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What happened to you?

The Discovery Center

What happened to you?

Understanding the impact of trauma and how it shows up in our daily lives and why we should recognize it as a health crisis. 

Did you know that according to NAMI, although anyone can develop a mental health problem, the Black Community frequently experiences more severe forms of mental health conditions due to unmet needs and other barriers. According to the Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, Black Americans are 20% more likely to experience serious mental health problems than the general population - this includes major depression, ADHD, suicide, and PTSD. However, only about one-quarterof Black Americansseek mental health care, compared to 40% of whites.

This week, Andrea October, Trauma Resilience Training Coordinator for Philadelphia's DBHIDS, will define trauma and its impact, describe common responses, identify how resilience impacts trauma, and explore strategies for wellness.

Join us each week for an interactive discussion about Mental Health and Wellness within the Black community.

Every week we will explore a different topic that addresses: the mental and physical impact of trauma, transforming the stigma around mental health, available support resources, and how we can heal from personal, racial and community traumas.



3401 Reservoir Drive, Phila, PA 19121

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