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Tagged With "great kids"

Blog Post

Why Parents Need to Know About ACEs

Christine Cissy White ·
If we are lucky enough to be healthy, we probably don't worry all that much about health. If we are sick, we think about health issues all of the time. If we are lucky enough be wealthy, we probably don't worry all that much about money. If we are poor, we think about money stuff a lot. If we aren't hurt by racism or sexism or one of the many "isms," we might not even be aware these inequities exist. But if "isms" have hurt us, made life more difficult and less fair, we're probably acutely...
Blog Post

Why We Suck (at Self-Soothing & Self-Care): Dr. Dawn O'Malley

Christine Cissy White ·
Without yoga and coffee, I'm kind of a jerk. These are my personal "puppy uppers and doggie downers" and prevent me from being cranky, quick to cry, and ready for conflict. Coffee and calming make life more manageable. Humans even seem tolerable. Without them I might veer into hating humans for being so needy which is not a great trait for a parent, partner or a professional. Or a self. My partner says coffee and exercise are acts of kindness, service as promote public safety. In other...
Blog Post

Will the Pandemic Have a Lasting Impact on My Kids? []

By Diana Divecha, Greater Good Magazine, May 18, 2020 Massive unemployment. Stunning loss of life. Disrupted education. An economy in freefall. These are the ingredients for tectonic social shifts that alter the arcs of human lives. Parents are always at the fulcrum of such pressures, protecting their families while trying to hold together a semblance of normalcy. For 100 years, developmental scientists have studied how families and children respond to disasters, manmade and natural. From...
Blog Post

Women Surround Crying Mom Whose Toddler Was Having A Meltdown At The Airport (

This wonderful story was posted on Facebook by Beth Bornstein Dunnington who took part in an unforgettable moment at the Los Angeles International Airport. "Something extraordinary at LAX today... (writing this on the plane). I was at the gate, waiting to get on my plane to Portland. Flights to two different cities were boarding on either side of the Portland fight. A toddler who looked to be eighteen or so months old was having a total meltdown, running between the seats, kicking and...
Blog Post

Writing to Heal, Yoga to Feel & Survivor-Led Resources Online

Christine Cissy White ·
I love yoga and writing. I need yoga and writing. Both are relatively affordable and can be done alone and at home or in community. Both have been central to my survival, recovery and growth which I write about below. I also love sharing and supporting survivor-led resources created for survivors and others. Here are two links to those if you want to get to those right away. There are more details about each following the essay: Write Your Story, Heal Your Life Summit: Alaura O'Dell...
Blog Post

Parent Partners and a Bridge to the Business World: Wisconsin MARC Update

Anndee Hochman ·
Joann Stephens will never forget the meeting at which a man pounded the table. Stephens, who has a high school education, a history of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and children with mental health issues, became an accidental advocate. “The systems were not working for my kid, so [I thought], What do we do to fix it?” But at meetings with policy-makers and professionals, Stephens often felt discounted. “One time, a man pounded his fist on the table and said, ‘I can’t stand it when...
Blog Post

Parenting, COVID and Teens: The Hassle

Marcia Fervienza ·
It all started for me about two weeks ago. Even though I heard about Coronavirus here and there, it was just a distant conversation happening on the background for me. Until one day, I got home from work, and my husband said we had to start stocking up for the crisis . "Crisis? Which crisis?", I asked. "The outbreak! It is serious. My company is preparing us to work from home for at least four weeks". "Get out of here," I thought. He is known for being anxious and controlling, so I scratched...
Blog Post

Parenting Kids Who Have Been Afraid & Our Amazing Communities (Greater Richmond TICN)

Christine Cissy White ·
I can't keep up with all the posts about the incredible work being done all over the country (and world). I've just been looking at the Greater Richmond (VA) Trauma Informed Community Network site where share the most detailed meeting minutes, including summarizing events and speakers they host. I found resources I'm going to add to the Parenting with ACEs site . and @Lisa Wrightgave me permission to broadcast them all over the home page, too. Here's an excerpt from a recent...
Blog Post

Parenting Matters: Supporting Parents of Children Ages 0-8 (The National Academies Press 2016)

Former Member ·
A study published by The National Academies of Sciences in 2016 resulting in 10 Recommendations to build support for parents... "Over the past several decades, researchers have identified parenting- related knowledge, attitudes, and practices that are associated with improved developmental outcomes for children and around which parenting- related programs, policies, and messaging initiatives can be designed. However, consensus is lacking on the elements of parenting that are most important...
Blog Post

Parenting’s Troubled History

Kristen Caven ·
As we learned from the CDC-Kaiser Permanente ACE Study , negative childhood experiences are often kept secret, downplayed, or repressed because of our powerful desire to put such things behind us. Unfortunately, our minds and our brains don’t work that way. Patterns can play out automatically, no matter how hard we try to be original and create our own realities. Just as it is important to know family medical history (e.g., diabetes or tuberculosis) it is equally important to know about our...
Blog Post

Parenting with ACEs Resources: Power Sharing & Sharing Powerfully

Christine Cissy White ·
Sharing as a trauma survivor, parent (via adoption), writer, and advocate, I'm going to detail what I find crucial in any program or perspective geared towards those currently parenting with ACEs. Most important, is that any program be survivor and peer-led (or co-led). If that's the only change done, it's a good one. Who shares content, and how, is as important as the content being shared. So often, programs to parents are patronizing, punitive, and can come across as "edupuking" all over...
Blog Post

Permission to be actual humans during a pandemic, please

Christine Cissy White ·
I have a single mom friend who is caring for a baby, a 16-year old, and working full-time. Her name is Heidi. This is the same friend, with an ACE score of 10, written about here a few years ago. This is what she posted on Facebook (and gave me permission to share) the day after Governor Charlie Baker announced the schools in MA will be closed, at least, until early May: The numerous and immediate comments and responses went something like this: I sighed in relief when I read Heidi's post. I...
Blog Post

Progress Stalls on Child Poverty, According to New Data []

By Kids Count Data Center, The Annie E. Casey Foundation, September 27, 2019 In 2018, 13 million children in the United States — 18% of all kids — were living in poverty, and for the first time since 2014, the percentage did not decrease compared to the previous year. This is discouraging news; all children should have the economic security that provides them the opportunity to thrive. However, the share of children in poverty remains significantly lower than its recent peak of 23%, seen in...
Blog Post

Protecting Adolescent Drug Users From Long-Term Damage []

Alicia Doktor ·
When I was a kid, there was an anti - drug public-service announcement (PSA) on television showing a man holding an egg (this is your brain) and a hot frying pan (this is drugs). He breaks the egg into the pan (this is your brain on drugs). He holds the pan up to the camera as the egg oozes and sizzles. Any questions? I had questions. In part, these questions are what formed my path into neuroscience. I had always felt that those PSAs were heavy handed, too deeply entrenched in the "Just Say...

Re: Melt the Grumpy [PESI]

Christine Cissy White ·
Thanks Gail. I like this. Good idea but also good to get this language into a fmaily or kid (or grown up). Now, I hope to remember it next time I need some help getting back to center! Thanks! Cissy

Re: 9 Signs You Need Better Self-Care and May Be a Trauma Survivor

Christine Cissy White ·
Robyn: I shared this in Parenting with ACEs because it's so important for those of us who are parents. I always appreciate your work and how generously you share. This list is helpful. It's great to see what an ideal is and what many trauma survivors do instead - as you said - for good reason. I know for me, this is a lot of what my adult learning has been. 1)What I did as a kid. 2)What people who don't grow up with trauma do (so I can help teach that to my kid) And also, I get irked at the...
Blog Post

A Video Game About Conflict Resolution Helps Develop Empathy for Refugees (

Lual Mayen, a video game developer based in Washington, D.C., remembers the first time he saw a computer. He was just a kid at the time. It was 2007, and his family was registering for benefits at a refugee camp in Uganda, where they'd settled after fleeing civil war in South Sudan. He didn't tell anyone at first, but in that moment he knew in his heart that he wanted to learn to code, he says. More than a decade later, Mayen is garnering international recognition from Facebook and the...
Blog Post

ACE-Aha Moments & Parenting: Meet Aprel Phelps Downey

Christine Cissy White ·
Aprel Phelps Downey What was your ACEs Aha moment? When did you first hear about ACEs and what impact did/does it have on you? How do ACEs impact you as a parent? How is your parenting impacted by past trauma? What’s been most helpful to you as a parent parenting with ACEs? What’s been most challenging for you as a parent parenting with ACEs? What has parenting taught you? What have you learned? How do you manage complex family relationships? What inspires/encourages and helps you? I know...
Blog Post

ACE Member Discount 18th Annual Families and Fathers National Conference Limited

James Rodriguez ·
I am sharing a 20% discount and that U.S. OCSE as well as trauma experts are actively participating with a special series on March 1st at the 18th Annual Families & Fathers National Conference, "Never Giving Up - Breakthrough 2017", will be hosted by Fathers & Families Coalition of America from February 27 - March 3, 2017 in Los Angeles, CA. Early Bird Registration is now open with full event, two-day or one-day options for individuals to customize their training. The focus of this...
Blog Post

ACEs Science Champion Series: Dr. Angela Bymaster: This Faith-Based Physician Integrates ACEs Science with Healing Arts

Sylvia Paull ·
Dr. Angela Bymaster, a family physician at Washington Elementary School in San Jose, CA, operates her clinic in a portable unit on the school property. Because the unit faces students as they are dropped off by their families, she gets to “pick up the kids” before they are sent to the clinic, practicing “upstream medicine.”
Blog Post

ACEs teach us why racism is a health equity Issue: Dr. Flojaune Cofer (Part One)

Christine Cissy White ·
Dr. Flojaune Cofer and Ben Duncan , each from public health backgrounds that focus on health disparities, addressed ACEs in the context of health equity for their panel entitled ACEs, Race, and Health Equity: Understanding and Addressing the Role of Race and Racism in ACEs Exposure and Healing . Cofer and Duncan co-presented to a standing-room-only audience on day one of the 2018 ACEs Conference: Action to Access co-hosted by ACEs Connection and the Center for Youth Wellness in San Francisco...
Blog Post

Advice from a Parent Advocate: Communicating With Your Caseworker (

Interview with Toni Miner, Family Support Partner When the child welfare system first came into Toni Miner’s life, she felt shamed and blamed and not supported. For many years, Miner hid her problems—and that led child welfare to come back into her life. Today, as a family support partner in Jefferson County, Colorado, and a member of the Birth Parent National Network, Miner believes it’s still too hard for parents to be open about their struggles, but she also sees that families do better...
Blog Post

After the Chat Review & Additional Resources: Talking Tough Topics with Kids

Christine Cissy White ·
We had our first Parenting with ACEs Group chat a few weeks ago. The full chat transcript is saved online. For those who want highlights only and follow-up from our featured guest, Beth O'Malley, please find the following: Beth O'Malley: Talking Tough Topics as Social Worker, Parent & Adoptee How Lived Experience Can Be a Professional Asset Sharing Our Questions, Issues & Experiences How to Start Having Hard Conversations How to Talk with Teens ACEs as an AHA or Conversation Starter...
Blog Post

Better Training for Foster Parents Could Have Changed My Life []

Alicia Doktor ·
When I was 11 years old, I went to the doctor for a check-up and my whole world stopped. In that one moment, the family I had spent six months becoming a part of decided against adoption. I was removed from my biological mother at just six months, and this was the closest I had ever been to joining a family. One week before a judge made me somebody’s daughter, my almost-parents decided that they did not want “a kid with a baby.” “You’re pregnant!” “What were you thinking?” “There are...
Blog Post

Bullying and the Bottom Line []

Alicia Doktor ·
Early in the 2016-17 school year, DeMarcus*—a fifth-grader in Montgomery, Alabama—had his first encounter with bullying. His grandmother, Erma Freeman, knew DeMarcus as a strong-willed kid and initially did not worry much about the incident. She told DeMarcus to either brush it off or to stand up to the bullies. But within a matter of weeks, Freeman found herself bribing DeMarcus to go to school, scheduling counseling appointments for him and making frequent trips to the school and the...
Blog Post

CA pediatrician develops, tests, gets state OK for whole-child assessment tool that includes ACEs

Jane Stevens ·
Over the last dozen years or so, many pediatricians, astounded by the ramifications of the science of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on the children they care for, began integrating this science into their practices. The most common approach has been to ask parents about ACEs using a questionnaire, and to use this information to counsel parents and identify resources for the family. Different practices have been using different questionnaires: Some ask parents for their ACE scores...
Blog Post

CA pediatrician develops, tests, gets state OK for whole-child assessment tool that includes ACEs

Jane Stevens ·
[Editor's note: This blog was first posted in April 2017. Dr. Marie-Mitchell updated the assessment by modifying a few of the questions, so we are republishing with the new assessment, one in Spanish and one in English.] Over the last dozen years or so, many pediatricians, astounded by the ramifications of the science of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on the children they care for, began integrating this science into their practices. The most common approach has been to ask parents...
Blog Post

Children of depressed parents at high risk of adverse experiences in adulthood ( - plus commentary

Christine Cissy White ·
Parents with mood disorders often feel guilty - which is why I hesitated to share this study article. It says: "It has been shown that even highly efficacious prevention programs for previously depressed adolescents were less effective if the parent was depressed. Our previous work has shown that treatment of the depressed parent to remission can reduce the symptoms of depression for both parent and child." This is probably not news. But might it also mean that when we prioritize our health...
Blog Post

Choked & Soared: Public Speaking about Parenting After Childhood Trauma

Christine Cissy White ·
I gave a keynote address to over 100 people. I’m not bragging. It was an epic failure. And an epic personal triumph. I traveled alone, spoke in public, met new people and shared meal times with total strangers! I tackled social anxiety, figured out flights, luggage and directions. I went in elevators and walked halls alone, without pepper spray. I searched in closets and under beds for monsters and then was able to fall asleep, and stay asleep, without drinking. Twice. Huge. Enormous.
Blog Post

Coping with Incarceration & Sesame Street in Communities Website

Christine Cissy White ·
I LOVED Sesame Street as a kid and I like it as a parent, too, especially when my daughter was younger. It entertained her and helped me re-parent myself at the same time. I got some serious emotional repair that way and from other kid books and shows. I worry that parents aren't watching as much as kids watch alone on devices and maybe miss out on simple, but not always known, basic and affirming messages about life, emotions and family. It's not like as a parent I'd watch Sesame Street by...
Blog Post

Courageous Conversations: Discipline: Event & Question

Christine Cissy White ·
O.k. this event is happening next week in Boston. Doesn't it look great? I can't wait. But even if you can't make the event, can you share what this topic means or brings up for you? I'd love to have some conversation around that topic. I'll start. Discipline is hard for me. I don't like the word. I associate it with firm, strict, mean, and abusive. I get that firm and abusive are not the same when I'm feeling rational but when emotional, firm and abusive can feel really close to the same...
Blog Post

Divorce During Christmas

Christine Cissy White ·
My home was flooded just weeks before my divorce was final. The ocean spilled over the sea wall and headed down the street carrying telephone poles, patio furniture and boat parts. It was 2 a.m. and I was in my bedroom with the cat as my daughter was with her father on one of her first overnights. I was knee deep in despair. And fear. The ocean pooled around my stairs, foundations and car. Outside, the flood would take my blue Subaru, dog fence and air conditioner. Inside, it was thr heating...
Blog Post

Don't Know Any Young Moms With Special Needs Kids? They Probably Unfriended You (

Christine Cissy White ·
Excerpts from an article by Hillary Savoie . After a totally uneventful pregnancy, Oscar was born with a rare genetic mutation neither Smith nor her husband carry. He spent the first two months of his life in the NICU due to uncontrolled epilepsy and feeding difficulties before testing revealed his genetic mutation and doctors found medication to manage his seizures. When Oscar was discharged at 2-and-a-half months old, Smith, 33, suddenly found herself staring down life as a millennial...
Blog Post

Dr. Gabor Maté & Full-Potential Parenting, Even When It Is Hard

Christine Cissy White ·
Note: Allison Morris had dozens of experts in her summit series through Full-Potential Parenting. I took notes only on those by Donna Jackson Nakazawa , Gabe Maté and Sebern Fisher (coming later this month). Though the audios are no longer available, for free, they can be purchased for $100. or less (depending on the year), here. Forgive me for sounding like an advertisement, I don't know Allison personally. I am a huge fan of all parent-led resources and wish I discovered this series...
Blog Post

Dr. Ross Greene, Educating Kids Who Have Been Traumatized

Christine Cissy White ·
The Educating Traumatized Children Summit had Ross Greene, Ph.D. as the keynote. He was interviewed by Julie Beem of the Attachment Trauma Network (ATN). Dr. Greene is the author of The Explosive Child and Lost at School, Lost & Found and Raising Human Beings . He's the originator of the Collaborative and Pro-Active Solutions (CPS) model . I’d heard his name from some of the teachers in my life, but I’d never heard him speak. I’ve summarized, paraphrased and quoted a few of the things he...

Re: Perspective of an adopted Son!

Christine Cissy White ·
Thanks sharing this Matt: You wrote: "This works the same for divorce. Healthy people don't hurt or abandon their children, so what happened to my parents to cause them to abandon me at birth?" Can I ask how you got to this wisdom and perspective? For me, a kid abandoned by one parent, I was just mad for a long time. My compassion and understanding about intergenerational trauma is growing. I still have a range of feelings but hurt/mad isn't the ALL of it. Thanks again for posting here! Cissy

Re: How parents cause children's friendships to end []

Christine Cissy White ·
Jill: What a painful memory. Thank you for sharing. I feel for the kid you were and also for your childhood friend. This part of the study is also important: "A surprising finding from the study that was contrary to the researchers' expectations was that they did not find any evidence that positive parenting behaviors like warmth and affection altered the stability of children's best friendships. "We were hoping that positive behaviors would help extend the life of friendships and that it...

Re: Alice Miller's For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence

Jill Karson ·
To Jane and Jackie: I love Jackie’s great response to Jane’s question. I totally relate to the fear and hatred I felt when I was physically punished! Here are a few more thoughts: Usually I ask what lesson spanking imparts that couldn’t be achieved with compassionate communication. Invariably, those who sanction spanking respond that young children do not have the cognitive ability to understand verbal reasoning. Hence, a 2-year-old needs a smack to learn not to run out in front of a...

Re: Paying Attention as the Most Exhausting Part of Parenting with ACEs

Leah Harris ·
Hi Cissy, thanks for writing this, it's beautiful and so right on. My kid is now 10 but I remember all of those feelings you describe very well. It was dumb luck that I was able to find an attachment parenting mamas group when my son was 11 weeks old. That group really saved me. I couldn't conceive of self care, especially after I became a single mom when my son was 2. I neglected myself so badly after that that my back completely went out. I needed surgery that required a long recovery.

Re: Paying Attention as the Most Exhausting Part of Parenting with ACEs

Christine Cissy White ·
Leah: Thanks for sharing. I've never thought of an attachment parenting mamas group as such a fabulous resource! I love this list for that! When I reflect, I did get a lot of support from others doing attachment parenting and there were great list servs as well which did help. It was great for research and general support and information but less so for meals and help. Local groups are a great option. And knowing other parents feel the strain! I wonder what other programs, informal and...

Re: Is ACEs Advocacy Worth Risking Professional Backlash?

Christine Cissy White ·
Dawn: Thanks for posting. This is a great piece. I'm with you in knowing the risks are real with "coming out" as a survivor. There is impact us and some loss of privacy - even if it's voluntary and chosen. But it's not like we aren't impacted when we are silent or silenced. We are. It's just maybe in different ways. think it varies so much depending on our specific jobs, careers and the particular workplace and people we work with as well as And this varies so much depending on our specific...

Re: Is ACEs Advocacy Worth Risking Professional Backlash?

Dawn Daum ·
Cis, being "googlable" effects everything now. Especially parenting. I often talk to my daughter (she's almost 8, my son is only 4) about the work I do helping people who have difficult lives. I make a point to not say mental illness but that's a whole other topic. What I find difficult is when I'm working at home on ACESs related advocacy work and she asks me what it is and why. It's tough to figure out how much detail and personal truths to answer her with.
Blog Post

Will the Pandemic Have a Lasting Impact on My Kids? []

By Diana Divecha, Greater Good Magazine, May 18, 2020 Massive unemployment. Stunning loss of life. Disrupted education. An economy in freefall. These are the ingredients for tectonic social shifts that alter the arcs of human lives. Parents are always at the fulcrum of such pressures, protecting their families while trying to hold together a semblance of normalcy. For 100 years, developmental scientists have studied how families and children respond to disasters, manmade and natural. From...
Blog Post

Resilience for Children & Families: Being Brave When Things are Hard

Building Resilience with Children During Racial Discrimination & Violence: This attached Resilience Brief for Children has been the hardest one I have written yet. I have been an active advocate for the equal treatment of people from all backgrounds, religions, ethnic heritages, orientations, and families my entire life. It is hard to see the pain present today, not only due to COVID19 but also due to the harm and anger we see daily in the news. I want to share a story about the person...
Blog Post

Prioritize a trauma-sensitive approach for the 2020-21 school year []

Mai Le ·
Playworks believes in a trauma-sensitive approach Educators should focus on providing a trauma-sensitive approach to the reopening of school. Students are all having different experiences right now. For some students, the shutdown of schools due to COVID has provided them with a welcome reprieve from toxic situations or stressors. For others, it has created an increased chance that they’re experiencing Adverse Childhood Experiences or new stressors. “A trauma-sensitive school is one in which...
Blog Post

This wasn't the first time

Going out to buy groceries, going out for a walk, driving your kid back home from school. For most people these activities are normal, everyday things with little to no excitement, as they should be. Unfortunately, getting food, exercising, and supporting my son’s education have been a little more out of the ordinary for me. You see, I am a Mexican Indigenous man, brown skin, shaved head. My ethnicity and physical appearance are by no means unusual, especially in the part of the country...
Blog Post

Trauma-responsive school thinks outside-the-box to engage students during pandemic

Laurie Udesky ·
Before the pandemic, Sara Buckley, an 8 th grade science teacher at Park Middle School in Antioch, California, could handle students who were acting out during class. Understanding that trauma lies beneath disruptive behavior, she didn’t send kids to the principal for punishment. Instead, she’d talk with them to find out what was going on at home or outside of school—and then work out a plan for how to respond differently the next time they were triggered. They could visit the school’s...
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How to Protect Your Child Against Cyberbullying

Rachel Burnham ·
How to Protect Your Child from Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is a colossal up-to-date problem that greatly affects the life of the young generation. Children who become victims of cyberbullying get lots of online threats that make their lives insufferable. To protect children from such violent bullying, you need to teach your kids how to act properly online and what decisions to make. Children and cyberbullying have become inseparable concepts in recent years. It has become more widespread...
Blog Post

Is Your Child Suffering From Cyberbullying? Make Sure You Look Out For These Signs

Former Member ·
Worried that your child may be secretly cyberbullied? There are signs and changes in your child’s life that can serve as a telltale. This may include subtle or not-so-subtle behavioral changes in your child’s school and social life, how they handle the use of technology, and changes in their emotions and behaviors. You’re a parent, right? You know your child like the back of your hand. Their daily behavior and routine. And even if you find it hard to keep abreast with the latest toys (read:...
Blog Post

New Understanding Childhood Trauma Resource for Parents/Caregivers

Katherine Hughes ·
Please see our new pamphlet for parents/caregivers about childhood trauma (now in eight languages), and share with friends, family and colleagues. Although designed for Massachusetts residents, the resource page can be adapted for other locations. Thank you for your help and any distribution ideas.
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