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Real Strategies to End Bullying - what gets assessed gets addressed.


Real Strategies to End Bullying - what gets assessed gets addressed.

Actionable steps you can take NOW to resolve bullying and promote school safety and inclusion.

October is National Bullying Prevention Month and we'd like to shed some light on this global epidemic that is greatly affecting our youth:

  • 1 in 3 students are targets of bullying
  • 12,000,000 students will be bullied this year
  • 100,000 kids skip school each day because they do not feel safe

Learn how experts are tackling bullying through data tracking, relationship mapping, community organizing, and more. Educators will walk away with a real roadmap that they can use and implement right away at their school.

Panelists include some of the greatest thought leaders in this space. Learn how The Bully Project has sparked a national movement to stop bullying that is transforming kids’ lives and changing a culture of bullying into one of empathy and action. Their goal is to reach 10 million kids or more, causing a tipping point that ends bullying in America. Learn ways you can get involved!

We will also be joined by Making Caring Common, a project from Harvard 's Graduate School of Education. They will be providing research-based resources, strategies, and tips to educators on how to develop children’s gratitude, empathy, and diligence. Lastly, Emote will be sharing how real-time SEL data and interventions can prevent bullying incidents before they start. We hope you will join us

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- Once you register a webinar link will be in your confirmation email.

- All registrants will be sent a recording afterward (so it's okay to register if you can't make it)

Panelists include:

  • Lee Hirsch: Executive Director of the Bully Project. Lee is a filmmaker that created the award - winning film BULLY, which inspired a social action campaign called the Bully Project. In his film, he examines five cases of youths who endure vicious persecution at the hands of their peers. Lee has first hand experience being bullied throughout childhood, which has helped shape his world view and the types of film he creates. BULLY, helps lift the silence and attitude that “kids will be kids.” His work is intended to not only reach those who have been the victims of bullying, but more importantly, those who still need an “empathy push.”
  • Glenn Manning: Senior Program Coordinator from Making Caring Common. As an educator and public servant, Glenn has enabled communities to develop and maintain caring relationships among a wide variety of stakeholders. He now works to help school communities build systems that encourage young people's social, emotional, and ethical capacities. Glenn earned a Master of Education in the Learning and Teaching program at Harvard Graduate School of Education and a Bachelor of Arts in English from Saint Michael's College.
  • Julian Golder: CEO and Founder of Emote. Building on 12 years of his own teaching experience as well as published research, Julian became concerned about students who lose a lot of potential learning time when their life-circumstances generate powerful emotions, and how schools’ challenges to anticipate and respond to those emotions leads to escalation from which recovery is difficult. Julian developed a solution that enables teachers to quickly note whatever indicators they see and inform their colleagues, so that they can respond more quickly and empathetically to the student’s need before behavior escalates out of control.

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