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“Paper Tigers” Makes an Impact at University of Alaska, Anchorage

On Tuesday evening students, staff, and community members attended a showing of “Paper Tigers” on campus at UAA.  The showing was a joint effort of Alaska Children’s Trust, Prevent Child Abuse America, and UAA Residence Life in recognition of National Public Health Week. The room was packed and there was an animated discussion after the film. 

“Paper Tigers’ clearly had a strong impact on everyone who attended.  In the written evaluations everyone indicated that they would recommend the film to others. Responses to the question “How will you use what you have learned tonight in your life?” included:

 “I will be more cautious and less quick to judgment”

“I will be more mindful in the program in which I work.”

“I will look at what’s behind the behavior, not just at the behavior.”

Several people said that they wanted to arrange a showing at their school or place of work.


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In addition to the community partners that assisted with the screening of "Paper Tigers," I would also like to thank ACEsConnection members Jaclynne Richards and Deborah Bock for their roles in organizing this event, spreading the word, and their support during and after the screening. In addition to programming support, Jaclynne hosted a table with materials from the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Epidemiology Center, Healthy Families Initiative Program.

Thank you both!

Last edited by kate wright

This is terrific, Kate. Thanks for posting. And if educators would like more info about trauma-informed schools, ask them to check out the ACEs in Education group on

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