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Tagged With "Social workers"

Blog Post

Are ACEs Overplayed?

Adrian Alexander ·
Hello everyone! It's Friday again. To send you into the weekend, we want to ask you to put your thinking caps on. In reading the literature, it is clear that there is no unanimity with respect to the role that the Adverse Childhood Experiences study should have in guiding public health. One nation in which there has been much thought given to the issue is Scotland. In 2019 two advocates squared off to share their respective points of view as to the value of the ACEs research and how best it...
Blog Post

How can student progress in public schools be improved?

Adrian Alexander ·
Good Monday morning everyone. It is a public holiday here in Trinidad and Tobago for the Arrival Day observance on Sunday but this article just cannot wait. Kudos to our ACEs Caribbean Community member, Mark Nicoll, whose article on ACEs and their impact on children's education was published last week in the Cayman Islands newspaper, Cayman Current. At the time, Mark was commenting on the Education Data Report 2020 that highlighted the poor performance of public schools as compared with...
Blog Post

Mental Health and School Reopening for the Caribbean

Adrian Alexander ·
Good Monday morning everyone. We hope the weekend was refreshing. So across the world there continue to be diverse reports on the way countries are coping with Covid-19. In the Caribbean, there has been a sense of relief after the USA indicated that it will donate millions of doses of Covid-19 vaccines to the region and Latin America. As a consequence, there have been hopeful statements that schools may reopen in September 2021, after having been shuttered since February and March 2020 in...
Blog Post

Wellness Wednesday - Resilience Prescription

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone and welcome to another Wellness Wednesday! Today we have an account from a psychiatrist who, after many years studying trauma and the experiences of trauma victims, had the misfortune to become one himself. In a rather dramatic turn of events, Dennis S. Charney was shot by a former co-worker and survived to write about it and to grow from the experience. In his own words, he describes how the situation challenged him to dig deep and uncover the resilience he needed to take him...
Blog Post

Building a Restorative Restart to School in the Fall

Lara Kain ·
As we look towards the reopening of in-person instruction in the fall, planning and reimagining for a restorative restart to our school systems that emphasizes student and educator mental health is a priority. In addition, there is a windfall of one-time funding coming to districts from federal and local funds for just this purpose. Recently a wise educator said to me, ‘you know, if you want to get to the hearts and minds of school leaders to make changes for the fall you need to do so by...
Blog Post

PACEs Champion Dwana Young navigates community-driven ACEs healing centers in New Jersey

Sylvia Paull ·
In 2020, New Jersey, a state with about 9 million people spread over the rural countryside and dense urban areas like Newark, launched a new entity: the NJ Office of Resilience (NJOR). The NJOR is unusual because it is a public-private partnership. It brings together three private foundations as well as the NJ Department of Children and Families to provide community-driven strategies for preventing, treating, and healing from ACEs. Like a ship’s navigator laying out a course on charts, Dwana...
Blog Post

Juleus Ghunta aims to make the Caribbean nations PACEs-informed

Sylvia Paull ·
If Jamaican poet, children’s book author, and appointee to the nation’s Task Force on Character Education, Juleus Ghunta had his way, all 44 million people living in the Caribbean—from Barbados to Guyana to Grenada—would become PACEs-informed in the near future. To start off, everyone—including children, parents, teachers, social workers, doctors, and policymakers—needs to read his new book, Rohan Bullkin and the Shadows: A Story about ACEs and Hope , due out this December, just in time for...
Blog Post

A Trauma Informed Approach to Vaccine Fear

Jesse Maxwell Kohler ·
PLEASE SIGN ON TO THIS MEMO TO SUPPORT OUTREACH ALONG THESE LINES TO THE ADMINISTRATION! If the goal is to impact meaningful change, it might prove helpful to view vaccine fear through a trauma informed-lens. There is an intentional shift from the use of the word “hesitancy” and instead using the more specific and appropriate term “fear”. We are more likely to change that which we better define and understand. The following memo has been developed with input from an interdisciplinary team of...
Blog Post

Free Trauma Research Foundation Zoom Sessions

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone, we hope you're all doing well and remaining healthy. As we begin the second month of 2022, we want to share with you a link to a series of online sessions on trauma that you can attend via Zoom. The sessions are being offered by the Trauma Research Foundation and aim to equip caregivers to understand what their children are experiencing, and to provide some support to their children. (Don't quote us but TRF appears to be connected with Bessel van der Kolk as the session is...
Blog Post

The Vision of a Compassion Prison with Brian Koehn and Fritzi Horstman

Melonie McCoy ·
Brian Koehn is the founder of Social Profit Corrections, a nonprofit organization. He has over 28 years of experience in the field of private corrections serving in various leadership roles, including 14 years as a Complex Warden and Warden at five separate facilities, managing contracts in partnership with the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the United States Marshal Service, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, multiple States, detention and county jails.
Blog Post


Shakima Tozay ·
By Shakima L. Tozay, (first published @ Are you emotionally and physically exhausted? Do you no longer feel a sense of personal accomplishment in your work? Have you become more disconnected from your co-worker? Over the last 2 years, the emotional impacts of the pandemic and the exodus of workers in what has been called the Great Reshuffle, has taken a major toll on many leaders. Last year, nearly 48 million U.S. workers left their jobs. Additionally, the “hidden...
Blog Post

Homelessness is a journey that starts in the family

Melanie Blow ·
Talking about homelessness in the context of ACEs lets us talk about primary prevention and successful intervention in a way we simply cannot right now.
Blog Post

Secondary Traumatic Stress - a Hidden Epidemic Join Us Sept. 30th

The "Great Resignation," "Quiet Quitting," and rising social awareness of historical racism have all brought attention to a common but frequently overlooked hazard of caregiving professions: Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS). In the execution of duties, professions that support our society with compassion and empathy can face traumatic stress from exposure to the experiences of the people that they are there to support. This stress can have deleterious physical and emotional consequences...
Blog Post

How to Help Survivors of Extreme Climate Events (

Carey Sipp ·
By Elaine Miller-Karas MSW, LCSW Building Resiliency to Trauma Psychology Today, September 30, 2022 Mental health can suffer after extreme climate events. KEY POINTS Mental health conditions exacerbated by natural disasters include post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety. After a disaster, the number of people needing assistance from the mental health systems strains or exceeds community capacity. There are simple strategies helpers can use to help survivors restore...
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