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Tagged With "Bottom up Regulation"

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Five Years On - 5 Ways to Boost Your Resilience at Work

Adrian Alexander ·
Hello. It's Wellness Wednesday everyone and we're bringing you a Harvard Business Review article from 5 years ago. Don't worry, it's relevant for today even more than the author could have imagined at the time. The author, Mr. Rich Fernandez, was a director of learning and organization development at Google, eBay and J.P. Morgan Chase. Rich began by writing, "Many of us now work in constantly connected, always-on, highly demanding work cultures where stress and the risk of burnout are...
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Promoting positive parenting for families in poverty: New directions for improved reach and engagement

Adrian Alexander ·
Good Friday morning everyone. How was your week? I am sure we are all looking forward to the weekend. As we set things up for this week's "Food For Thought Friday", we want to examine an area which was excluded from the original ACE study of 1998 - that is, the consideration of poverty. It has been an area of criticism of the original study especially where researchers desiring to replicate it want to address the needs of persons living in cramped urban conditions. There is a 2017 study done...
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Resilience and Children in Residential Care - What the Data Shows

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone. The recent discovery of the bodies of 215 children at a residential school in Canada has led to an explosion of discussion online and many calls for the federal government of Canada to implement a series of recommendations from a previous national commission to investigate similar issues. Also arising are discussions on the state of residential care for children as a whole and the degree to which such institutions are properly addressing the inherent needs of the children under...
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What Do We Do Once We Realize the Prevalence of Adversities?

Cheryl Step ·
When people hear about the mental and physical health risks of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress, one of the first questions is, “What do we do about this?” Awareness of the prevalence of adversity and the impact of stress on the brain and body leads to the possibility for prevention and response. Whether you are acting within a family, agency, organization, business or community, the next steps should be taken knowing that we will all work together to bring about change.
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Adversities. Resilience. Gratitude.

Helen Avadiar-Nimbalker ·
Adversity can be a powerful word especially when you are a Trauma Counsellor aware of ACEs. This revolutionary study on the impact of our Adverse Childhood Experiences has provided us with so many answers as to why we are the way we are. At least it did for me and the people I work with every day. It has also raised many important questions. One being, how can one build resilience through past adversities? How did I do it? Having done the ACE test and getting a maximum score of 10 on it, I...
Blog Post

California PACEs Connection initiatives spark new connections in regional meeting

Laurie Udesky ·
Among PACEs Connection initiatives around the country, it’s well known that our social network is something like a bustling, giant town square where people share ideas, resources and any number of conversations about how to prevent childhood adversity and promote positive childhood experiences. On May 14, PACEs Connection assembled a virtual town square gathering of PACEs initiatives in California, where we have 58 initiatives sparking action all across the state. Speakers at the gathering,...
Blog Post

Wrestling Ghosts Watch Weekend on PACEs Connection (June 11-13th) & Zoom Discussion with Director Ana Joanes on June 15th at 7p.m. EST. 

Christine Cissy White ·
Wrestling Ghosts is the fourth and final film in the Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Film Festival series. The film can be watched, free of charge, on PACEs Connection from Friday, June 11th through Sunday, June 13th where it will be streamed all weekend. The streaming will be followed by a Zoom discussion with Wrestling Ghosts Director, Ana Joanes, and the co-sponsors of the Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Film Festival (CTIPP, PACEs Connection, & the Relentless School Nurse) on...
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Reclaiming the Narrative of Black Fatherhood

Dwana Young ·
Fathers play a critical role in the healthy development of children and families. This is why it's important to address structural and systemic barriers that prevent Black men from being fully present in their children's lives—so that all families have a chance to thrive. My wife and I have been married since 2019, but we’ve known each other since we were 14-year-olds. We are raising a blended family. She has a daughter who is 9 and a 7-year-old son. I have a son who is 8, and together we...
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Gwyneth Paltrow x Nadine Burke Harris: How Does Childhood Trauma Impact Health Outcomes? []

From Goop, June 16, 2020 “You can’t grow up Black in America and not feel outraged by the terrible health disparities that are still going on every day,” says Nadine Burke Harris, MD , the first surgeon general of California. GP got on a video call with Harris, who is an expert on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Her book, The Deepest Well , explores the connection between adversity, trauma, and toxic stress in childhood and health outcomes later in life. Much of her work focuses on...
Blog Post

Explore the Role of Culture in Healing with La Maida Project

Kelly Benshoof ·
La Maida Project is thrilled to share videos from our recent webinar series “Exploring the Role of Culture in Healing”. We had an great audience turn out and robust dialogue with our panel of guest speakers including Ken Epstein, PhD LCSW , leader in trauma-informed systems transformation, Anil Vadaparty , CEO of child-welfare agency McKinley, and Omid Naim, MD , integrative psychiatrist and founder of La Maida Project. In these webinars we discuss the role of leadership in trauma-informed...
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Building a Restorative Restart to School in the Fall

Lara Kain ·
As we look towards the reopening of in-person instruction in the fall, planning and reimagining for a restorative restart to our school systems that emphasizes student and educator mental health is a priority. In addition, there is a windfall of one-time funding coming to districts from federal and local funds for just this purpose. Recently a wise educator said to me, ‘you know, if you want to get to the hearts and minds of school leaders to make changes for the fall you need to do so by...
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When Self-Care Doesn't "Work"

Helen W. Mallon ·
You can't fail at self-care. If something isn't helpful, maybe you haven't yet found your own way.
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Racism as an Adverse Community Experience

Michael Jascz ·
By Christina Velez, The Relationship Foundation July 15, 2021 Have you ever questioned the ways that racism and trauma intersect? As a person of color, I know I have. Racism is a core determinant of health which often leads to social inequities. From watching PBS’s video on “Mental Fitness for Resilience-The Trauma of Racism” it was interesting to learn how racism and trauma, often converge in inseparable ways. Dr. Terri D. McFadden, a general pediatrician, and professor at Emory University...
Blog Post

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons Coming Up on 30 July

Adrian Alexander ·
Good Sunday morning everyone. We hope you are enjoying the weekend. While we seldom post on the weekend, today is different. Why? Well, because it's the 25th of the month and, as promised, we want to bring you a post that highlights the issue of slavery and human trafficking. This week will mark the United Nations observance of World Day Against Trafficking In Persons on 30th July. The commemoration of the Day was proclaimed in December 2013 by the United Nations General Assembly, in its...
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Five Ways to Protect Your Emotional Health Post-COVID []

By Bethany Teachman, Greater Good Magazine, July 15, 2021 You’ve been waiting…and waiting…and waiting for this amazing, magical day when you could return to “normal life.” For many people in the U.S., it feels like that dim light at the end of the pandemic tunnel is becoming brighter. My 12- and 14-year-old daughters now have their first shot, with the second one soon to follow. I was euphoric when the kids received their vaccinations, choking up under my mask at the relief that my family...
Blog Post

Trauma and COVID-19: Addressing Mental Health Among Racial/Ethnic Minority Populations Webinar

Gail Kennedy ·
The Office of Minority Health (OMH) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) cordially invites you to join a national audience of mental health professionals, health advocates and educators, health care providers, public health professionals, and OMH partners and stakeholders for an upcoming webinar: Trauma and COVID-19: Addressing Mental Health Among Racial/Ethnic Minority Populations July 29, 2021 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. ET As part of the OMH observance of National...
Blog Post

PACEs Champion Dwana Young navigates community-driven ACEs healing centers in New Jersey

Sylvia Paull ·
In 2020, New Jersey, a state with about 9 million people spread over the rural countryside and dense urban areas like Newark, launched a new entity: the NJ Office of Resilience (NJOR). The NJOR is unusual because it is a public-private partnership. It brings together three private foundations as well as the NJ Department of Children and Families to provide community-driven strategies for preventing, treating, and healing from ACEs. Like a ship’s navigator laying out a course on charts, Dwana...
Blog Post

Simone Biles, ACEs and PCEs []

Loren McCullough ·
By the HOPE Team, 7/28/21, Like so many people, we spent part of the weekend transfixed by the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. Despite COVID, no crowds, and troubles with the Tokyo organizing committee, the athletes dazzled us with their speed, endurance and grace. In particular, Simone Biles seems superhuman – a woman who seems to defy gravity and performs gymnastic feats that had been thought to be impossible. She wears her past on her body and outfit: her collarbone bears...
Blog Post

When Cyclones Party In Your Backyard

Adrian Alexander ·
Happy "Fri-yay" to everyone! Over the past week ago, the world was shocked out of its focus on evolving virus strains when the media launched an all-out assault on our sensibilities with headlines that screamed " Code RED for humanity !" What they were referring to was not an alien invasion or zombie apocalypse but the report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) that the climate crisis was propelling us to a point where, even with our best efforts, we would not be able...
Blog Post

Institutional Child Sexual Abuse: Problem and Prevention

Billie-Jo Grant ·
Despite institutional child sexual abuse being a known and alarming issue, most recently highlighted by investigations of the Boy Scouts and USA Gymnastics, little is known about the extent of the problem and best practices for prevention. Yesterday, PACEs Connection hosted a webinar with Dr. Billie-Jo Grant and Terri Miller, experts in school employee sexual misconduct. They cover the scope of the problem, why it is so difficult to address, and best practices for prevention.
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Upcoming Presentation on the Causes/Impacts of ACEs in the Caribbean

Juleus Ghunta ·
On Friday, August 27, 2021, at noon, I will be the guest speaker at Port of Spain Adult Library’s monthly International Men's Day Trinidad and Tobago (IMDTT) discussion. The title of my talk is The Causes and Impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in the Caribbean. ACEs pose huge challenges across the globe. Unfortunately, not much has been done in the Caribbean to uncover the links between ACEs and many of the developmental challenges we face. My presentation will highlight some of...
Blog Post

Substance misuse linked to risk profiles, study finds - Jeff Grabmeier

Dwana Young ·
The study found that scores assessing childhood trauma exposure among adults with substance misuse issues were 24% higher than previous estimates for other adults in the child welfare system, and 108% higher than the general population. While many parents and caregivers involved in the child welfare system suffered trauma as children, new research suggests that those with substance misuse issues as adults may have had particularly difficult childhoods. Not surprisingly, children in these...
Blog Post

In Case You Missed It

Adrian Alexander ·
Thanks to Green String Network (@GSNAfrica) on Twitter, we saw this Tweet and want to share with you all:- If you missed @BDPerry and @oprah's discussion about their book "What happened to you?" at the @DartCenter this past week you can catch up with it here.
Blog Post

ACEs, Food Addiction, and What Most Weight Loss Programs Get Wrong According to Dr. Felitti and Dr. Alman

Brian Alman ·
We know a high ACE score is connected to a higher likelihood of “substance-related disorders.” However, sometimes it’s overlooked that food can be that substance of choice, too—not just drugs or alcohol. Learn about food addiction and ACEs, and a weight loss solution that heals from the inside out endorsed by Dr. Felitti, the CO-Principal Investigator of the ACE Study.
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How to Help Yourself if you’re On a Waiting List for Therapy

Robyn Brickel, M.A., LMFT ·
One of the positive outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic is that it has increased mental health awareness. Limiting our activities and contact with others has led to so much talk about fear, loneliness, disconnection and mental health. These experiences have made people notice their needs and feel more comfortable seeking help. More people now seek therapy For some, actually getting help has been easier because they could reach out from their living rooms and receive virtual therapy. Yet for...
Blog Post

Suicide Prevention Resources

Dwana Young ·
Experts agree that the best way to prevent suicide is to talk about it, but people are often afraid to bring it up. Stigma plays a big role in our reluctance, but it’s also scary to acknowledge that someone you love might be feeling suicidal. People are understandably afraid of saying the wrong thing, too. In recognition of Suicide Prevention Awareness month, this week on we share resources for families worried about suicide. Teenagers are notoriously prickly and teenagers...
Blog Post

Oprah Winfrey + Dr. Nadine Burke Harris []

From Number Story, October 14, 2021 What happens when two powerhouse leaders team up to address one of the most pressing issues of our time? Find out here in this dynamic conversation between Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Nadine Burke Harris. Here are a few highlights … [ OPRAH ] “The realization of what happened to you literally colors your entire worldview … Your childhood experiences don’t define you, but they do leave an imprint. You need to be aware of what that imprint is.” [ Please click here...
Blog Post

Beginning the Healing Journey: Return to the Resilient Zone

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
Dysregulated stress is central to the ACEs/health outcomes link. The healing journey starts with regulating stress arousal that is stuck on too high or too low.
Blog Post

Positive Effects of Giving Thanks: Not Just for the Holidays

Amanda C Dolinger ·
“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not but rejoices for what he has.” ~Greek philosopher, Epictetus It is that time of year in which the leaves are changing color, the days are getting shorter, and as we prepare for family meals and holidays, we witness a lot more folks talking about what they are thankful for. The days leading up to the Thanksgiving holiday lend themselves to a shift in our focus onto what we appreciate in our lives, and we notice folks...
Blog Post

A Trauma Informed Approach to Vaccine Fear

Jesse Maxwell Kohler ·
PLEASE SIGN ON TO THIS MEMO TO SUPPORT OUTREACH ALONG THESE LINES TO THE ADMINISTRATION! If the goal is to impact meaningful change, it might prove helpful to view vaccine fear through a trauma informed-lens. There is an intentional shift from the use of the word “hesitancy” and instead using the more specific and appropriate term “fear”. We are more likely to change that which we better define and understand. The following memo has been developed with input from an interdisciplinary team of...
Blog Post

Gentle Men: The Healing Power of Vulnerability (

Growing up, I was taught that traditional male attributes are things like toughness, emotional reserve, strength, power, and staunch individualism. This image of a “traditional man” feeds into once-clear-cut roles like winner and provider . Edward M. Adams and Ed Frauenheim suggest that this version of masculinity is confined : both limited and limiting. In their 2020 book, Reinventing Masculinity , Adams and Frauenheim write, “Confined masculinity focuses more on a man’s sense of...
Blog Post

Radical Self-Care for Survivors of Suicide Loss (

What does self-care mean, and what does it involve? Simply put, it implies— physical, emotional, psychological, social and spiritual care. The very idea of survivors of suicide loss practicing self-care can seem radical. The stigma, shame, secrecy and silence that a survivor faces invisibilizes, erases and marginalizes any of their valid concerns. Equally relevant, most survivors themselves feel they are not entitled to any form of support—either from themselves or from others. On a...
Blog Post

Radical Self-Care for Survivors of Suicide Loss (

What does self-care mean, and what does it involve? Simply put, it implies— physical, emotional, psychological, social and spiritual care. The very idea of survivors of suicide loss practicing self-care can seem radical. The stigma, shame, secrecy and silence that a survivor faces invisibilizes, erases and marginalizes any of their valid concerns. Equally relevant, most survivors themselves feel they are not entitled to any form of support—either from themselves or from others. On a...
Blog Post

Spreading HOPE Through Our Online Course []

Laura Gallant ·
By Guest Author, 12/2/21, The Spreading HOPE online learning course (HOPE LMS) was released in June of 2020. Since then, over 400 learners have signed up for the course through Tufts iLearn, and more than 120 completed the course. Through five interactive modules, learners gained a crash-course in HOPE, and learned important tools and strategies for incorporating the HOPE Framework into practice. When asked about their learning goals before and after completing...
Blog Post

People share the 18 things that are a 'subtle sign' someone is really smart (

One of the strangest things about being human is that people of lesser intelligence tend to overestimate how smart they are and people who are highly intelligent tend to underestimate how smart they are. This is called the Dunning-Kruger effect and it’s proven every time you log onto Facebook and see someone from high school who thinks they know more about vaccines than a doctor. “Such findings imply that, in order to be adaptive, first impressions of personality or social characteristics...
Blog Post

Adverse Childhood Experiences, the Brain, and Exercise: How exercise strengthens the brain wounded by toxic childhood stress

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
Even small amounts of exercise can quickly and dramatically improve mood, brain health, brain function, and the ability to cope with stress, while preparing the brain to rewire the hidden wounds from childhood.
Blog Post

Nightmares and ACEs: They No Longer Need Rule the Night

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
Recurring nightmares lead to much needless suffering for survivors of adverse childhood experiences—suffering that goes well beyond disturbed sleep. Five steps help take back the night.
Blog Post

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter March 2022

Michael Skinner ·
Healing the Mind, Body & Spirit Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran The Surviving Spirit Newsletter March 2022 Hi Folks, The latest edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter - sharing Hope and Healing Resources for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health is posted at the website -...
Blog Post

Stress is Contagious: How to Stop the Spread & Regain Your Health

Brian Alman ·
Stop the spread...of STRESS! Stress is not only triggered by external or internal factors. You can also pick up stress from social interactions – spouse, other household members, colleagues, etc. – usually referred to as emotional contagion. Learn how to stop the spread of stress and regain your health.
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How to manage your mental health as traumatic events pile up -

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone, this article is timely for all of us, especially if we are feeding ourselves with the latest news coming out of Ukraine while managing the reopening of the economy after 2 years of COVID 19. The article is from the website and is written by Alexandra Frost. Ms Frost writes: "As COVID-19’s Omicron variant waned and we took a second to catch our breaths, another anxiety-inducing and devastating event began: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. People in the area have suffered...
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Research shows only a tiny percentage of physicians integrating PACEs science

Jane Stevens ·
Three relatively recent studies from different parts of the U.S. show that only a tiny percentage of physicians, medical school faculty and other healthcare providers are integrating practices and policies based on the science of positive and adverse childhood experiences (PACEs). Why it matters: For people in the PACEs community, the following is news that’s 20 years old: Adverse childhood experiences are common, preventable and linked to six out of the top ten leading causes of death in...
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Free Virtual Grief Summit (April 28 & 29, 2022)

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone, we're approaching the weekend again and we hope you have all had a productive week. The world is pretty stressful right now and, although many countries are seeking to roll back their COVID 19 restrictions and return to a form of "normalcy", for a lot of people who have suffered loss from the death of loved ones or the radical change in their circumstances, normalcy is an unknown. So we would like to share with you an upcoming online event known as the Virtual Grief Summit from...

Re: PACEs Connection: Not just another social network

William Gallagher ·
I believe that social networks open up many opportunities for us and I also decided to promote my Facebook. For me, the main thing is high-quality followers, and I'm not interested in bots that will not make a profit for my business. Recently I needed to buy accounts. In this question, I was also guided by the quality and the target audience, so this option suited me perfectly.
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Progress is Success!

Helen Avadiar-Nimbalker ·
We live in a world that is so fast paced. People are always looking for quick answers and multitasking to achieve more in a shorter time! The past couple of years has been extremely difficult. Many of us were forced to halt, not just pause but stop! That can be a very hard process for our minds, emotions, brain and our body. Having withdrawals from a fast paced life is not something we are taught to be prepared for. So here we are, everyone managing the best way we know how. We are resilient...
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PACEs Research Corner — April 2022

Jane Stevens ·
[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — — that focuses on the effects of abuse, and includes research articles on PACEs. Every month, she posts the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs, PCEs and PACEs. Thank you, Harise!! — Jane Stevens] Child Abuse Vermeulen S, Alink LRA, van Berkel SR. Child Maltreatment During School and Childcare Closure Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Child Maltreat. 2022 Feb...
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The Mirroring Between Individual and Collective Trauma Healing

Cheryl Step ·
Remembering past trauma begins the “re-membering” process of taking our fragmented pieces and putting them back together. This applies to individuals with trauma, as well as the collective traumas we experience in societies and our world. Remembering trauma is a growth process because the memories open the door to putting all the pieces together which leads to our healing. We know that our physiological reactions to trauma are held in our bodies and DNA. As individuals, before we can begin...
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Neuroplasticity, Imagery, and Adverse Childhood Experiences

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
The disturbing neural imprints from adverse childhood experiences need not be a life sentence. Imagery is an extremely helpful tool to modify the circuitry of the brain, utilizing the principle of neuroplasticity. Imagery strengthens and stabilizes the brain, while laying down alternative neural pathways.
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Sign Up Now for Writing To Heal Cycle 3

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone, we are excited to share that a member of ACEs Caribbean Community, Ms. Caron Asgarali, is hosting the third cycle of her amazing "Writing To Heal' sessions starting on Saturday 30th April 2022. Caron has a lot of lived experience healing from personal trauma through writing, is an author of multiple books and an editor who has helped multiple persons embark upon their own journeys and careers as writers. Caron's page on is at the link below.
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New Podcast Episode! Get to know the Leaders of the Caribbean ACEs Movement

Alison Cebulla ·
Latchkey Urchins are kids who grew up unsupervised or without attentive emotional care. Latchkey Urchins & Friends Podcast delves into trauma and childhood emotional neglect topics weekly through survivor and expert interviews. We bring a touch of humor to these normally heavy topics—laughing about life's never-ending struggles, even as we quest to create a future free from violence. In this week's episode, cohosts Anne and Alison (me!) interview @Adrian Alexander and @Juleus Ghunta ,...
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A Compassionate Inquiry with Gabor Maté and CPP's Fritzi Horstman

Melonie McCoy ·
I can't think of a better guest than Dr. Gabor Maté to discuss what happens to a child when he faces abuse and neglect while growing up. This was one of my all-time favorite conversations. We discuss Authenticity vs. Attachment, why a young, traumatized person is attracted to gangs, what happens to a young brain when it's traumatized and Dr. Maté answered questions sent in by men from prison. - Fritzi Horstman, Founder, Compassion Prison Project
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