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Tagged With "Disorders"

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Study: Stress Disorders Linked to Greater Infection Risk []

By Lisa Rapaport, Reuters, October 31, 2019 People who have stress disorders like PTSD may be more vulnerable to potentially life-threatening infections, especially if they are diagnosed at younger ages or dealing with other psychiatric issues, a recent study suggests. Researchers examined data on 144,919 people diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), adjustment disorders common after a major life change like a death or move, and other stress-related conditions. They also...
Blog Post

Trauma Affects Your Relationship with Food & Your Body []

Alicia Doktor ·
When I was invited to deliver the Keynote Speech on Trauma, Food and the Body at the “9th” Annual SCTC Conference in October I immediately pinpointed my biggest area of trauma, sexual abuse. I wrote about my sexual abuse and how it contributed to me developing an eating disorder in my memoir so this was a no brainer for me. Then I began to create my power point presentation. I decided to revisit the ACES test, (adverse childhood experiences), that not only identifies trauma but also...
Blog Post

Why Emotional Eating Can Be a Consequence of Trauma

Rachel Eddins ·
Research suggests that trauma can be a cause of emotional eating, or the drive to consume “comfort foods,” to manage the negative emotions directly related to past negative events.

Re: Why Emotional Eating Can Be a Consequence of Trauma

Former Member ·
Besides the absolute need for physical touch to allow babies to stay alive, they need food. I’ve seen so many babies with failure to thrive.... they have experienced a lack of everything that nurtures an infant from birth. It’s no surprise we have a complicated relationship with food. Great write up, Thanks....
Blog Post

New Transforming Trauma Episode: Complex Trauma, Self-Sabotage, Diet Culture, and Eating Disorder Recovery with Iris McAlpin

Tori Essex ·
T ransforming Trauma Episode 030: Complex Trauma, Self-Sabotage, Diet Culture, and Eating Disorder Recovery with Iris McAlpin In this episode of Transforming Trauma, our host Sarah Buino interviews NARM Practitioner and coach Iris McAlpin. Iris specializes in eating disorder recovery, complex trauma, and self-sabotage. Iris also hosts a podcast called Pure Curiosity which seeks to facilitate nuanced conversations about the human experience and de-stigmatize mental health challenges. Iris...
Blog Post

How adverse childhood experiences influence eating disorders

Ginny Jones ·
People who have eating disorders frequently have a history of adverse childhood experiences and trauma. Find out what parents need to know
Blog Post

When eating is traumatic and what parents can do to help

Ginny Jones ·
Sometimes eating can be traumatic. Traumatic sensations and memories of eating can lead to an eating disorder. Parents must work hard to understand which foods and eating environments are triggering. It also helps to know why they are triggering and learn how to make eating less stressful. Why is eating traumatic? There can be many reasons why food becomes traumatic. A combination of sensory issues, beliefs, and experiences can come together to create a stressful eating environment for some...
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