this month by Oxford University Press. Here's a brief description: "In the context of global oppression, intergenerational trauma, burnout, and public services retrenchment, this book offers a framework, critical inquiries, case studies, and practices for social workers, counselors, activists, and other helping professionals. Drawing from the East-West modalities of mindfulness and...
Blog Post

Healing the Heart of Democracy: Parker Palmer on Holding the Tension of Our Differences in a Creative Way (

“Full engagement in the movement called democracy requires no less of us than full engagement in the living of our own lives.” In a sentiment that calls to mind Leonard Cohen’s wonderful insistence that “a revelation in the heart” is the only force that moves minds toward mutual understanding, Palmer considers the deeper rationale for his title: “Heart” comes from the Latin cor and points not merely to our emotions but to the core of the self, that center place where all of our ways of...
Blog Post

Healing the Wound That Won't Heal

Jo Spencer · Please take a look at my book, and my new website for The Early Trauma Institute. I am very interested in hearing from others who suffered trauma in the first two years of life.
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Healing the Wound That Won't Heal

Jo Spencer ·
This book is the chronicle of my work to uncover and understand the trauma and neglect I suffered during the first year of my life due to my father's shell-shock from WWII.
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Healing the Wound That Won't Heal: the Reality of Trauma

Jo Spencer ·
“Healing the Wound That Won’t Heal: the Reality of Trauma.” In this book I share my in-depth work to understand the psychology and neurobiology regarding trauma and neglect in the first two years of life. My father was suffering extreme shell-shock due to his WWII mission to bomb the oil refineries at Ploesti, Romania. He was too ill to care for himself: yet, I was left with him everyday as my mother worked as a waitress. When I was thirteen-months-old, he died on the floor in front of my...
Blog Post

Healing Your Attachment Wounds: How to Create Deep and Lasting Intimate Relationships (

As a pioneer (Expert Diane Poole Heller, PhD) in bringing the fields of Attachment theory and trauma resolution together in radically new ways, I am thrilled to announce the launch of my new six audio-CD set, Healing Your Attachment Wounds: How to Create Deep and Lasting Intimate Relationships , published by Sounds True. For those who don’t know me, I'm a psychotherapist specializing in trauma recovery and the healing of early Attachment wounds, specifically how they later affect our adult...
Blog Post

Helping Children To Thrive Despite Early Struggles []

Samantha Sangenito ·
“The beauty of being human is that we constantly evolve and change. We have experiences every day that can alter the course of our lives to help us rebuild what was broken and rediscover what was lost. We, as humans, are never irreparably broken because our brains and bodies are built to change and adapt. And young children are often able to change more easily than the rest of us, when makes the earliest years of life the most full of hope. The key to that hope is in relationships.” - Sara...
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Helping Kids Find the Wisdom in Overwhelm

Ruby Roth ·
In an unprecedented global shutdown, many of us, especially without the noise and distraction of everyday life, are facing intensified, often destabilizing feelings. And that includes kids—whether they’re able to say so or not.
Blog Post

Her life changed when she focused on self-care. Now she's helping others do the same. (

In 1996, Tomasa Macapinlac was in her early 30s, very successful, and working for one of the tech world's biggest companies. She was also extremely exhausted. No doubt, many Americans have felt these same burnout feelings, which can have real impacts on physical health. In fact, stressful jobs are a known cause of high blood pressure . Of course, everyone is different and self-care is going to vary from person to person. For some, it's about following a thorough daily routine. For others,...
Blog Post

'Hillbilly Elegy' author details poverty's barriers []

Alicia Doktor ·
With frank honesty, J.D. Vance, author of the best-selling book "Hillbilly Elegy," spoke Wednesday in the student union at Bowling Green State University about his life growing up in Appalachia and the systemic problems stemming from poverty, educational inequalities and drug abuse. Persistence, resilience and grit are the Common Experience themes at BGSU this year and Vance's memoir "Hillbilly Elegy" is the year's Common Read book, reflecting those concepts. The student union was filled...
Blog Post

Hope Rising: How the Science of HOPE Can Change Your Life to be published Nov. 27, 2018

Casey G. Gwinn ·
What if we all lived in a culture of hope? What if we all worked in a culture of hope? What if everyone dealing with childhood trauma, challenges and difficulties found a place where hope was so high that it invaded their lives as they soon as they arrived? What if our families had a culture of hope? What if every marriage had high hope?
Blog Post

How (My Story of) Trauma/ACEs Unexpectedly Snuck Its Way Into My Memoir

Amit Janco ·
Long before I heard of ACEs or the phrase “childhood adversity,” I started to write a book; my first. Now, hot off the press, my memoir isn’t the book I set out to write. But who am I kidding? It’s exactly the book that had to be written. It finally gnawed at me, dared me, to excavate for truth. My book was supposed to be about walking the Camino de Santiago Compostela in 2013. After I’d hiked nearly 1000 kms of trails across Spain, I told my family and friends that I would write a book...
Blog Post

How Neuroscience Can Help Your Kid Make Good Choices (

Self-regulation may sound like a tall order—but it’s also the best choice, according to Erin Clabough, a neuroscientist, mother of four, and author of the book Second Nature: How Parents Can Use Neuroscience to Help Kids Develop Empathy, Creativity, and Self-Control . Self-regulation is a skill that we need whenever we want to make a good choice or work toward a goal, especially when strong feelings are involved—in ourselves or others. Unfortunately, the qualities that support...
Blog Post

How Neuroscience Can Help Your Kid Make Good Choices (

Imagine the following scenario: Your eight-year-old son is repeatedly poked with a pencil by his classmate at school. How does he respond? He might endure the pokes without complaint by using willpower, or he might stay silent, succumbing to feelings of fear or powerlessness. He could lose his self-control and act out, attacking his classmate verbally or poking him back. Or does your son “self-regulate” by considering his options and resources, taking stock of his feelings and strengths,...
Blog Post

How to Help Teenage Girls Reframe Anxiety and Strengthen Resilience (

Sometimes anxiety and stress reach levels that impede a girl’s ability to navigate life effectively. Dr. Lisa Damour has tips for parents and teens to help manage these situations. Damour, a psychologist and author of the new book "Under Pressure: Confronting the Epidemic of Stress and Anxiety in Girls," has spent decades working with adolescent girls and their families. In recent years, she has noticed a change in how society views stress. “Somehow a misunderstanding has grown up about...
Blog Post

How to Live a More Courageous Life (

(Image: ) In my new book, The Courage Habit , I argue that when it comes to dealing with fear, we often go about it all wrong. Instead of seeing fear as bad and trying to get rid of it when it arises, we can choose to accept fear as part of the process of change and instead practice courage. This choice can help you to feel more emotionally resilient as you make life changes or go after big dreams. Though courage is often thought of as an inborn character trait, it’s actually a...
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How to Succeed in College and Life []

Samantha Sangenito ·
You should get some exercise, eat healthy, and sleep enough. You should be supportive of your friends. You should do what you’re passionate about. We’ve all gotten such well-meaning advice, and it’s good advice. But there’s one problem: People rarely tell us how to achieve these worthy goals. Luckily, there is a new book that gives you the “how,” and will help you not just survive, but thrive. U Thrive: How to Succeed in College (and Life) by Daniel Lerner and Alan Schlechter—two New York...
Blog Post

Inaugural 2019 KPJR Book Club. Self-Reg: How to Help Your Child (and You) Break the Stress Cycle and Successfully Engage with Life

KPJR Films is pleased to present the selection for the inaugural 2019 KPJR Book Club. Self-Reg: How to Help Your Child (and You) Break the Stress Cycle and Successfully Engage with Life is a ground-breaking book that presents an entirely new understanding of your child's emotions and behavior that serves as a practical guide for parents to help their kids engage calmly and successfully in learning and life. Rooted in decades of clinical practice and research by leading child psychologist Dr.
Blog Post

Inflammation! Who knew???

Bill Lipe ·
I found this book through a side door.  I have been looking for information to suppress inflammation,since my knees have been hurting more and less for twenty years.   During an exam, my doctor said I had considerable crepitus...
Blog Post

Inside / Outside: Your Choice – A Letter from Prison, by John Mendoza F65673

Gary Levenson-Palmer ·
The Mendocino County Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Commission is happy to present the book Inside/Outside: Your Choice - A letter from Prison by John Mendoza F65673. The book is geared towards youth between twelve and eighteen years old. The link to the website is: This book was made possible by a grant from the Mendocino County Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Commission and the generous donations of Heroes for Youth, sponsored by CASA (Court...
Blog Post

Interview with Hilary Jacobs Hendel

Jill Karson ·
I first came across Hilary Jacobs Hendel’s work when I read a New York Times article in which Hendel, a practicing psychotherapist and writer, described the “Change Triangle,” an upside down triangle that explains how emotions work. The Change Triangle is also a roadmap that teaches us how we can use emotions as guides to both heal trauma and attain a more vital and calm state of being. As a follower of Hendel’s blog—and an avid user of the Change Triangle to understand my own inner...
Blog Post

Interview with Jason Lee, author of Living with the Dragon: Healing 15000 days of Abuse and Shame

Joyelle Brandt ·
Jason Lee is an author based out of Coquitlam BC. He’s also a mental health advocate and speaker at events across Canada. His book Living with the Dragon, Healing 15 000 Days of Abuse and Shame has received praise from counselors and comes highly recommended as a resource particularly for men in recovery from depression, anxiety and anger stemming from childhood abuse and trauma. In this interview, we talk about how his book is changing the way people are viewing mental health, depression...
Blog Post

It's Not Always Depression was the Winner of the 2018 Best Book Award in the Mental Health/Psychology Category

Hilary Jacobs Hendel ·
To prevent and treat trauma, we all benefit from receiving a basic education in how emotions work in the mind and body. Sadly, we don't get this education in our formal schooling. So we must take it upon ourselves to learn.
Blog Post

Jennifer Burns is the Special Guest on "Breaking the Silence" Radio Program this Sunday!

Dr. Gregory Williams ·
Jennifer Burns will be the special guest on "Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams" this Sunday evening, March 15th at 8 pm Central Time. Jennifer will be sharing your personal story of trauma and pain during her childhood. Jennifer will also be sharing one of the things that helps her deal with her anxiety and stress is art. She creates beautiful works of art now and this has become a great therapy for her. "Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams" is heard each Sunday...
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Judging Me, by Mary Elizabeth Bullock

Jill Karson ·
Last week I had the pleasure of attending Day 1 of the CAMFT "Advancing the Art and Science of Psychotherapy" conference in Orange County, where I got to hear Gabor Mate and Vincent Felitti weigh in on the impact of ACEs. What a singular experience to hear this dynamic duo on stage together! (My husband remarked that I was "lit up like a Christmas tree" when I got home that night.) While discussing the meaning of "resilience," Dr. Felitti recommended the book Judging Me, by Mary Elizabeth...
Blog Post

'Just Show Up': Sheryl Sandberg On How To Help Someone Who's Grieving (

Two years ago, life was good for Sheryl Sandberg. The Facebook senior executive and mother of two had a best-selling book ( Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead ) and she and her husband, Dave Goldberg, decided to take a vacation. But on that vacation, Goldberg collapsed at the gym from heart failure and died. He was 47 years old. Sandberg went through a period of darkness after her husband's death. She turned to professionals and friends for help getting through it, and now she's...
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KPJR FILMS Presents June's Book Club Selection & Author Tweet Up!

lynn waymer ·
The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog: And Other Stories from a Child Psychiatrist's Notebook - What Traumatized Children Can Teach Us About Loss, Love, and Healing By Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph.D. What happens when a young brain is traumatized? How does terror, abuse, or disaster affect a child's mind -- and how can that mind recover? Child psychiatrist Dr. Bruce D. Perry has helped children faced with unimaginable horror: genocide survivors, murder witnesses, kidnapped teenagers, and victims of...
Blog Post

Latest ACEs science research from PubMed, February 12, 2019

Morgan Vien ·
Hair cortisol in the perinatal period mediates associations between maternal adversity and disrupted maternal interaction in early infancy. Nyström-Hansen M, Andersen MS, Khoury JE, Davidsen K, Gumley A, Lyons-Ruth K, MacBeth A, Harder S. Dev Psychobiol . 2019 Feb 12. doi: 10.1002/dev.21833. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 30747450 elect item 3074 Child maltreatment is mediating long-term consequences of household dysfunction in a population representative sample. Clemens V, Berthold O, Witt A,...
Blog Post

LGBTQ + Youth - a book reviewed in Journal of GLBT Family Studies

Dr. Lee-Anne Gray ·
LGBTQ youth are most vulnerable to the school to prison pipeline, which is a very severe ACE (Snapp et al, 2015.) To combat this problem, I wrote a clinical manual for educators and mental health clinicians. The book addresses the need for sensitive engagement with, and advocacy of, LGBTQ+ youth. LGBTQ+ Youth: A Guided Workbook to Support Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity was released in June 2018, endorsed by Jenny Finney Boylan, and #1 NEW RELEASE on Amazon in Teen and Young Adult...
Blog Post

License to Parent, a Move the World Documentary (2018) by George Siegel

Jill Karson ·
George Siegel wrote, produced, and directed this award winning one-hour film. From the film's website: A documentary film that focuses on the lack of any requirements needed for parenting. The film looks at people's stories--men, women, and children whose paths in life were set by the family to which they were born. The film shows that if we can raise the standard of parenting, we can make our world a better place in which to live. I'm looking forward to viewing the film and then asking...
Blog Post

LOOK FOR ME Video Now on YouTube

Liz Schiller ·
Video of the first-ever performances of LOOK FOR ME, the musical about healing from trauma, is now available on YouTube. Look For Me was created to challenge one of the most pervasive myths about trauma and PTSD: that the damage done by traumatic experiences is a life sentence. The video now available is from performances of a 25-minute excerpt of the show presented at the New York New Works Theatre Festival in September, 2018. The excerpt captures the full storyline of the main character,...
Blog Post

Michigan Trauma Informed Education

robert hull ·
We are working with PESI, a leader in professional development, to offer a full day training in trauma informed education. This content follows the content of our book on Supporting and Educating Traumatized Students. We will be in Michigan April 19, (Sterling Heights) 20, (LIvonia) and 21 (Ann Arbor) See the attached brochure If this goes well they will continue to offer this next year. Hope to see you there
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Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself (Lissa Rankin, MD)

Dr. Lissa Rankin, New York Times bestselling author of Mind Over Medicine, The Fear Cure, and The Anatomy of a Calling, is a physician, speaker, founder of the Whole Health Medicine Institute, and mystic. She is on a mission to merge science and spirituality in a way that not only facilitates the health of the individual, but also uplifts the health of the collective.
Blog Post

Mindfulness at Work: How to Avoid Stress, Achieve More, and Enjoy Life! [By Stephen McKenzie]

Jesus Gaeta ·
From the book's page on Amazon:   Mindfulness isn't anything that we think; it's what we don't think. Mindfulness isn't something that other people do; it's something that we all do. Mindfulness is an ancient, life-enhancing, healing technique...
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How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity and the Hidden Power of Character

Jane Stevens ·
Claudia Gold, a pediatrician who blogs on  Child in Mind  and , wrote  a terrific post about Paul Tough  and his book  How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity and the Hidden Power of Character . He was...
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"Is That Me Yelling?"

Rona Renner ·
I would love to know what you think of my new book, "Is That Me Yelling?" In it I invite parents to be the experts on their children by learning how to become more familiar with their yelling triggers and learn ways to stay calm in the middle of a...
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"Is That Me Yelling?" A new book for parents and professionals

Rona Renner ·
I am happy to announce that my book, "Is That Me Yelling? is out in bookstores and online. It's been a labor of love to write about ways parents can become more familiar with themselves as they attempt to respond, rather than over-react, to their...
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Jemma's Journey

Jane Stevens ·
This is a review from the Like Minds Like Mine newsletter:  Mt. Maunganui (New Zealand) psychologist Janet Peters, who has been involved with the New Zealand Mental Health Foundation's   Like Minds Like Mine  programme for over...
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Lost Lives: The Pandemic Violence Against Children by Dr. Einar Helander

Jane Stevens ·
Dr. Anna Luise Kirkengen, professor in family medicine at the Universities of Tromso and Trondheim, reviewed this book for the Kaiser Permanente Journal in Fall 2011 . The 298-page can be purchased on Dr. Helander's site  for $20. In her review...
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Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Developmental Trauma: Calming the Fear-Driven Brain Hardcover – April 21, 2014

Former Member ·
  Review “This is a truly groundbreaking book. Sebern Fisher combines a mastery of neurofeedback with a real knack for applying neuroscience to do nothing less than lay the groundwork for a new, powerful, mind-brain approach to the most...
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Not in MY name! A collection of quotes on the past, present, and future of the practice of torture by E. Mazel (free online book) (2005)

Chris Engel ·
"Forty-five years ago, in the course of browsing through antiquarian bookstores, I became fascinated by a number of volumes that depicted torture in various eras and in far-flung places. Horrified by the similarities to descriptions of Nazi...
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Overcoming Trauma through Yoga: Reclaiming Your Body by D. Emerson & E. Hopper (2011)

Chris Engel ·
" Overcoming Trauma through Yoga is a book for survivors, clinicians, and yoga instructors who are interested in mind/body healing. It introduces trauma-sensitive yoga, a modified approach to yoga developed in collaboration between yoga teachers and...
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Research on Pre-Para-Post-Therapeutic Activities in Mental Health: Prevention, Promotion, Psychotherapy, and Rehabilitation by L'Abate (2013)

Chris Engel ·
In the past 25 years, the field of psychotherapy has made tremendous leaps and bounds with regard to the efficacy of psychotherapeutic interventions. The  entire evidence-based treatment movement has no doubt revolutionized the manner in which...
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Resilience: The Science of Mastering Life's Greatest Challenges

Jane Stevens ·
Resilience: The Science of Mastering Life's Greatest Challenges  is written by Steven Southwick, a Yale Medical School and Yale Child Study Center psychiatry professor who specializes in PTSD and resilience, and psychiatrist and...
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Saving Normal: An Insider's Revolt Against Out-of-Control Psychiatric Diagnosis, DSM-5, Big Pharma, and the Medicalization of Ordinary Life by Dr. Allen Frances (2013)

Chris Engel ·
"From "the most powerful psychiatrist in America" (New York Times) and "the man who wrote the book on mental illness" (Wired), a deeply fascinating and urgently important critique of the widespread medicalization of normality. Anyone living a full,...
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Scarcity: Why Having Too Little Means So Much

Donna Woodard ·
We have all experienced those times when there is just not enough time to get everything done. We probably have experienced a time when we did not have enough money to pay all our bills and meet all our wants. We have probably all been on an extreme...
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"Stories of Complicated Grief: A Critical Anthology"

Former Member ·
25 October 2013 : I had the pleasure of taking part in this very special project on complicated grief, titled  Stories of Complicated Grief: A Critical Anthology , edited by Eric Miller, PhD. It will soon be released by  NASW Press , and if...
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Super Survivors- The Surprising Link Between Suffering and Success

Alicia St. Andrews ·
Super Survivors- The Surprising Link Between Suffering and Success About the Authors: Together, we examine post-traumatic and stress-related growth. We are interested in your stories of resilience and survival. Our mission to open a dialogue about the different ways that people survive trauma and tragedy, highlighting how people move forward in life. David B. Feldman, PhD , is an associate professor of counseling psychology at Santa Clara...
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