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Parenting with PACEs. PACEs science & stories. Trauma-informed change.

March 2018

Healing Is Possible

I devoted half of my book, Childhood Disrupted , to science-based interventions on how individuals can heal from the effects of ACEs. Here are some of the basics. H ere are some really important healing steps we can all take – which the science shows can help reverse the changes to our brains and DNA that might have occurred, growing up with ACES Writing to heal. Research shows individuals who write about emotional upheavals and stressful experiences for 20 minutes each day, over a period of...

10 Books About Race To Read Instead Of Asking A Person Of Color To Explain Things To You []

In today's current political and cultural climate, it's crucial that everyday Americans are engaging in important conversations about race, bias, discrimination, and privilege. For people of color, these conversations are nothing new; they are a requirement in communities where experiences of racism, bias, and bigotry are a part of everyday life. But for many white people who have never been burdened by a system built specifically to keep us down, these conversations can seem confusing,...

The Heavy Burden of Teaching My Son About American Racism []

When I saw the sign for the Emmett Till Museum, I knew I had to take the next exit. As a Ph.D. student in American history studying the civil-rights movement, it felt almost like an obligation. My only hesitation was that my 7-year-old son was in the car too. Was he ready to learn about one of the most notorious lynchings in the nation’s history? Could I bear to watch his eyes lose some of their glow? The road that led from the highway to the one-street town of Glendora, Mississippi, was...

The Trauma of Having a Newborn in the NICU []

When Kelli Kelley awoke from her C-section 17 years ago, having delivered her son after just 24 weeks of pregnancy, her husband gave her a Polaroid of their baby. He was tiny, underdeveloped, eyes still fused shut, with translucent skin covered in fine hair, and lying in a sea of medical equipment and lines. To Kelley, he looked like a baby bird. Cut to her first visit to the neonatal intensive-care unit ( nicu ) to meet him: a cacophony of beeping machines, harsh lighting,...

Why talking — and listening — to your child could be key to brain development (

More than 20 years ago, psychologists Betty Hart and Todd Risley discovered what they called the “ 30 million word gap .” Through family visits, they estimated that children under 4 from lower-income families heard a staggering 30 million fewer words than children from higher-income families. That study was embraced by Hillary Clinton and it spurred a White House conference on the topic, public service announcement campaigns, and the creation of at least two outreach organizations. The clear...

ACE Fact Sheets to Give Your Doctors, Patients & Beyond (free downloads)

I was first inspired to create a fact sheet summarizing the effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) after reading a comment in “Got Your ACE score?” A reader wished she had a form to give her doctor that documented the vast body of evidence explaining how early trauma increases risk for chronic physical and mental health conditions and much more. I could relate.

Cope24 – Changing Our Parenting Experience []

ST. LOUIS, MO — Abuse and other "Adverse Childhood Experiences" are on the rise in the United States. According to a national survey nearly 40 percent of children in every state has experienced at least one ACE, and more than 20 percent have had at least two. The founder and executive director of St. Louis based COPE-24, @Rene Howitt, explains these astounding statistics. Cope24 - Changing Our Parenting Experience 314-488-3766 www.Cope24.Com [To watch this story, go to...

New County Health Rankings Show Differences in Health and Opportunity by Place and Race []

Princeton, N.J. and Madison, Wis .—For nearly a decade, the County Health Rankings have shown that where we live makes a difference in how well and how long we live. This year, our analysis shows that meaningful health gaps persist not only by place but also by race and ethnicity. These health gaps are largely influenced by differences in opportunities that disproportionately affect people of color, such as access to quality education, jobs, and safe, affordable housing. This year’s report...

New Podcast Tells Stories of Children 'Caught' in Mass Incarceration []

Conversations about the juvenile justice system and the way it devastates Black and Brown children too often omit the perspectives of those most impacted. WNYC Studios provided space for several of these kids to speak their truth in “ Caught: The Lives of Juvenile Justice ,” a new podcast that debuted today (March 12). Journalist and podcast host Kai Wright * told Colorlines that the podcast grew out of the Radio Rookies program, which teaches New York teenagers to produce stories about...

New Podcast Tells Stories of Children 'Caught' in Mass Incarceration []

Conversations about the juvenile justice system and the way it devastates Black and Brown children too often omit the perspectives of those most impacted. WNYC Studios provided space for several of these kids to speak their truth in “ Caught: The Lives of Juvenile Justice ,” a new podcast that debuted today (March 12). Journalist and podcast host Kai Wright * told Colorlines that the podcast grew out of the Radio Rookies program, which teaches New York teenagers to produce stories about...

Parenting stress associated with epigenetic differences in African American mothers []

Parenting can be stressful - and this stress may be influencing the DNA methylation of African American mothers, finds a new study led by NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing published in the Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. Stress can contribute to a range of health problems, including high blood pressure and heart disease - health issues that are particularly pervasive among African American women. The stress that parents feel in their roles adds to overall maternal stress...

Spring Forward with Oprah @ ACEs Connection on Twitter

Dear ACEs Connection Members & Visitors: Lots of us are planning our meals and evenings around watching Oprah's 60 Minutes episode tonight. She'll be interviewing Dr. Bruce Perry (7 p.m. EST). Some of us will be live tweeting during the show. Come visit ACEs Connection on Twitter . Twitter handle is #ACEsConnection Or, come back after and leave make a comment or observation. Remember, we're an open network and all members can: Publish a blog post Join our communities Share articles and...

Treating Childhood Trauma (

Excerpts: and Cissy's Note: I wish the more expansive view of ACEs / ACE Test had been included. I'm glad homelessness was included as trauma and childhood adversity. I hope does a follow-up on implementing trauma-informed frameworks, community resilience, and more about what individuals, communities, and organizations can and are doing.

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