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"Women and Stress" Provider Engagement Training

Zoom Teleconference

"Women and Stress" Provider Engagement Training

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Understanding stress is the first step to overcoming it and women have unique stressors that impact their mental health in the workplace and at home.

This training covers positive and negative types of stress, manifestations and progressions into anxiety, and short- and long-term strategies for avoiding and limiting exposure to stress. This training will also discuss individual approaches to personal stress management, as well as workplace strategies for stress management, such as the implementation of mental health programming and training.

Presenter: Dr. Michele Nealon is the President of The Chicago School of Professional Psychology and a licensed clinical psychologist. She specializes in the treatment of children, adolescents, and their families. Her clinical experience includes practicing in a variety of clinical settings with diverse groups of people including inpatient, outpatient, community mental health, forensic, and academic settings. Dr. Nealon’s distinguished career reflects her dedication to ensuring that under served populations receive the mental health care they need and deserve.


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