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Tagged With "Adverse Childhood Events"

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Gathering in Topeka, Kansas for the Educators’ Art of Facilitation Chapter IV

James Encinas ·
According to Alice Miller author of The Drama of the Gifted Child, an Enlightened Witness is “an understanding person who helps a victim of abuse recognize the injustice they suffered and gives vent to their feelings about what happened to them”. Brene Brown author of Daring Greatly states, "empathy is feeling with or alongside someone, while sympathy is feeling sorry for." In Topeka we unpacked and explored the message of the Enlightened Witnesses in our lives.
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Group Advocating For Creation Of ‘Trauma-Informed’ Legislation In Sacramento []

Alicia Doktor ·
Could state policies be improved by a greater understanding of the lingering effects of childhood trauma? That's the case that social workers and psychologists will be making to California legislators Tuesday as part a policymaker education day. The California Campaign to Combat Childhood Adversity wants lawmakers to learn about the effects of toxic stress resulting from childhood trauma, which they say can influence everything from health care to the economy . "California's children are in...
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Growth through Trauma-Informed Strategies: Coaching and Consultation with Rick Griffin

Tara Mah ·
There is a Chinese proverb that states, “If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people." The benefits are evident, yet the real question becomes, “how do you grow people?” This Big Idea Session, CRI’s Trauma Coaching and Trauma Consultation Training, answers this question. Schools, organizations, and parents are discovering that the traditional “command and control” style of working with...
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Harvard Infographic on ACEs and Toxic Stress

Marcia Fervienza ·
This was just posted by Harvard. I thought all of us could use access to it, for use in our schools and the settings we work in. The full image is on the attached PDF.
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Heyman Oo integrates ACEs science as foundation of pediatric care

Sylvia Paull ·
Dr. Heyman Oo, a 34-year-old primary care pediatrician, first learned about the science of adverse childhood experiences in medical school at a grand rounds held around 2012 at Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego, which she attended from 2009 to 2014. The presenter was none other than Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, a pediatrician who went on to become California’s first Surgeon General. The founder and former director of the Center for Youth Wellness drew millions of views for her TED talk on...
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How I Became a Champion for Trauma-Informed Change

Dawn Daum ·
I began riding the “trauma-informed care” wave three years prior to realizing I was part of something bigger than my own vision to bust open the conversation on trauma. When my life as a writer, editor, and advocate for parenting survivors of childhood abuse collided with my professional life as a mental health care manager, I knew the universe was trying to tell me something. Having long ago succumbed to the realization that everything really does happen for a reason, I started to see my...
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I NEED to Self-Regulate: Rolling out "The Regulated Classroom"

Emily Read Daniels ·
I am freaking out! My heart is racing, my chest is thumping, my belly is buzzing. Last night I check my list of attendees for my upcoming workshop. It jumped from sixteen to eighteen registrants. I freaked! I was literally scrambling around my kitchen screeching, “18,” “AHH!…18.” “I can’t fit eighteen.” My 10-month old puppy and 10-year old daughter are chasing behind me in frenzied excitement. My daughter is yelling, “mom this is good, your business is growing.” And my husband is sitting in...
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Immigrant teens, parents explore ACEs, resilience in 5-week course with family doc

Laurie Udesky ·
Dr. Angela Bymaster, a family doctor in San Jose, Calif., was determined to find a way to teach ACEs science to her patients. Teens would come to the Washington Neighborhood Clinic clearly depressed by a range of problems at home that were contributing to risky sexual behavior and marijuana use, as well as preventable health problems like extreme obesity.
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Implementation of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Conversation in Primary Care []

By Victoria Bodendorfer, Afton M Koball, Cary Rasmussen, et al., Oxford University Press, November 23 ,2019 Abstract Background Research has focused on screening for adverse childhood experiences, rather than provision of education as a part of routine anticipatory guidance. An adverse childhood experiences ‘conversation’ is one method that has not been studied empirically but represents a complimentary or alternative approach to screening which could overcome many existing barriers.
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Improve Birth and Perinatal Outcomes with a Trauma Sensitive Approach

Kate White ·
The Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health is excited to bring together 10 talented practitioners to explore the Trauma Informed Practices that help improve birth outcomes and support human development right from the very start. The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (1998) launched the importance of trauma and trauma informed care in our health and educational systems. We suddenly had a measure of how early experiences in childhood could correlate with adult disease.
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In the Arena with NOW Podcast Episode, "Letting Communities Lead" (30 min)

Diana Rivera ·
The Networks of Opportunity for Child Wellbeing (NOW) is excited to share the second episode of In the Arena with NOW , a podcast series that lifts up the voices of community leaders who are “in the arena” -- in classrooms, playgrounds, Congressional halls, hospitals, and neighborhood streets -- working to make sure that all children and families can live healthy, thriving lives. In our second episode, we speak with members of the Young Child Wellness Council (YCWC) in Tuscaloosa, Alabama ,...
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Inside the ACE Score Strengths Limitations and Misapplications with Dr. Robert Anda ( & Note

Christine Cissy White ·
Cissy's note: Thanks to @Elizabeth Perry for flagging me and letting me know about this important YouTube video posted on April 6th via the ACE Interface Laura Porter channel which furthers this important discussion about the uses/misuses of ACEs scores. This topic is written about from a personal perspective by @Sirena Wheeler here, yesterday, on ACEs Connection a piece entitled Erasing My ACEs which @Laura Porter commented upon. I have found tremendous benefit from learning about ACEs...
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Inside the Adverse Childhood Experience Score: Strengths, Limitations, and Misapplications []

By Robert F. Anda, Laura E. Porter, David W. Brown, et al., American Journal of Preventive Medicine, March 25, 2020 INTRODUCTION Despite its usefulness in research and surveillance studies, the Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) score is a relatively crude measure of cumulative childhood stress exposure that can vary widely from person to person. Unlike recognized public health screening measures, such as blood pressure or lipid levels that use measurement reference standards and cut points...
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Introducing Dawn Daum, Community Manager: Becoming Trauma-Informed & Beyond

Dawn Daum ·
The movement to incorporate trauma-informed care, and the wave to bring awareness to ACEs science has manifested in to the perfect storm; the perfect mix of compassion and frustration. I've said over and over again, once you become aware of the research and science behind trauma, and start to talk to other people about what it all means and how it looks, its a game changer. Since our agency-wide ACEs/Trauma 101 training by community member, Dave Wallace , atleast once a...
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Introducing NEW Becoming Trauma-Informed & Beyond Community

Christine Cissy White ·
Earlier this year @Dawn Daum wrote to us when she was ready to share ACEs science with people in the organization she works in to make a case for moving towards more trauma-informed care for the benefit of the staff and those they serve. She was frustrated because almost all the training and resources she found were geared towards schools, clinical staff or to organizations working with children and families rather than ACE-impacted adults in the workplace and who are...
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Investing In Community Resilience: Deploying Trauma-Informed Practice for Funders & Capacity Builders (Webinar Series)

Aaron Weibe ·
Register Here As a philanthropist, your passion for building just, healthy, resilient communities is evident. Until recently, we have been missing critical information that can help us develop best practices to achieve such a goal. Today, the science is clear – adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and trauma can impact the brain and body, contributing to a host of negative outcomes in all aspects of life. Some effects can even be passed from generation to generation. In the last two decades,...
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Is ACEs Advocacy Worth Risking Professional Backlash?

Dawn Daum ·
Perhaps a risk worth taking.
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It Makes Sense

Jennifer Sexton ·
I felt inadequate and ill-prepared to speak to licensed mental health professionals about ACEs. But when I was asked to attend the 40th Annual Training Institute on Behavioral Health & Addictive Disorders in Clearwater, Florida to represent ACEs Connection, I was honored and eager. My background is in health planning, not mental or behavioral health. I review health data and look for gaps and inequities. My time is spent looking for and addressing the health needs of a community. So,...
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"It Took Us 400 Years to Get to This Point and It's Going to Take a Long Time for Us to Make Things Right' []

By Sia Nyorkor, Cleveland 19 News, February 7, 2020 “When those folks are on the sidelines when black and brown bodies are being killed in our midst, it leaves a community feeling devalued, like they don’t matter," said licensed social worker, Habeebah Rasheed Grimes. It’s February, Black history month and 19 News has brought you a series of special reports, on-air and online, examining complementary life and the connection to slavery. We now focus on unresolved trauma in the black community...
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(Learning Circle) Investing in Community Resilience: Using ACEs and Trauma Science for More Effective Practice

Aaron Weibe ·
The spread of COVID-19 has created a myriad of challenges for communities around the globe. The science of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), trauma, toxic stress as well as healing and resilience, can provide helpful tools for supporting communities through this time of crisis. Please join us on Wednesday, May 13th from 3-4pm ET for the first Learning Circle of the Investing in Community Resilience web series. Connect with others from around the country who are integrating ACEs and...
Blog Post

Life Expectancy by Zip Code: Where You Live Affects How Long You Live

Life expectancy is highly correlated with ACE scores and complex childhood trauma. Enter your address or zip code to know what the health outcomes are in your neighborhoods and communities. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Life Expectancy Calculator
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Looking for online training and consulting?

Andi Fetzner ·
Looking for tools to help your organization or community integrate a trauma-informed and resilience-building approach? At Origins, we offer training courses to support you from your aha moment to your action plan. It all starts with The Basics, a 90-minute online training that will provide you with an overview of the key concepts behind a trauma-informed approach. When you’re ready to move from aha to action, sign up for The Resilience Champion Certificate, a self-paced 6-week online training...
Blog Post

ACEs Science Champions Series: Meet Florida's Johnny Appleseed. She plants seeds of ACEs science!

Sylvia Paull ·
Dr. Mimi Graham is Florida’s Johnny Appleseed, but instead of planting apple trees, she’s been seeding hundreds of ACEs-science-informed schools, courts, juvenile detention centers, hospitals, childcare centers, home visiting programs, mental health agencies, law enforcement agencies, and drug treatment centers. Graham, who has served as director of the Florida State University Center for Prevention and Early Intervention Policy in Tallahassee since 1993, focuses on early childhood,...
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Minds Under Siege: Cognitive Signatures of Poverty and Trauma in Refugee and Non-Refugee Adolescents []

By Alexandra Chen, Catherine Panter-Brick, et al., Society for Research in Child Development, October 24, 2019 Abstract The impacts of war and displacement on executive function (EF)—what we might call the cognitive signatures of minds under siege—are little known. We surveyed a gender‐balanced sample of 12‐ to 18‐year‐old Syrian refugees (n = 240) and Jordanian non‐refugees (n = 210) living in Jordan. We examined the relative contributions of poverty, trauma exposure, posttraumatic stress,...
Blog Post

Moving Equity to the Center - Part 2 (How I was inspired)

This past Friday, December 6, I attended the "Moving Equity to the Center - Part 2" forum in Fresno, CA. The morning began with the usual networking and acquiring of refreshments. The conversations were enlightening and engaging. I was able to meet several individuals who work in the Fresno community, and provided valuable insight to how issues are being confronted and addressed in Fresno County. Once we sat down we were addressed by Linda Gleason the founding Director of The Children's...
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Mr. Rogers, Trauma-Informed Care, and the Limits of Information

Claudia Gold ·
Fred Rogers, in his 1969 testimony before the Senate subcommittee on communications in defense of public television, transforms a clearly skeptical Senator Pastore from, "Alright Rogers you've got the floor" to, "Looks like you just earned the 20 million dollars." How does he accomplish this transformation? One line from Senator Pastore gives us some insight. Several minutes into Mr. Rogers testimony he says, "This is the first time I've had goosebumps in the last two days," to which Rogers...
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Navajo Nation, hit hard by COVID-19, comes together to protect its most vulnerable []

Carey Sipp ·
By Stephanie Sy, Lena L Jackson, and Casey Kuhn, PBS News Hour April 24, 2020 COVID-19 is ripping through the Navajo Nation, infecting and killing people at rates that are above U.S. averages. Located across three states, the Navajo population is already vulnerable, with a high prevalence of underlying disease, a lack of infrastructure and limited access to care and supplies. Stephanie Sy reports on how the Navajo community has taken on the challenge of caring for its own. Read the Full...
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New Peer Support Group Successes and Challenges

Elizabeth Perry ·
I started a weekly peer support group for women survivors of trauma in April 2018. It took a few weeks to get any uptake on the offer. In the beginning a few people who knew me trickled in to provide some encouragement. Some people working at the center that eventually agreed to give me access to a room to host the event, told me that if people got the sense that I was in it for the long haul, they would then start taking me up on my offer. I was determined to persist, so I stuck it out even...
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New Publication in Health Promotion Practice Journal Provides a Framework for Action on ACEs

Aditi Srivastav ·
Advocates, leaders, and professionals in the child health and well-being space have identified a need for concrete steps for building resilience to prevent ACEs. Current frameworks focused on ACEs fall short of including a multilevel approach, considering the role of health equity in well-being, and providing concrete, tangible steps for implementation across the life span. The empower action model addresses childhood adversity as a root cause of disease by building resilience across...
Blog Post

New report from the Alaska Children’s Trust addresses impact of ACEs on the state’s economy and workforce—present and future

The Alaska Children’s Trust (ACT) just released a data and image-packed 11-page brief “ Vibrant Economy, Strong Workforce, Thriving Families: A Guide to Trauma-Informed Policy Decision-Making.” The document was developed as a tool to educate a broad range of state and local policymakers about the impact of ACEs on health and social problems. The primary audience is state legislators and their staffs, government administrators, and county and municipal policymakers. Advocates have already...
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New Study: "Advancing Trauma-Informed Systems for Children" from CHDI

Anna Brendle Kennedy ·
A new study published by the Child Health & Development Institute of Connecticut, funded by the Children's Fund of Connecticut,theIMPACT report is intended to help child serving systems advance trauma-informed care in order to provide more effective and cost-efficient services that result in better outcomes for all children: Introduction: "Fortunately, many children are resilient and can recover from trauma exposure...
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New youth trauma data shows needs for adult support ( & Tool for those in NY

Christine Cissy White ·
Excerpts from an article by Justin Murphy are shared below.
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Next "A Better Normal" community discussion series: April 9, 2020 — Ingrid Cockhren, Joshunda Sanders on inequities in healthcare

Jane Stevens ·
Dave Granlund This week, we're hosting two more 'A Better Normal' discussions: on Thursday, April 9; and Friday, April 10, 2020....12 pm PT/ 1 pm MT/ 2 pm CT/ 3 pm ET. Thursday, April 9, 2020 Ingrid Cockhren, ACEs Connection community facilitator and DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) expert, and Joshunda Sanders , freelance journalist and author ( The Beautiful Darkness: A Handbook for Orphans ) , lead a conversation focused on the inequities in our healthcare system and how those...
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NPPC shares lessons learned and results from ACEs screening pilot sites

Laurie Udesky ·
For Dr. Mercie Digangi, a pediatrician at Kaiser Southern California in Downey, CA, ACEs screening provided a crystal clear before-and-after in how she changed treatment plans for her pediatric patients, she explained to attendees of a December 2 webinar organized by the National Pediatric Practice Community on ACEs (NPPC) and cosponsored by ACEs Connection. Dr. Mercie Digangi One case that turned ACEs screening into a never-go-back moment for her was a three-year-old who was speech-delayed.
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Of Mice & Meetings: Bringing Our Whole Selves to Work During the Pandemic

Lori Chelius ·
My wife works for an educational company and her past few weeks have been busy working with schools and districts across California as they face the herculean task of adapting to distance learning for the remainder of the school year. One of my favorite stories from last week comes from a training that one of her colleagues was conducting with a school site. During the training, without skipping a beat, the trainer announced that his daughter had just handed him their pet mice and he was now doi
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Parenting as a Survivor Keynote to Follow Free Resilience Screening

Dawn Daum ·
I share my story of having an ACE score of 9 and how that has effected me as a mother, because I can make sense of it now.
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"PCEs" and "ACEs" Are Two Sides of the Same "Childhood Experiences" Coin

Paul Savery ·
This collection of reports, shared with edited highlights, is posted in hopes of raising awareness of the importance of Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs). Please share widely on social media. 1. Seven Early Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) with Potential Benefits in Adulthood Below are the seven items on the positive childhood experience (PCEs) psychometric analysis. For each item, respondents are asked to respond "yes" or "no" to a prompt, "Before the age of 18, I was..." Able to...
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Philadelphia Trauma Training Conference- Call for Proposals

Jeanne Felter ·
Second Annual Philadelphia Trauma Training Conference Preventing Childhood Trauma and its Impact across the Lifespan: An Interprofessional Agenda for Providers, Advocates, Policy Makers, and Community Members The Second Annual Philadelphia Trauma Training Conference, to be held July 23-26, 2018 at Thomas Jefferson University East Falls Campus in Philadelphia will provide an intensive, collaborative training experience to providers, educators and leaders across health, education, and social...
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Podcast: "Honoring Culture, Language, and Family: Stories from the Navajo Nation" (30 min)

Diana Rivera ·
The Networks of Opportunity for Child Wellbeing (NOW) is excited to share the fifth episode of In the Arena with NOW , a podcast series that lifts up the voices of community leaders who are “in the arena” -- in classrooms, playgrounds, Congressional halls, hospitals, and neighborhood streets -- working to make sure that all children and families can live healthy, thriving lives. In our fifth episode, Honoring Culture, Language, and Family: Stories from the Navajo Nation , we speak with...
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Podcast Interview with Jane Stevens

Carey Watson, MD ·
Jane Stevens has worked for nearly 40 years as a journalist primarily covering science, health and technology. When she learned about Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs, she saw unmet needs to disseminate the findings of ACEs science and to bring practitioners together. She created and , a news site and social networking site which both serve as hubs for education about ACEs and resiliency as well as offering connection for communities striving to put...
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Recently released research on ACEs; incarceration; separating families at the border

Laurie Udesky ·
Behavioral risk factor surveillance system state survey on exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs): Who declines to respond? [Children and Youth Services Review] "A wealth of research has examined the prevalence and impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) via various research methodologies. Some of these studies have also examined the presence of nonresponse bias, showing minimal nonresponse bias effects. More recently, many states and the District of Columbia have used the...
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Report: ACEs and trauma-informed care across 8 countries

Janet Louise Peters ·
The International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership (IIMHL) is a virtual international collaborative which aims to strengthen leadership and thereby improve services for people with mental health or addiction issues. Eight countries belong to IIMHL: Australia, Canada, England, Ireland, New Zealand, Scotland, Sweden and the US. Countries’ pay a small amount to belong and in exchange there are regular communications on innovation, research and national work plus every 16 months a...
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Research roundup on ACEs and resilience

Laurie Udesky ·
The Empower Action Model: A Framework for Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences by Promoting Health, Equity, and Well-Being Across the Life Span A Srivastav, M Strompolis, A Moseley, K Daniels - Health Promotion Practice, 2019 Postpartum depression screening in primary care K Orringer, S Kileny - Contemporary Pediatrics , 2019 Toward fostering resilience on a large scale: Connecting communities of caregivers SS Luthar, NL Kumar, R Benoit - Development and psychopathology, 2019 Mentoring...
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Resource List -- ACEs Science Videos & Documentaries

Emerald Montgomery ·
You can find videos and video clips of ACEs presentations and on-air segments listed here.
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Resource List -- Trauma-Informed Guides, Presentations, & Self-Assessment Tools

Emerald Montgomery ·
The resources listed in this blog focus on how to implement trauma-informed and resilience-building practices based on ACEs science. These materials can be used by organizations, agencies, programs, and communities to better understand how to bring a trauma-informed lens to their work. Resources are divided according to format type (guide/toolkit, presentations, videos, webinars) and organized alphabetically.
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Review of Tools for Measuring Exposure to Adversity in Children and Adolescents [Journal of Pediatric Health Care]

Laurie Udesky ·
photo/ Creative Commons " Exposure to childhood adversity can result in negative behavioral and physical health outcomes due to potential long-term embedding into regulatory biological processes. Screening for exposure to adversity is a critical first step in identifying children at risk for developing a toxic stress response. We searched PubMed, PsycArticles, and CINAHL for studies published between January 1, 2012, and December 31, 2016, as well as other sources, to identify potential...
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Road Map to Trauma Informed Care [Trauma Informed Oregon]

Karen Clemmer ·
Programs, organizations, and systems that make a commitment to implementation will differ in many ways–from the service context, to the motivation for change, to hoped-for outcomes, and resources available. Nonetheless, in a developmental way, implementation moves through a number of common steps that we’ve tried to reflect in the Road Map below. The Trauma Informed Care Screening Tool (found below the Road Map) builds on the Road Map by delving into each phase and offering a series of...
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Safety First - Toxic Stress in Education

Jessie Graham ·
What is the purpose of having school without power? I work in a small school in a big state. The local school community had the power shut over the weekend as a preventive action for avoiding fires. This morning I was told that there would be school without power and to plan to provide services and teach children without power. My instinct was - this is not safe!
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School Discipline Practices: An Issue Brief on a Public Health Crisis and Opportunities for Reform []

Alicia Doktor ·
Early childhood education sets the foundation for a student’s future well-being and success. However, the widespread use of exclusionary school discipline (ESD) aggravates pre-existing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and deprives students of essential opportunities for learning and growth. Examples of harmful and counterproductive ESD practices include suspensions, expulsions, referrals to law enforcement, and corporal punishment. These practices can compound feelings of isolation and...
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Self-Healing Communities Model

Elizabeth Najmabadi ·
“The Self-Healing Communities Model (SHCM) builds the capacity of communities to intentionally generate new cultural norms and thereby improve health, safety and productivity for current and future generations.” This model was implemented in Washington State and was successful in improving rates of many interrelated and intergenerational health and social problems by investing in the people at risk. They worked to reduce and prevent the root of the issue being Adverse Childhood Experiences...
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