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Diversity in the Workplace (Hamden, CT)

2321 Whitney Avenue, Hamden, CT 06518

Diversity in the Workplace (Hamden, CT)

This highly interactive, information-rich and experiential workshop will address the concepts of diversity and multiculturalism in their broadest sense, to include identities of race, ethnicity, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, ability, body size, addiction recovery, and more. You will have opportunities to reflect on your own identity “landscape” and how these identities impact your professional work. Address notions of “passing” or identity invisibility; how encouraging authentic self-expression leads to better work outcomes; how to foster a respectful work environment in which questions are safe to be asked and answered and where curiosity is encouraged; the nature and impact of micro-aggressions, and additional topics proposed by the group. This workshop is a unique opportunity to learn more about ourselves and our colleagues, and ultimately to form professional relationships based in authenticity and respect, leading to greater work satisfaction, more trusting relationships, and better agency outcomes.

For more information and to register, please click here:


2321 Whitney Avenue, Hamden, CT 06518

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