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Tagged With "Care in Early Childhood"

Blog Post

Osborn School District Board Writes Resolution Supporting Trauma Informed Practices

Katie Paetz ·
As a district, we are dedicated to trauma-informed practices and teaching resilience in a manner that is supported by science. At this point, we need our state and national leaders to catch up to the classroom.” says Katie Paetz, Osborn Governing Board President.
Blog Post

Osborn School District Board Writes Resolution Supporting Trauma Informed Practices

Katie Paetz ·
As a district, we are dedicated to trauma-informed practices and teaching resilience in a manner that is supported by science. At this point, we need our state and national leaders to catch up to the classroom.” says Katie Paetz, Osborn Governing Board President.
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Our opinion: District and city must unite to ward off trauma’s effects []

Alicia Doktor ·
This is the third print edition that the Notebook has dedicated to discussing trauma and its impact on children, their learning, their schools, and their teachers. It comes as the Notebook is in the second year of funding for beat reporting dedicated to stories about education and behavioral health, thanks to the van Ameringen Foundation. At this point, we have written dozens of stories, interviewed at least 100 people, and even produced a video and article series on a school that has...
Blog Post

OurSOLES youth leaders led trauma-informed presentation before educators and school staff

OurSOLES (Our Students of Leadership ~ Empowerment ~ Service) high school students from the City Heights neighborhood of San Diego, CA, led an interactive, hour-long trauma-informed presentation for Diego Valley and Diego Springs Public Charter School educators, tutors, school administration and staff last August 14, 2015.
Blog Post

Over 100 pastoral education students trained in trauma at regional meeting in Baltimore

The theme of trauma was selected for this year’s annual summer Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Day because “clergy responses to trauma an have a significant impact on our own healing and in healing our communities,” as described in the planning committee welcome letter. Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore hosted the gathering of over 100 pastoral students from the Maryland, Washington, DC, and Northern Virginia region. Planning Committee Chair Ty Crowe, director of the Hospital’s Spiritual...
Blog Post

PA Budget Vetoed !

Daun Kauffman ·
PA BUDGET VETOED!  Another chance at 11th hour. Help bring a national spotlight to create awareness and get action on childhood trauma. Yes, we still have a chance -- amazing ! -- to have the General Assembly explicitly acknowledge the impact of...
Blog Post

Parent Handouts: Understanding ACEs, Parenting to Prevent & Heal ACEs (English)

Christine Cissy White ·
Please see the main post for these parent handouts in the ACEs Connection Resources Center. These two flyers ( Understanding ACEs and Parenting to Prevent & Heal ACEs ) can be downloaded, distributed, and used freely. One is brand new and the other is a revision. Both flyers were made with generous support from Family Hui, a Program of Lead for Tomorrow. Translations of these flyers are in progress and will be shared by Family Hui and updated on ACEs Connection when available.
Blog Post

Parent Handouts updated and available In Dari, English & Spanish

Christine Cissy White ·
The updated parent handouts are now available in Spanish as well as English and Dari. Here's the blog post with links to all three versions of each flyer. All versions of the Understanding ACEs and Parenting to Prevent & Heal ACEs parent handouts can be downloaded, distributed, and used freely. Both flyers were made with generous support from Family Hui, a Program of Lead for Tomorrow, who is responsible for making the Spanish and Dari translations available. These are updates of the...
Blog Post

Parents’ Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Children’s Behavioral Health Problems

Dan Bollinger ·
Pediatrics, August 2018, VOLUME 142 / ISSUE 2 by Adam Schickedanz, Neal Halfon, Narayan Sastry, Paul J. Chung BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) include stressful and potentially traumatic events associated with higher risk of long-term behavioral problems and chronic illnesses. Whether parents’ ACE counts (an index of standard ACEs) confer intergenerational risk to their children’s behavioral health is unknown. In this study, we estimate the risk of child...
Blog Post

Peek Inside a Classroom: Jasmine

Daun Kauffman ·
            © Elliot Gilfix/Flickr   .   What happened to Jasmine? .                    Photo © Jinx!/Flickr     When you look inside a...
Blog Post

Peek Inside a Classroom

Daun Kauffman ·
Effective education 'reform' is student-centered
Blog Post

Peek Inside a Classroom: Danny

Daun Kauffman ·
When you look inside a classroom, there are some things you can not see . . .
Blog Post

Peek Inside a Classroom: Jasmine

Daun Kauffman ·
Wiry, active, savvy. Jasmine. There were not many good days. . . only random moments of calm in a violent storm, erupting on a ‘hair trigger’ When you look inside a classroom there are some things you can not see….
Blog Post

Peek Inside a Classroom: Jose

Daun Kauffman ·
                    Photo credit Max Klingensmith at  flickr . Jose was one of the calmest, quietest, most peaceful boys in the classroom.  The kind of boy everybody loves.    ...
Blog Post

Peninsula School District takes proactive approach to support students with traumatic experiences []

Samantha Sangenito ·
Any elementary school principal has hundreds of stories featuring the actions and activities — both amusing and alarming — of their young students. These educators will be the first to tell you that kids can do crazy, outlandish and sometimes surprising things — all part of being a typical child. But Peninsula School District elementary principals noticed a growing trend of extreme behaviors in the last few years among their youngest students, behaviors that are not normal or considered part...
Blog Post


Daun Kauffman ·
  "We won’t have a successful education paradigm,  or even accurately interpret academic success,  while ignoring trauma’s overwhelming presence."    ...
Blog Post

Philadelphia Trauma Training Conference- Call for Proposals

Jeanne Felter ·
There are a few more days to submit your proposal for a 90-minute workshop to be presented at our 2nd Annual Philadelphia Trauma Training Conference - Preventing Childhood Trauma and its Impact across the Lifespan: An Interprofessional Agenda for Providers, Advocates, Policy Makers, and Community Members The submission deadline is March 1st . If your proposal is accepted you will be granted free admission to the three-day conference . First launched in 2017, the Philadelphia Trauma Training...
Blog Post

Pittsburgh's 'Dr. Stress' plans a new program for troubled students []

Samantha Sangenito ·
Only in this century have science and society come to understand the mental and physical repercussions of a rough childhood. But 18 years after publication of the groundbreaking Adverse Childhood Experiences study and multiple follow-up studies, few resources yet exist to help children contend with or avoid the troubling list of childhood adversity — sexual, verbal and physical abuse; neglect; poverty; community violence; and bullying, among others. These exposures cumulatively scar a...
Blog Post

Place Matters

Emily Read Daniels ·
Place matters. It was spring break of 1993 – my senior year of high school – and I was driving back from Virginia Beach with three close friends. We passed signs for the University of Delaware. I asked if we could take a quick detour to see the campus. The one request literally changed the course of my life – forever. University of Delaware in Spring It was late in April and I had been accepted to UD but never set foot in the town of Newark, DE. Little did I know it would be the campus of my...
Blog Post

Plymouth County Schools Receiving Trauma Informed Training

Jennifer Cantwell ·
This opportunity is for schools and districts to receive training to develop an awareness of the prevalence of traumatic experience, its impact on academic behavior and relations and the need for a whole school approach. For the 2019-2020 school year, Carver, Marshfield, Rockland, Scituate and Silver Lake qualified to receive free training from TLPI.
Blog Post

Positive Childhood Experiences May Buffer Against Health Effects Of Adverse Ones []

By Selena Simmons-Duffin, National Public Radio, September 9, 2019 Plenty of research shows that adverse childhood experiences can lead to depression and other health problems later in life. But researcher Christina Bethell wondered whether positive experiences in childhood could counter that. Her research comes from a personal place. In the 1970s, in a low-income housing complex in Los Angeles, Bethell had a tough childhood. Sometimes she didn't have money for lunch. Sometimes, when a free...
Blog Post

Positive Relationships Can Buffer Childhood Trauma and Toxic Stress, Researchers Say []

By Kay Lazar, The Boston Globe, October 15, 2019 Traumatic events and toxic relationships during childhood can cast long shadows, often damaging mental health well into adulthood. But a growing body of research suggests sustained, positive relationships with caring adults can help mitigate the harmful effects of childhood trauma. And specialists say pediatricians, social workers, and others who work with kids should take steps to monitor and encourage those healthy relationships — just as...
Blog Post

Post-Harvey, Houston Teachers Learn to Respond to Trauma []

Alicia Doktor ·
One year after Hurricane Harvey, Houston-area teachers have a new tool to respond to children who have experienced trauma or distress through a new online professional development program. The program was developed through a collaboration between UNICEF USA , Mental Health America of Greater Houston (MHA of Greater Houston), and health simulation company Kognito . The program, titled Trauma-Informed Practices for K-12 Schools (TPS), is a 30-45-minute online simulation that builds educators’...
Blog Post

Potential impact of Trauma on special education eligibility

robert hull ·
This is a follow up to my previous email concerning the PP v Compton class action lawsuit concerning adverse events and eligibility under the Americans with Disability act. I did a presentation at the Legal Issues in Special Education conference on April 24th. The participants consisted of special education directors, compliance officers and parent advocates The big surprise was that there was huge interest in this issue. It was standing room only in the room. Secondly even though this...
Blog Post

Poverty seen as factor in dropout rate (Wilkesboro, NC) []

Jane Stevens ·
Local school officials say worsening economic problems in the last decade are adversely impacting student success and likely played a role in last year’s 63.5 percent increase in the Wilkes County high school dropout rate. The dropout rate rose from 1.71 in the 2013-14 school year to 2.68 in 2014-15. Last year’s rate was the highest since 3.50 in 2009-10 and the first increase since 2008-09. “The economic problems that families are facing (in Wilkes) are huge,” said April Marr, director of...
Blog Post

Pre-parenting curriculum for teens

Randi Rubenstein ·
If you are working with teens to plan bright futures, we would like to offer you a Sample Lesson Plan from our Healthy Foundations for Future Families curriculum. For the past 10 years, our organization Educate Tomorrow’s Parents (ETP), has been working upstream to prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences by educating teens before they form families. Our science-based curriculum meets essential standards for secondary school health education. There are several components, including a student...
Blog Post

Program gives Spokane schools resources to help students rise above adversity

Lara Kain ·
By Jim Allen , Thu., Oct. 24, 2019 Think of it as a well-school checkup. On Tuesday morning at Bemiss Elementary School, educators and health professionals spoke enthusiastically about something called Resilience in School Environments, or RISE. A collaboration between Kaiser Permanente and the Spokane and West Valley school districts, the RISE program is expected to lift up teachers and administrators and give them tools to cope with all the challenges of the modern student. The challenges...
Blog Post

Program offers hundreds of young men, boys safe space to heal from ACEs

Laurie Udesky ·
Dennis McCollins recounts some of the experiences that caused him to harden against the world as a teenager. “There were times I went to more funerals than birthdays,” says McCollins, who is the clinical director of the School Based Health Center at Greenwood Academy in Richmond, Calif. And it took its toll: “I spent time homeless. I got expelled [from school]. I was so angry and upset and mad,” he says. Dennis McCollins Then a man that he met when he was sent to Job Corps as a teen turned...
Blog Post

Program shows teachers how to see signs of childhood trauma []

Samantha Sangenito ·
When a child is acting out or not paying attention in school, it might not be because he or she is misbehaving. It might be because a parent was arrested the previous night. Teachers don't always know about the traumatic events a child experiences at home, but a new program being organized in Mercer County could give teachers notice when one of their students need to be handled with care. Andrea Darr, director of the West Virginia Center for Children's Justice spoke May 6 at Mercer County...
Blog Post

Programs and Collaborations To Address Toxic Stress In Children [20 min audio]

Leisa Irwin ·
Toxic stress occurs in children when they experience prolonged episodes of physical or emotional abuse, neglect, caregiver substance abuse or mental illness or economic hardship without adult support. This affects children in ways far more detrimental than typical stress. It makes children more likely to develop problems such as heart disease, stroke, asthma, obesity and diabetes later in life. Several organizations received a $1.1 million Bethesda Inc. grant to team up with pediatric...
Blog Post

‘Push Back’: Unified Schools Crowd Faces Down Divisive Fears (

Kevin Beiser acknowledged what brought hundreds of parents, teachers and students Wednesday evening to a dusty ball field in Old Town — the fear of “what it would be like in Nazi Germany.” But school board member Beiser promised the San Diego Unified School District would “push back” against enablers of hate. Trustee Richard Barrera noted a 950-word school board resolution approved last week “reaffirming values of peace, tolerance and respect for multiple perspectives.” (see attached)...
Blog Post

COACHING is recommended by the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University

Jessie Graham ·
Coaching helps people tap into their potential, unlocking sources of creativity and productivity.” Positive results in the areas of “improved communication, increased self-esteem/self-confidence, increased productivity, optimized individual and team performance ”
Blog Post

Combatting Childhood Trauma []

Jane Stevens ·
It’s a late spring morning at West Seattle Elementary and as usual, morale is running high. Counselor Laura Bermes high-fives students as they walk through the door. Principal Vicki Sacco greets teachers while cradling Bingo, her watchful Chihuahua. The children walk single file to their classrooms, and a bespectacled special guest bounds upstairs to talk to fifth-graders about their brains. “Hi, everyone, I’m Ms. Natalie,” says the guest, waving at the students like the school celebrity...
Blog Post

Compton trauma lawsuit near resolution? []

Jane Stevens ·
Nearly a year ago, pro-bono lawyers from Los Angeles-based Public Counsel made national headlines by launching a landmark class-action lawsuit against Compton Unified School District in federal court in Los Angeles, arguing that the district had failed to address issues of childhood trauma that prevented students from receiving a quality education. In September, a federal judge agreed with arguments filed on behalf of five students and three teachers in the school district and declared that...
Blog Post

Conference focuses on resilience, reaching between generations []

Alicia Doktor ·
A conference this week aims to bring people together across generations. The Association for Education of Young Children (AEYC) and the Juneau Suicide Prevention Coalition are joining forces to set up their Resiliency Symposium, which runs from Thursday, March 15 to Saturday, March 17 at Centennial Hall. The conference is called “ARRR!” which stands for Attachment, Responsive Relationships, Resilience. The aim of the conference is to educate people young and old about how to become closer as...
Blog Post

ConVal High School's Story: Becoming Trauma-Informed for Substance Abuse Prevention

Former Member ·
As a student assistance counselor, I regularly receive flashy emails from various organizations promoting materials for drug-free schools. Secretly I roll my eyes and strike the trash icon. “Drug free schools - ha, right?!” It may sound cynical or jaded that I don’t believe in drug-free high schools. It’s not that. The truth is I don’t believe a drug-free high school exists. This isn’t from a lack of effort or concern. As a product of the “Just Say No” era, schools have worked for decades to...
Blog Post

ConVal’s youth behavior study results in, district implements measures to address issues []

Jane Stevens ·
ConVal’s director of school counseling presented findings on a nationwide Youth Risk Behavior Survey that high school students participated in last year during a regular school board meeting Tuesday night. Kim Chandler said about 720 ConVal students participated in the survey last year, which measured things like unintentional injuries and violence, sexual behavior, alcohol and other drug use, tobacco use, dietary behaviors, and physical activities. ...A group of people who comprise the...
Blog Post

Could Parkland Shooting Be Prevented? Yes, and Runcie Knew How

Natalia Garceau ·
School safety, negligence documentation, and a need for a school reform My name is Natalia Garceau. For nine years, I’ve been working at a center similar to the one where Nikolas Cruz was sent to after his expulsion from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. You won’t hear anything from the teachers who work at such centers because they are afraid to lose their jobs and to be taken to court. They have families to feed. By contract, we are not allowed to speak with media about anything...
Blog Post

Creating School Level Resiliency Teams

Michael McKnight ·
RESILIENCY TEAM TRAINING Cape May & Atlantic County School Districts- Southern NJ Applied Educational Neuroscience, the Brain and Adversity- “Stressed Brains Do Not Learn” Purpose: To provide training for school level teams on the latest research and strategies concerning Educational Neuroscience, the Brain, Stress and Adversity. To create school level “turnkey” teams focusing on the skills and organizational components necessary to create trauma sensitive AND trauma responsive...
Blog Post

CUSD ACEs resolution adopted!

Anna Bauer ·
The Chico Unified School District adopted a resolution declaring November ACEs awareness month, and encouraging schools to participate in ACEs awareness activities during the month of November and beyond. This is a great template to be used with our other school partners.
Blog Post

Danny goes to school

Daun Kauffman ·
Danny goes to school.  The story of one child, hoping to be safe.    
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Dear Teacher

Dr. Hasshan Batts ·
Dear Teacher I remember you and I would imagine you remember me well. I am your student. We have shared space for many years yet have never come to know one another. Although I have known you over twenty years and spent more time with you than even my closest friends and family, our relationship has remained transactional, tense, contentious and at times violent. We have cursed, threatened and insulted each other, I have thrown chairs and spat at you and you have restrained me multiple...
Blog Post

Defending Childhood

Daun Kauffman ·
  Common Sense   Millions of injured children whose pleas are not being heard are waiting at the intersection of the  “Defending Childhood” Report  from the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Congress’s rewrite...
Blog Post

Developing Super Powers: Using Resilience Strategies to Cope with Negative Experiences. Introducing CRI's Newest Book!

Tara Mah ·
“I believe that everyone, especially a child, deserves to know how their brains are shaped by environment, to then understand their capacity for building proactive protective factors. We all deserve to be super heroes as we do the best we can to consciously live life well. ” - Teri Barila The superheroes we learn about in comics, movies, and TV shows swoop in to save the world with their incredible powers, to shield people from harm. But in our world, no matter how much we wish to protect...
Blog Post

Discipline bill is well intentioned, but doesn't meet needs of students, parents or teachers []

Jane Stevens ·
This commentary is by Alyssa Chen, a career educator who recently made the transition to education advocate and community organizer. Over the past two years, Vermont Legal Aid has brought much-needed attention to the issue of disproportionate suspension, the practice by which certain students get suspended at rates exceeding those of others. Legal Aid formed the Dignity in Schools Coalition to fight for statewide policy change. Bolstered by the findings of the Kicked Out Report (January...
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Do Children have a Right to be Safe ?

Daun Kauffman ·
A comparison survey of government and departmental(legal vs. healthcare, vs. education) treatment of child safety given prevalence of childhood trauma.  
Blog Post

Do You Have a Story to Tell? Speak at the 2018 Fall Trauma-Informed School Conference

Florence Connally ·
Beyond Consequences is excited to announce that our Call for Proposals for the 2018 Fall Trauma-Informed School Conference has been extended. If you have a great story to share about your experience in working with students who’ve had adverse childhood experiences, we would love to hear from you! Here are some examples of sessions that fit in at our nationally recognized conference: Administrative/School-Wide Track • Mindfulness Instead of Suspension • Special Education Law & Advocacy •...
Blog Post

Do you know a ‘Danny’ or an ‘Ashley’, struggling socially, emotionally, or academically?

Daun Kauffman ·
PSAs designed to help grow awareness of the impacts of developmental or 'childhood' trauma. All the narratives are about real kids (with pseudonyms) who are trauma-impacted. These are not "combined" or imaginary narratives, nor caricatures.
Blog Post

Doctors and teachers could team up to reduce stress in schools []

Alicia Doktor ·
(Reuters Health) - - Partnerships between teachers and doctors could help students and school staffers better deal with “toxic stress,” suggests a former teacher turned doctor. Pediatricians can help build resilience in both children and teachers to counter the effects of traumatic childhood experiences, poverty and violence, Dr. Kavitha Selvaraj of the Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago writes in the journal Pediatrics. “Before I was a pediatrician, I was a teacher, and...
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