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Tagged With "Trauma-Informed"

Blog Post

Connecting Families to Community Resources: Lessons Learned

Mary Westervelt ·
“It needs to be familiar” “And immediate” “Has to feel comfortable to access” “Yes, personal to the family” “They have to be able to connect easily” “Right. It has to be useful” When the Ready4K content team sat down to create a trauma-informed curriculum , they knew they had to address all 5 Protective Factors . After careful consideration and analysis the team knew they could address the first 4 factors in specific and actionable ways through our Fact, Tip, Growth messaging. But the fifth,...
Blog Post

Family Visits: Ten Self-Care Tips

Anna Runkle ·
Lately, a lot of people who grew up with childhood trauma are going “no contact” with their families and loved ones. I hear people talking about it with relief and sometimes a sense of accomplishment. For many people, the abuse was egregious and may be ongoing; in these cases, walking away for good may be necessary and courageous. For others, going no-contact is an emergency form of self-protection that, over time, may not need to be permanent. So I want to share with you ten tips to protect...
Blog Post

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter November 2020

Michael Skinner ·
Hi Folks, The latest edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter is posted at the website - or PDF - To sign up for an e-mail copy, please write to me @ or sign up @ Website via Contact Us. Thank you & take care, Michael. Newsletter Contents : 1] People Constantly Underestimate How Much They Benefit From Being Kind...
Blog Post

4th Annual Creating Trauma Sensitive Schools Conference - Parent Track

Alex Englander ·
The Attachment & Trauma Network is excited to announce that our 4th Annual Creating Trauma Sensitive Schools Conference will include, for the first time, a track for parents and caregivers. This "Parent-Track" includes all 4 Keynote Speakers, Special Guest Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, a choice of 12 workshops and a special event. The cost for registering in the Parent-Track is $150.00. Scholarships are available, made possible by a grant from The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. For more...
Blog Post

A Safe Place For Men

Michael Skinner ·
Each day from Thanksgiving until Christmas, hear the voices of male survivors of childhood, adolescent or adult sexual abuse share their stories of hurt, pain, joy and triumph as they heal from the aftermath of betrayal and trauma. You are not alone Thank you Thomas! Honored to help kick this series off – gifts of healing. Take care, Michael Skinner #safeplaceformen #malesexualabuserecovery
Calendar Event

Online NARM® Basics Training - Module 2

Blog Post

Art and Trauma: Creativity As a Resiliency & Healing Factor

Michael Skinner ·
Art and Trauma: Creativity As a Resiliency & Healing Factor I have long believed that all of the creative arts are healing. I was drawn to music because it made me feel good, first just listening, then learning to play the drums and then performing in rock bands. Later in life, learning the guitar and singing along with songwriting. Sadly, trauma disconnects so many of us from our creative outlets...finding the ways to reconnect with our creative selves goes a long ways in healing the...
Blog Post

Thoughts, a Song & a Book to Share

Michael Skinner ·
Thoughts - “Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone.” - Fred Rogers “ Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” - Desmond Tutu “ Everything that happens to you is a lesson. Everyone you...
Blog Post

Survivor Stories Online - Friday, December 11, 2020 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Michael Skinner ·
Survivor Stories Online - Friday, December 11, 2020 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM GET YOUR FREE TICKETS for this Zoom event at Survivors of sexual abuse and assault are invited to read a poem, tell a story, sing a song, share in any way they see fit. Survivors of sexual abuse and assault are invited to read a poem, tell a story, sing a song, share in any way they see fit. Speakers and performers include: Musician, Advocate,...
Blog Post

Award-Winning Musician and Advocate, Michael Skinner - Healing Childhood Sexual Abuse - YouTube

Michael Skinner ·
Award-Winning Musician and Advocate, Michael Skinner - Healing Childhood Sexual Abuse - YouTube Welcome to the Ms. Texas Show where we showcase life in Texas and highlight Amazing survivors of traumatic events, family violence, sex trafficking, sexual abuse and Community Leaders to share community resources. Today's guest is Michael Skinner, award-winning advocate, educator, writer and critically acclaimed singer, songwriter, guitarist, addressing...
Blog Post

Reimagining Resilience: Using a Trauma Lens online workshop

Mary Power ·
For more information and to register - Sound Discipline offers Reimagining Resilience: Using a Trauma Lens. This online workshop helps adults build positive relationships with children who have experienced trauma. We will explore the impact of adverse experiences and the effect they have on developing brains and student behavior. The course gives teachers, parents, and other adults working closely with kids the skills they need to make sure that...
Blog Post

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter December 2020

Michael Skinner ·
Healing the Heart Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran The Surviving Spirit Newsletter December 2020 Hi Folks, Hoping this finds you well and safe. Wow, coming to the end of a very challenging year...I do hope that 2021 brings forth healing and hope for all of us. Life can be hard, a pandemic...
Blog Post

Starts May 20 - Reimagining Resilience Online Workshop

Mary Power ·
Reimagining Resilience 1: Using a Trauma Lens helps adults build positive relationships with children who have experienced trauma.
Calendar Event

Youth Empowerment Summit

Calendar Event

The Reparent Yourself Masterclass

Calendar Event

Helping Children Cope with Ambiguous Loss

Blog Post

Doc on a Mission: Helping Parents Break the Trauma Cycle

Debra Timmerman ·
Scott Grant, MD., MPH joined us on the Less Stress in Life Podcast for a conversation on childhood trauma, how he approaches incorporating trauma-informed care into his practice, the transformational power of parenthood and his new Docs2Dads podcast. Dr. Grant is a Board-Certified pediatrician who works in primary care and hospital pediatrics in Southeast Michigan. Professionally, Dr. Grant is interested in learning how childhood adversity and toxic stress affect children into adulthood, and...
Blog Post

Childhood PTSD is a Disease of Loneliness. Here's How to Learn to Connect Again.

Anna Runkle ·
Trauma from childhood is, in essence, an injury to the ability connect with people. And that's why so many people who were traumatized as kids experience loneliness throughout their lives -- sometimes even when they're surrounded by people. In this post I share a 10-minute video excerpted from my online course "Healing Childhood PTSD." it's all about loneliness and disconnection, and how to reconnect again. READ THE POST AND WATCHED HERE.
Blog Post

Birth Trauma, an anniversary

Joyelle Brandt ·
For mothers who experienced traumatic births, these birthdays are the cruelest of celebrations. We are supposed to smile and shower love on our children, and never admit that on these days we would really love to curl up in a ball and sob. We are not supposed to say that having our children took too high a toll on our physical and mental health. We are not supposed to mention just how badly our medical and social systems failed to support us when we needed it the most.
Blog Post

A New Documentary About Breaking the Cycle of Trauma is Launching This Fall!

Charlotte Graham ·
We are thrilled to announce the premiere of Wrestling Ghosts , a documentary about breaking the cycle of trauma, at the LA Film festival on Sept. 27th. “Incredible. Haunting and strange and beautiful and incredibly moving.” -Dan Cogan, Founder Impact Partners Wrestling Ghosts follows the epic inner journey of Kim, a young mother who, over two heartbreaking and inspiring years, battles the traumas from her past in order to create a new present and future for her and her family. In this...
Blog Post

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter January 2021

Michael Skinner ·
Healing the Heart Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran The Surviving Spirit Newsletter January 2021 “ May 2021 bring everyone Joy - Peace - Hope - Love - Good Health - Renewed Faith - Inclusiveness - Empathy - Understanding - Kindness - Acceptance - in a Safer World. May we spend more time &...

Re: The Surviving Spirit Newsletter January 2021

Agnes Chen ·
Thank you so much for sharing my podcast, Rise Resilient! Much love for your work.

Re: The Surviving Spirit Newsletter January 2021

Michael Skinner ·
You are welcome. Take care.
Blog Post

Reimagining Resilience 1: Using a Trauma Lens

Mary Power ·
Sound Discipline is offering two upcoming options for Reimagining Resilience 1: Using a Trauma Lens . This online workshop helps adults build positive relationships with children who have experienced trauma. We will explore the impact of adverse experiences and the effect they have on developing brains and student behavior. The course gives teachers, parents, and other adults working closely with kids the skills they need to make sure that every child knows that they matter. An online course...
Blog Post

Hope, Healing & Help - The Surviving Spirit Newsletter February 2021

Michael Skinner ·
“ Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.” - Judy Blume Hope, healing & help for trauma, abuse & mental health. The latest edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter is posted at the website - & here's the PDF - “ Our brains developed along with music and singing as a survival mechanism.” - Tania De Jong To sign up for...
Blog Post

New Understanding Childhood Trauma Resource for Parents/Caregivers

Katherine Hughes ·
Please see our new pamphlet for parents/caregivers about childhood trauma (now in eight languages), and share with friends, family and colleagues. Although designed for Massachusetts residents, the resource page can be adapted for other locations. Thank you for your help and any distribution ideas.
Blog Post

How adverse childhood experiences or ACEs impact your current wellbeing

Donna Jackson Nakazawa ·
Often, people who have a history of trauma in childhood find themselves struggling to flourish in adulthood. Trauma affects the brain in ways that can make you more likely to experience difficulty when faced with emotionally stressful and demanding situations in your relationships, at work, and as a parent. Throughout my life, both growing up and as an adult, I’ve faced a number of challenging life experiences, stressors, and traumas, and I understand this struggle on a deep, intrinsic...
Blog Post

A Recipe for Raising Resilient Children - Skills and Factors that Contribute to Resiliency

Beth Tyson ·
Suffering is an expected part of this journey because resilience is a muscle that we strengthen over time and experiences. However, developing this muscle is most effective when encouraged by warm, loving, and responsive caregiving.
Blog Post

My ACEs Affected My Birth

Kelsey Budge ·
High blood pressure. In your third trimester of pregnancy, you do not want to hear these three words, especially if you are planning to have a home birth. My blood pressure nearly caused me to have an induction for my first birth and transfer to a hospital birth for my second birth. I wish I had known of the ACEs test so I wouldn't have felt so lost and guilty. For my first birth I was clueless. I did not understand why this was happening to me because I ate a healthy diet, went to boxing...
Blog Post

The Disconnect of Trauma and the Lies We Follow

Michael Skinner ·
Honored to be part of the Survivor Stories event hosted by Michael Broussard of Ask a Survivor. Performing two songs of mine and sharing the back story to their creation - "Songs For The Keys To Your Life"and "When Your Heart Follows A Lie" “ Go to where the silence is and say something.” - Amy Goodman Survivor Stories- Michael Skinner - Take care and share as you wish...Michael Skinner A diagnosis is not a destiny “ Our lives begin to...
Blog Post

Attachment Trauma: The Unique Impact of ACEs in Infancy

Andrew Corbett ·
"Attachment Trauma is the severe disruption or dysfunction of the infant-maternal bond. This can result from stress and dysfunction in the family, mental health problems in the mother, and/or extended separation from the mother. These are traumatic experiences regardless of when they occur during childhood. However, when they occur during the first 2 years of life they have a uniquely damaging impact, leading to Attachment Trauma." Originally posted at ...
Blog Post

The Healing Place Podcast: Rene Howitt - Cope24: Parenting & Child Development Classes for High School Students

Teri Wellbrock ·
Rene Howitt, founder of Cope24, offers professional development workshops to school districts across the nation. She also provides presentations and key note speaking at universities, teacher conferences, advocacy events and churches.
Blog Post

“What Happened to You?” by Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey: a book that resonates with us in the PACEs world

Carey Sipp ·
What do PACEs Connection and “What Happened to You?”, the new book by Oprah Winfrey and Bruce Perry, have in common? Almost everything. That’s my conclusion after I finished listening to the book on Audible and re-reading parts of it on Kindle. In the book, Winfrey, a w orld-class connector, journalist, entertainer, author, thought leader, actor, and philanthropist, teams up with her longtime friend Perry, a child psychiatrist, neuroscientist and principal of the neurosequential model of...
Blog Post

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter October 2021

Michael Skinner ·
Healing the Heart Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran The Surviving Spirit Newsletter October 2021 “Don't Quit” by John Whittier When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high And you want to smile, but you...
Blog Post

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter April 2021

Michael Skinner ·
Hi Folks, The latest edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter is posted at the website - Once again I've tried to create a mix of articles, videos, music, books, podcasts, resources, etc, that offer Hope, Healing & Help. As the saying goes, “ Take what you like and leave the rest. ” or here's the PDF - To sign up for an e-mail copy, please...
Blog Post

Assisting Parents/Caregivers in Coping with Collective Traumas (The National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Natalie Audage ·
This resource o ffers strategies to help parents/caregivers cope with collective traumas. This fact sheet also provides guidance on what parents/caregivers can do to care for their children as they cope. To access this resource, click here.
Blog Post

Building Bridges of Hope through Trauma-Informed Caregiver-School Partnerships: Supporting Children & Youth with High Emotional & Behavioral Health Needs

Lara Kain ·
A two-part intensive learning Institute and accompanying Community of Practice for Institute participants Supporting children and youth with high emotional and behavioral needs is often lonely, overwhelming, complex, and not well-understood. As a caregiver, how do you navigate school services, child welfare, and other involved systems to get the support you need for your child? As school providers, how might we learn with families through their advocacy journeys? Let’s come together to...
Blog Post

Children, Youth, and Families Who Experience Migration-Related Trauma and Family Separation (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Natalie Audage ·
Offers information on unaccompanied and separated immigrant youth in the US who have experienced migration-related trauma and family separation. This brief includes information about: who unaccompanied children are and how many are in the US; how traumatic separation affects immigrant children, youth, families, and systems; and what can be done to assist immigrant children, youth, and families who experience traumatic separation. Click here to access this resource.
Blog Post

Doc on a Mission: Helping Parents Break the Trauma Cycle

Debra Timmerman ·
Scott Grant, MD., MPH joined us on the Less Stress in Life Podcast for a conversation on childhood trauma, how he approaches incorporating trauma-informed care into his practice, the transformational power of parenthood and his new Docs2Dads podcast. Dr. Grant is a Board-Certified pediatrician who works in primary care and hospital pediatrics in Southeast Michigan. Professionally, Dr. Grant is interested in learning how childhood adversity and toxic stress affect children into adulthood, and...
Blog Post

Roadmap to Resilience

Karen Zilberstein ·
On November 17, 2021, Roadmap to Resilience: Supporting Children Experiencing Stress and Trauma announced its official website launch and release of podcast episodes, short videos, and other digital tools. Roadmap to Resilience guides the listener through specific, trauma-informed approaches to supporting children and their families. Created by a task force of international child trauma experts, the collection of free resources provides practical, accessible, and timely digital content for...
Blog Post

Join Us for Standing Strong Conference- Mon, Sept. 13- Wed, Sept. 15

Julie Beem ·
In less than a week, parents and caregivers for children impacted by early childhood trauma will be learning and supported at the Standing Strong Virtual Conference - Sept 13-15, 2021, hosted by the Attachment & Trauma Network, Inc. (ATN) . This 3-day event is focused on helping those caring for children with developmental trauma, complex PTSD and attachment challenges learn advocacy strategies and focus on their own care/burnout needs now that their children are back in school. Speakers...
Blog Post

Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Level-1

Iya Affo ·
HEAL HISTORICAL TRAUMA & Iya Affo PRESENT: The Historical Trauma Specialist Certification- Level 1 is a comprehensive understanding of Historical Trauma from a multicultural lens. The training is designed for participants serving, leading, advocating and working with people of color. It is the perfect training for people in a variety of disciplines as well as multicultural families and for anyone with the desire to understand the impact of slavery, genocide and colonization. The course...
Blog Post

The Launch of Heal Trauma Global: Culturally Attuned Trauma Training

Iya Affo ·
Being Trauma-Informed means that we are Culturally Attuned. Heal Trauma Global is a sister company to Heal Historical Trauma and was cultivated to fill a wide gap in stress science & trauma training. The trauma-informed movement is beautiful! It's wonderful that as a society we are moving in a direction that honors an individual's past as part of the driving force behind current behaviors. Yet, time and time again, I have attended trainings that are labeled as Trauma-Informed only to...
Blog Post

Rural Hospital Closures Prompt Maternal and Infant Mortality Concerns, Psychological Birth Trauma

Ellen Fink-Samnick ·
This article was initially published in RACmonitor and appears with the publisher’s permission The country’s smallest hospitals continue to be in peril, as are the patients who rely on them. This issue continues to be the reality for rural health with major challenges for the patients and providers in those regions. 7.4% of babies born in the US are birthed at hospitals handling 10 to 500 births a year, or “low-volume” hospitals. In the context of our industry’s fiscal focus, that number...
Blog Post

Examples of Current Trauma-Informed Judicial Systems

Porter Jennings-McGarity ·
Please join us for a new series entitled: Trauma-Informed Criminal Justice. This monthly virtual Zoom series will feature conversations facilitated by Porter Jennings-McGarity, PACEs Connection’s criminal justice consultant, with special guests to discuss the need for trauma-informed criminal justice system reform. Using a PACEs-science lens, this series will examine the relationship between trauma and the criminal justice system, what needs changing, and strategies being used in this area...
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