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Foster and Homeless Education collaborative meeting 4/12

Our Foster and Homeless Education Services program hosts an open or closed monthly Foster and Homeless Education Services Collaborative. The purpose of the collaborative is to increase collaboration and communicatio n while providing relevant information to support youth experiencing homelessness and youth in foster care. Our goal is to share community resources, provide updates, facilitate training, and create a space for professional development. During the open meetings, we welcome...

Building a Network of Safety for School Communities Suicide Prevention Webinar Series

The Student Mental Health Policy Workgroup’s Suicide Prevention Committee is happy to continue to offer the Building A Network of Safety for School Communities Suicide Prevention Monthly Webinar Series . Please join us on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. for the 5 th webinar: Improving Suicide Prevention Practices in School Communities presented by Dr. Shashank Joshi, Stanford University and Stan Collins, Directing Change. Dr. Joshi and Stan will be sharing strategies on...

Free Teacher/Student Suicide Prevention training by LivingWorks

Did You Know? Middle and High school staff and students throughout CA are eligible to access LivingWorks Start at no cost , AB 1808 provides the funding to make this happen. Please share this information, if you: have or work with middle or high school students (qualifies for community service hours) know, are or work with middle or high school staff members To Enroll visit our Website: Select Student or Staff - the content is the same for each.

RESOURCE: Using Relational Health during the Pandemic to Help Prevent Toxic Stress in Your Child, Patients, and Clients

This short and practical paper explains how relationships are vital to health, and what you can do as a health provider to help children and families be healthy in the face of increasing stress and physical distancing. The fear and social isolation associated with COVID-19 are worsening existing chronic stressors, as well as creating new ones for families who are experiencing new kinds of adversity. People are feeling isolated and alone and have less emotional support than they did prior to...

PROVIDE PUBLIC COMMENT: Trauma-Informed Network of Care Roadmap Released for Public Comment

On December 14, 2020, the ACEs Aware initiative released a draft Trauma-Informed Network of Care Roadmap for public comment. The roadmap aims to provide practical steps that health care providers and health and human services organizations can take within their own communities to grow cross-sector networks of care that support children, adults, and families in effectively mitigating the impact of ACEs and toxic stress on health. The deadline for public comment on the roadmap is January 15,...


Mental Health America (MHA) is the nation’s leading community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and promoting the overall mental health of all. MHA focuses on education and outreach, public policy, and peer advocacy, supports and services. It has resources for staying mentally healthy , including: Living well, 4mind4body Recovery and support Tools for mental wellness. MHA also has a report on COVID-19 And Mental Health: A Growing Crisis

PODCAST: Connecting Health & Learning Part I: The Science from Harvard Center on the Developing Child

The environments we create and the experiences we provide for young children and their families affect not just the developing brain and early learning, but also many other physiological systems and lifelong health. How do all these systems work together to respond to chronic stress? What do these responses mean for early learning and lifelong health? And what can we do to stop early adversity and stressors from leading to long-term consequences? Derived from the science in our most recent...

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