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IDENTITY CRISIS: TRIBAL NONENROLLMENT AND ITS CONSEQUENCES FOR NATIVE CHILDREN a conversation with Souta Calling Last & Tyler Walls of Indigenous Vision

online webinar

IDENTITY CRISIS: TRIBAL NONENROLLMENT AND ITS CONSEQUENCES FOR NATIVE CHILDREN  a conversation with Souta Calling Last & Tyler Walls of Indigenous Vision

REGISTER TO JOIN this free, hour-long, online conversation with your EmbraceRace community, happening this TUESDAY, July 23rd, at 5:30 pm PT/8:30 pm ET. 

Why We Gather. A growing number of children across the U.S. and Canada born to Indigenous parents are not being enrolled as “tribal members” because they are not eligible under blood quantum requirements, generally defined as the share of their ancestors documented as full-blood Natives. Lacking the documentation of their membership in a state or federally recognized Indian tribe, this generation of “Paperless Indians” are also not eligible for a wide range of tribal government services – from health care, housing, and jobs to hunting and fishing rights, religious protections and much more. Widespread nonenrollment of Indigenous children contributes to a widespread identity crisis among native youth, among whom suicide is the leading cause of death, and raises the question of whether independent, sovereign Indigenous nations will survive into the next seven generations or be completely dissolved and assimilated into American society.

REGISTER to join. Come to share, come to learn, come to be in community with others looking for a just way forward for ourselves and for the next generation.

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